domingo, 7 de mayo de 2017


Democracy seems to be a walking death and people enjoy its festivity.

Hugo Adan  May 7, 2017 

France got his President: Macron, a former Ecom Minister of Hollande.
As Minister he was anti-labor. As establishment representative he is the
continuation of a reactionary regime in terms of geo-politics:

1-Pro US empire, so in favor of NATO, and its allies (Israel and Saudis)
and against Palestine n Syria sovereignty. That is, in favor of WW3 ..
.. against RU, China and Iran .

2- In Economic terms Macron supported Neoliberalism that enriched
few big corporations worldwide and he will continue supporting this
obsolete and collapsing system.  So, he was n will be anti-labor

In American language these two features would qualify him as ultra
rightist  neocon. However, in France he manage to disguised it as
“centrism”.  He did what Hillary did in America (qualify Sanders as
radical leftist and Reps as radical rightist).

The paid Main Stream Media and paid polls did the rest: legitimize
the rule of plutocrats.  Plutocracy belong to them; they don’t and
won’t accept competition from any type of radicals. So, the nation
got the message: if they want change, elections is not the way.

Sanders’ victory in Primaries was stolen because his “leftism”. In
France, Le Pen was disqualified as fascist, just when the real empire
fascist were supporting Macron.

The error of Hillary was her arrogance of money, MONEY no well
adquired via “superpacks”. The uses of this money was worse. She
believed she can buy whoever need to cover up illegal policies when
she was State Secretary. But such money corrupted even her own
staff.  Then the real face of Hillary as master of fraud and nasty
corruption was revealed. Super-delegates (the bureaucrat that run
elections) start abandoning her & soon the bureaucrats of Unions as

Macron was afraid of similar problem could happen to him (unveiling
the financiers of his campaign). Nobody knows if real hacking existed,
though he was afraid of it. His smart move (CIA-Mosad helped) was to
say that his hackers were Americans. Nice move: a pro-empire candidate
hacked by them. It was dishonest, but smart trick. “The wolf must  be
disguised as victim, if we wanted as ruler”.

French people liked this move (I saw them here in TV). “This is part of
Democracy”, one person said. Democracy seems to be walking death
and some people in France enjoy the festivity of this funeral.

Nothing new in France, “it is the new normality of democracy”, they
said, and it has to be assimilated as reality.

The other reality is that the struggle will continue. French people will
try to preserve the historic memory of revolution and independence.
We all hope they succeed in this endeavor.

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