sábado, 21 de marzo de 2015




Clinton Foundation’s Deep Financial Ties to Ukrainian Oligarch Revealed. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/21/2015 When I first came across the title to this article, I didn’t think much of it. In fact, I almost didn’t even click the link thinking it was just a repeat of a prior expose I highlighted in the post: Hillary Clinton Exposed Part 2 – Clinton Foundation Took Millions From Countries That Also Fund ISIS. Fortunately, I did decide to take a look and pretty soon my jaw absolutely hit the floor. Although the Wall Street Journal didn’t play up the connection, I was stunned to see that of all the oligarchs connected to foreign governments who donated to the Clinton Foundation while she was Secretary of State, Ukraine was at the very top.
10 Charts Which Show We Are Much Worse Off Than Just Before The Last Economic Crisis. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/21/2015 - If you believe that ignorance is bliss, you might not want to read this article. As you will see, our economic problems are significantly worse than they were just before the financial crisis of 2008. To me, it is crystal clear that we are in much worse condition than we were just prior to the last economic crisis.And now things are setting up in textbook fashion for the next great economic crisis.  Unfortunately, most Americans are totally clueless about what is going on and the vast majority are completely and totally unprepared for what is coming. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-03-21/10-charts-which-show-we-are-much-worse-just-last-economic-crisis
The Federal Reserve Bank Must Be Destroyed. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/21/2015. It matters not who is in charge of the Fed or what rules Congress may insist that it adopts. Once money printing, via fiat or fractional reserve credit creation, is seen to be both feasible, justified, and legal nothing and no one can stop it. The political pressure to fund government programs will be irresistible. Everyone knows that the Fed seemingly has the ability to solve their problem by monetizing the federal debt. Should it refuse to do so, we would see riots in the streets similar to what is happening in Europe as protesters target the European Central Bank. The only solution is to destroy the monster that makes it all possible, the Fed.
NATO Launches "Wide-Scale" War Games Near Russian Border, Creates "Line Of Troops". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/21/2015. NATO is in the midst of conducting large scale military maneuvers along the Russian border in a move Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says encourages “Kiev to pursue a military solution.” Over the course of 10 days, NATO will parade 120 combat vehicles across the region in an effort to prove how quickly the West can confront perceived Russian aggression.
No Longer Quiet On The Eastern Front (Part 2). Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/21/2015. In the first part of this series we discussed Greece and its ongoing negotiations with the European Union – particularly with Germany – and how the complicated history between these two countries makes it exceedingly difficult for the Greek people to accept the terms on offer from the EU. This time we will turn our attention north, to a different kind of conflict.  This one has also wrought economic devastation to a European country, but of a much higher intensity.  It is the first civil war that the European continent has seen since the Balkan Wars of the 1990s, when the regional superpower of Yugoslavia was ultimately broken up amidst a series of separatist and independence movements.  Today’s conflict will almost certainly result in a similar outcome for its host country. I’m talking, of course, about Ukraine.  Let’s take a closer look.
Greeks Take It To The Mattresses As Graccident Looms. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/21/2015 "That is between December and February €22bn of deposits likely left the Greek banking system and of this €10bn or 45% went under the mattress. What is clear is that the Greek banking system cannot withstand another big wave of deposit outflows."
There’s Brussels And Then There’s Real People. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/21/2015. There’s only one thing that can save the Union now: for Merkel to show compassion, with the Greeks, and with all other weaker members. And to stop the anti-Greek propaganda, immediately. Or else. It’s nonsense to pretend that this is merely a business issue, as is made clear by Parenteau above: there is very clearly plenty space to negotiate solutions with Greece that preserve everyone’s dignity. Refuse that, and you can kiss the EU goodbye. There’s alot more that plays into this than mere money issues. Ignore that, and you might as well dismantle the Union right now.


The Power Principle
Video Documentary
"Simply brilliant. This is probably the best film ever made about American foreign policy."
Venezuela Is Not a threat. Letter to the People of the United States
By Nicolas Maduro | President of Venezuela
We believe that our world must be based on the rules of international law, without interference in the internal affairs of other countries.
Psywar . The Real Battlefield Is Your Mind
Video Documentary

How did the land of the free and the home of the brave arrive at a place where citizens could be manipulated with such efficiency and on such a massive scale?
The Century of the Self
Must Watch: Video Documentary
How politicians and business learned to create and manipulate mass-consumer society.


Victoria Sirnes, Fernando Casado y Rebeca Sánchez. http://www.rebelion.org/noticia.php?id=196721
Obama se quitó la careta de Nobel de la Paz y dio una orden ejecutiva que declara a Venezuela “amenaza inusual y extraordinaria a la seguridad nacional y política exterior” de EE.UU.


The Web: Destroyer or Savior of Culture, Pay and Employment?. Posted on March 21, 2015 by Charles Hugh Smith The cost of creating and distributing content has fallen to near-zero, and that is not going away.
Income, Education and Inequality in the “Recovery”: Prepare to be Surprised. Posted on March 20, 2015 by Charles Hugh Smith Note to the higher education industry: issuing diplomas doesn’t magically create new jobs in the real world.
Why We’re Drifting Towards World War 3. Posted on March 20, 2015 by WashingtonsBlog . Financial Experts:  World War Looms … Unless We Stop It


‘9 British medical students join ISIL’. Sun Mar 22, 2015 A report says nine British medical students have joined the ISIL Takfiri terrorists in Syria.
ISIL posts kill list for ‘US brothers’. Sun Mar 22, 2015 ISIL releases addresses and photos of 100 American service members calling on “US brothers” to kill them.
Israel ‘forward arm’ of US imperialism. Sat Mar 21, 2015 Even as the relationship between Israel and the US hit a new low this week, “that special relationship will continue unchanged."
'US strategy in Afghanistan, failure'. Sat Mar 21, 2015 A political commentator says the drawn-out US-led war in Afghanistan has been a strategic failure.
Denmark warned over NATO missiles. Sat Mar 21, 2015 Russia warns Denmark against joining NATO’s missile defense system, saying Moscow considers the move a threat.


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