viernes, 31 de marzo de 2017

MAR 30 17 SIT EC y POL

MAR 30 17  SIT EC y POL


"The resulting losses for mutual funds, pension funds, insurance companies, banks, and other holders of government debt might be large enough to cause some financial institutions to fail, creating a fiscal crisis."

"This isn’t a signal to me that markets are reaching an exuberant level like they did in the 1920s or 1990s, when speculation was rampant.  What our clients are doing is borrowing against the portfolios because interest rates are so low. They’re not leveraging up because they see the market exploding to the upside; they’re using leverage because they can pay it off at any time.”


As the first quarter wraps up, bankers say the weakness in equity trading revenues experienced last year is continuing. That is prompting questions about whether banks should be preparing for a longer-lasting decline in the business, rather than a cyclical dip.

An examination of the performance of the potential beneficiaries of the new administration's policy proposals paints a mixed story, with the performance of most of the initial policy winners peaking in early December and subsequently underperforming.

Economic cycles do not last indefinitely. While fiscal and monetary policies can extend cycles by “pulling forward” future consumption, such actions create an eventual “void” that cannot be filled. In fact, there is mounting evidence the “event horizon” may have been reached as seen through the lens of auto sales.


The Trump administration seeking to penalize countries whose currencies it believes are undervalued, according to two people with direct knowledge of the review, "an effort to fulfill the president's campaign pledge to crack down on what he frequently called unfair trade."

A group of companies known as Pharmacy Benefit Managers, or PBMs. Companies that seem to extract far more from the public than they give back.

"Over the past 20 years, central banks have run a gigantic real-world experiment called "trickle-down."  The results of the experiment are now conclusive: "trickle-down" has failed, miserably, totally, completely."  See article below

Thousands of drilled shale wells are sitting idle, unfracked and uncompleted.  Wood Mackenzie estimates that if the Permian Basin’s DUC list was completed, it would add 300,000 bpd in new supplyThat supply sitting on the sidelines will put downward pressure on any new oil price rally.


At its core, the social compact between public equity markets and society is simple: over time, any investor should have access to the equity of important enterprises created by that society.  If that isn’t happening by virtue of some misalignment of incentives, then those need to be fixed.  The alternative – that the winners stay private but the losers are public – is untenable.  Investors will choose to hoard cash and capital will slowly stop circulating to its best possible use.
All your private online data—the websites you visit, the content of your chats and emails, your health info, and your location—just became suddenly less secure. Not because of hackers, but because Congress just blocked crucial privacy regulations. This will allow your internet service provider to collect all your data and sell that info to the highest bidder without asking you first.

"Apparently the Trump administration, their war on facts, has now become a war on cities.  Let me be clear about the facts: We are not breaking any laws and we are prioritizing safety."

China's reflation story (on the back of a record amount of debt created last year) was put on display on Friday morning when both the Chinese manufacturing and non-manufacturing PMI rose more than expected, with the Manufacturing PMI rising to a level not seen since April 2012.

The reality of the situation in the South China Sea - all geopolitical analysis aside - is that there’s about to be a hell of a lot of military hardware in those waters.


"The meeting next week with China will be a very difficult one in that we can no longer have massive trade deficits and job losses.  American companies must be prepared to look at other alternatives."

"A lot of people would like it that way.  Even people on another continent where the newly elected U.S. President was happy that the Brexit was taking place and has asked other countries to do the same.  And, if he goes on like that, I am going to promote the indenpendence of Ohio and Austin, Texas in the United States of America."






This is a Russophobic Instrument  Interview With Sergey Lavrov




Dishonor n nasty business of war
Increased US Military Support to Saudis Would Boost 'War of Genocide' in Yemen
US Military Says NATO Drills Involving Russian Extras Not Mission Rehearsals
Russian Aerospace Forces to Receive 1st Il-22PP Electronic Warfare Planes Soon
French Embassy Urges Nationals to Stay Alert Amid Recent Attack in China

Racism has many colors
Not So Welcome: 40% of Foreigners Feel Discriminated in Japan



Over the past 20 years, central banks have run a gigantic real-world experiment called “trickle-down.” The basic idea is Keynesian (i.e. the mystical and comically wrong-headed cargo-cult that has entranced the economics profession for decades): monetary stimulus (lowering interest rates to zero, juicing liquidity, quantitative easing, buying bonds and other assets– otherwise known as free money for financiers) will “trickle down” from banks, financiers and corporations who are getting the nearly free money in whatever quantities they desire to wage earners and the bottom 90% of households.

The results of the experiment are now conclusive: “trickle-down” has failed, miserably, totally, completely.
It turns out (duh!) that corporations didn’t use the central bank’s free money for financiers to increase wages; they used it to fund stock buy-backs that enriched corporate managers and major shareholders.

The central bank’s primary assumption was that inflating asset bubbles in stocks, bonds and housing would “lift all boats”–but this assumption was faulty. It turns out most of the financial wealth of the nation is held by the top 5%.

As for housing–yes, a relative few (those who happened to own modest bungalows in San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, Toronto, Vancouver, Brooklyn, etc.) on the left and right coasts have registered spectacular gains in home appreciation as the housing bubbles in these cities now dwarf the 2006-07 real estate bubble. But on average, the gains in home appreciation have barely offset the declines in real (adjusted for inflation) household income.
Keep Reading


COL        Otra democracia, Si!  Un compromiso distinto con el país Varios
                 “Seguimos siendo Org alzada en armas”  Antonio García, líder del ELN
                Tolima se levantó contra la mega-minería  Jhon Jairo Salinas
EC           El feriado tributario: "Lasso" al cuello  Fander Falconí
                Lasso es laso  .. pobreza. Ramón Pedregal
Armamentismo USA no comenzó con Trump La conciencia armas y hegemonía USA  R O
La producción de sentido   Eso que se llama “Cultura” FBA Domínguez
El alquimista de acordes verbales   Entre la soledad y el silencio…  LC Muñoz
Econ  República Checa: el Estado es la empresa  Eliska Drapalova  [Gob por decreto como T.?]
ALC  Uruguay   Punto de inflexión  Carlos Santos
ARG       De las plazas a las urnas  Horacio González
                La conflictividad de 2017 ¿Razón o método?   CEPA        
                El miedo no es zonzo, los vendepatria sí   JL  Ubertalli  
Brasil  -Michel Temer, el precario  Camila y Esteban [precario bla-bla .. boomerang de clan Clint]
Cuba  -El marxismo en Cuba hoy   Natasha Gómez


N-Korea is not the problem.. They don’t even have Nukes. P is the US
aggressive meddling on Chi-JA dispute. So, N-K is a false-flag that hide a
real bad intention: to hit China with the support of Japan. At the core of
this US policy are big trasnation Corp profiteering from selling weapons.
If US hits N-K.. the prob will be Ch-RU semi-nuke response to US-NATO.  
Tarject: US-NATO stations threatening RU-Chi.. if escalate, US will be hit.
So far: the false flag ‘N-K’ only reflect Sino-hate & bad intention on them
FACTs remain: N-K don’t have nukes.. War based on lies: other Iraq fiasco

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