martes, 30 de mayo de 2017

MAY 30 17 SIT EC y POL

MAY 30 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"...And passive ETFs & margin debt will set it afire..."

Does depression already start?

In the loudest alarm yet that the second tech bubble may be about to pop, investors pulled more than $716 million from the most popular tech ETF - the XLK- last week, its largest weekly outflow in over a year.

There aren’t many left from the generation who experienced the Great Depression, and so for the overwhelming majority of people especially in the developed world there is simply no personal frame of reference... but…

We don’t live in a perfect world by any means

Even with that in mind, however, the current circumstances are being described as good not set against perfection but compared only with the worst. Upending that conventional wisdom, the economy in particularly is always judged from whatever trough rather than more appropriately to any prior peak. It’s easy to declare things are good compared to 2009, or even early last year; and it’s just as meaningless to say so.

Not that long ago it was common for the third time to hear “interest rates have nowhere to go but up.” And each time that rallying cry of optimism is sounded the bond market is lower in yield than the last. It is perhaps not the most prominent and widely followed signal, but it is the most resolute and clear. The yield curve describes the economy particular the one expected in the near and intermediate future, and what it says today is unambiguous about the global state of economic affairs; “something” is still wrong. Liquidity preferences continue to be the dominant setting.



We can look to other places to confirm that diagnosis, a plethora of imperfections that in isolation would be curious oddities but all together describe a horrific imprint way worse than any single business cycle. The oil market was one of the chief symptoms of the “rising dollar”, whose crash in early 2015 was a prominent rejoinder to the mainstream narrative.

While there is a focus again on the oil price now as it is up from its trough last year, that indication was not alone the signal for distress. The futures curve went from its normal backwardation in the summer of 2014 to often unbelievably sharp contango. Even OPEC, they of the “supply glut” narrative feeding the one about “transitory”, now realizes it was always ever demand.

A more esoteric sign of great imbalance is swap spreads.
The swap spread, the difference between the interest rate swap price (the fixed leg quote) and the same maturity UST, tells us about market perceptions of risk in terms of those swap counterparties paying fixed. Given that hierarchy, a negative swap spread, where the interest rate swap is priced below the same maturity UST yield, can only be gibberish, nonsense.

Therefore the nonsense of a negative swap spread is not purely so but rather meaningful in one vital respect. What it describes is not the same set of risks one way or the other but another more sinister one unrelated to comparable credit risks.

Far from being totally nonsense, the appearance of a negative swap spread tells us that “something” is wrong deep inside the mathematics of wholesale banking. That swap spreads might persist as nonsense negative for so long, years even, tell us that “something” is fundamentally and structurally wrong deep inside the mathematics of what is the true global money system.

There is actually an economic equivalent to the negative swap spread, one that at first might be surprising. Deployed so easily and readily to fit the mainstream idea of an improving if not healthy economy, the unemployment rate upon closer inspection demonstrates instead the nature of its sickness.

Like a negative swap spread then, an extremely low unemployment rate that produces no wage inflation (at the point it happens let alone across several years) is similarly meaningful nonsense that points us in the direction of causation. Unlike swap spreads, the mystery of the unemployment rate is easily untangled; it applies to the official count of the employed as a percent of the official count of the labor force. If the latter is not comprehensive, neither can be the unemployment rate.

Therefore, a rate that signifies “full employment” but without the inflationary corroboration of that actual condition is instead describing an economy that shrunk apart from official acknowledgement. Ever since the mass layoffs in late 2008, economists have been telling us that those people outside the labor force don’t matter, at the very least for interpretation. But if you have to so fool yourself into rejecting what is a matter of pure common sense, then your position really is nonsense.



We have interest rates that don’t go up apart from brief but diminishing bursts despite the Federal Reserve’s “rate hikes”, an oil futures curve that after three years remains in contango, an interest rate swap paradigm declaring permanent nonsense, and an unemployment rate doing the same. None of these are trivial concerns, instead speaking directly about the real physical world behind the façade of mainstream description. Improving or healthy are economic qualifiers that would in the future only start to apply where all these imbalances have finally dissipated and disappeared for good.

