martes, 24 de marzo de 2015




Did De-Dollarization Just Reach Escape Velocity? China's New Silk Road & Putin's Eurasian Trade Network. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2015. The New Silk Road, actually roads - boosted by a special, multi-billion-dollar Silk Road Fund and the new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), which, not by accident, has attracted the attention of European investors - symbolizes China’s pivot to an old heartland: Eurasia. Beijing has been quick to dismiss any notions of hegemony. It maintains this is no Marshall Plan. China, on the other hand,  is focused on integrating “emerging economies” into a vast, pan-Eurasian trade/commerce network. And that, crucially, would have to include Russia, which is a vital part of the New Silk Road through an upcoming, Russia-China financed $280 billion high-speed rail upgrade of the Trans-Siberian railway. This is where the New Silk Road project and President Putin’s initial idea of a huge trade emporium from Lisbon to Vladivostok actually merge.

Ron Paul: "A War Based On Lies Cannot Be Fixed With Another War". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2015. Last week President Obama correctly blamed the current chaos in Iraq on the Bush Administration’s decision to invade. He said, “… ISIL is a direct outgrowth of al Qaeda in Iraq that grew out of our invasion. Which is an example of unintended consequences. Which is why we should generally aim before we shoot.”

However, if the US intervention in Iraq created the “unintended consequences” of ISIS and al-Qaeda, how is it that more US intervention can solve the problem?
A war based on lies cannot be fixed by launching another war.
Financial Feudalism. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2015   A good, precise term for this state of affairs is “anarchy.” Once a new, low level of steady-state subsistence is reached, the process of aristocratic formation can begin anew. But unless a new source of cheap fossil fuels is somehow magically discovered, this process would have to proceed along the traditional, feudal lines.
US House Votes 348-48 To Arm Ukraine, Russia Warns Lethal Aid Will "Explode The Whole Situation"Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2015. Yesterday, in a vote that largely slid under the radar, the House of Representatives passed a resolution urging Obama to send lethal aid to Ukraine, providing offensive, not just "defensive" weapons to the Ukraine army. The resolution passed with broad bipartisan support by a count of 348 to 48. Russia's response came promptly: Washington's decision to supply Ukraine with ammunition and weapons would “explode the whole situation” in eastern Ukraine and Russia would be forced to respond “appropriately,” Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said at the end of February.“It would be a major blow to the Minsk agreements and would explode the whole situation,”
Philip Haslam: When Money Destroys Nations. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2015. he global debt glut, plus the related money printing efforts by the world's central banks to try to stimulate further credit growth at all costs, leads us to conclude that a major currency crisis -- actually, multiple major currency crises -- are practically inevitable at this point. To understand better the anatomy of a currency collapse, Philip Haslam - author of the book When Money Destroys Nations, and an authority on monetary history, who more recently spent much time in Zimbabwe collecting dozens of accounts of the experiences real people had as the currency there failed - explains the six 'gorge' process to hyperinflation.
Exciting Job Opportunity: ECB Is Hiring "Fire Expert". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2015. Amid firey austerity protests at the site of its new headquarters, the ECB has a job opening available.
As demonstrated by Monday’s bail in “celebration” in Cyprus and more poignantly by the Blockupy protests in which clashes between police and protesters briefly turned Frankfurt into 1965-era Watts last Wednesday, being a central banker in Europe is becoming a dangerous job. Fortunately, you can help by joining the ECB as a “Fire Prevention And Safety Expert.” As a reminder, here was the scene last week in Frankfurt, home of the ECB's new headquarters...  Anyone interested in applying for the ECB's Fire Safety expert position can apply here.
These Are 2015's "Black Swans" According To SocGen. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2015. In light of the social and economic devolution of the world, it should hardly come as a surprise that as SocGen attempts to quantify the biggest Black Swans risks (and hopes) of 2015 (yes, a foolish endeavor since nobody can actually envision what a black swan may be, by its very definition an event that was predicted by no one), it notes that "political and financial risks now outnumber real economy risks."
 This Is What The Global Economy Got For $11,000,000,000,000 In QE. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2015  For a long time, nearly four decades, growth has been getting progressively weaker during each recovery from recession. Of course, the U.S. is a major contributor to world trade and QE, but its trend of weaker growth is present in all major developed economies.
There are two key drivers behind this declining trend: demographics and lower productivity growth. Yes, it’s true that we’ve seen pretty good U.S. jobs growth recently, but that comes with productivity growth slamming down to zero.
Spy Vs. Spy: Obama Spies On Netanyahu, Discovers Netanyahu Spying On Obama. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2015. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Israel secretly gathered information regarding nuclear talks between Iran and the US then shared the information with members of Congress in an attempt to undermine support for the talks in what turns out to be a comically absurd game of spy vs. spy.
US Begins "Big Stick" Negotiations With Iran: Sends The "Big Ships" Into The Persian Gulf. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2015. Following its "visual to the world" message last night by test-firing an ICBM, America appears to shifting to 'big stick' diplomacy. Following Iran's naval drills last week (attacking a replica US aircraft carrier), Sputnik News reports that as the nuclear negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 nations come to a head, the US begins Eagle Resolve, a massive military exercise in the Persian Gulf. Eagle Resolve will involve tactical exercises from the US Army, Marines, and various other military branches "with simulated portions of the exercise based on a fictional adversary." Careful to ensure Obama does not lose his Nobel Peace Prize, a CENTCOM official explained, "the exercise is not intended as a signal to Iran."
