miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2017

MAR 15 17 SIT EC y POL

MAR 15  17  SIT EC y POL


Logic and current trends suggest that declining output growth accompanied by higher prices will begin hitting economies and facing policy makers in the coming years. Markets should begin sniffing out this stagflationary macroeconomic setup this year.

After the hotter-than-expected PPI print, Consumer Prices confirmed that inflation is running hot with the fastest rise since Feb 2012. Combined with the weakest GDP growth outlook in over a year, it appears stagflation is looming... and The Fed is hiking into its face.

"The bottom line for domestic equities remains the same: the SPX is only back to where it stood before Trump spoke in front of Congress on 2/28 (the index is down just ~1.5% from the 3/1 2400 high) and the larger risk remains whether the index retraces the whole “phenomenal” rally (which would move it back to 2300 or lower)."

It is fitting that just a few hours until the Fed's second rate hike in two quarters, and one day after Goldman downgraded global stocks to Neutral for the next 3 months, not to mention that global stocks as well as S&P futures are higher, while crude oil has finally managed to stage a rebound as the Dollar DXY index is fractionally in the red.

Despite the surge in consumer confidence and exuberance at what lies ahead, real wages for America's average joes declined year-over-year in February (down 0.3%). This is the first consecutive monthly drop in real wages since 2011 (which forced Bernanke to to hint at and then unleash QE2 later that year).

As the vulture pundits in the mainstream media pick apart hollow political scandals, the essential bankruptcy of the federal government looms just ahead. The national debt is creeping toward 20 trillion dollars, and the United State’s largest problem is once again staring the world in the face.

If the government does shut down again, the Treasury Department reportedly has as little as $66 billion in reserves and just enough income from taxes to meet its essential obligations.

Entitlements like social security and Medicare will likely be unaffected, but if lawmakers can’t collaborate to pass some kind of resolution, the power to allocate additional federal spending will largely be turned over to President Trump. The initial hiring freeze on federal employees that was implemented shortly after his inauguration could be just a taste of what’s to come.

The coming budgetary stalemate also threatens to undermine the recent record highs seen in the stock market.

Although the financial markets have enjoyed massive gains since the election, many investors have been hypnotized into blindly embracing the illusion that ‘this time it’s different.’ Nearly a decade of emergency monetary policy by the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates, along with its injection of trillions of dollars into the economy, has numbed Wall Street to the harsh realities of history.

David Stockman, former budget director for the Reagan administration, spoke to Neil Cavuto on Fox Business about the imminent debt crisis threatening to blindside the U.S. economy:

“What I’m saying is, all the extra growth from dynamic accounting that you could get if you got all these tax cuts through, it will not happen, the math isn’t there, it’s impossible. There is going to be a debt crisis this summer that will cause a financial crash of unbelievable proportions….It’s going to go on for days and weeks if not months, because Congress is already nasty and partisan. I’m seeing reality, the robo-machines are simply trading sound bites and tweets and hourly sentiments, this is meaningless. This is the biggest suckers rally in history and there is going to be a huge surprise very soon.

This plague of short-term thinking and desire for instant gratification has lulled America into an apathetic fog. People no longer act as though they have a stake in the future. They choose willful ignorance even as the most serious problems go unresolved. The $20 trillion balance on the national credit card is the most tangible example of how nearly a century of decadence can transform a society. This country once represented the world’s moral compass and a beacon of economic freedom, but those pillars have been abandoned to indulge in war profiteering and monetary fraud.
Delaying the inevitable has become an American pastime.

In an ideal world, all sides would come together and not play politics with the debt ceiling again. Clearly that’s not the world in which we live. America’s partisan divide may now be so wide that a default will occur...


This arcane financial instrument appears to be quickly becoming 'ground zero' for the "next big short" of this bull cycle.

Putting the Federal Reserve's third rate hike in 11 years into context, if the Atlanta Fed's forecast is accurate, 0.9% GDP would mark the weakest quarter since 1987 in which rates were raised, according to Julian Emanuel at UBS. We look forward to Ms. Yellen explaining her reasoning - Inflation no longer "transitory"?  Asset prices in a bubble? Because we want to crush Trump's economic policies? Because the banks told us to?

The lack of uber-hawkishness in the dot-plot appears to have been enough for dollar-buyers to desert the trade in the short-term. The reaction to The Fed's 3rd hike in 11 years is buying bonds, buying stocks, and buying bullion...

US stocks are up, Treasuries are up, emerging market stocks are up, oil is up, and high yield bonds are up ahead of The Fed's (foregone conclusion) decision this afternoon. However, if everything is so awesomely hawkish, why is the dollar dumping?

As a reminder, it was only a couple of weeks ago that today's rate-hike foregone conclusion wasn’t even on the market’s radar...

The GDPNow model forecast for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the first quarter of 2017 is 0.9 percent on March 15, down from 1.2 percent on March 8.

Former Hillary Aide:  "Even if it’s a year or two or three from now, I still don’t think the timing would be right.  I know that’s not fair to [Chelsea], but nothing feels right about it. It feels too forced."

