domingo, 12 de marzo de 2017

MAR 11 17 SIT EC y POL

MAR 11  17  SIT EC y POL


"And so here we find ourselves, at the final torturous, grinding part where the final bubble top is formed. The über-bubble. The Greatest Of Them All..."

Here only extracts. 

A Quick Re-Cap
And so here we find ourselves, at the final torturous, grinding part where the final bubble top is formed. The über-bubble. The Greatest Of Them All.

A bubble this spectacular requires a top worthy of its size. A long, massive top, full of increasing exuberance -- until the very last investor is sucked in. 

Where I’ve noted humans’ remarkably silly behavior during bubble episodes in the past – tulip bulbs, railroads, swampland  - I still struggle to understand or even explain this one.

A credit bubble occurs when the issuance of credit grows faster than income supporting it. Here’s what that looks like on a national scale for the US. The bottom red line is income (GDP) and the top blue line is Total Debt. We can see that debt has been growing at twice the rate of GDP since 1970:

The only thing that capable of preventing this coming carnage would a resumption of rapid economic growth. And I mean growth that exceeds the rate of debt creation.
But that's simply not going to happen. 

The Problem With Growth
We can dispense with the idea of “solving” our too-much-debt problem by a resumption of rapid economic growth either by deduction or observation.  Both work just as well on their own, but each tells a similar story in this case.

Thus, from a deductive standpoint, combining what we know about high levels of debt and flattening energy returns energy there’s really no more room for confusion about why GDP growth is, and will remain, anemic (at best).

Observationally, we now have more than a full decade of sub-par (i.e., ‘too low’) world GDP growth: 

And, just for kicks, we might also note that the GDP forecasting agencies of the world have consistent in over-estimating future growth.  Of course, this doesn't deter them from continuing to predicting higher future growth each year. As a case in point, here are the IMF's predictions for world growth over the past 6 years:

Each of those colored lines is a forecast.  Each of them foresaw growth going notably higher in the near future.  Not only was every one of them utterly wrong in direction, each failed at getting even the next quarter anywhere close to right.  See how none of those lines ever dips below 3%?  See in the prior chart how global growth never breached 3% in any of these same plotted years?

For a variety of reasons, with aging demographics being a huge factor, future growth in the OECD countries must slow: 

My ‘prediction’ is that these projections will turn out to be far too high. Mainly because I include declining net energy in my views and no mainstream economist ever does.  But the track records of these outfits shows that taking the ‘under’ side of the over/under bet offers incredibly safe odds.

At any rate, the main story here is that the only way we can begin to justify the astronomical levels of debt currently on the books, let alone slathering on new tranches just to keep the whole thing form imploding, is to have a story of endless, rapid future economic growth. Which is, we've already shown, a delusional fantasy.

Stagnating growth, ever more trillions of debt, and a finite amount of depleting net energy all adds up to an unsustainable mess.  With asset price bubbles everywhere and wealth transfer mechanisms already in place, the end-game involves a very few winners and a lot of losers.

Anything that is this unsustainable will someday end. But how? And how should we position ourselves for it? 
In Part 2: The Ka-POOM! Survival Guide, we detail in depth the most likely progression predicted by the Ka-POOM! model. First, a punishing crash in prices as natural market forces eventually overwhelm the Fed's doomed efforts to print the world to prosperity. Think of the 2008 crash, but on steroids.
Then will come the inevitable response from the central banking cartel: Set the printing machines on maximum speed! While this may seem to work for a brief while, it will soon collapse the world's currencies in a hyperinflationary deluge.

This will be a very tricky time for preserving wealth as things swing violently from disinflation to inflation. Understanding the mechanics and knowing what to expect will be critical -- not just for safeguarding your money, but for taking advantage of what will surely be some of the best bargains of our lifetime.
Quick Economic news
Putting Global Debt Into Perspective - 13 Stunning Silver Stats  What do savings and debt look like, using the "people’s money"?
The Very Strange State Of The Market "Everything's starting to unravel..."
The A.I. Economy: "Why The Market Never Crashes"  Never?  Real money no longer exists, and the rest of us are trapped inside of a system of debt slavery, fake news and bad info, and rule by fake money."

"investors will soon capitulate on their expectation of upside to 2017 EPS forecasts as they face the reality that the accretive impact from tax reform will not occur until 2018. In fact, revisions to consensus EPS forecasts during the past few months have been negative for both 2017 and 2018'

Rising production in the Permian, coupled with cheap pipeline and railway transport fees to the Gulf of Mexico, will enable the U.S. to significantly raise its already record-high crude oil exports.

"What do you do? If you take your investment out and stocks go up another 1,000 [points], you’re going to be pretty miffed..."

The battle raging in the Deep State isn't just a bureaucratic battle - it's a war for the soul, identity and direction of the nation.

The power of the Deep State is even more forbidding - and seemingly invincible - than anyone knew... The latest WikiLeaks revelations should be a wake-up call for all of us who want to preserve what’s left of our constitutionally-guaranteed liberties. Either we slay the monster or it will enslave us.

In response to the 'paralysis' facing immigration courts, dealing with over 500,000 pending cases, President Trump is deploying 50 judges to immigration detention facilities across the United States, according to two sources and a letter seen by Reuters.

While the world continues to decipher, or digest, the new Trump presidency, important changes are afoot within the grand strategic triangle that lies between Russia, Iran and China.