First Images Of Germanwings Crash Debris Emerge; White House Says "No Indication Of Terrorism". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2015. WHITE HOUSE: NO INDICATION OF TERRORISM IN AIRPLANE CRASH.  This will hardly be comfort to the families of the 148 people who lost their lives the crash which took place in the south Franch alps, and where the first images of the debris have just been released.
George Soros Warns Greece "Is Going Down The Drain". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2015. “Right now we are at the cusp," billionaire George Soros tells Bloomberg TV in this brief clip, the chances of Greece leaving the euro area are now 50-50 and the country could go "down the drain." The 84-year-old fears that talks between Greece and 'the institutions' could "break down," adding that  "Greece is a long-festering problem that was mishandled from the beginning by all parties," concluding that the chances of Greece leaving the euro area are now 50-50 and the country could go "down the drain." Finally, Soros notes, what worries him the most is Ukraine.
[ Notice that Soros does not mention the effects on the European Union .. which “is going down the drain” with the Grexist.  But he mentioned –by rebound- that its effects at world level can be severe in Ukraine, that worries him. This is a very important point, we will see it then after ]
Short-Term Gains & Long-Term Disaster. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2015. It’s time for the Japanese to get seriously scared now. Like many other countries, Japan – and its political class – creates a false image of enduring prosperity by letting its central bank increasingly buy up ever more of its sovereign bonds. It’s a total sleight of hand, there is nothing left that’s real. There’s no there there. This is of course the same as what happens in Europe. And it’s precisely because central banks buy up all these bonds, that their yields scrape the gutter. It’s a blueprint for killing off the last bit of actual functionality in an economy.  [ The same happens to America .. perhaps the intention of this article was to call attention to our country ]
Which American Cities Have The Biggest Income Inequality. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2015. The top 5% of San Francisco households (the highest 'high income' city in a recent study on income inequality) earns over 47 times the income of the bottom 20% in Detroit (the lowest 'low income' city). As WSJ reports, a recent Brookings Institution study finds Atlanta, GA has the widest gap between rich and poor in the nation (followed by San Francisco, Boston, and Miami) and Virginia Beach, CA has the least income inequality. As Brookings concludes, these findings confirm that income inequality remains a salient issue in many big cities today.  SEE TABLE BELOW: Source
Orwell & Kafka Do America: How The Government Steals Your Money - "Legally," Of Course.  by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog, Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2015. Orwell and Kafka have come to America - a nation that once was a democracy and could once claim to live under rule of law. Wake up and smell the stench of a gilded gulag, America; we're living in one whether you care to admit it or not. Due process and rule of law have been replaced with "legalized" looting by government in America.
[ It is not Iran the focus of attention in this article, is our reality. Smith put it Iran because is under the spot of blackmailing by the US. Iran is actually in the target of US-Israel since Iran is uncovering all US- Israel false flags, starting with the uses of ISIL to foster regime change in Syria and re-controlling Iraq. Iran is the main point of their attack because its oil and because is demolishing thier strategy.  Smith could’ve used Venezuela or south Ukranie for his comparison, but Russia and Venezuela are defying openly the US strategy .. while China and Iran are using a different one: they get  inside the enemy lines to defeat the collapsing empire. Russia and Ven use von Clausewitz strategy “If you attack me I double or triple the attack until your power is totally destroyed”.  China and Iran uses the old strategy of Sun Tzu in “the art of war”. I guess Huge-Smith knows this but in this article he uses mellifluous language to cover up his dark side, his other mind. Is that non-ethical posture, or dishonesty? .. to me it is mainly the lack of principles and convictions that make weak his reasoning ]
Lufthansa Germanwings Airbus A320 Crashes In French Alps; 148 Feared Dead. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2015.  Moments ago, a Lufthansa Germanwings Airbus A320, flight 4U9525, on a Barcelona to Dusseldorf route, was reported to have crashed in the area of Digne, in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence in southern France, an area which French president Hollande said is "very difficult to access."  [It is the weather man .. nothing to do with cannon laser triggered under smoggy and raining conditions .. these things happens by chance.. yeah.. as they happens with Malaysia Planes]
Canada's Biggest Oil Casualty To Date: Calgary's Nexen Shutters Oil Trading Desk. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2015. Overnight, Nexen Energy, a wholly owned subsidiary of China's CNOOC Ltd, reported it too would close its crude oil trading division following a round of job cuts announced last week, four market sources said on Monday.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/24/2015 - 07:41
  • Germanwings Airbus crashes in France, 148 feared dead (Reuters)
  • Greece promises list of reforms by Monday to unlock cash (Reuters)
  • Merkel Points Tsipras Toward Deal With Greece’s Creditors (BBG)
  • Banks Shift Bond Portfolios -Move to ‘held to maturity’ category aims to guard against rising rates, shield capital  (WSJ)
  • Beijing to Shut All Major Coal Power Plants to Cut Pollution (BBG)
  • As Silence Falls on Chicago Trading Pits, a Working-Class Portal Also Closes (NYT)
  • Oil below $56 as Saudi output near record, China activity slows (Reuters)
China Lands Hard: Rail Volume Plunges, PMI Tumbles Into Contraction, Employment Worst Since Lehman. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/23/2015. Chinese rail freight collapses 9.1% YoY; China Manufacturing PMI tumbled back to a contractionary 49.2 - lowest in 11 months; and the Employment sub-index plunged to its lowest since Lehman ... yeah but apart from that, everything is awesome. And for those excited about just how disastrous Chinese data is (and thus how huge the next stimulus unleashing will be), think again - China now sees exactly where the last trillion dollar QE went... a de minimus and unsustained blip in the economy and liquidity-fueled rampage in stocks (which is not what a corruption-crackdown politburo wants to encourage).
Regime Change: America's Failing Weapon Of International Deception. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/23/2015. The era of using regime change as a weapon of mass deception may have already ended for the United States of America… and hopefully for the entire world.



