viernes, 6 de marzo de 2015



PRESSTV (2:30 pm Pittsburgh PA time)

‘Israeli torture of Palestinians soars’. Sat Mar 7, 2015 A report reveals a sharp increase in the torture of jailed Palestinians by Israeli spying service Shin Bet in the second half of 2014.
‘Ferguson police could be dismantled’ . Sat Mar 7, 2015 Holder says the Department of Justice will dismantle the Ferguson Police Department if necessary. [Yes, too much racism.. what about Courts  complicity? .. there will be dismantled too?.. something has to be done..]
UN chief raps ISIL bulldozing of Nimrud Sat Mar 7, 2015 UN chief Ban Ki-moon strongly condemns the bulldozing of the ancient Assyrian Iraqi city of Nimrud.
[Brutalidad sin límites la de los mercenarios.. pareciera que se juntaron las sangres más perversas y criminales de lo peor de Europa, America y el oriente medio.. los une el fundamentalismo .. religioso en los musulmanes y neoliberal en los caucásicos.. En ninguno de los dos mundos la juventud tiene futuro.. a los hombres solo les queda mercenarizarse y vender su fuerza bruta a los bribones que reclutan merces para ejércitos privados.. y rematar su belleza, a las mujeres de Londres.. graduadas en Univ dicen, pero sin trabajo.. Condenadas a la prostitución en el peor de los prostíbulos del mundo.. el de la guerra.. 3 de ellas se unieron públicamente al ISIL para llamar la atención del mundo sobre la insensatez de hoy, como ayer lo hizo desnuda Juana de Arco.. estas no piden que se termine la guerra .. piden su dinero a los mercenarios.. La decadencia del mundo neoliberal es absoluta, degradante, es más que inhumana .. es caucásica. Barrer una ciudad desde abajo, con bulldozers da lo mismo que hacerlo desde arriba, desde los bombarderos que arrazaron Faluya, Libya, Syria, el sur de Ucrania.. en todos ellos la destrruccion, mutilación y asesinato de niños y madres llego con la tecnología más avanzada.. Hemos llegado al final de la historia que quizo un japonés-USAno, a la destrucción sin límites.. Que venga la 3ra mundial de una vez pide el bufón de Israel, no le importa sacrificar la propia raza, en la esperanza de que sus amos del Imperio destruyan Rusia y China en un par de días .. y asi poder robar el petróleo a Irán.. si que venga dice el criminal de guerra de VietNam hoy senador del US.. en la esperanza de que la repartija de Rusia y China entre las mafias financieras del oeste, le deje algo .. si que venga dicen los europeos que fabrican sofisiticados utensilios de los  misiles nucleares.. también en la esperanza de que la repartija de Rusia y China les deje algo.. Si es cierto que Rusia y China no pueden hacer nada para responderles.. si es cierto que la debacle nuclear no la podrá detener nadie.. si nada podamos hacer.. pues que venga.. decimos los quechuas y nativos del mundo ..  que el intercambio nuclear limpie toda la mierda caucásica,  cuyas brutalidades ya no podemos soportar.. si ese es el final de la historia.. que empiece allí y ahora. Ya destruyeron mucho, lo contaminaron todo, mutilaron la especie humana con DU y lo peor , con el neoliberalismo que todo lo corroe, lo falsifica y degrada]

Bibi anti-Iran speech bullshit: Ex-spy chief .  A former head of Israel’s Mossad spy agency describes as “bullshit” Netanyahu’s speech at the US Congress.
Another Muslim killed in US shooting. Fri Mar 6, 2015 A Muslim man has been shot dead in Dallas while he was taking pictures of the snow with his family.
Obama admits US police ‘racially biased’. Fri Mar 6, 2015 Obama says a report about the Ferguson Police Department showed a “broken and racially biased system” within the country’s police force.
Debate: Ukraine crisis and NATO.  Mar 6, 2015 In this edition of the Debate we ask whether the Ukrainian crisis is just a pretext for NATO to do as it wishes without question.
‘Canada aborigines’ rights violated’. Fri Mar 6, 2015 A UN committee says Canada violates rights of native women by neglecting a probe into violence against the minority.

