domingo, 12 de mayo de 2019



Hugo Adan. Sunday 5/12/19

I want to start with a simple premise accepted for most scholars on Socialism:
There is not one single model of socialism and there is not neatly demarcation between different & divergent traditions of socialism.

Accepting the plurality of socialisms means:
FIRST that there is not any longer valid the assumed theoretical & organizational monopoly of Marxism on socialism . We will prove in the first part of this book that Marxism came three centuries after socialism was born.  

[[ foot-N: Socialism was officially born during the enlighment in the XIV Century after Thomas Moro wrote his dialogue known as “UTOPIA” in 1516 based on info from  one of the sailor or navigators who visit an island in front of Ecuador, a place belonging to the Incas’ Socialist Empire.]]  

This story was ratified 80 years after by T-Campanella in 1602: “The City of the Sun” .
[[ The Sun was and still is the God of the Peruvian pantheists who celebrate  in Cusco -the capital of the socialist Empire- a festivity that covers the whole June  but the main day is June24.]]

In fact, the Hegelian Marx (young Marx) wrote about socialism in MEF (1844) y en SF (1845)
[[ Foot-N: MEF Manuscritos Economico-Filosoficos y SF “La Sagrada Familia” ]].

In 1848, when Marx-Engels wrote the “Communist Manifesto” they abandon the uses of the word Socialism –they became anti-socialist- since main socialist parties in Europe growth up, including the Libertarian socialists organized by the RU Bakunin. Marx-Engels used the word Communism instead.

SECOND To sketch the diversity of socialist traditions we have to consider four  points:

A- Their ethical and doctrinal status.

B- The Means: Reform vs Revolution. How to achieve? And here we have to consider at least 3 factors:
a- Social Classes (are still the proletarian class the ‘selected’ actor for reform and Rev; or perhaps the “pobretarian” as suggested by Teology of Liberation; or perhaps all classes excluded by big Monopolies & Corp during the neoliberal stage of capitalism). b- the structural form of socialism: “statist centralization” vs. “associational” or ‘horizontal –coop-org’ as proposed by Bakunin (libertarian socialist).
c- Leadership and party- type(top-down centralized rule vs. decentralized autonomous brigades with time-table for coordination. Case: ‘Guevarist commands’.  

C- How to develop socialism once power is conquest in a Region or State. Here one of the options that may apply:

a-Peaceful Capital-labor BALANCE power: The capital or excluded investor must take control of the means of production controlled  by big monopolies. To do so, the new power has to declare total autonomy from the central FED via immediate Referendum to approve the new State Constitution. A key actor in this process will be the Police & Armed forces of the region/state captured. Their salaries won’t be affected; the State-regional Bank will print the USD required. 

They will be invited to participate in the new Gvt. If they refuse to participate, the armed civilian population & their commands will take their role. 

The 1st mission of the police & armed forces will be to set order & avoid chaos. Their 2nd mission is to guarantee the common ownership and control of means of production by new  investors and organized labor and/or its representatives in the political power. 

These 3 actors: the investor, the labor & the police plus armed forces will be in charge of disassemble the power of big corp in the State and stablised a democratic socialism in a US State. IT is expected the solidarity form other States. 

The new socialist regime will provide the possibilities for a free creative development of every individual. Since then on, the economic affairs of the society will belong to the public in coordination with the private productive sector, excluding the Wall Street speculators. That was part of the suggestion from Joseph Schumpeter years ago.

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