miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2015



PRESSTV [12n. Pittsburgh Time]

Russia in the cross hairs . Washington’s attack on Russia has moved beyond the boundary of the absurd into the realm of insanity, said Paul Craig Roberts.
Russia threatens world order: US Rep.    US Congressman Eliot Engel has accused Russia of threatening the security of the region by supporting pro-Russian forces in eastern Ukraine, saying Moscow is a threat to the world order. [this is evidence of what Paul Craig Roberts said above]
Euro drops to record-low vs dollar. Thu Mar 5, 2015 The euro’s exchange rate has dropped to its lowest level against the dollar in 11 years due to speculations on the risks of the European Central Bank’s new stimulus program. 
[Time to visit Paris.. or wait until winter is over?.. time to update my French, I guess.. Mi 1ra beca la gané  a Francia: Cs Pol en la Escuela de Altos Est de Paris, pero no llego sino 3 meses después de recibir la del US, la Fulbright.. yo y mi esposa nos quedamos con las ganas de ir a Paris.. no perdemos la esperanza.. por lo menos nuestras  hijas fueron ya.. eso nos alegró, aunque pagaron 20 euros por un pitillo de moño rojo que es gratis en Cusco. Es la mejor marihuana del mundo en uno de los afluentes del Amazonas, el rio Urubamba. .. Cómo se puede visitar la Mona Lisa o entrar cualquier museo sin antes haber fumado 3 puffs de moño rojo?. Los museos son aburridos .. con moño rojo cobran vida.. más aún si uno se conecta la música preferida al oído.. pura  Rev in 2 senses, nos dijo una de mis hijas. Como nos gustaría regresar a los 30, dije yo.. Escojan el país y les pagamos el round-trip ticket,  dijo una de mis hijas la navidad pasada..  Paris sería la única manera de regresar a los 30,.. dije. Quizá también visitar Turquia y pasear en una barca del Bósforo en Estambul, dijo mi esposa.. pero eso sería pedir mucho, dije.. Demasiado seria pedir un viaje a China y visitar el Great Wall.. dijo .. ya stán instalando “corredor eléctrico” para los viejos.. ya no tendríamos que caminar.. Solo tomar fotos de los mejores sights de China. .. Para soñar las mujeres siempre nos lleva la delantera. A mí me basta Paris y un moño rojo]
‘Israel lies meant to set off US-Iran war’ [that was very clear in his speech]
‘Netanyahu pushing for war on Iran’. Wed Mar 4, 2015 An activist says Netanyahu's speech at US Congress was aimed at provoking a war against Iran. [US & Israel.. always in the nasty business of war]
Anti-austerity protest held in Cyprus . Thu Mar 5, 2015 Several thousand Cypriots have staged a protest rally in the capital, calling on the government to end austerity policies.
Greece will need 3rd bailout: Spain. Wed Mar 4, 2015 Spain’s economy minister says Greece will need a third bailout to cover its financing needs. 

[Para mi esa nación necesita nuevos lideres e imaginar junto al pueblo la manera de salir de la Union Europea  los más rápido posible.. ese chiquero esta lleno de mierda y limpiarlo va a ser imposible.. el único plan que tienen los de la troika es regalar Grecia al mejor postor.. privatizar es lo único que saben hacer.. cierto que vendrá capital golondrino, de ese que compra para revender.. pero eso no crea trabajo para nadie.. solo recicla la deuda a escala mayor.. La trampa de la especulación financiera es lo que está liquidando esa Union y luego la del USA , quien sobrevive gracias a su  soldadesca y sus guerras. 

Si Grecia no puede hacer nada para crear autonomía y destino propio, su suerte dependerá de lo que ocurra a nivel mundial y a este nivel solo hay dos opciones: violenta guerra nuclear vs. las guerra de desgaste actual (tanto militar como económica)

Si se desmonta las guerras de desgaste actual, adios al business N.1 del imperio. USA no tiene nada mas que vender que no sean armas, es lo único que le da vida al dollar. La competencia en inversión productiva la va perdiendo rápidamente frente a Rusia y China. La moneda USA esta sobrevaluada y no pueden vender lo poco –bueno que tiene. Las redes políticas que le dieron sostén al business militar se le van cayendo a pedazos, cada vez pierden mas posiciones. Solo les queda  imprimir mas y mas dólares de la nada; esto es, hacer mas honda la fosa en la que van a ser enterrados. 

