jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017


MAR 8 17  SIT EC y POL


Something is not right here...

Since the election we’ve heard the rally in stocks characterized as a “Trump Trade” or a “reflation” trade. We think there is a really important element missing from this analysis that could change very quickly over the next several weeks.

WTI Crude is suffering its biggest down day since September 2015 - crashing over 5% to a $50 handle and the lowest levels since 2016...          

It seems ever-exuberant energy traders are finally waking up to the reality that the global rebalance is not happening. A record glut of crude and surging production has sent WTI back to a $51 handle this morning (one-month lows) and has weighed on gasoline prices...

Mirar la paja en el ojo ajeno y no en el propio.. es una virtud muy americana


What Geithner is unwilling to say is what's obvious: now that policymakers have shot their wad and the room for maneuver is limited, there can't be a centralized, painless "fix" for the next inevitable financial crisis.

"If you thought 2016 was weird, I suggest you get comfortable with the surreal because it is not going away anytime soon. 2017 is a veritable treasure trove of falling elevators... it seems to me that many of these events, stacked so closely together in the next few weeks, are not coincidental in their timing."

I would point out that over the next few months there are dangerous correlations so numerous and blatant in the economic sphere .. What am I talking about? Well, let’s go through the list

Federal Reserve Meeting March 14-15th
As my readers know well, I have been warning since before the election that the Fed would use a Trump presidency as an opportunity to pull the plug on near-zero interest rates and remove a primary pillar supporting stock markets …  Without QE and low interest rates the equities bubble will inevitably implode.
U.S. Debt-Ceiling Suspension Ends March 15th
The debt ceiling sets limits on how much the government can borrow to fund itself, and that limit was hit hard under the Obama administration after he managed to nearly double the national debt during his tenure. Congress passed legislation to allow borrowing to continue until March 2017, and of course, much of that capital was “borrowed” from the Federal Reserve, which, of course, creates money out of thin air. With the return of the debt ceiling, the question is — will Congress be able to extend and delay again? With Trump running on a platform of fiscal responsibility, CAN they extend again?  Do they even want to, or is this an engineered crisis event?

Formal Initiation Of Brexit On March 15th
The skeptics have been telling me for months that even though I was right about the Brexit vote victory the elites “would never allow” the British to leave the EU. Well, it doesn’t look that way to me so far. Theresa May plans to formally notify the EU of British exit on March 15th triggering two years of negotiations which will undoubtedly send economic shock waves throughout the globe on a regular basis.

French Elections Start April 23rd, End May 7th
Yet another election in which the EU hangs in the balance. Recent polls indicate that Marine Le Pen, the designated “populist" candidate, is falling behind. I have to ask, though, have we not learned our lesson yet on the meaninglessness of political polls? I think most of us have.  .. Le Pen is a guaranteed win. This brings up the very real prospect of a “Frexit” in the near future. 

Potential Italian Election Move On April 30th
The Italian political process is a little confusing to me, but what I can tell you is that this spring or early summer you will probably be hearing a lot more about it.

German Federal Election Held September 24th
Yes, even Germany is quaking this year in the wake of a potential “populist” tsunami. Angela Merkel is exceedingly unloved by her own people lately as her approval ratings collapse. The German people are fed up with the complete lack of cultural assimilation and what many see as the destruction of western values.

If You Thought 2016 Was Weird…   2017 is a veritable treasure trove of falling elevators

To summarize, it seems to me that many of these events, stacked so closely together, are not coincidental in their timing. As I have noted in articles such as The Economic End Game Explained, globalists have been openly planning for decades to set in motion a vast financial overhaul and the launch of a single global economy and currency (the seeds being planted starting in 2018). If this is still their timeline, then it would follow that they would need a series of fiscal earthquakes designed to shake up the “old world order” to make way for a “new world order.”

As I have always said, economic collapse is a process, not a singular moment in time. This process lulls the masses into complacency. You can show them warning sign after warning sign, but most of them have no concept of what a collapse is. They are waiting for a cinematic moment of revelation, a financial explosion, when really, the whole disaster is happening in slow motion right under their noses. Economies do not explode, they drown as the water rises one inch at a time.

"The IRS has been very gracious in saying they won’t take more than 100% of your money.  These people are terrified they will go bankrupt because of the United States. They just want to get out of the U.S. tax system."
I don’t trust any US info on China .. something like this: our uncertainties are ok.. China is worse

In what could be the beginning of ripples from The Fed's jawboned 'certainty' of a March rate-hike, Chinese money market liquidity conditions appear to be drying up once again as overnight offshore yuan rates surge 142bps to one-month highs. At the same, spot offshore Yuan rates have plunged to their lowest since January 4th's massive short squeeze.


"For years and years, March 8 has been International Women's Day, and it has been a happy, happy day, which is fine...But the political climate that we find ourselves in right now requires us to have political power."
American’s oligarchical rule is creating the basis for civil war

"It is time for our society to acknowledge a sad truth: America is currently fighting its second Civil War. With the obvious and enormous exception of attitudes toward slavery, Americans are more divided morally, ideologically and politically today than they were during the Civil War."

Arizona Senate Committee passed a bill that would eliminate state capital gains taxes on gold and silver specie, and encourage its use as currency. Former US Rep. Ron Paul testified ahead of the vote, proclaiming, "paper is not money, it’s a substitute for money and it’s fraud."

"Desperate households across the land aren’t clinging to guns and bibles. They’re clinging to credit cards as their only lifeline in this failing empire of debt, deception, and delusion. "
The Dem-donkies are upside down

"Simply being opposed to something isn’t going to cut it any longer, and there’s increasing evidence that the public is starting to catch on to the total fraud that is the establishment Democratic Party."