The Maritime Silk Road — 1405 And 2013 - By Mike Billington (25/3/15)

Think about what’s going on in Greece, and how the Greeks look at this. On the one hand, they’re being told by the Troika (European Com-mission, ECB, IMF) that 50% cuts in pensions are not enough; they have to cut the pensions more; 60% youth un-employment is not enough—they have to stop employing people, all to meet the austerity conditions to make them “worthy” of new loans, loans which will never even make it to Greece in any case, but simply be transferred from one account to another back in the U.K. or in other Eurozone banks, because they are only intended to pay off debts. Debts that can’t be paid, and that are, in fact, illegitimate and should not be paid. That’s what they’re being offered by the dying paradigm in Europe.

What are they being offered from the BRICS, from China’s Maritime Silk Road? To become the hub for a transcontinental development plan, and possibly the first European member of the BRICS. The hub, the connecting point between the BRICS and a new Europe, a Europe which rejects the dying Empire.

Greece is ready to join the BRICS, and in fact, its only hope for survival is to join the BRICS, as is true for Europe as a whole.  The Maritime Silk Road — 1405 And 2013 - By Mike Billington (25/3/15).




In Public Relation Exercise
White House Official Calls for End to ’50-year Occupation’
Video and Text
Chief of Staff McDonough says Israel’s government must match ‘words with actions and policies,’ warns PM’s statements can’t be willed away.


Israel Behind Hamas – Assange.

The WikiLeaks founder accused Israeli authorities of supporting Hamas group at its early stages in order to divide the Palestinian resistance.
Who are the Real Barbarians - The West or Muslims?
By Mahboob A. Khawaja
Is Obama going to force Israel and its 650,000 armed settlers out of the West Bank?
Greece: Fascists At the Gate
By Conn M. Hallinan
Golden Dawn’s penchant for violence is what led to the charge that it is a criminal organization.
Noam Chomsky: Nuclear Weapons and Unchecked Climate Change Are Leading Us Toward Doomsday

The war “ended with the use of an ultimate weapon which can bring human history to an end.”
Orwell and Kafka Do America: How the Government Steals Your Money--"Legally," Of Course
By Charles Hugh Smith

Be glad you live in a fake democracy with a fake rule of law, a fake judiciary, and a government of thugs with the officially sanctioned right to steal your money and possessions without any due process or court proceedings.


“Las redes son el perturbador más dominante”. Entrevista a Ignacio Ramonet, director de Le Monde Diplomatique en español. Por Orlando Pérez y María Elena Vaca.


Obama’s Afghanistan policy ‘confused’ .Wed Mar 25, 2015 A political analyst says the US president's decision to slow down the pullout of the US troops from Afghanistan once again proved his administration’s confusion. US to keep 9,800 troops in Afghanistan. Tue Mar 24, 2015 Obama has revises plans to reduce the number of American troops in Afghanistan.