No pueden tampoco desmontar la actual guerra de desgaste, no sabrían donde poner sus soldados, eliminarlos con el mercenarismo del ISIS no es ya posible. Los mercenarios cobran y el dinero no llega a ellos (mucha corrupción de por medio) en cambio la soldadesca mercenaria llega de regreso a su país natal y siembra  allí terrorismo, que es lo único que saben hacer para sobrevivir. El imperio ha creado sus sepultureros y aun cuando quieran desaparecerlos, ya no pueden, han devenido autónomos. 

No les queda otra que seguir armándolos, alimentar guerras y el negocio de no mas de 10 grandes trasnacionales. Son estos el eje del 1% de los ricos, y no hay modo de sacarlos de la mira del fusil de mercenarios a quienes armaron. Rusia y China podrían reactivar la mundialización neoliberal, pero los han acusado de ser ellos los que siembran terrorismo, mientras les aplican sanciones económicas que no son sino pillaje piratesco, mas exactamente, terrorismo económico. Solo hay 2 salidas a la crisis actual, las dos son violentas y en solo en una de ellas hay solución para Grecia:

1- El dia que el paranoico de Israel lance una bomba atómica contra Iran, ese dia desaparecerán decenas de ciudades en el Oeste y centenares de bases nucleares apuntando hacia Rusia y China. No se dejara posibilidad de respuesta sino solo la rendición incondicional. Quizá ni siquiera la rendición porque no habrá nadie en el USA que la firme. La firmaran dos o tres países de Europa que alimentaron el guerrerismo de NATO. El aventurerismo militar del psicópata de Israel contra Iran será asi el punto de quiebre entre el acabosis transicional actual del imperio y su violenta destrucción, como ocurrió con la Alemania nazi en la 2da guerra mundial.  

2- Si Rusia y China no responden al atentado contra Iran, eso será signo de rendición y sumisión y lo que viene seria  su ocupación militar por las fuerzas de NATO y su destrucción como Estados-Nación. Esto que no significa que los pueblos ya armados del mundo van a rendirse también. Lo más posible es el estallido de la violencia anárquica a nivel mundial que tendrá solo un objetivo claro: ajustarle cuentas a los ricos que lucraron con la guerra y el holocausto ruso-chino. Si el actual caos imperial no puede ser controlado, menos podrá serlo el que podría venir si Rusia y China se rinden. Nadie en su juicio sano –si eso queda- podría aceptar tanta muerte sin temor por la propia  vida. La violencia anarquica será letal contra quienes violentamente se adueñaron del mundo.]
US envoy to South Korea attacked. Wed Mar 4, 2015 The US ambassador to South Korea suffers injuries following an attack by an armed assailant.
Obama calls injured US ambassador. Thu Mar 5, 2015 Obama calls US Ambassador of South Korea Mark Lippert who was attacked in Seoul on Thursday morning.
Abbas calls Israel ‘gangster’ regime.Wed Mar 4, 2015 Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas denounces a decision by the Israeli “gangster” regime to withhold Palestinian tax revenues.
US not to prosecute Ferguson officer. Wed Mar 4, 2015 A former US police officer, who fatally shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, won’t be prosecuted, the Justice Department has announced. [Is criminal racism being legitimized in the USA??] 
'US systematically denies blacks rights' Wed Mar 4, 2015 An activist says US denies human rights to African-Americans systematically.
‘Sanctions won’t change Russian policy’. Thu Mar 5, 2015 The continuation of sanctions against Russia will never affect the country’s foreign policies.

MP rejects Iran recession exit report. Wed Mar 4, 2015 A senior Iranian lawmaker has dismissed a CBI report on the country’s economy.


China denies ship trafficking arms. Wed Mar 4, 2015 China denies its cargo ship detained by Colombia was trafficking weapons.


'Netanyahu can't stop Iran nuclear deal'. Wed Mar 4, 2015 An analyst says Netanyahu’s desperate effort to throw roadblocks and prevent an Iran-P5+1 nuclear deal will fail.


US: Bibi twisted Kerry’s words on Iran. Wed Mar 4, 2015 The US State Department says the Israeli prime minister twisted Kerry’s words on Iran’s nuclear program.

