sábado, 28 de marzo de 2015




The American Dream Part 2 - We Now Live In A "Pimpocracy". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/28/2015. Americans still say they believe in free markets, democracy and financial rectitude. But only as platitudes and hypocrisies... the free market was one of the first casualties of the post-1971 fiat money period. In a free market, people earn money by working (income) or by saving and investing it (capital growth). But credit-based money needed neither work nor saving; you just had to know the right people.

California Democrat Predicts Surge In Hookers, Blames "Global Warming". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/28/2015. [Here more evidence for the above title] . Ripped from the pages of The Onion, this is not. California Democrat Barbara Lee proposed a resolution in the House of Representatives that claims women will eventually be forced into prostitution since they face "disproportionately harmful impacts from climate change." So, first 'we' blame weakness in economic growth on excess cold, and now excess global warmth - according to Lee's House Concurrent Resolution 29 - will drive women to "sex work, transactional sex, and early marriage."
Guest Post: The Only Truly Compliant, Submissive Citizen In A Police State Is A Dead One. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/28/2015. This is the death rattle of the American dream, which was built on the idea that no one is above the law, that our rights are inalienable and cannot be taken away, and that our government and its appointed agents exist to serve us.
Finally The "Very Serious People" Get It: QE Will "Permanently Impair Living Standards For Generations To Come". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/28/2015 "In the long run classical economics would tell us that the pricing distortions created by the current global regimes of QE will lead to a suboptimal allocation of capital and investment, which will result in lower output and lower standards of living over time. In fact, although U.S. equity prices are setting record highs, real median household incomes are 9 percent lower than 1999 highs. The report from Bank of America Merrill Lynch plainly supports the conclusion that QE and the associated currency depreciation is not leading to higher global output. The cost of QE is greater than the income lost to savers and investors. The long-term consequence of the new monetary orthodoxy is likely to permanently impair living standards for generations to come while creating a false illusion of reviving prosperity."
A Tale Of Two Streets: Main Street Lagging, Wall Street Booming. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/28/2015. At the end of the day there is a considerable irony. The Fed has now become the tool of liberal Keynesian do-gooders - exemplified by the school marm who heads it. But its policies are exclusively benefiting Wall Street and the top 1%. They are redistributing income and wealth to the top, not the bottom of society as liberals have always claimed. Needless to say, main street does not need that kind of “help”. And it would do far better on its own hind legs if the monetary politburo joined its Soviet colleagues in the afterlife of mistaken ideologies.
Welfare Nation Alert: Disability Fund To Run Out Of Cash In Two Years. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/28/2015. A firestorm of analyses:  each framed by the ideological bias of its author and each eager to calculate how much time the Social Security Trust Fund has before it runs out of cash and with it, exposes the lie that is America's welfare dream for current and future generations of workers.
The good news is that with combined grand total of $2.8 trillion in assets as of December 2014 across its various trust funds, a shallow cash burn rate meant that there are probably at least two more decades of funding left in Social Security before the abovementioned dreaded moment arrives.
The bad news is that if one digs a little deeper, something scary emerges: namely, the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Trust Fund.
De-Dollarization Continues As Russia Seeks AIIB Membership. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/28/2015. As Moscow and Seoul throw their support behind China's Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the question is no longer about the end of dollar hegemony but rather about the extent to which the new venture will be used to institute a global shift towards the yuan. 
[Cuando estaba Mao en el poder, el lema era “todo con las masas, nada sin ellas”. Ahora que no está -aunque se fue dejando su imagen en el billete- el lema es “todo con las chinas -o yuanas-  nada sin ellas”. So,  la pregunta del dia es: donde comprar unas yuanas? O, donde comprar unas chinas?]
Introducing The "Overseas Contingency Operations Account" – Washington's Crony Capitalist War Slush Fund. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/28/2015. The imperial spiral into the stratosphere of stupidity is well underway. With zero accountability for those in power, there’s no way to realistically stop it before crash and burn. The best we can hope is to bring the responsible to justice afterward and pick up the pieces by going back to the Constitution.
Greek Energy Minister Slams "Unscrupulous, Imperialist" Germany, Will Seek "Bold Alternatives" In Russia. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/28/2015. The Greek energy minister kicked the hornet's nest point blank earlier today when he said that "Greece is at more than breaking point; urgently needs big, bold alternatives to “German, incumbent Europe"and that "creditors behaving as unscrupulous imperialists towards distant colony, threatening submission or economic suffocation."  More importantly, Lafazanis has some ideas where to find said "big, bold alternatives." In Moscow. Greece's Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis will meet his Russian counterpart and the CEO of energy giant Gazprom in Moscow on Monday, as he hit out at the EU and Germany for tightening a 'noose' around the Greek economy.
Why We Feel So Poor (In Two Charts). Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/28/2015. Among the many things that mystify economists these days, the biggest might be the lingering perception, despite six years of ostensible recovery, that the average person is getting poorer rather than richer. Lots of culprits come in for blame; but one that doesn’t get much mention is the changing nature of the bills we’re paying... [es lindo, muy lindo tener la moneda más fuerte y cara del mundo, pero es feo, feísimo  comprar cada vez menos  o de peor calidad con ella]
For at least another hundred years we must pretend to ourselves and to everyone that fair is foul and foul is fair; for foul is useful and fair is not. Avarice and usury and precaution must be our gods for a little longer still. For only they can lead us out of the tunnel of economic necessity into daylight.
We’re fifteen years short of the century that Keynes predicted it would take, but the goal seems to be receding rather than approaching. That’s frustrating for all the people who have to work harder than ever just to feed their families. And if it goes on much longer the result will be a very vigorous search for culprits — which will be entertaining, even if it doesn’t pay the doctor’s bills.

