miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017


ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

If it was still a question in anyone's mind whether Facebook was really going to slow down ad revenue growth, it's not anymore. CFO Wehner was very clear in his comments. Wehner is doubling down on the comments from last quarter that ad growth will come down "meaningfully.'' He's also maintaining the forecast of new spending of $7 billion to $7.5 billion this year, 50 percent more than last year.

From just below 70% before to 94% now, June is on like Donkey Kong - no matter how shitty economic data is...


Despite the hope-narrative-crushing drop in Manufacturing data (ISM/PMI), Services data in April (PMI/ISM) showed improvements. Markit PMI rose modestly despite continued input price inflation (21-month highs) and a plunge in employment (to its lowest growth since July 2010). ISM Services also showed employment slip but new orders exploded higher.

Today's quarterly refunding announcement by the Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee - which met yesterday at the Hay Adams Hotel at 9:00 a.m. - was keenly watched to see whether Wall Street would agree or endorse the Mnuchin ultra-long dated Treasury trial balloon. It did not.

"As the investing public has continued to devour stocks, corporate insiders have been offloading shares to an extent not seen in seven years... If the people with the deepest knowledge of a company are cashing out, why should investors keep buying at current prices?"

As the investing public has continued to devour stocks, sending all three major indexes to record highs in the last few months, corporate insiders have been offloading shares to an extent not seen in seven years. Selling totaled $10 billion in March, according to data compiled by Trim Tabs.

“Insider selling has jumped again, and this time to levels rarely seen,” analyst David Coleman wrote in Monday’s note.


Clearly, they know something that most Americans don’t. I’d wager that they know the stock market can’t keep reaching record highs indefinitely, they know the economy is resting on shaky ground, and they know that this sudden surge of investments in the stock market is their last chance to make a killing before the whole thing comes crashing down.

It seems that many market indicators such as the dollar and LIBOR suggest a market that is either schizophrenic or dysfunctional.  Our guess is the latter...

Since the middle of 2014, the value of the dollar against major currencies has risen sharply, suggesting a shortage of liquidity or at least a relative preference for dollars vs other fiat currencies. 

Again, the chart below makes us wonder if the good folks on the FOMC appreciate the degree of fundamental demand for dollar credit.

The clear question from all of this: What happens when this latest dollar super cycle ends? Given that zero or negative rates elsewhere are driving much of the emigration into American assets, why should the dollar ever selloff, right?

All things do come to an end, including the seeming ability of the FOMC to painlessly levitate the fortunes of heavily indebted nations on a sea of easy dollar credit.  This works really well when the dollar is strong, otherwise not so much. 

Just ignore it...

VIX rose on the day... (despite a quick flash crash on The Fed)...but was monkey-hammered lower after The Fed to ensure

As Realized vols drop to near 90 year lows..


No wonder the "middle class" has lost political power - it has lost the economic power of the ownership of productive assets.

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

The rapid deterioration of Baltimore in 2017 has caught the linear mindset of the  millennials’ off guard, who thought gentrification was right around the corner...

So, the question is, why has Trump flipped so completely and so quickly on is political positions since November of last year? I believe there are at least two identifiable reasons...

"Without swift action by the state or Congress to provide stability to Iowa’s individual insurance market, Medica will not be able to serve the citizens of Iowa in the manner and breadth that we do today. We are examining the potential of limited offerings, but our ability to stay in the Iowa insurance market in any capacity is in question at this point."

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

By focusing so intensely on U.S. political developments, investors risk missing a silent shift in what has arguably been the strongest driver of global reflation in the last five years: Chinese credit. This driver is now moving sharply in reverse.

This debate is key for two main reasons: 1) it will allow Le Pen to clarify her views on Europe (that she has tried to soften to a large extent recently in an apparent move to attract Fillon's voters) which are arguably a weak point on her side; and 2) it may be seen to, informally, mark the start of the campaign for the legislative elections.

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3


ZC ZCOMM.ORG/  https://zcomm.org/all-types/  

Christine Ahn: The Costs of Warmongering  In this old story The best part:  A Long History of US Military Brutality Against Korea

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

TOWARD DISTENSION with China .. few good steps
JA media report that troops from China's People's Liberation Army stationed near the North Korean border are being taught key phrases in Korean. [JA-US  knew  China will intervene if US bomb N-K]
Korean for Soldiers: Chinese Troops Taught to Say ‘Don’t Move Or I’ll Shoot’    https://sputniknews.com/asia/201705041053258572-chinese-soldiers-taught-korean-phrases/

China Calls on US, North Korea to Stop ‘Reckless Provocation’  https://sputniknews.com/asia/201705031053254718-china-us-nk-stop-provocation/

Trump Stops Short of Calling China Currency Manipulator Amid North Korea Crisis https://sputniknews.com/politics/201704301053147060-trump-china-currency-manipulations-dprk/