‘West must choose: deal or sanctions’. Wed Mar 4, 2015 Iran's foreign minister says Western countries, especially US, must choose between an agreement with Iran or continuation of sanctions.
Insecurity worries Egyptians. Wed Mar 4, 2015 Egyptians are becoming concerned about possible spillover of the turmoil in Sinai to other parts of the country.
‘Israel ruffled by Iran nuclear talks’. Wed Mar 4, 2015 President Rouhani says the aggressive and occupying Israeli regime is angry with the ongoing Iran nuclear talks.
‘Turkey tricked by West over Syria’. Wed Mar 4, 2015 A political analyst says Turkey was deceived by the Western countries over the crisis in Syria.
‘Netanyahu fearing Iran influence’. Wed Mar 4, 2015 Iran's Larijani says Netanyahu’s speech at the US Congress shows that Israel has misgivings about its declining power.
Pro-Israel lobby in US ‘wants Iran war’. Wed Mar 4, 2015 Israel and the Zionist lobby in the US have “raised the bar so high” in Iran nuclear talks to prevent a final deal from materializing.
'UK safe haven for laundered money’. Wed Mar 4, 2015 A report says the British property market is a safe haven for corrupt money.
US general supports arming Ukraine. Wed Mar 4, 2015 General Martin Dempsey says the United States should consider providing lethal arms to Ukraine.
US, Israel witnessing rise of 'fascism'  the rise of outright fascism is really apparent all throughout Israeli society as well as within Israeli politics,” said Eric Draitser, the founder of Stopimperialism.com.
'Iran wants sanctions lifted'. Wed Mar 4, 2015 Iran reiterates that it wants Western sanctions against the country lifted.
US Senate to vote on anti-Iran bill . Wed Mar 4, 2015 US Republicans have begun pushing for an anti-Iran bill despite a veto threat by President Barack Obama.
Opposition leader slams Bibi speech, Wed Mar 4, 2015 Israeli opposition leader Isaac Herzog fulminates against Netanyahu’s anti-Iran speech at the US Congress.
‘Netanyahu speech insulting to Americans’. Wed Mar 4, 2015 An analyst says Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent speech at the US Congress was insulting to the American people.
US Democrats blast Netanyahu's speech, Wed Mar 4, 2015 A group of Democrats in the US criticize the Israeli prime minister for his anti-Iran speech at Congress.


One Last Look At The Real Economy Before It Implodes - Part 1. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/04/2015 The establishment has done everything in its power to hide the most foundational of economic realities, namely the reality of dying demand. Why? Because the longer they can hide true demand, the more time they have to steal what little independent wealth remains within the system while positioning the populace for the next great con. For now we will only say that the program of manipulation we have seen since 2008 is clearly changing. The fact of catastrophic demand loss is becoming apparent. Such a loss only ever precedes a wider fiscal event.


The Chinese Buy Billboards Announcing The Renminbi As "The New World Currency". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/04/2015. When we arrived to Bangkok the other day, coming down the motorway from the airport we saw a huge billboard - and it floored us. The billboard was from the Bank of China. It said: “RMB: New Choice; The World Currency”


Who's Isolated Now? Kazakhstan Authorities Announce Plans To De-Dollarize Economy.Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/04/2015. Following the approval of the government, Kazakhstan's Central Bank has announced it plans to de-dollarize its economy by the end of 2016. The goal is to avoid the macroeconomic instability that the USD creates and to give priority to Tenge in trade agreements (banning price designations in foreign exchange). Coming just 2 weeks after the ratification of the $100 billion BRICS bank, and Russia's creation of a SWIFT-alternative, one wonders - as one by one foreign nations agree non-dollar trade and swap agreements - who is becoming 'isolated' now?

The Scariest Spreadheet In Fed Possession Revealed. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/04/2015