After ten years now we are still stuck with them, a thoroughly disheartening picture of reality. To be cute, there is good reason why they used to call it depression.

Gravity eventually overpowers financial fakery...

The Venezuelan Bolivar is the model of currency collapse: this is not some long-ago history--this is the present:


La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

"The world is in a very dangerous position... President Donald Trump’s presidency has been a disaster... America's sleepwalking toward a nuclear nightmare."

"They'll say, ah, it's all Trump's fault. No. It wasn’t. 08 and 09 wasn’t Obama’s fault. It was the fault of the Federal Reserve, it was the fault of the Keynesian economic model, the spending too much, the deficit. So, unfortunately, there’s nothing he can do — Trump can't do it."

The anarchistic spirit behind oligarchical decentralism

A government-jobs program would only make worse a problem that is, for the most part, the result of government intervention.
The US rose to an unprecedented height in its developing years. In its decline, that hasn’t merely been diminished - it’s been reversed. Although some Americans do still grasp the Jeffersonian concept of freedom, the overall thrust of the nation is the opposite. The US still exists, but America has departed.

"They want to explain to themselves and prove to others that they had nothing to do with it, their policy was right, they have done everything well, but someone from the outside cheated them," he continued. "It's not so. They simply lost, and they must acknowledge it."
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

With the UK elections fast approaching, what was until recently seen as an almost certain overall majority for Theresa May is rapidly slipping away, and moments ago according to Sam Coates, the Deputy Political Editor of the Times, a just released YouGov poll shows that the Conservatives would miss the number of seats needed for a majority (326) by roughly 16 seats.

Just three weeks after reports first emerged that the Trump administration was considering arming the Syrian Kurd militia caught in the crossfire between Turkish and Syrian army forces, NBC reported that the American military has started shipping weapons and equipment to the Kurdish fighters of the Syrian Democratic Forces, also known as YPG, a key US ally on the ground in Syria.

"...what’s really killed inflation clearly isn’t the Fed’s monetary policy but the Internet it’s the sharing economy, the network economy it’s the uber-deflationary companies like Uber, Amazon, Airbnb and the like who have transformed most companies and most sectors into price takers rather than price makers."

OPEC’s new strategy to balance the oil market is to cut oil exports to the U.S., a move intended to drain near-record-high crude oil inventories.

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen




The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

Crabs from RUSOFOBIA: genetically  driven to bol…t
Clapper: Russians ‘Genetically Driven’ to Interfere in Elections

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper claimed in an interview that Russians are “almost genetically driven to” manipulate and infiltrate as an explanation for his concern about alleged Russian interference into the US presidential election and alleged ties between Trump senior advisor Jared Kushner and Russian officials.
"If you put that in context with everything else we knew the Russians were doing to interfere with the election, and just the historical practices of the Russians, who typically, almost genetically, [are] driven to co-opt, penetrate, gain favor, whatever, which is a typical Russian technique. So we were concerned."

No Proof: Clapper, Yates Offer No Evidence of Russian Election Meddling

Sally Yates, the former acting Attorney General of the Trump administration, and Deputy Attorney General under former President Barack Obama, testified on Wednesday at a hearing on alleged Russian meddling in the US presidential election -- accusations for which no US official has come up with concrete proof.

2010 Dems lost the House
2014 Dems lost the Senate
2016 Dems lost the White House
2017 Dems lost ability to reason

Spying on Trump: CIA Whistleblower Points Finger at Clapper, Brennan, Comey

The letter of Freedom Watch's Larry Klayman to the House Intelligence Committee disclosed that over the years the US intelligence community gathered surveillance on prominent Americans, including Donald Trump. Wall Street analyst Charles Ortel told Sputnik what implications the recent disclosure may have on former Obama officials.
Devin Nunes and Trump Wiretapping Scandal
Finally, I want to be clear, none of this surveillance was related to Russia or the investigation of Russian activities or of the Trump team," Nunes said.

House of Cards: Is Assange Right About Hillary Clinton's Plot Against Trump?