Snowden: US won't offer me fair trial. Fri Mar 6, 2015 Edward Snowden, who leaked details of mass US surveillance programs, says he is not being offered a fair trial if he returns to the United States. [of course, for a lesser fault B. Manning was condemned brutally]
‘Russia to match US arms to Ukraine’ . Fri Mar 6, 2015 A top US diplomat says the US will send weapons to Ukraine if “aggression” from pro-Russian forces persists, but warns that Moscow would match the effort.  SEE: Ukraine crisis in 2015 , Russia and China mock divide and rule: The Roman Empire did it. The British Empire copied it in style. The Empire of Chaos has always done it. They all do it. Divide et impera. Divide and rule – or divide and conquer. It’s nasty, brutish and effective. Not forever though, like diamonds, because empires do crumble (Pepe Escobar
‘Iraq army gains made with no US help’. Fri Mar 6, 2015 Zayd al-Isa says Iraq’s army has gained more ground against ISIL with no US help. [YES, it was despite and against their help., everybody knows why]
‘US seeks to sabotage Minsk deal’. Fri Mar 6, 2015 An analyst says the United States is doing everything it can to sabotage the Minsk agreement. CONTEXT: ‘Germany must press Kiev for talks’ . ‘East Ukraine clashes re-escalating’ . ‘Kiev meetings won’t end crisis’ . ‘Poroshenko has West’s blank check’
‘Al Khalifa dominates Bahrain judiciary’. Fri Mar 6, 2015 Nabeel Rajab says the judiciary system in Bahrain is not independent and it is dominated by the Al Khalifa regime. [Judiciary independence among Kalifas is opium dream… their medieval sharia is the law]
US strategy in Syria stalls: Analysis. Fri Mar 6, 2015 The collapse of a major US-backed militant group operating in Syria underlines the failure of a covert CIA operation to arm Syria's militant groups. [the victory of Bashar Assad is a victory against judeo-christian imperialism & its puppets inTurkey]
‘Nuclear accord, a win-win deal’; Fri Mar 6, 2015 A senior Iranian cleric says a possible Iran-P5+1 nuclear agreement will be a win-win deal. [what is it? .. why deals are kept hidden by both the US & the Ayatolas.. there is not such a thing as “win-win deal”  after Netanyahu uncovered war plans .. for the US.. talks are part of “war” diplomacy , so full of lies and false flags.. While Iranians keep hidden the contents of these  talks, Israel & American are the winners, .. not the  Iranian Nation. All that Ayatola  has to do now is help B.Assad to defeat ISIL, while placing to American two condiction to continue the diplomatic bla-bla: 1- zero santions to Iran, with return of money confiscated, plus fees for damages causes to Iran Economy. 2- The IAIE should check the nukes in Israel, the real aggressor in the ME.. If not..kick them off and get out of the feather  table. Check this: ‘N-deal must recognize Iran rights’ do you thing Israel & US will do it?. Iran is alert  Iran Leader advises against any deal that contradicts national interests]]
US strategy in Syria stalls: Analysis. Fri Mar 6, 2015 The collapse of a major US-backed militant group operating in Syria underlines the failure of a covert CIA operation to arm Syria's militant groups.
‘ISIL tied to Zio-American ploy’ ; Fri Mar 6, 2015 An analyst says ISIL is the evil planted by the Zio-American conspiracy.
US Senate puts off Iran vote . Fri Mar 6, 2015 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has postponed or backed off a vote on legislation that would require Congress to review any nuclear deal with Iran.


