viernes, 11 de mayo de 2018

MAY 11 18 SIT EC y POL

MAY 11 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"There is a sword of Damocles hanging over the head of every American. 
Sadly, it is about to drop..."

READ THIS:  .. and my comment at the end

Let's do the math together.
Take the CBO estimate of debt held by the public of $17.8 trillion in 2020, a 5% average interest on that amount comes to annual debt service of $891 billion, an unfathomable amount. (In 2017, interest on the debt held by the public was $458.5 billion, itself a scary number.) In its current report, the CBO added"It also reflects significant growth in interest costs, which are projected to grow more quickly than any other major component of the budget."

Here's the danger:
  • According to CBO, individual income taxes produced $1.6 trillion in revenue in fiscal year 2017.
  • Under this 2020 scenario, over half of all personal income taxes will be required just to service the national debt.
  • Annual debt service in 2020 will exceed our newly increased defense budget of $700 billion in FY 2018.
  • Annual debt service would exceed our Social Security obligations.

As investors, we should prepare for higher inflation and higher interest rates. Investors should consider these moves:

1-Sell all medium and long-term bonds.
2-Consider diversifying into reasonable amounts of gold and selected commodities.
3-Buy TIPS (Inflation protected treasury bonds).

This last suggestion is an exceptionally interesting investment because these are U.S. Treasury bonds that adjust for inflation by adding to the principal every six months. So long as you buy the bonds at par, you will get all your principal back at maturity, even in the unlikely event we have a long bout of deflation. On the upside, if there is a spike in inflation, these bonds could increase substantially in value, a welcome and unusual occurrence for a bond guaranteed by the U.S. Treasury.

In time, the responsibility for solving the crisis will fall on the Administration and Congress, who have successfully ignored this predictable problem for years.

Brief comment:
[[ It is suggested: ‘get out of the system slowly’.. Valid only if a tsunami is not ad portas, as it is now. IF so, fly to hell. There are 3 tsunamis underway: a) sudden Econ crash, b) WW3, c) sudden top-down and/or bottom up Rebelion.. killing the current System of Power. Not one can be predicted.. if  a –or-b starts, it will pull the others.  ]]

The man who predicted the collapse of GM, Fannie, and Freddie says the next big bankruptcy is going to catch everyone by surprise.

[[ With WW3 will happens the same surp.. (c ) is expected: Read Th. Sk or Tr. or any R-book ]]

[[ Dicen que cuando el dólar cae, el oro sube.. imagínese el efecto del desplome imperial .. Pero no hay que esperar el desplome .. hay que org y unir todas las fuerzas para que ocurra y golpear fuerte, Hay que crear comandos Rev aun dentro del Pdo Dem y GOP. Con los DEM-R y los GOP-R bajaremos rápido a los neofascist.  Y, a unirse a poderes que están en ascenso al nivel Económico, caso China ]]

Emerging-market stocks and debt finally saw $3.7BN of outflows in the latest week, the most since December 2016.This is notable because it represents the first material weekly outflow since late 2017.
See Chart:

La emergencia de los Chinos es innegable aun para los economistas  americanos
See chart:

See more charts at the source below

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

See Chart

How do we explain our obsession with relatively low risk dangers and ourcollective blindness to manufactured/marketed scourges that kill tens of thousands of people annually?

Assessing risk and improving safety are complex issues, but we clearly have a political-social-economic system that is blind to systemic dangers that could be prevented, were we to widen our narrow obsession with safety to include them.

See chart:  US drug overdose deaths  
At the source in the bottom

1) Increased Competition;2) Better Negotiation; 3) Incentives for Lower List Prices; 4) Lowering Out-of-Pocket Costs.
See  graphic:

While stocks initially dipped on the speech, it soon became clear to the machines and the manipulators that, perhaps, there was not much there, there... and all aspects of healthcare soared...
See Chart: 

Pharmacies puked then exploded...
See chart:

However, market participants are not expecting dramatic change... and the Nasdaq Biotech Index is jumping today...
See chart:

"...private military firms have greater independence to exercise their own prerogatives and 'we the people' don't get a say. That's the most dangerousthing, because they're profiting - their motivation is not God and country; their motive is money."