"Electric Cars Are Doing More Harm Than Good" Professor Warns. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/28/2015 [Is this a polluter-car-company add?. They did the same & worse when Obama tried to introduce the electric car (Toyota Prius was taken out of business and the road in the west for their circulation was dis-financed). The pollution is now asphyxiating all the nation .. and the problem remain unsolved] Let’s read the INTRO:  "An electric car does not make you green... You’re better off filling up at the pump," if you live in Canada. According to a new study by professor Chris Kennedy, even if every driver in Canada made the switch - from gas to electric - the total emissions might not actually go down... since in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia, electric cars generate more carbon pollution over their lifetimes than gas-powered cars. Paging Al Gore... [demos behind this business .. you can figure out the rest .. Check Mrs Clinton ‘financial campaign & donors IN:
Hillary Clinton Exposed Part 2 – Clinton Foundation Took Millions From Countries That Also Fund ISIS  AND: Clinton Foundation’s Deep Financial Ties to Ukrainian Oligarch Revealed]
Greece Prepares To Leave. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/28/2015. If Tsipras and Varoufakis should elect to give in to Brussels and Berlin, that decision would still need to be put before the people to vote on, because it would mean a prolongation of austerity. And that is not the mandate. By the same token, if the leadership decides an exit is the only option, and that further negotiations are hopeless because Europe won’t accept anything else than strapping the proud Greek people in a straitjacket, that too will have to be put before a vote. They know there will come a moment when a referendum can no longer be postponed no matter what the polls say. In that, Greece is living up to its glorious past as the cradle of democracy. Still, make no mistake: of course they’re preparing to leave.
[of course they will need a referendum .. but 1st they need access to fair media to balance the disinformation spread by Corp that run the official EURO media.. at the beginning people will suffer the change .. old habits are difficult to casted off .. then Greece will create future, their own future ]
The Bubble Machine Is Complete: Soaring Stocks Push Investors Into Bonds Whose Issuers Buy More Stocks. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/28/2015. As JPM notes, soaring equity prices have had the effect of altering investors’ asset allocations, effectively tipping the balance towards equities even as money flows into bond funds. "The more equity prices increase, driven by either hedge funds or investors with low equity allocations, such as Japanese pension funds the higher the incentive by other investors who are already very overweight equities to buy bonds to prevent their bond allocation from falling too low."
[it happened with old music-long-players .. cuando el disco se raya .. ya no da musica.. da ruido .. hay que cambiarlo.. when the old-disk is crushed it won’t give music  but noise.. we have to change it .. the whole neoliberal system nest pa march .. is rotten .. it is time to change it]
Santelli Stunned As Janet Yellen Admits "Cash Is Not A Store Of Value". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/27/2015. Intended warning or unintended slip? After Alan Greenspan's confessional admission that "Gold is a currency. It is still, by all evidence, a premier currency. No fiat currency, including the dollar, can match it," we found it remarkable that during the Q&A after her speech today that Janet Yellen, when asked about negative rates, admitted that "cash in not a very convenient store of value," seemingly hinting at Bernanke's helicopter and that there will be no deflation in The US ever... Rick Santelli then sums it all up perfectly... "deflation is clearly the boogeyman... and the only thing that will save the middle class."


