jueves, 10 de mayo de 2018

MAY 10 18 SIT EC y POL P1

MAY 10 18  SIT EC y POL  P1
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Thanks to central banks' collusion, "we have built up corporate debt and the markets to such great highs that the potential for a fall would be at an unprecedented level..."

Read her conclusion:
At the very least, we could have an independent audit of these central banks to allow voters and leaders to better understand where their money goes and what is used for.

We should also call out and alter the austerity measures enacted throughout the world that are punitive to people, while in the backdrop so much money has been conjured to help the banks and financial system.

By doing so we could potentially shift central banks’ roles as well as private banks’ incentives to building long-term infrastructure and to financing small and local businesses. In this way, we could assist the less wealthy and enable upward mobility for all.

Globally, the $21 trillion conjured by these central banks that still remains, if diverted into the foundational — or real — economy could provide regular citizens of the world (to whom I dedicate my new book) a fighting chance.

What, me worry?
See Chart:

Centralization of Capital among big Corp continue.. to cope with debacle of neolib system

Apple and Goldman are set to launch a new joint credit card, a move that would deepen the technology giant’s push into its customers’ wallets and mark Goldman's first foray into plastic.

Read final statement
Of course, what matters to Goldman is scale which the bank can not achieve at the revolving credit level, so the partnership will extend into other services including Goldman offering in-store loans to Apple customers buying iPhones and other gadgets.

Translated: the next time you want to buy an iPhone, a cheerful, minimum-wage Goldman employee will offer you a generous $100,000 loan, which just happens to reset into a generous 14.95% APR 6 months after funding...

"This is not a time to be rewarded for long market exposure...[It’s a good time for us to] have more balance on the short side..."
See Chart:
Lo que el viento neoliberal  en su caida.. se va llevando
And just like that the market has priced out any hopes of further rate hikes by the BOE for this year.

After a barrage of overnight market and geopolitical news, US futures are flat as traders look for the next major catalyst, today's CPI report.
Adornar la debacle neol con la florcita ‘creative destruc’ no logra ocultar la fea realidad

When the market welcomes a bank being fined $4.9 bln, that’s a good thing… ???  Or when headlines speak of “Berlusconi green lighting an Italian populist government”, the market doesn’t panic more? What about Malaysia – and what we thought we knew it this morning.

Let’s start today with some numbers:
  • Before Lehman’s collapse in 2008 the size of the US Corporate Bond market was US$2.8 trillion, and bond dealers kept inventory of around US$ 260bn. Today the US bond market is over $5.3 trillion, and dealer inventory is less than $40 bln. 10% liquidity wallet then, 0.7% now. Issuance in 2017 was over $1.7 trillion as corporates binged on cheap money. Hmm.
  • Corporate Bond ETFs have risen from $20 bln to over $300 bln over the same period.
  • The junk market has been pretty stable at around $300 bln issuance per annum, but as much cash for the weakest companies is now being raised through the leveraged loan – where much of it is packaged into CLOs.

Much of the issuance has come from the telecoms sector – to quote y’day’s WSJ:
“Dish, founded by satellite tycoon Charlie Ergen, may be the Canary in the Coal Mine of the new tech landscape.” Junk bond investors have lent his companies more than $20 bln over the past 25 years.” Sure enough – the prices of Dish Bonds are down 26% since their peak!

But, there is something else at play – “the industry’s rapid evolution is outpacing Mr Ergen’s business strategy..” said the WSJ.
Much of the growth of recent years has been driven by innovation and disruption, especially in anything tech related. Think about the rise of Facebook, Uber, Amazon, Netflix and even Tesla; it’s clear they caused dramatic paradigm shifts, creating whole new industries and sectors.

In short, a great tsunami of “Creative Destruction” has already been unleased upon the global economy. I doubt the world has ever experienced such rapid business evolution. Dish is just one example – it thrived, it evolved, but now its struggling to keep up and develop/protect its niche. Who is next?  Take a look at another WSJ story for further  clues.

What about Facebook? At some point (maybe soon) everyone who wants to be on will be on, and the folk Facebook want aren’t interested – Millennials only use it to communicate with the Bank of Mum and Dad.

Or how about Amazon – fascinating to watch retail behemoth Walmark pounce on the largest Indian net based seller. And, aside from the obvious financial problems, Tesla aint going to be the only exciting electric carmaker.

I guess the history lesson here is, like the railways, nothing lasts forever… and the pace of change is quickening.

