jueves, 17 de mayo de 2018

MAY 17 18 SIT EC y POL

MAY 17  18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

US Economic Situation today:

Everything was awesome until Trump dropped the truth bomb about China trade talks...
Small Caps and Trannies outperformed...
See Chart:

S&P, Dow, and Nasdaq remain red for the week...
See Chart

VIX tested down to a 12 handle once again but bounced...
See Chart

US Homebuilders continue to get hammered
See Chart:

The Treasury complex was very mixed with the long-end continuing to get hammered (30Y +3bps) and the short-end bid (2Y -2bps)...
See chart:

Emerging Market FX dipped back lower after a brief dead cat bounce yesterday...
See Chart:

Finally, we note that as Small Caps make new record highs, relative to The Dow, the Russell 2000 is back at the same level as when Trump was elected...
See Chart:
Opium Dreams:  China is following the US path to disaster.. US is happy to have 1 big follower

China's "unprecedented in world history" money creation leads to an unending series of financial bubbles. This time apples...
See Chart:

Different type of drug  produce similar crazy effects:  “we’re the leaders of the world”.. really?

Even the US's nominal 3y yield is higher than all G10 countries' 10y yields,
except Australia's 10y.
See Chart:

Today Bloomberg had a similar take on this dramatic flattening of the yield curve, noting that while US 2Y TSYs offer nominally higher yields than 10Ys in Canada and Italy, US 3-Month Bills yield more than 60% of 10-Y yields across the DM space.
See table:

"So if you’re planning on being retired at any point past 2034, the government is LITERALLY TELLING YOU that they won’t be able to pay the retirement benefit that’s been promised to you."

"... large companies get work done at about the same rate as small ones.  However, medium sized ones are 6.7% less productive than small ones... but across industries, there is a huge variation in how long it takes to get work done."

Who knew The Pope and his Vatican team were such experts in shadow banking, offshore tax havens, credit default swaps, gross collateral needs, and the entire derivatives market in general?

"In an old-style economic cycle, recessions triggered bear markets. Economic contraction slowed consumer spending, corporate earnings fell, and stock prices dropped. That’s not how it works when the credit cycle is in control..."

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo


Read this:
Snowden Promoted Greater Digital Awareness
As an enemy of the nation, Snowden has been in exile for more than five years, first taking refuge in Hong Kong and eventually seeking asylum in Russia. With public appearances few and far between, he does offer the occasional video conference. In one particularly eye-opening conference with The Intercept back in 2017, Snowden detailed how the NSA is currently using people’s appliances to spy on them. Here’s an excerpt:
“What they do is they wait for when these devices are being shipped to you, when you order them on Amazon or whatever. They go to them at the airports. They get the box. They use a little hair dryer to soften the adhesive. They open up the box. Then they put the USB stick in. They seal the box back all nice and perfect, and then they ship it on to you. And now your router, your computer, your TV is hacked. This is a very routine thing that happens, right?”

Why you’re eating mushroom in a neo-nazi State? .. SS is Afraid of drug-competition from civilian?

We had just finished eating the Morels we found today and heard a knock on the door... as the police officer walked in he asked us why we were eating mushrooms and posting about it online."

"The U.S. military and the national security state that those wars emboldened have become, in effect, a staggeringly well-funded blowback machine... Americans have generally ignored their country’s wars, even as the blowback began. Someday, they will have no choice but to pay attention."

"According to a global survey of 66,000 people conducted across 68 countries at the end of 2013, Earth’s people see the United States as the leading threat to peace on the planet. The U.S. was voted top threat by a wide margin..."
Description: https://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/styles/teaser_small/public/2018-05/clinton_comey_gn.jpg?itok=NV5K7j-1
"IG Horowitz has found "reasonable grounds" for believing there has been a violation of federal criminal law."

The suspect is currently being held in a New York jail on unrelated charges of possessing, receiving and transporting child pornography.
Y Jesus repitio a Hillary  las palabra a Lazaro .. pero el cadáver ya muy podrido .. siguió muriendo


US-WW ISSUES (World & War):  M-East .. plus
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Reuters is reporting that China has offered the US a trade-deficit reduction package amounting to roughly $200 billion annually.

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..News

Keiser Report   Episode 1228  Special ED. Max and Stacy discuss the capricious economic and financial policies of the United States that are even leading European allies to consider alternatives to the SWIFT system upon which much global trade currently relies. In 2nd half Max interviews Gabriel Abed of Bitt.com about the future of cash & whether a stable-coin can help Caribbean islands.

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

PAL        -Jerusalén, la Nakba y Eurovisión  Tania Lezcano
VEN       -Nuestro voto es para Nicolás Maduro  Los abajo firmantes
Mund    -China: La ruta de la seda digital del siglo XXI   Lidia Fagale
                -Viejos dioses, nuevos enigmas  Mike Davis
ECOL      - El mar de Bering ya no tiene hielo   Joaquim Elcacho
                - Deshielos: A veces el tamaño sí importa   Nicolás Romero
                - Agua y crecimiento demográfico en Egipto  Anonimo
ECON    - La disputa por la hegemonía global   Ricardo Orozco
ALC        - El nexo familia-partido-Estado en Nicaragua  Trevor Evans
                -Evangelicos: De la fe a la política  Taroa Zúñiga y  Javier Calderón
                -ARG: Las urnas hablan pero las calles muerden  anónimo
                -ARG: -Los fondos buitre salvaron a Macri  Rodolfo Koé
                -Chile: Marcha feminista exige educación no sexista   Pau Solé
                -Mex: México entrega la frontera a Trump  Ulises Noyol
                - ¿Nuevos montajes judiciales en el Cesar?    La Plena
                - Tasas de cambio:  Lo “racional” y lo privado  Pedro Monreal
                - Cuba y los derechos humanos    Arthur González
                LGBTI: https://share.america.gov/what-does-it-mean-to-be-intersex/
-INTERSEX can’t be identify as male, female or neither.. just as a PERSON with ‘indefinable’ sex since the moment of birth. Later on, after puberty the child develop a gender identity  depending on family context & biological factors. They may have typical female chromosomes and ovaries but external bodies parts of a male. Or in reverse, external body parts of a female and internal genitals of men. They are not part of LGBT, the ‘I’ makes a different type of person: In Genetics & Physiology they  have characteristics intermediate  between males & femals. This person have definitely a third type of sex (biological term) and later on develops a 3rd type of gender identity  that combine the sex of both of them (men & female) regardless of the external biological appearance. In short, sex (biological term) is in “Intersex” an internal condition. You can see M & F but not their sex.  You assign a binary code to them (they are either M or F you may say), but INTERSEX goes beyond binary code. There is a 3rd sex: the ‘I’ S  
                -Aumenta trata de personas en Guatemala   Giorgio Trucchi
Parag     -Paraguay exporta 99,6% de la carne que produce   Base Is         

Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

US Embassy Baptized With Blood  By Finian Cunningham    Continue
Solo 3 paises de las Americas y Peru en medio de esa desvergüenza: Que desgracia de Gbno!
In case you miss it: I Am Julian Assange  By Raúl Ilargi   Continue

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global situation described by Iranian observers..


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