"Monetary System, World Order We've Had Since 1940s Is Collapsing" Warns Richard Maybury. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/06/2015. "...everybody knows there's something seriously wrong but they don’t know what is really happening."
This 'world order' may be coming to an end, he believes: "It's the collapse of that structure that was built in the 1940s that is behind all of these problems that are popping up in financial markets and economies around the world." "...everybody knows there's something seriously wrong but they don’t know what is really happening."
This 'world order' may be coming to an end, he believes: "It's the collapse of that structure that was built in the 1940s that is behind all of these problems that are popping up in financial markets and economies around the world."
How Beijing Is Responding To A Soaring Dollar, And Why QE In China Is Now Inevitable. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/06/2015. The US had a credit bubble, China has a credit bubble. The US had a housing bubble, China has a housing/investment bubble. Will China eventually have to go down the same path as the U.S., and the Eurozone? The answer: yes.  [La Guerra económica hay que hacerla con las mimas armas que usa el imperio, dicen los chinos]
From Communism To Monopolistic Capitalism In A Single Swoop. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/06/2015. What’s the difference between an apparently benevolent Ukrainian oligarch and a charismatic chief of a drug cartel in Colombia or Mexico?
There isn’t any!
Lord Rothschild Warns Investors: "Geopolitical Situation Most Dangerous Since WWII". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/06/2015. As Rothschild Wealth Management noted last year, equities are not well supported by current valuations, while monetary policy is limited by high debt levels and interest rates that are already close to zero... exposing equities to a potentially sharp correction.
[si para las mafias financieras mas grandes del mundo.. los banqueros de Londres en este caso.. el caos actual esta a punto de estallar .. como ocurrió con la 2da guerra mundial.. si es asi: los días del neoliberalismo están contados]

The One Chart You Need To Predict The Future   by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/06/2015  When push comes to shove, you only need one chart to predict the future: debt and wages ( credit and compensation). This chart displays debt and wages as a ratio: debt/wages. What it reveals is the endgame of financialization: creating more debt no longer pushes wages higher.