‘Europe not interested in Iran sanctions’. Wed Mar 25, 2015 If nuclear talks fail, Europe could go without the US to lift anti-Iran sanctions because the bans are hurting its interests, says an analyst.


Belgian official hails Assad as 'ally'. Wed Mar 25, 2015 A Belgian politician hails Syrian President Bashar al-Assad as an “ally” in the fight against terrorism.


'US nukes modernization against NPT'. Wed Mar 25, 2015 A political analyst says the US government is violating the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) by modernizing its old nuclear warheads.


US prepares for confrontation with China. Wed Mar 25, 2015 The United States is imposing its troops on Japanese residents in the island of Okinawa, a military analyst says.
US Senate warns of new Iran sanctions. Wed Mar 25, 2015 Sen. McConnell warns of imposing more sanctions on Iran if the negotiating sides in nuclear talks fail to reach an agreement.
ISIL blows up 10 Christian houses in Iraq. Tue Mar 24, 2015 ISIL Takfiri militants have blown up 10 houses belonging to Christian residents in Iraq’s northern province of Nineveh.
Debate: US, NATO military expansionism. Tue Mar 24, 2015 This edition of The Debate addresses the US and NATO military expansionism versus Russia.

‘UK on verge of depression’. Tue Mar 24, 2015 A London-based economist says the UK is facing a “huge depression” as the inflation fallen to zero.
'UK govt. austerity hurting kids'. Tue Mar 24, 2015 A British parliament report reveals that government spending cuts have adversely affected children more than others
UK to beef up Malvinas defenses . Tue Mar 24, 2015 The UK will spend £280mn on renewing Malvinas defenses amid rising tensions with Argentina. [ EL VIEJO COLONIALISMO INGLES hace tiempo expiró .. Los UKies must return the Falkland to Argentina and invest their money in their own people .. making war with Argentina  will only make fat the rats that manufacture WMD in England, that will not benefit their people .  The South will be united against the Britts, but this time will be different .. all UK business in the South will be targeted .]

Anti-war activist Ken O’keef believes Argentina has the right to exert control over the disputed island. “Well, Argentina has every right to exert control all over its sovereign territory and you know the way in which Britain acquired the Falklands, just like every other colonial territory, is simply unjust and if there meant to be any justice in the world then the land should be naturally returned to its owners and so I see that the Argentinians certainly have a right to reclaim their Islands and if the British would not cooperate, then it could end up being rather dangerous for both Britain and Argentina,” the London-based commentator told Press TV on Tuesday.

“This is just how the empire, the old empire of England functions, you know, they are inspired to maintain their colonial status and the Falklands is one of many examples that how they cling to this colonial attitude,” Ken O’keef added. More INFO: UK to send ‘extra troops’ to Malvinas
Chile declares red alert amid wildfire. Tue Mar 24, 2015 Wildfires continue to rage across Chile prompting officials to declare a red alert for three national parks.
Boehner ‘shocked’ by Israeli spying . Tue Mar 24, 2015 The US House speaker says he was “shocked” by reports of Israeli spying on sensitive talks underway between Iran and the 5+1 group.
[don’t be hypocrite .. anything that Israel does have the dirty hands of zionist lobbies in America]
‘N-powers act in contravention of NPT’. Tue Mar 24, 2015 An activist says all the nuclear powers act in contravention of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).
Zionists have chokehold over Congress. Tue Mar 24, 2015 Hard-line, neoconservative Zionists have overtaken the US government and are pushing for a war against Iran, an American scholar says.
Turkey launches anti-PKK operation. Tue Mar 24, 2015 Turkey launches a military operation against the hideouts of Kurdish fighters in the south.
US warned over S Korea missile system. Tue Mar 24, 2015 Moscow warns Washington against plans to station a ballistic missile system in South Korea.
‘US nuclear arms in Europe violate NPT’. Tue Mar 24, 2015 Russia says the US deployment of nuclear weapons in Europe is in contravention of the NPT.
Iran must make more concessions: UK. Tue Mar 24, 2015 The UK foreign secretary says Iran will have to make further concessions to reach a final nuclear deal. 

[ The AIPAC speaker in UK made it clear: all this dialogue was a “diplomatic war” against Iran. In other words, it was a blackmail imposed by ziomnists on Iran. Iran should  quit the NPT if the UN do not make justice to them. The UN needs to be reformed and an emergency UN assembly should be called]
ECB rejects Greek blackmail claims. Tue Mar 24, 2015 President of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi denies claims about blackmailing Greece. [Then, do we have to believe the opposite?]


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