Julian Assange's statement that Hillary Clinton is secretly plotting "a Mike Pence takeover" in the Oval Office together with US intelligence officials has stirred a heated debate. Wall Street analyst Charles Ortel 

"I would like to think that the 'House of Cards' scenario suggested by Assange and others is far from viable, though I have no doubt that many establishment players in Democrat and Republican parties, in the media, in academia, and in government bureaucracies would be delighted to oust President Trump, one way or another," Ortel told Sputnik.

MORE on the profiteers of war
US Manufacturer Wins $98Mln to Build Gears for Aegis-Guided Destroyers

The Department of Defense said that Philadelphia Gear has received an almost $100 million US Navy contract to manufacture three sets of Main Reduction Gears.

Lockheed Martin Wins $20Mln to Research New Aegis Missile Defense Concepts
US to Upgrade Refueling Facilities at Base in British Indian Ocean Territory

The Department of Defense said that a K-Guam construction joint venture won almost $27 million to expand US refueling capabilities for ships at the United Kingdom- sovereignty Diego Garcia base in the Indian Ocean.

US Counts on New Air Refueling Tankers – General

The scheduled delivery of 179 next generation aerial tankers is critical for the air campaign in the Middle East and Afghanistan, as well as other theaters, the Commander of US Transportation Command Gen. Darren McDew told Congress on Tuesday.

Washington Is the Real Threat to Peace on the Korean Peninsula

The current crisis on the Korean Peninsula is the product of a militarized state, led by an unpredictable and capricious leader, which cannot be trusted with nuclear weapons. That militarized state is of course the United States, and that unstable and capricious leader is Donald Trump.
EUROPE inside the big clown pocket
More Ears, More Eyes, More Info: US to Spy More in Europe?

The US government is looking for a private contractor ready to provide intelligence technical support services throughout the US Army Europe area of responsibility, which includes Central Europe, Eastern Europe, and Africa. Sputnik considers whether this means that the US is going to be upping its spy game.

"This requirement is for US Army Europe/7th Army for a non-personal services contract for intelligence technical support services (ITSS) throughout the US Army Europe (USAREUR) Area of Responsibility (AOR) which includes but is not limited to Central Europe, Eastern Europe, and Africa," says the description.

US Intelligence Chalks Up Declining Influence in Europe to 'Russian Spies' 

American intelligence is set to conduct a "major investigation" into the Kremlin's 'infiltration' of European political parties, The Telegraph reports.
"Right across the EU we are seeing alarming evidence of Russian efforts to unpick the fabric of European unity on a whole range of vital strategic issues," the source said.
Keiser Report  Episode 1077  Max and Stacy discuss ‘NIRP refugees’ and in the 2nd half Max continues his interview with Craig Hemke

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

MX. María de Jesús Patricio electa candidata indígena presidencial
EE.UU. Tocar intereses económ del Presid  Boicot a Trump  Mattea Kramer
Que quieren las feministas iraníes?  Derechos, empleo y un asiento a la mesa  Azadeh D
EE.UU.  Trump y los terroristas "perdedores" Pascual S. Al árbol caído, hacha con él.
Una paciencia salvaje me ha traído hasta aquí  M Casado ..No es la esposa que se fue
Recocinados por el calor: sin consenso en el G7  Divididos por el calentamiento global
Globalizaciones hubo varias.. La Glob neoliberal o imperialista.. si puede morir esta vez.
Cuán fácil es opinar para resguardar lo propio y despedazar lo ajeno   La cultura del verbo
Carolina Vásquez..
Desmontar viejos dogmas y mitos nos es fácil.. el triunfo de la razón es Rev
Presiones empresariales al sistema de justicia en Guatemala  Andrés Cabanas . Puedes cerrar filas y espacios abajo.. pero es arriba en el establishment o deep state que se cocinan las injusticias. Mandar abajo el sistema requiere abrir puertas, generar frentes y claridad en el sistema alternativo.
Perú: Decreto Legislativo N° 1333 Cálculos políticos, promoción de inversión y derechos de pueblos indígenas  Luis Hallazi 

