martes, 21 de marzo de 2017

MAR 21 17 SIT EC y POL

MAR 21 17  SIT EC y POL

Must Watch Video:  Keiser Report Episode 1047  Max and Stacy discuss the ‘hard choices’ in resolving America’s healthcare problem. In the second half, Max talks with ‘trends forecaster’ Gerald Celente : .

Check our special on Richard Wolf in coming art and now

2- Transcript of this video at


Does this look like policy 'success' or 'failure'?

Since The Fed's 'dovish' rate hike last week, the dollar index has been tumbling. Today's drop takes the greenback to its weakest since Nov 10th - almost erasing the entire post-Trump gain.

The US current account deficit shrank dramatically in Q4. Beating expectations of -$129 billion by 8 standard deviations, the $112.4 billion print is the smallest deficit since Q2 2015.

Slamming the "Big 4" US banks back below $1 trillion

As a reminder - the gap between the exuberance of rising rates and bank stock prices is very wide...

VIX was chaotic in the last hour but did not help stocks... The Dow is now down over 500 points from its record highs back at 6 week lows...

Retail Stocks tumbled further - to 6-week lows...
How much further do stocks have to fall?
Lázaro.. levántate, dijo Kolanovic .. y el muerto empezó a caminar.. Do you believe in fairty tales?

"Following Friday's option expiry, the gamma imbalance shifted towards puts for the first time in about 5 months and the market was 'free' to move again," said Kolanovic.
Hay quienes creen en la resurrección.. A su manera.. sin dia del juicio final ni crisis.. Ateos?.. quizá! Yo si soy creyente .. pero no en dogmas medioevales .. Si creo que hubo una crisis mundial en 1930 y que muchísimos murieron de hambre. Esta vez puede ser peor si crisis Finac y WW3 van de la mano.

"Don't care about stock market fall itself. Care abt potential financial instability. Stock market drop unlikely to trigger crisis."

There is something paradoxical in the latest monthly Fund Manager Survey from Bank of America.

"...the current (ongoing) breakdown in the USD is representative / driving some short-term and nascent deleveraging of legacy ‘reflation’ trades as per the sudden-death of the central bank "policy divergence" story last week - which had been the primary Dollar bull-case driver over the past year..."


Despite $1.7 trillion blown on financial enginnering, and 'clever' accounting schemes, S&P 500 earnings per share have gone nowehere in three years...(as the stock market has soared 33%).

The 110-day streak without a 1% drop is over...

This is the biggest drop for Bank stocks since Brexit, as investor concerns over Trump's reform agenda grow... and liquidity is collapsing.

For all those who are looking for someone - or someones - to blame for today's selloff, which is shaping up as the worst of 2016, here is the list of 26 Republican house members who are jeopardizing Trump's entire domestic agenda. As a reminder, the GOP can only afford to lose 21.

With political uncertainty near record highs (but equity market uncertainty near record lows), Goldman's Jan Hatzius analyzes the four biggest political risks receiving the most attention from market participants (and stand to create the most chaos if the priced for perfection market is disappointed).

One day after the Trump administration imposed a ban for carry-on electronic devices on planes coming to the US from 10 airports in mostly Muslim countries following unspecified terrorism threats, moments ago the UK issued a similar ban, restricting the use of carry on laptops and tablets for inbound flights for flights originating in the following nations: Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, and surprisingly, Saudi Arabia.






A Last Chance for Resistance  By Chris Hedges
The Global Famine Begins  By Michael Snyder although shameless US obesity
Watch: Despotism & Democracy   Encyclopaedia Britannica Films – 1946
Related:  A Bloody and Painful Truth  By Hassan Nasrallah
Related:  Only a Fool Would Trust Rogue State USA  By Finian Cunningham




FBI Allegations on Russian 'Interference' in US Election Lack Evidence – Snowden

John McAfee: 'I Can Promise You It Wasn't Russia Who Hacked the DNC'
No protejen ciudadanos Israeli sino MIC wars y fraud-print money en favor de crook bankers
Seven Nations to Join Israel in Biggest Air Drill in Country’s History

Israeli Air Force Targets Syrian Mortars in Golan Heights as Fighting Escalates
If US-NATO attack Syria they attack RU-block and they will respond. Meaning: WW3 starts. Possible  immediate effect:  dimona blow up and Israel back to stone age .. Next: unpredicted new World-map
'WikiLeaks is Trying to Carve Out a Bigger, Broader Role for Itself'

FBI Closes in on Several CIA Contractors in Wikileaks Disclosure Investigation
This is Why Crimea is Russia's 'Unsinkable Aircraft Carrier' in the Black Sea  Another fake news?

Russian Airborne Forces Launch Drills in Crimea – Commander
Keiser Report  Episode 1047  Max & Stacy on US health’ problem & Max-G Celente’s talk



You know those disclosures on your credit card statements? That it will take 27 years to pay off your balance if you only make the minimum payment each month, and so on?

You might not be aware of it, but America’s “credit card”–our national debt–comes with its own disclosure statement:

Here’s a chart of America’s credit card: clearly, any credit line expanding this fast will bankrupt the borrower, regardless of their income.

I often refer to debt serfdom, the servitude debt enforces on borrowers. The mechanism of this servitude is interest, and today I turn to two knowledgeable correspondents for explanations of the consequences of interest.

If we use $18 trillion as the approximate GDP and a growth rate of, say, 3.5%, the total of goods and services would increase one year to the next by about $600 billion.
Meanwhile, referencing the Grandfather national debt chart with the USDebtClock data, the annual interest bill is $3 trillion.
In other words, those receiving interest are getting 5 times more than the increase in gross economic activity.

Using your oft-referenced Pareto Principle, about 80% of the population are net payers of interest while the other 20% are net receivers of interest.
Keep Reading


EC           La 2da vuelta elect en Ecuador  Un manifiesto mundial
Carol Arcos  Maternidades y feminismo  Constanza Richard
ALC  Bloqueo económico de Puerto Rico  Jesús Dávila
Después del 6,7,8   Una nueva situación política en ARG.  Eduardo Lucita
EE.UU.   -Cruel e inusual ..[ as usual ]  David Brooks
Cuba   Pase lo que pase, no pienses en la crisis   ¿Quitale el agua al pez? P Monreal
COL        No pido perdón sino explicación  Gearóid Ó Loingsigh
                Col  Gobiernistas y partidistas  Mauricio Castaño
                La ruta histórica de las FARC (III)   Horacio Duque  
                Perú: ¿Qué hacemos?   Alejandra Dinegro Martínez  
                PPK: Lo que el agua se llevó   Ava Gómez, Bárbara Ester
Oriente Medio                 El Islamismo del desastre  Jamie Allinson
                                Yemen  De la guerra al hambre  Bertold du Ryon
Rusia  Historia de la Rev de Febrero  Kevin Murphy  Que la huelga más importante de la historia mundial haya comenzado con las trabajadoras textiles en Petrogrado el Día Internacional de la Mujer de 1917 (23 de febrero en el viejo calendario juliano) no fue una coincidencia.
Feminicidio    Las niñas de Guatemala   Cristina Burneo Salazar


‘We are ready to discuss anything for  peace in Syria: Prest Assad
                NHS in crisis
                The Debate: War on Syria
                Debate: Israel's threats to Syria

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