US exposes Israel’s nukes program. Sat Mar 28, 2015 The US government blows the lid off Israel’s nuclear weapons program by declassifying a top secret document.

‘Keep all eyes on French in Iran talks’. Sat Mar 28, 2015 A former US congressional staffer says all eyes should be on the French at this point who could try to stall Iran nuclear talks. [Zionist inside? .. is la mona lisa for sale?]
Debate: Saudi invasion of Yemen . Sat Mar 28, 2015 This edition of The Debate focuses on the latest developments of Yemen.
Russia offers take on fighting extremism . Sat Mar 28, 2015 Russia says fighting extremism in Arab countries is impossible without improving the regional situation.
[Yes, extremes of inequality creates extremes of violence. Neoliberalism cannot offer a decent future to the young generation .. many of them were left without family.. neighborhood .. town … city and nation .. that is all that they  -US-NATO allies- can offer to a new  generation .. their  wars of plunder is their business .. they get rich and richer with them..  If a young generation don’t know more than using arms .. at least use them against the rich .. their  royalty families and owners of big corporation.. they treat young people  as  mercenaries,  as toilet paper .. it is a matter of dignity and decency to rise up against them]  
Nusra Front seizes Syria’s Idlib: Report . Sat Mar 28, 2015 Al-Qaeda-linked militants seize Syria’s northwestern city of Idlib, a report says.
‘We have never been closer to N-deal’. Sat Mar 28, 2015 EU’s foreign policy chief says the P5+1 group was never closer to a nuclear deal with Iran. [Three more months is an eternity  ... not close]
‘US must not back KSA’s Yemen invasion’. Sat Mar 28, 2015 An analyst says the US must refrain from supporting the Saudi invasion of Yemen. [as long as the business of war abroad pay off .. they will backed .. big corp that profit from wars have no interest in other life and humanity]