Trump’s Pentagon Blocks US Navy Missions in Disputed South China Sea  https://sputniknews.com/military/201705031053255816-trump-pentagon-south-china-sea/

China Calls on US, North Korea to Stop ‘Reckless Provocation’  https://sputniknews.com/asia/201705031053254718-china-us-nk-stop-provocation/

Mending Faces: US, China Set Aside Korean Conflict to Talk About Trade  https://sputniknews.com/world/201705031053239805-china-united-states-north-korea-relations/

Tensions came back to Europe
Ukraine to Challenge Interpol Decision to End Hunt for Ousted President    https://sputniknews.com/politics/201705041053261219-ukraine-challenge-interpol-yanukovych-decision/

Interpol Confirms Removing Ukrainian Ex-Leader Yanukovych From Wanted List  https://sputniknews.com/europe/201705031053245887-interpol-confrims-removing-yanukovych-wanted/

Pacifist?  Is Trump the miracle maker?..  Really? ..but he like to be unpredictable.. and flip-flopper

Trump, Abbas Reaffirm Commitment to Lasting Israeli-Palestinian Peace  https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201705041053261141-trump-abbas-commited-israel-palestine-peace/

Does Hamas’ Shift on Israel, Abbas’ White House Visit Signal Mid-East Watershed?  https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201705041053261141-trump-abbas-commited-israel-palestine-peace/   Presid Abbas and Hamas, the ruling party in the Gaza Strip, has announced it is willing to recognize the state of Israel according to its 1967 borders.  Is Trump the miracle maker? Parece que miró las nubes negras que le anuncian la tormenta que le viene encima.

And real war-maker continue profiting big from their nasty business
Northrop Grumman Wins $33Mln to Install Radar in US Navy Chopper Drone  https://sputniknews.com/military/201705041053260589-northrop-install-chopper-drone-radar/
Cuanto cobraran por ponerle el ala izquierda a la nave?  

And the likely winner of the geo-political battle is Mr. Putin .. congratulations Ms Merkel
Putin Likely to Get 70-75% of Votes in 2018 Presidential Election  https://sputniknews.com/russia/201705041053260720-putin-get-most-votes-presidential-election/
Wait a minute.. who is going to be the “sacrificed” contender of Putin?


Al parecer Larry se puso las baterias .. ya no more “what you ate yesterday?

Flash points on US politics: internal contradict.. Hugh Smith good articles reproduced


For any system to endure, it must maintain a built-in capacity to self-correct: that is, it must generate accurate informational feedback about dangerous asymmetries and auto-correct with behavioral feedback.
This is true of ecosystems and enterprises as well as political/social systems.

Human systems can lose the ability to self-correct in three basic ways.
1. The information feedback is no longer accurate because self-serving interests manipulate the data to maintain whatever narrative/data-flow supports their power, wealth and income.
2. Self-serving interests limit any behavioral feedback that threatens their power, wealth and income.
3. Those in positions of responsibility who are tasked with managing behavioral feedback are no longer accountable, so the needed behavioral feedback fails.

Self-serving interests committed to protecting their power, wealth and income have destroyed our economic-political system’s ability to self-correct. There are many examples of these three dynamics; here are a few.

A law enforcement/judiciary system that has plenty of resources to pursue a costly, destructive, failed War on Drugs, but no resources to pursue white-collar financial crime. Have a low-level drug dealer in your sights? Hey, the DEA et al. have essentially unlimited resources to nail the perp: SWAT teams, surveillance, helicopters, you name it.

But when a bank embezzles/defrauds to the tune of $100 million, law enforcement and the judiciary throw up their hands: it’s too complicated and costs too much. Really? So there’s billions of dollars available to bust small-time drug dealers, but only pennies to pursue financial criminals stealing billions?
Keep Reading

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

EE.UU.  Además de tubos y limones  Horacio Verbitsky  Los documentos desclasificados que Trump entregó a Macri
Cultura  "Juyungo", setenta años y un después  Juan Montaño  A Ortiz y la cultura negra eccuatoriana
Ent. a Mirian Montes  "Ana Belén Montes no está sola ni olvidada"  Carlos Benet
Thomas Shelby  Peaky Blinders”:   Viven Felices sólo las perdices  Gmo Paniagua
Congreso en Lima   LASA 2017, coordinadora de la contrarevolución  Luis Rodrigues
BRA  “Brasil está contra las reformas de Temer”  Dario Pignotti  del 1ro de mayo al Paro
Francia: Algo se mueve  A Antón Le Pen: cambio polit-econ e instit. Macron: contin y desgob
Ecuador  -Día de la Trabajadora  Gustavo Pérez

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles often distort by incomplete sentence

Saudi court orders trial to go ahead in Mecca crane crash case
‘US-Russia communication signifies –give value to- Astana talks
Enraged Israel cuts UN funding over UNESCO naked blackmail & misuse of US power
Iran's upcoming elections (V) Who is the best secular anti-US-Empire candidate?

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