In the budget proposal to be released by President Trump on Thursday at 7am, the White House will call for spending cuts of 28% for the State Department and 31% for the Environmental Protection Agency, the NYT reported.

"What happened between December and March? GDP is tracking very low. Measures of labor compensation are not threatening to boost inflation any time fast. The consumer is not picking up very much. Fiscal policy [is uncertain]. And yet, you have to raise rates now..."

As its defenders tax the system to protect what no longer works (except for them, of course), the slide to oblivion accelerates as the system breaks down under the collective weight of all the skims, scams and rackets benefiting the few at the expense of the many.
                If rejected there .. he will be declared INCOMPETENT nationwide .. a plus to impeach him

"We are straight up told to tell false stories (lie) to sell products." And an RBC financial adviser told Go Public, "We are all doing it."

After December's brief dead cat bounce, in which foreign central banks bought $18.6 billion in US Treasuries, breaking a streak of 12 consecutive months of selling, in January they resumed their liquidation dumping another $44.9 billion in Treasuries.

Mexico's outspoken Presidential frontrunner,  Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador"President Trump's approach of blaming migrants for the problems of the United States has been excessive. We will not allow that, you can't implement a campaign of hate against Mexicans because that is neofascism."
Is going to happen in the US too: cuando la barca se hunde las ratas con los 1ros en huir

What is that saying about rats and sinking ships?

"Och-Ziff, one of the largest hedge funds, positioned itself to profit from the corruption that is sadly endemic in certain parts of Africa, including Libya, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Chad and Niger," U.S. Attorney Robert Capers in Brooklyn, New York, said in a statement. "Despite knowing that bribes were being paid to senior government officials, Och-Ziff repeatedly funded corrupt transactions."






In Case You Missed It  The Zionist Plan for the Middle East  Translated and edited by Israel Shahak 





Is it possible to put them down when they depart? .. to avoid more terrorism on Syria-Irak
Pentagon Deploys B-52 Bombers, 400 Airmen for Iraq, Syria Air Campaign  https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201703161051627659-pentagon-b52-syria-iraq/
Trump is starting WW3 in 3 regions (ME-Asia & UKR) as only way to remain in power. Stop it!
RU is sending 500 tonnes (metric tons) of Hu-Aid to Donbas and Kiev order to block roads
Russia Sends Out 62nd Humanitarian Aid Convoy to Ukraine’s Southeast  https://sputniknews.com/russia/201703161051629179-russia-donbass-humanitarian-aid-convoy/

Poroshenko Calls for Adoption of Law Ensuring Regaining Control Over Donbass  https://sputniknews.com/europe/201703161051625885-poroshenko-law-control-donbass/



The fragmentation of political consensus (i.e. the consent of the citizenry) is presented by the Powers That Be and their media servants as being a disaster.The implicit fear is real enough: how can we rule the entire nation-empire if it fragments?

As I noted the other day, fragmentation terrifies the Establishment of racketeers and insiders, for when the centrally-enforced rentier skims and scams collapse, those who own and control the rentier skims, scams and rackets will lose the source of their wealth and power.

To understand why fragmentation is the solution rather than the problem, we have to look at how power is leveraged in centralized government. Let’s take the recent increase in a common pinworm treatment from $3 to $600: Pinworm prescription jumps from $3 to up to $600 a pill (via J.F.).

In a top-down, centralized hierarchy of political power (i.e. the central state), the pharmaceutical company only needs to lobby a few authorities in the central state to impose its rentier skim/scam on the entire nation.

Lobbying/bribing a relative handful of federal officials and elected representatives is remarkably inexpensive: a financier or corporation only needs to focus on these few key players, and smoothing the PR pathway via a highly concentrated corporate media.
A mere $5 million spent in the right places guarantees $100 million in future profits– profits earned not from open competition in a transparent market, but profits plundered as rentier skims: the product didn’t get any better or effective when the price leaped from $3 to $600, and competition was squelched by regulatory capture and high barriers to entry.


EC           “Chevron chantajea a gobiernos para obtener impunidad”  Adoración  Guamán
                “El Buen Vivir”   Ecuador vota el 2 de abril  Ramón Pedregal
Relación  impositiva “Norte-Sur” Lecc de cooperación solidaria diferente  Sergio Ferrari
COL  Leyes sobre paz con ¿Impunidad para la Fuerza Pública?  Federico Andreu
ARG       Ebullición frente al ajuste   Claudio Katz
                El negocio financiero y la fuga de dólares  CEPA
¿Golpe de Estado a la vista en Washington?  Ojala no regrese el clan Clinton y su trash DEMs
CIA: espía como puedas  que también te espiare


Republican senator 'working for Vladimir Putin'  . Here the stupid logic of McCain:
McCain said Rand Paul blocked vote on treaty for NATO membership for Montenegro.. THEN he is working for Putin.. FACT is: 1-NATO favor WW3 with RU. F.2-Many US disagree.. do they wk for P?

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