"There’s Going To Be Chaos" - What Is The Worst-Case Outcome Of Today's Supreme Court Obamacare Hearing. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/04/2015 Today, for the second time since 2012, the fate of Obamacare lies in the hands of the Supreme Court, and like last time, it will likely be all about Justice John Roberts ' decision. Later today, the US Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case of King v. Burwell, the latest challenge to Obamacare, and one that could potentially leave it gutted from an unexpected direction. As a result, nearly eight million Americans could lose their health insurance depending on how the Supreme Court interprets four words in the "Affordable" Care Act.
How's That Deflation Working Out For You? . Submitted by Tyler Durden . The BLS put out their monthly CPI lie last week. They issued the proclamation that inflation is dead. Did you know your costs are 0.1% lower than they were one year ago. They then used these deflation numbers to proclaim your real wages soared last month. It’s all good. The American consumer is so flush with cash, they decided to spend less money for the second month in a row. The Wall Street shysters are so happy with declining consumer spending, declining corporate profits, and a global recession, they pushed the NASDAQ up to 5,000 for the first time in 15 years.
Bernanke Wants The US President To Declare "Economic Emergencies" In Future Crises, Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/04/2015 "Presidents should get the power to declare economic emergencies along the lines to declare war... [and] take extraordinary actions and not put that all on the Fed." - Former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke
For those of us who remain horrified and disgusted by the 2008-09 Federal Reserve and U.S. government bailout of the kleptocratic oligarchs who created the crisis, the above comments by the mastermind of this historic theft should be extremely concerning.
And The Market Breaks. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/04/2015 - 10:19
Great Big Fat Greek Expectations. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/04/2015. It is becoming clear that a pretty wide divide seems to appear between what many people think the Syriza government in Athens should do, and what they actually can do at this point in time. It should be useful to clarify what this divide consists of, and how it can be breached, if that is at all possible. In particular, many are of the opinion that Greece cannot escape its suffocating debt issues without leaving the eurozone and going its own way, reintroducing the drachma and defaulting on much of its €240 billion debt. Those who think so may well be right. But right now that is mostly irrelevant. Because Alexis Tsipras and his men and women simply don’t have their voters’ mandate to go down that road. They may at some time in the future, but they don’t today. The expectations are too great, and certainly too immediate.
Greece Said To Tap Social Security Capital To Fund T-Bill Rollover. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/04/2015. as Bloomberg reported, also citing Kathimerini, today it was the turn of Greek Social Security funds to prop up the auction, with part of the reserves of other public entities held at Bank of Greece also used to cover the Treasury-bill auction. Bloomberg adds that the "investment of common capital reserves was necessary as no foreign investors participated in auction, Greek banks couldn’t buy additional securities as they weren’t allowed to increase their exposure to Greek Treasury bills."
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/04/2015 - 07:36
  • RBS to cut up to 14,000 jobs in investment banking unit (FT)
  • Doctors, patients scramble ahead of high court Obamacare decision (Reuters)
  • Rajan Cuts India Rates After Modi Agrees to Inflation Target (BBG)
  • Russia’s Putin Makes First Public Comments on Killing of Boris Nemtsov (WSJ)
  • House breaks impasse, passes security funding without provisions (Reuters)
  • How a 25-Year-Old Investor Spurred Lumber Liquidators’ Plunge (BBG)
  • Jeff Immelt’s Overhaul of GE Impeded by Falling Oil Prices (WSJ)
  • Sahara India Defaults on Luxury Hotel Loans From Bank of China (BBG)






AP Analysis: Speech fallout could determine Netanyahu's fate
JERUSALEM (AP) - With Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu facing a tough re-election fight in two weeks, the U.S. Congress has handed him an unprecedented boost with its effusive welcome to a message that resonates at home: Iran cannot be trusted as a threshold nuclear state. Which way it goes for Netanyahu may hinge on whether Israel is in some perceptible way punished by the White House for its leader's extraordinary offensive against a U.S. president. If he is seen as having bravely spoken truth to power and escaped consequences, the episode will likely help him at the polls.
Netanyahu warns US 'bad deal' would put Iran on nuclear path
WASHINGTON (AP) - In a direct challenge to the White House, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stood before Congress on Tuesday and bluntly warned the U.S. that an emerging nuclear agreement with Iran "paves Iran's path to the bomb." President Barack Obama pushed back sternly, saying the U.S. would never sign such a deal and Netanyahu was offering no useful alternative. In the U.S. spotlight for a day, the Israeli leader showed no uncertainty. "This is a bad deal. It is a very bad deal. We are better off without it," he declared in an emotionally charged speech that was arranged by Republicans, aggravated his already-strained relations with Obama and gambled with the longstanding bipartisan congressional support for Israel.


Cómo me convertí en un marxista errático. Yanis Varoufakis. Ministro de Finanzas de Grecia. ElDesconcierto.cl. http://www.rebelion.org/noticia.php?id=196081 


Argentina y Brasil: derechas gemelas .La derecha latinoamericana nunca estuvo tan débil. Pierde elecciones sucesivamente. Por Emir Sader

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