Iran says wary of ‘Dutch Disease’. Sat Mar 28, 2015 Iran says it it ready to deal with impacts of an anticipated surge in revenues should the sanctions are lifted.  
[ the sanctions are not lifted yet .. don’t put on your socks over the boots.. the pirates are there alive and kicking, they are worse than dutch disease .. the fleas are in your clothes.. put that in the laundry machine while you take a shower .. and don’t soaping yourself without water]
UN staff, foreigners leave Sana’a . Sat Mar 28, 2015 The UN staff and other foreigners leave Yemen due to security reasons.  
 [the Saudis and their Chihuahua  dogs should get out Yemen before more stingers and new anti-war-plane missiles arrive .. just help the US sponsor companies: buy new planes .. but if you wanted  faster... better or same quality for the same price..  get it from China & Russia.. and do it now, before the RU get their own laser cannon .. When that happens the war-planes will become obsolete .. America won’t have nothing to sell & your Saudi-white-sheet won’t be used as toilet paper anymore ..  you will be useless.. if you still exist  and al Qaeda didn’t get you head before. You Saudis have only two future options: the RIP puddle-pounding of Americans or the sword of ISIL mercenaries.. perhaps a 3rd one: the quick pounding of Russian bombs.. Which option they will prefer? ]
Zarif holds talks with German, French FMs Sat Mar 28, 2015 Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif holds separate talks with his German and French counterparts.
[separate talks .. Iranian got separated from their own nation during these talking, that is their weakness .. This look like a gipsy business.. they predict the fate of the client in separate talking, so the next gipsy can get some money too.. Para mi es imposible que entre los gitanos se saquen la suerte.. si lo hacen es porque les gusta el teatro, la simulación, el fraude. To me is impossible that gipsy people get money predicting their own destiny; if happen is because they like theater, simulation and fraud. Iran should cancel these talkings]
‘S Arabia seeks puppet regime in Yemen’. Sat Mar 28, 2015 An analyst says the Saudi monarchy seeks to install a puppet regime in Yemen.  [esta es una verdad mas negra que el petroleo. This is a truth more black than oil]
More countries joining China-led AIIB. Sat Mar 28, 2015 More countries say they plan to join the China-backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) [Good news: we need a new world currency asap]
Fed Chair: US economy still ‘quite weak’. Sat Mar 28, 2015 US Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen says that the economy is still "quite weak by historical standards." [historical or hysterical  Stds?]
‘Apartheid Israeli regime to collapse’. Sat Mar 28, 2015 An analyst says the apartheid Israeli regime is doomed to collapse. [faster collapse will be a non-Iranian nuke .. just implosion of own licking site-nukes]
‘Support for Yemen attack worsens chaos’. Sat Mar 28, 2015 Experts say support for Saudi Arabia’s military intervention in Yemen will only worsen the current chaos in the region. [esta parece ser una nota para el camaroncillo UKi y los neocons de America.. pero estos gustan el caos.. viven de ello]
Ban urges talks to settle Yemen crisis. Sat Mar 28, 2015 UN chief calls for negotiations to peacefully resolve the conflict in Yemen. [Actions talk lauder than words .. Call the UN assembly asap!]
US economic growth slowing - report . Sat Mar 28, 2015 Analysts believe that the US economic growth is already showing signs of slowing. [esto ya no es noticia en America .. la crisis la vivimos todos]
UK students turn to sex to fund costs. Sat Mar 28, 2015 Thousands of students in UK turn to sex industry to fund growing university costs.  
[al pimp Camerun no le importa esta noticia .. le importa vender  armas y nada menos que a los Saudis .. para que el negocio sea completo debería venderles anti-war-plane misiles a los Huties too .. o a sus mercenarios del ISIL inside Yemen .. solo que en este negocio tendría que competir nada menos que con sus aliados americanos y los Israelis]
N-talks at final steps: German FM. Sat Mar 28, 2015 German foreign minister says negotiations over Iran's nuclear program are ‘at final steps’. [this diplomatic business look like the business en las picanterias de Areuipa, Peru. Antes te servian varios vocaditos en un solo plato grande .. la última vez que fui los vocaditos los vendían por separado en diferentes platillos. Sin duda esto es más delicioso que lo que venden los de la picantería diplomática en Europa]
Aden arms depot blasts kill 9. Sat Mar 28, 2015 Heavy explosions rip through an arms depot in Yemen’s southern city of Aden, killing at least nine people.
[no creo que haya sido un deposito de armas “arms depot”, mas possible una escuela, una fabrica, un edificio con clínicas o postas médicas  .. En tiempo de guerra cualquier hueco deja la huella de un bombardeo  a objetivos civiles .. del resto se encarga la presstitute, la prensa mercenaria,  ahora experta en false flags, distortiones, desinformación y cover-ups o mentiras para ocultar la verdad]
‘US must climb down to reach Iran deal’ Sat Mar 28, 2015 The US has to make a serious “climb-down” on the issue of sanctions to reach a nuclear agreement with Iran, an American investigative journalist says. [Pedir a un ladrón consumado que devuelva lo robado es como pedirle a los empresarios del oro en Perú que presenten el certificado forense de los miles de trabajadores envenados con el mercurio de los deslaves]

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