domingo, 19 de marzo de 2017



It's time to get painfully honest about this 

By Adam Taggart.  Friday, March 17, 2017

While the banks spent much of the past century consolidating their power, the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999 emboldened them to accelerate their efforts. Since then, the key trends in the financial industry have been to dismantle regulation and defang those responsible for enforcing it, to manipulate market prices (an ambition tremendously helped by the rise of high-frequency trading algorithms), and to push downside risk onto "muppets" and taxpayers.

Oh, and of course, this hasn't hurt either: having the ability to print up trillions in thin-air money and then get first-at-the-trough access to it. Don't forget, the Federal Reserve is made up of and run by -- drum roll, please -- the banks.

How much 'thin air' money are we talking about? The Fed and the rest of the world's central banking cartel has printed over $12 Trillion since the Great Recession. Between the ECB and the DOJ, nearly $200 Billion of additional liquidity has been -- and continues to be -- injected into world markets each month(!) since the beginning of 2016:

Banks have enriched themselves and their cronies spectacularly. They have made themselves too big to fail, and too big to jail. Remember that their reckless greed caused the 2008 financial crisis, and yet, in 2009, not only did bankers avoid criminal prosecutions, not only did the banks receive hundreds of billions in government bailouts, but they paid themselves record bonuses?

And the bonanza continues unabated today. By being able to borrow capital for essentially free today from the Fed, the banks simply lever that money up and buy Treasurys. Voila! Risk-free profits. That giveaway has been going on for years.

Couple that with the banks' ability to push market prices around using their wide arsenal of unfair tactics -- frontrunning, HFT spoofing and quote stuffing, stop-running, insider knowledge, collusion, etc -- the list is long. James Howard Kunstler said: we don't have a free market anymore. Instead, we have rackets, run by racketeers. The rest of us are simply suckers to be fleeced.

Nobel Prize-winning economist Angus Deaton recently agreed:

Income inequality is not killing capitalism in the United States, but rent-seekers like the banking and the health-care sectors just might, said Nobel-winning economist Angus Deaton on Monday.
If an entrepreneur invents something on the order of another Facebook, Deaton said he has no problem with that person becoming wealthy.

“What is not OK is for rent-seekers to get rich,” Deaton said in a luncheon speech to the National Association for Business Economics.
Rent seekers lobby and persuade governments to give them special favors.

Bankers during the financial crisis, and much of the health-care system, are two prime examples, Deaton said.
Rent-seeking not only does not generate new product, it actually slows down economic growth, Deaton said.
“All that talent is devoted to stealing things, instead of making things,” he said.

As further proof, let's look at this data recently obtained by Zero Hedge. In the past 4 years, JP Morgan's in-house trading group has had exactly 2 days of losses:

That's not trading. Trading involves uncertainty and risk. This situation has none. It's an extraction process -- siphoning value from the market day after day with ironclad dependability.
And it's not just a few dollars here and there. In 2016, JP Morgan's daily average trading revenues were $80 million. Per day! That's nearly $20 billion for the year.

So if not "trading", what should we call it when a bank can extract tens of billions of dollars a year from the markets, with no downside risk? "Sanctioned theft" sounds about right.

Because for every trade there is a buyer and a seller. If JP Morgan is the winner every day, who is losing? Turns out, it's the big pools of "dumb money" that don't have the cheat codes for the system the way the banks do. These are the pension funds, the index funds, the retirement accounts -- the aggregated money of all the 'little people' out there. Little people who don't have visibility into how they're being constantly fleeced; nor do they have agency to do anything about it even if they did.



Are you struggling to get out of poverty? Are you finding it hard to remain in the middle class? Whatever your income, are you having to work harder and harder to just stay in the same placeSee here how the Fed's money printing, and the banks' first-position access to it, has created the most concentrated imbalance of wealth in our country's history:
Check this video

Further reading
Our best choice as individuals is to position ourselves where we can be least subjected to the game the banks want to force us to play. To help you in taking a choice we suggest you to read  the 3-part series we've just concluded: The Mother Of All Financial Bubbles, The Coming Great Wealth Transfer, and When This All Blows Up , they offers our best guidance for preserving wealth from the predation of the bankers. If you haven't read them yet, make that your weekend reading assignment.

The Central State and the Banks are One
"worship of the central state as the "solution" is the problem itself.

Charles, thank you very much for making this point.

I suggest that we define "globalist" as one who "worship(s) the central state as the "solution."
This is an important distinction because such "globalist" is now the number one enemy of human progress.

Human civilization is fitfully evolving towards small resilient communities that organize and trade between themselves.  Even up until now, the most successful civilizations were organized this way: The Greek city states, Venetian cities in N. Italy in the Renaissance, Holland in its golden age, and America before it became a global power, come to mind. This advance contradicts the very notion of worship of a global government run by superior sociopaths (Chinese emperor, Saudi King, Rich Guys at Davos, unelected Euro-dictators etc.) that know better than us.  The two sides (real progress vs globalism) have entered a life and death struggle.  Much of the strife going forward can be understood based on this realization.

The resilient community based from-the-ground-up organization will eventually win for many reasons, (not enough time to detail those reasons in this short keyboarding).  However, I fear that a new Renaissance will only emerge after a prolonged dark ages, during which local communities refine their adaptations to their local environments and advantages and cannot be displaced by the globalist marauders who do not produce but only rely on banking/law to control, steal and plunder.  Any inter-community organization that may extend over large geographic distances will emerge from and be used by those small communities, and NOT by one or more sociopaths, or sociopath cliques as is the case now.

I conclude that how we deal with "worship of the central state as the solution" (i,e, globalism) will determine our fate.  It is very helpful to keep your idea in mind when trying to understand and survive the antics of these new age barbarians.


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