Financialization--the securitization of previously stable assets, the expansion of leverage and speculative financial instruments--began in the early 1980s. We see the effect of rapidly expanding debt on the economy: the line leaps higher and only flattens out in the tech-boom 1990s.
Something changed around 2009. Expanding debt and leverage no longer boosted wages. For the first time in 30 years, juicing debt and leverage did not push wages higher--rather, wages declined or stagnated, despite trillions of dollars of Fed stimulus, near-zero interest rates and all the other tricks of financialization.
The returns on additional debt and leverage have diminished to near-zero. This is the endgame of financialization: expanding debt and leverage no longer move the needle on wages and household income. Rather, adding more debt is weighing on wages.
 After 30 years of success, the endgame is finally here. We are witnessing a profound secular sea-change: the failure of expanding debt and leverage to lift the real economy of wages and household income.
Greece Proposes To Become A Tax-Collecting Police State: Will "Wire" Tourists And Unleash Them As "Tax Inspectors"/ Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/06/2015. "We propose the following: that large numbers of non-professional inspectors are hired on a strickly short-term, casual basis (no longer than two months, and without any prospect of being rehired) to pose, after some basic The very 'news' that thousands of casual "onlookers" are everywhere, bearing audio and video recoring equipment on behalf of the tax authorities, has the capacity to shift attitudes very quickly, spreading a sence of justice across society and engendering a new tax compliance culuture - especially if combined with the appropriate communication of the simple message that the time has come for everyone to share the burden of public services and goods."
Ukraine, Neocons And Neonazis.  by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog, Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/06/2015. There’s simply a very strong feeling, if not conviction, in the western media, that they’ve won the propaganda battle. But two portraits of US girl power in Ukraine from the Guardian and Bloomberg that appeared over the past two days are just unbelievbable. Victoria Nuland and Natalie Jaresko should not be praised by the western media, they should be taken apart bone by bone, because the roles they play are far too shady to stand up to our alleged democratic principles.
The US must withdraw Nuland and Jaresko from their respective positions starting yesterday morning. But they won’t, they have achieved exactly what they were aiming for: a nation so shattered it’s dependent on US and IMF money just to survive, just to pay for the ink needed to draw its borders on a map.
From here on, it’s just a matter of waiting for Putin to get so sick of all this he decides he can’t let Kiev go down any further, lest all that’s left is neonazis and neocons, and they start aiming their US and/or UAE supplied ‘lethal defensive’ weapons eastward. And then they’ll get what they’ve wanted all along, Yatsenyuk and Poroshenko and Nuland and Jaresko: They’ll get War. But it won’t come the way they envisioned it. Putin’s way too smart for that.
Despite Tsipras Complaining That "ECB Has Rope Around Our Neck" Greece Finds Enough Cash To Make IMF Payment. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/06/2015. While the biggest economic event of the week was the US February jobs report, one of the lingering concerns following last week's report that Greece is in financial dire straits, is whether the Eurozone member nation would default on its IMF loan as soon as today when it had a scheduled €310 million payment due to the IMF. Earlier today, in the build up to the NFP report, it was reported that indeed Greece had managed to dig deep under the cushion and find just enough cash to make the required partial loan repayment thus avoiding a technical default.  As Reuters reports, "struggling to scrape together cash and avoid possible default, Athens made a 310 million euro (223.37 million pounds) partial loan repayment to the International Monetary Fund, while Tsipras pleaded to be allowed to issue more short-term debt to plug a funding gap."
Why No Wage Increases: More Than Half Of Jobs Added In February Were Lowest-Quality, Lowest-Paying. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/06/2015 The three biggest single-category jobs added in February (because Professional services includes numerous occupations), were also the three lowest quality, lowest paying ones:
Leisure and Hospitality, added 66K jobs
Education and Health added 54K
Retail trade added 32K
Together these three job categories accounted for 152K jobs, or more than half the total February job gains. They also represent the lowest paid jobs in the US.
Americans Not In The Labor Force Rise To Record 92.9 Million As Participation Rate Declines Again Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/06/2015. For those (very few now, with even the Fed admitting the unemployment rate has become a meaningless, anachronistic relic) still wondering why the unemployment rate dropped once again, sliding from 5.7% to 5.5%, the reason is that while the number of unemployed Americans dropped by 274K thousand while those employed rose by 96K, the underlying math is that the civilian labor force dropped from 157,180 to 157,002 (following the major revisions posted last month), while the people not in the labor force rose by 354,000 in February, rising to a record 92,898,000 (people who currently want a job rose to 6,538K) matching the all time high number of Americans not in the labor force.
US Trade Deficit Worse Than Expected As Auto Exports Tumble. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/06/2015. Imports dropped 3.9% in January and Exports fell 2.9% but YoY imports fell 0.17% and exports fell 1.75% - the last time both fell YoY was November 2008. This is the 2nd month in a row of worse than expected deficits (and 4th of last 5). The shift is led by big drops in Food & Beverage (-9.1%) and Auto (-7.0%) exports and an 11.3% plunge in Industrial Supplies imports.
Alan Greenspan Warns Stocks Are "Without Doubt Extremely Overvalued". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/06/2015. There simply is no long-term investment as businesses favor short-term actions as the Maestro explains Fed QE lowering the real rate of interest "has been responsible for the rise in P/E multiples... and when rates normalize, that will reverse," adding that "we can't argue that we are extremely overvalued in the marketplace."
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/06/2015 - 07:31
  • 5 Things to Watch in February’s Jobs Report (WSJ)
  • Draghi Declares Victory for Bond-Buying Before It Starts (BBG)
  • Apple Pay Sign-Ups Get Tougher as Banks Respond to Fraud (WSJ)
  • As World’s Hottest Economy Unravels, Nigerians Feel the Squeeze (BBG)
  • EU discontent over French budget deal's 'political bazaar' (Reuters)
  • Foreign Takeovers See U.S. Losing Tax Revenue (WSJ)
  • Goldman Shareholders’ Hope for Bigger Payout Dashed by Fed (BBG)
  • Europe Stocks Headed for 31% Surge This Year Amid QE, Citi Says (BBG)
  • Dollar revs up for jobs data, euro bonds rally on ECB (Reuters)
Overnight Wrap: Euro Plummets As Q€ "Priced In", Futures "Coiled" Ahead Of Payrolls Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/06/2015. The question stands: how much longer will the Fed allow the ECB to export its recession to the US on the back of the soaring dollar, and how much longer will the market be deluded that "decoupling" is still possible despite a dramatic bout of weakness in recent US data. Looking at markets, US equities are just barely in the red, coiled to move either way when the seasonally-adjusted jobs data hits.


Don’t Believe Media Coverage of Venezuela , By Sonali Kolhatkar
The U.S. has long been involved in attempts to destabilize Venezuela’s socialist government.

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