US-WW ISSUES (world & war) :  M-EAST .. PLUS
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"The real danger, though, is military brinksmanship. And the inescapable fog of war. It’s not impossible to imagine a dispute in the distant South China Sea (7000 miles from California) resulting in combat and casualties between the US and China. This could quickly escalate out of control. And remember, we both have loads of nuclear weapons!"

Syria's response this week imposed new rules of engagement on a situation in which Israel previously acted with impunity.

"For most Americans the geopolitical/financial crises of the 1970s happened so long ago that they’re about as relevant as the Revolutionary War or the Reformation. But for seasoned citizens who were around back then and paying attention,the similarities to today are becoming both eerie and scary..."

 [ IF EU is up, try to get its alliance to win WW3. Si CAE el EU.. we (US-UK) will celebrate it ]
See Chart:

“He’s all about freedom. He wants people to have information. That’s power.”

“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.”   Sun Tzu: The Art Of War

The biggest mistake investors make over the long-term is investing without a strategy. The point that Sun Tzu was making, as it relates to investing, is that having a strategy, such as buying and holding stockswill indeed work. However, doing so without “tactics,” or a methodology to control risk and reduce emotional mistakes, will substantially lengthen the “route to victory.” In investing, “time” is both our most precious commodity and our biggest enemy.
See Chart:

In the mainstream push to promote the “buy and hold” myth, the problem of “time” in the equation is often overlooked. The chart box below shows a $1000 investment from either a period of low or high valuations. It assumes a real, total return holding period until death assuming the individual starts saving at 35-years of age using historical life-expectancy tables. No withdrawals were ever made. (Note: the periods from 1983 forward are still running as the investable-life expectancy span is 40-plus years.)

The gold sloping line is the “promise” of 6% annualized compound returns. The blue line is what actually happened with invested capital from 35 years of age until death, with the bar chart at the bottom of each period showing the surplus or shortfall of the goal of 6% annualized returns.
See Chart:

Back to Sun Tzu.
Strategy is the overarching premise the drives your investment selections. Selecting the right strategy requires some thought about your mental state, aversion or acceptance of risk, and most importantly your “duration” or “time horizon.”

Warren Buffett has a great “strategy” for investing. He buys great companies at “bargain” prices. However, his time horizon is 100-years. You can not invest like Mr. Buffett because you most likely don’t have 100-years to capture the expected return on investment nor do you have $1 billion to buy a company with.

While the example is a bit extreme, the premise is valid. Many investors may “believe” they are long-term investors, but in reality they lack the time frame to achieve the long-term expected returns. The problem becomes the inability for the portfolio to withstand a sharp drawdown in price, and recover, within the actual time horizon they have to meet retirement needs.

Tactics are the methods of controlling risk, taking advantage of short-term opportunities and mitigation of loss. Tactics alone, more commonly known as “day trading,” will end badly for most due to emotional behaviors. Tactics, when married with a strategy, will reduce the risk of drawdowns and increase the probability of investment success over a given time period.

In short:
Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win”– Sun Tzu: Art Of War


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Asking support for imperial terror:
Organization of Islamic Cooperation countries (OIC) in their efforts to enter the Russian market and all conditions have been created for this, Russian Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Georgy Kalamanov said on Thursday.


Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

ALAI       --Marx-200    Pablo Mériguet  
                -Israel, a confesión de parte…   Guadi Calvo
                -El BRA post golpe ensaya sus candidaturas   Amílcar y Camila
                -Ecuador: un Gobierno sin libreto propio   Javier  y Camila V
                -Nicaragua: Tiempo de Nicaragua   Guillermo Castro
                Guatemala Genocidio y derechos humanos   Factor Méndez

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global situation described by Iranian observers..


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