[[ La gran empresa privada es disfuncional a nivel global: eso alienta la desigualdad de clases y regiones para beneficio de oligopolios foráneos. Solo la mediana empresa es funcional si une empresarios pequeños, y comunidades existentes a nivel cooperativo. Nuestra estrategia fue y es opuesta al minifundio y el reparto negro de tierras comunales, que fue lo que impulso Sendero en Perú. Tomaron tierras SAIS y CAP y las repartían, sabiendo que el campesino no podía quedarse en ellas pues el ejército venia y barría a sangre y fuego con los que hicieron tal azaña. Muchos campesinos fueron asi obligados a irse con SL si querían sobrevivir. Esa fue la esencia de la táctica y estrategia de guerra de SL: crear su propio ejército. La historia muestra que eso estuvo condenado al fracaso desde la partida. A quienes impulsábamos la toma de tierras –sin violencia- para instalar control Coop comunal de la empresa, nos consideraron enemigos mortales de SL. A mí me colocaron un perro muerto en la puerta de mi casa como señal de que me iban a ejecutar. Me obligaron a aliarme con MRTA y quemamos un perro en señal de que habría respuesta si me tocaban a mi o uno de mis hijos o mi esposa. No solo eso, les allanamos la vivienda que ocupaban ilícitamente en la Univ y todo el arsenal que encontramos se lo llevo MRTA (evitamos que entre el Ejercito y la marina que ya avisaron al Rector de la Univ que SL usaba viviendas y tenían armas dentro de esos dormitorios que eran para estud sin recursos Econ.) Simplemente  evitamos que ingresen los militares a la Univ y asesinen estudiantes. Desde entonces Sayari (el boletín que publicábamos quincenalmente ) se difundió aún más. Allí dejamos claro por qué crear empresas coop en lugar del reparto negro de tierras tomadas por Sendero. Los comuneros sacaron a los falsos empresarios de la CAP y SAIS, mediante asamblea. Jamás murió un campesino en estos encuentros. Me eligieron asesor de la Fed Agraria que creo el Gbno con su falsa Ref Agraria, y nos fuimos hacia todo el Sur con una Convención Nacional que unió mas de 5 mil campesinos. Sendero tuvo que retirarse de la zona sur en plena guerra interna  (1985) cuando aún no habían sido derrotados a nivel nacional. La nuestra fue su 1ra derrota en el Sur del Peru. (Quizá la 1ra fue la de Mezich  en Andahuaylas, en el Centro, en la misma época ). Pero tuve que huir de la zona. Los militares me acusaron de estar creando la base econ de sendero. Antes de navidad nos darían el golpe y antes de navidad todos los que trabajábamos con Teología de la Liberación salimos de la zona (la mayoría a Bolivia). Apliqué como Prof de la UNTA a dos becas –Francia y EEUU- y las dos me salieron. Elegí el US y aquí me quedé. Soy socialista, de Teología de la Liberación y aun creo en el Coop y en las medianas empresas como solución a la concentración de poder Ec y Pol neoliberal. Más que religioso de Teol de la Lib soy panteísta. Creo en el Inti, el dios sol y en la madre tierra (la pachamama). Para mí la naturaleza tiene sus propias leyes, su propia dinámica y con el neoliberalismo imperial la estamos asesinando todos los días. Peor aún si iniciamos el WW3: el final de la historia en el Norte. ]]
BRA        Las alternativas para la destitución de Temer  Fdo de la Cuadra
                Matanza en el estado de Pará  Juan Luis Berterretche
                Golpe agotado en Brasil
VEN       Los sepultureros de la “izquierda” latinoamericana (II)
                Armar una guerra desde la barrera   Hndo Calvo Ospina

[[ Falso. 1ro dijo Japon que cayo cerca de su mar, luego dentro de la zona y recientemente que afecto la economía de Japón. Hay manipulación guerrerista del tema a partir de un mapa sobre el cual jamás hubo acuerdo común. Lo que quiere Japón es que el US lo proteja y no de N-K  pero si de los Chinos con quien tiene líos hoy. Lo que quiere el US es destruir el avance de La ruta de Seda que esta uniendo los asiáticos pa Des Econ.]]
Cuba  -Parche a lo descosido   Consideraciones sobre la Ley de Prensa en Cuba  J R Galleg

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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