Privacy is no longer a Western value. Today, everything else is more important - transgender bathrooms, silencing hate speech, forcing elementary school children to feel guilty about their white privilege, and political correctness in extremis. This is what dominates the social conversation now in the Land of the Free.

The American Trucking Association forecasts that the trucking industry will be short 175,000 drivers over the next decade but what's driving the shortage?

Marine le Pen told RTL radio should would introduce a new franc at a rate of one-to-one to the euro and then allow it to fluctuate, despite previously saying that any new national currency would continue to be pegged to a basket of currencies.

"...the Americans are deploying their tanks, airplanes and special forces battalions along the Russian border. And we are quietly 'seeding' the U.S. shoreline with nuclear 'mole' missiles (they dig themselves in and 'sleep' until they are given the command)"

While China consumer prices rose just 0.8% YoY (less than expected), producer prices continue to soar, pressuring margins and threatening any hope for further credit impulses from PBOC. February PPI rose a staggering 7.8% year-over-year - the most since September 2008.



Erdogan: The Sultan Of An Illusionary Ottoman Empire .. “democratic” the armed sultanato?
Dangerous Crossroads: America Threatens China, US Deploys THAAD Missile System in South Korea, Beijing Warns of Nuclear Arms Race one Thaad missile on China will spark WW3. Is China planning to  play this game in Asia.. case: VietNam.. or they will hit directly  America’s vulnerable empire stations




Serge Halimi   Why Europe Fails to Learn


'Vault 7': Wikileaks Starts New Series of Leaks on CIA  https://sputniknews.com/world/201703071051342572-wikileaks-cia-series/
Number of US Citizens Perceiving Economy as Main Issue Lowest Since 2007  https://sputniknews.com/business/201703091051393996-us-citizens-economy-poll/
Some Daesh Leaders Abandon Syria’s Raqqa Ahead of Upcoming Offensive  https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201703091051392500-daesh-leaders-abandon-raqqa/
Serbia Hopes for EU, US, Russian Help in Countering Creation of Kosovo's Army  https://sputniknews.com/europe/201703091051392079-serbia-hopes-help-against-kosovo-army/
The Korean Crisis, the US' Next Phase of Pan-Eurasian Containment   https://sputniknews.com/columnists/201703081051381072-korean-crisis-us-next-phase-pan-eurasian-containment/
Iraqi Militia Creates Brigade to Liberate Golan Heights From Israel – This could be Mosad-Cia Art  https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201703091051390813-iraq-militia-liberate-golan-haeights/


Posted on March 8, 2017 by WashingtonsBlog  By Kirk Wiebe
Many of us disagree with the bloviated, self-congratulatory notion that the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury saved the U.S. economy, capitalism and everything else in 2008-09



La prensa oficial solo dijo  que la mujer italiana tomo las calles del país
No me extraña,  cuando Sacco y Vanzetti fueron ejecutados en el USA,
la prensa también los ignoro. Aún hay gente que cree que la jornada
de 8 horas de trabajo cayeron del cielo.. que es parte del God bless Am
Lo cierto es que la mujer se prepara para la guerra mundial en camino
Sin duda, ellas salvaran al genero humano. La santa inquisición quiso
destruirlas  .. y no pudieron. El sistema capitalista quiso eliminar su
identidad y dignidad como mercenarias en sus guerras de despojo  y
destrucción imperial.. y no pudieron. De ellas viene la vida .. de las
guerras imperiales.. solo la destrucción y muerte. Y si la vida hay que
salvarla con las armas en la mano.. ellas cumplieron, y cumplirá su
promesa humanitaria.. pero eso les rendimos homenaje desde lo mas
profundo de nuestro ser. Unidos venceremos. La historia lo dice asi.
Hugo Adan. 8 de Marzo del 2017   
Feminismo R     La proletaria  Rosa Luxemburg  http://www.rebelion.org/
                                Sobre el marxismo y el feminismo revolucionario - La Haine
                                Género y clase | Feminismo revolucionario | En lucha
                                Por un feminismo revolucionario - Izquierda Revolucionaria
                                Nuestra batalla por un feminismo revolucionario y anticapitalista
                                EsclavasEnPrisión   Trabajar por menos de 1€/hora Nuska Mata
                                8 Marzo & Historia   Un largo camino de luchas, olvidos y esperanzas M H R
                                8 de Marzo  Porque fueron, somos; y porque somos, serán  Natalia Salvo
                                Qué significa la huelga de las mujeres?  Cinzia Arruza/Tithi Bhattacharya
                                8 de marzo Día Internacional de Lucha Obrera Feminista  Isabel Cervera
                                ALC “Vamos a seguir el camino trazado por Berta”  Giorgio Trucchi
                                A Berta  Andrés Cabanas
                                Las Mujeres de la Guerrilla en Colombia FARC EP - YouTube
                                Cómo es ser una mujer guerrillera en Colombia | Broadly
                                El otro rostro de la guerra: las mujeres de las FARC - Sputnik
                                La mujer en la guerrilla de las FARC - La Haine
                                Mujeres en la guerrilla colombiana - Univision 41 Nueva York
                                La mujer y la lucha por su autodeterminación integral  Homar Garcés

Siguen jodiendo en Ec. Un país que defiende el honor y dignidad Latina
Hist de la Rev rusa  Capitulo II: La Rusia zarista y la guerra  Leon Trotsky



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