lunes, 27 de marzo de 2017

MAR 27 17 SIT EC y POL

MAR 27 17  SIT EC y POL


Banks dipped red for the year, Tech leads and Energy is the big laggard...

Across asset classes the moves were similar - all inflected at the US Open - but net net - the dollar is lower, yields lower, stocks flat, and gold higher...

Notably bond yields broke first, then stocks followed, recoupling shortly after the European close


Currently, valuation measures are clearly warning the future market returns are going to be substantially lower than they have been over the past eight years. Therefore, if you are expecting the markets to crank out 10% annualized returns over the next 10 years for you to meet your retirement goals, it is likely that you are going to be very disappointed.

Introducing The CAPE-5 Ratio

The need to smooth earnings volatility is necessary to get a better understanding of what the underlying trend of valuations actually is. For investor’s periods of “valuation expansion” are where the bulk of the gains in the financial markets have been made over the last 116 years. History shows, that during periods of “valuation compression” returns are much more muted and volatile.

Therefore, in order to compensate for the potential “duration mismatch” of a faster moving market environment, I recalculated the CAPE ratio using a 5-year average as shown in the chart below.


It's time to start planning for what we'll do when the current healthcare system implodes..

"Watching things trade on Friday afternoon baldly made the point that traders have lost confidence in their ability to interpret what’s plainly market-moving news. Far from hoping to be the first to trade, they need someone else to commit and help create the narrative."

“The growth seen during the recovery might, for a while, be as good as it gets...”
OPEC is rapidly running out of options...

WW3 is very close

Recently, US Lieutenant General Ben Hodges ordered over 60 US tanks to fire their guns in Poland. The general has reason to be confident. It can be said with relative certainty that, if the US sends scores of tanks halfway around the world to a country that borders Russia, then begins firing the guns, the Russians will indeed interpret that as a warning that their sovereignty is no longer respected by the US.
There is not a governing party, and not a creating & smart team in power but reversible problem

"Trump’s short-term agenda (reforms of healthcare, taxes, and trade policy) seems overly optimistic and has met resistance; healthcare’s lack of progress begs the question – is this GOP Congress an opposition party or a governing party?"

Asimov’s solution to the failure of humanity to change was to create an academic oriented benevolent ruling class who could save the human race from destroying itself. He seems to have been well before his time with regards to creating Shadow Governments and Deep State functionaries. It appears he agreed with his contemporary Edward Bernays. The masses could not be trusted to make good decisions, so they needed more intellectually advanced men to guide their actions.

"This is about making sure we have a pro-growth and pro-environment approach to how we do regulation in this country.  For too long, over the last several years, we've accepted the narrative that if you're pro-growth, pro-jobs you're anti-environment and that's just not where we've been in the country.  And the executive order is going to address the past administration's effort to kill jobs across this country through the clean power plan."

"Do I really think that you guys are gonna tell the story that I would like to have told? No. Your story’s gonna be,Here’s a guy, spreads fake news, uses social media and these social media people better,” I know the story you guys are doing before you do it."

Why are so many people suddenly moving away from major U.S. cities?

"Why isn't the House Intelligence Committee looking into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to Russia, Russian speech, money to Bill, the Hillary Russian ‘reset,’ praise of Russia by Hillary, or Podesta Russian Company.."

"Things are so far gone, that we have no idea. People have virtually no sense of how deeply we are being steered off the path..."

China's top steel producing province Hebei was ordered by China's central government to investigate firms in Tangshan that have "restricted but not cut production, restricted production but not actually cut emissions, and cut capacity but actually increased output," according to a provincial notice dated March 25.

That is Terror’s war .. no war on terror




The Feuding Kleptocrats  By Chris Hedges
The Day Earth Was Murdered  By Paul Craig Roberts
Daesh, Creature of the West   By Pepe Escobar
Trump's Wars   By Emma Ashford
Why Do Some Men Rape?  By Robert J. Burrowes .. violence during their own childhoods


Gregory Barrett  Can Democracy Save Us?
Dave Lindorff   Budget Goes Military


War criminals came back with Dick Cheney
Russia ‘Hack’ of US Elections an ‘Act of War’ — Dick Cheney

Washington’s Cyber Investigator Tied ‘Russian Hacking’ to Non-Existent Events
NATO Scheming to Boost Drones’ Spying Capabilities

Pentagon Likely to Throw $29B at Lockheed for King Stallion Chopper

RELATED 2  If you don’t buy my weapons .. you will be in trouble
Australia Could Be in Danger of DPRK Nuke Strike, US Korean Forces Warns
The Verge of Collapse: EU Provides 'No Clear Answers' to Mistakes It Admits  Will EU disappear?

'Two-Speed Europe': The End of the European Dream?
On contact  Christ Hedges  Casino capitalism with Natasha Dow Schüll



As with many other complex, opaque systems in the U.S., only those toiling in the murky depths of the healthcare system know just how broken the entire system is. Only those dealing daily with the perverse incentives, the Kafkaesque procedures, the endlessly negative unintended consequences, the soul-deadening paper-shuffling, the myriad forms of fraud, the recalcitrant patients who don’t follow recommendations but demand to be magically returned to health anyway, and of course the hopelessness of the financial future of a system with runaway costs, a rapidly aging populace and profiteering cartels focused on maintaining their rackets regardless of the cost to the nation or the health of its people.

Ask any doctor or nurse, and you will hear first-hand how broken the system is, and how minor policy tweaks and reforms cannot possibly save the system from imploding. Based on my own first-hand experience and first-hand reports by physicians, here are a few of the hundreds of reasons why the system cannot be reformed or saved.

Say 6-year old Carlos gets a tummy-ache at school. To avoid liability, the school doesn’t allow teachers to provide any care whatsoever. The school nurse (assuming the school has one) doesn’t have the diagnostic tools on hand to absolutely rule out the possibility that Carlos has some serious condition, so the parents are called and told to take Carlos to their own doctor.
Keep Reading


COL, Or Próximo y UCR   ¿Acuerdos de paz o rendición política?   James Petras
Sobre un pasado que no pasa  Racismo postcolonial  Pierre Tevanian y Saïd Bouamama
ALC  Resistir gobernando  Alfredo Serrano  Casi como decir :que manden pero obedeciendo.
Nucleares 60 años   Dos estrategias de resistencia  Miguel Muñiz
EE.UU. y su redespliegue económico  Oscar Ugarteche, Armando Negrete
EC             -Carta a amigos Rev del mundo   Lenín es el futuro del Ecuador
                La dictadura de la derecha   Mario Ramos  
                Ecuador: entre el cambio y la continuidad  Decio Machado
FRA  Marine Le Pen: "Poner la Repúb en orden"  Soledad Bengoechea, Maria Cruz



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