Syrian Forces Preparing for Big Move against Al Qaeda and ISIS. Does US Forces come to Rescue the Terrorists?  US invaders will be hit, of course .. not other way to finish this war.. is S-sovereign right  


Chinese Commerce Secretary Warns US it 'Can't Live Without China'

Potential Pakistan Entry in BRICS Via China’s BRICS Plus Leaves India Concerned
Democrats Won't Be Part of 'Illegitimate' Inquiry on Alleged Russian Meddling  While the duopoly party exist .. they will manipulate this stupid anti-Russia charade 

Trump could’ve finish this theater by indicting Obama for droning civilians & other issues but..
Obama Administration Spread Info on Alleged Russian Interference in Elections
Inspector Gadget: CIA-Infected Smartphones 'Help Spy on Their Hosts'

CIA Hackers: Why WikiLeaks 'Vault 7' Becomes a Wake-Up Call For Users, IT Giants
FALSE and bad intentional news.. not evidence at all they can hit our soil
Perhaps our milit base in Japan-China .. They know n we Know it can start WW3.. det will prevail
North Korea May Be Close to Targeting US With Nuclear Missile
Keiser Report  Episode 1043  Max and Stacy discuss that robots are coming for white-collar jobs.

Posted on March 11, 2017 by WashingtonsBlog  By Gareth Porter

The March 1 report by the United Nations’ “Independent International Commission of Inquiry asserted that the bloody attack on a humanitarian aid convoy west of Aleppo City on Sept. 19, 2016, was an airstrike by Syrian government planes. But an analysis of the U.N. panel’s report shows that it was based on an account of the attack from the pro-rebel Syrian “White Helmets” civil defense organization that was full of internal contradictions.
The U.N. account also was not supported by either the photographic evidence that the White Helmets provided or by satellite imagery that was available to the commission, according to independent experts. Further undermining the U.N. report’s credibility, the White Helmets now acknowledge that rockets they photographed were not fired from Russian or Syrian planes but from the ground.
Posted on March 11, 2017 by Carl Herman
Posted on March 11, 2017 by Eric Zuesse.

On March 10th, Bernie Sanders was interviewed by Britain’s Guardian, headlining “Sanders on Trump and the challenge for the left”, and he said (and this is just a small sampling):
The bad news, the very bad news is that we have a president who is a pathological liar. I say that not in a partisan way because I have many conservative friends who I disagree with on every issue who are not liars, they believe what they believe. But Trump lies all of the time and I think that is not an accident, there is a reason for that.  Keep Reading


EE.UU.  CIA: del mito a la incompetencia   Editorial de La Jornada
Ec            Cuando la izq vende su voto a un banquero Sebastián Vallejo Titulo corregido: A- porque la iz no voto aun y, B- porque la Iz burocratica de Pdos Com y seudo Marxistas fueron siempre bandas de arribistas y ultra-corruptos que se acomodaron con uno y otro Gbno para mantenerse en el senado. No solo en Ec.. los vimos también en Peru, en Brasil, Arg y otros paises. No son la real Izq. Hacen lo inverso a “sus” principios.. simples farsantes desfasados
  Las Farc van a hacer falta  Iván Gallo
USA  Trump tiene razón, su teléfono fue interceptado  Néstor García Eso siempre ocurrió.. desde que nació el deep-state.. Ese no es el problema político de fondo .. los leaks son el engania-bobos.. el Prob de fondo son las políticas anti-labor del régimen olig de Trump.. su polit favorece a banqueros y big corp que lucran con especul financ y guerras fuera.. eso deja sin futuro a la juventud y todo América. Eso hará mas explosiva la actual desigualdad y es claro que el fascismo será su único recurso.. si antes el mismo deep state no lo saca .. o si el pueblo avanza al separatismo del FED por estados y región..
Libro Libre: Capital, democracia y ambiente en Arg   La Tentación de Esquisto  Varios aut
USA dia 8  La huelga mundial de mujeres y el Mov anti Trump A Goodman y D Moynihan
Descargue desde la web Libros de VIENTO SUR en PDF  1917-2017 Regresa la Rev. viento sur 150
Debate Considerac sobre populismo de izquierda  Roger Martelly y Samy Joshua
USA  El régimen de Trump es una plutocracia  Robert O. Paxton
Hungría   El eterno debate en torno a Lukács  G. M. Tamás
Paraísos fiscales  La trama de Luxemburgo  Daniel Albarracín y Miguel Urbán
La huelga, ¿un recurso a la baja?   Joaquin Juan Albalate
Geopolítica  La crisis coreana y el doble juego de las potencias  Pierre Rousset
"Trump elevará las apuestas en su desafío a China"  China gano guerra en Vietnam y hoy con + razón
"Renuncien a traer hijos a este mundo"   Alguien lo dijo en el dia de la mujer y el mismo dia en Costa Rica Nace primera niña con técnica de fecundación in vitro desde prohibición en el año 2000 por N Boeglin .. Lo que significa que –si ellas quieren- pueden tener el hijo que quieran y cuando quieran. No necesitan de hombre ni marido super-machista. Hoy en el US -más del 50%- crían solas a sus hijos.
Vivimos la más grave crisis humanitaria desde 1945 Y no es porque la mujer conquisto mas derechos.


‘US raid on Yemen is a huge mistake’ drones y bombs on a poor country.. worse than OB
He is committing war crimes & crimes against humanity.. he added a + for impeachment
Trump is product of US deep state: ah..ah. He accommodate to DS
ACLU sues US govt. over immigrant detention Check :  ACLU links to Israel zionist rulers on Palest
Israel’s cooperation with Arab states against Iran & Palestianians
Resourceful, but hampered by war Persian gulf countries

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