[[ BETTER LESSON: this train is going to a cliff .. As soon it slow.. jump out & get the opposite train. It is true: nothing lasts forever. This empire is going to collapse soon. It has destroyed entire State-Nations and kill millions of people. If you do not jump out you will paid for it. Do it: the new Nurerember trial  won’t pardon the profiteers of such human disaster .. If the trial is not installed, it will be worse.. you won’t have US Embassies to hide in .. the chaotic REV will burned … together with all US companies abroad. Wake up.. don’t sleep in the American train.. BE READY TO JUMP OUT! ]]

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

Read this stupidity .. you gona laugh or get angry.. You may wonder what facebook is useful for?

One of the ads expresses support for Russian President Vladimir Putin's favorite athlete, Colin Kaepernick...
[  A los bellacos del senado les pagan para alimentar su RUSO-fobia .. para NOS eso huele a podrido ]]
CA could’ ve used his electricity to build a coalition of independent states. They still can do it

"Half of U.S. solar is installed in California, so it's not at all clear to me you needed the mandate. We're actually paying other states to take our electricity during daylight hours."

US-WAR  ISSUES :  M-East .. plus
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Some 28 Israeli aircraft fired around 60 air-to-surface missiles
at Syria during the exchange.

"It’s no longer the case that the United States will simply just protect us. Rather, Europe needs to take its fate into its own hands, that's the task of the future,"

President Donald Trump and the First Lady greeted three American prisoners freed from North Korea early Thursday morning when they arrived at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland.

"The highly anticipated meeting between Kim Jong Un and myself will take place in Singapore on June 12th. We will both try to make it a very special moment for World Peace!"

[[ For Kim: what is the point of having this meeting?  Peace?.. Does he really believe that Trump will abandon war-plans (the big-US-Corp-Business) because of the bla-bla with Kim? .. The western media won’t say nothing good on Kim.. perhaps saying that Kim was the idiot who suggest the Nobel prize of Peace to Trump.. Perhaps  such idiocy will be swallow if Kim demand not only Thadds out of  Korea,  but also the dismantle of nuclear weapons at world level  & assap. Then kim will be a Peace leader.]]

"You love your credit cards, right? Handy and easy, you just whip it out and purchase whatever you want. No cash; no hassle. And everyone makes it so easy for you... Before you bask in all this convenience, consider just who is gaining from this war on cash. "

Read the final statements:

Cash in hand has always represented freedom, and that is now being eroded at an alarming rate. Private, legal transactions will become illegal or impossible in a cashless society when every financial transaction is being monitored and scrutinized.
Without cash, people become purely dependent on big banks. What happens when the banks fail? During times of crisis, banks could shut their doors and prevent depositors from accessing their money. The lack of genuine cash shifts the power from the individual to corporations and government authorities.
If we are relinquishing freedom and power for the convenience of cashless transactions, perhaps we need to consider who is on the receiving end. Banks and governments are amassing the ultimate power by gradually removing the last vestige of freedom – cash. Those who are ready to give up their cash will surely pay the price.
Interesting intersection between geo-politics and Geo-economics

Meanwhile, Goldman is confused why the "complacent" market reaction isn't far more violent...

To be sure, markets reflected this new risk and on Thursday, Italy's 10Y bond yield jumped as much as 1.95% before retracing modestly.
See Charts:

Italian stocks likewise sank on the news, with Italy's FTSE MIB the worst performing market in Europe today.
See Chart:

On Thursday morning Goldman also noticed, and in a note by the firm's European analyst Sylvia Ardagna, Goldman writes that "Italy's political risk increases, and yet the markets remain complacent"
The market reaction has remained remarkably muted. We think the market is complacent in pricing political risk in Italy. In our opinion, a Five Star – Lega government remains the outcome that would likely be viewed as the most negative by the market.
See Chart:

Goldman adds that if the Five Star – Lega attempt to form a government succeeds, "this coalition will have been the least expected outcome going into the the elections. But, in our opinion, this was and remains the outcome that would likely be viewed as the most negative by the market."
See Chart:
Good Qt to our ex-allied: They do not have super delegates nor super packs to pay for it

Once again, in Turkey, who votes for whom will matter less than who counts the vote...

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..News

El cromosoma islámico dejo de funcionar.. esta  debilitado? Es este un adiós a los super-machos?
Keiser Report   Episode 1225   Max and Stacy discuss the baby brains’ in the cryptocurrency markets. In the 2nd half Max continues his interview with Michael Krieger about social media surveillance

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