viernes, 19 de mayo de 2017

MAY 19 17 SIT EC y POL

MAY 19 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

As President Trump jets towards The Middle East leaving behind him a wake of headlines from the mainstream media, we suspect this will help him sleep..

Let's start with this...
Umm yeah

US Macro data disappointed for the 9th straight week - well below the election lows, this is the weakest and most disappointing data since May 2016 (and the biggest drop since March 2015)

While the Treasury curve steepened very modestly today, the week saw the biggest flattening of the year...and is now flatter than before the election

The Dollar Index also saw a big drop this week - worst week for dollar since July 2016, back to pre-election levels...

Quite a week for Short-term VIX.. it's great surge in history and greatest crash...

Bonus Chart: Fun-Durr-Mentals...


What we're really discussing is what will replace the current system after it self-destructs.

Thank you, D.L.J. and Harun. Is there an alternative to the present system of debt serfdom and rising inequality? 

Yes, there is, one I describe in my book A Radically Beneficial World: Automation, Technology & Creating Jobs for All. But is an alternative system possible? Not in our Financialized, Neofeudal-Neocolonial Rentier Economy; but this doesn't mean the status quo is permanent. As Harun noted in another email, 

"Governments cannot reduce their debt or deficits and central banks cannot taper. Equally, they cannot perpetually borrow exponentially more. This one last bubble cannot end (but it must)."

Here is federal debt, topping $20 trillion and soaring to the moon:

What we're really discussing is what will replace the current system after it self-destructs.

After reaching a record market cap of $74.1 trillion this week, global equities saw almost $1 trillion evaporate in a single day...

Did the "all stimulus is fungible" message just shift?

"Markets can trend, range trade, and correct. But one thing they can’t do under the current scenario is time-correct. The minute they stop moving, a powerful, even if short-lived, impulse takes over to reevaluate, cherry-pick and average down."

"The market will always tell you when you are wrong..."  [ Yea sure ]

Here the readings for this weekend

Research / Interesting Reads
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

"Notwithstanding my personal affection for Director Comey, I thought it was appropriate to seek a new leader..."

"The colossal security apparatus of this country has become a monster eating America... the Deep State’s main motive is moving heaven and earth to dump Trump... But when they do, of course, they are libel to foment an insurrection every bit as ugly as the dust-up that followed the shelling of Fort Sumter."

In a surprisingly candid discussion of the recent economic slowdown, St. Louis Fed president said growth is unlikely “to move meaningfully” this year from the current trend of about 2% and that inflation expectations “have surprised to the downside.” adding that financial market readings since the March decision have been opposite of expectations. "This may suggest that the FOMC’s contemplated policy rate path is overly aggressive relative to actual incoming data."
The Death Of The Virtuous Cycle  …SECESSION, separatism, split .. whatever you called

Most Ph.D. economists, including those at the Federal Reserve, have convinced investors, policy-makers and U.S. citizens that durable economic growth stems from debt-fueled consumer spending. This is not only a patently false claim, but it has immense implications for investors...

They found that the tone of some outlets was negative in as many as 98% of reports, significantly more hostile than the first 100 days of the three previous administrations...

Former FBI Director James Comey has agreed to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee in open session, Senators Richard Burr and Mark Warner announced on Friday. In a statement released late on Friday, the committee said the open hearing will be scheduled after Memorial Day.
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"The US model represents Western democracy, but it is crumbling, and the resulting social division has become more and more serious..."

"If this goes to a military solution, it's going to be tragic on an unbelievable scale. So our effort is to work with the U.N., work with China, work with Japan, work with South Korea to try to find a way out of this situation."

"WikiLeaks informer Seth Rich murdered in US but MSM was so busy accusing Russian hackers to take notice."

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Who killed Seth Rich?  The Russia hacking fiasco is a regime change operation.
The Assault on Trump  By Paul Craig Roberts
This is why Trump will be broken and/or removed as President of the US
Trumped-up Claims Against Trump  By Ray McGovern and William Binney
Trump has entered into a high-stakes gamble in confronting the Deep State and its media allies
Robert Mueller, participated in covering up the pre 9/11 role of the U.S. intelligence agencies, helped create the post 9/11 national security/surveillance state.
No Tears for the FBI  By Margaret Kimberley
Comey has his own history of eroding civil liberties and maintaining the police state.
WikiLeaks' Julian Assange Declares Victory After Sweden Drops Rape Probe
By F. Brinley Bruton , Mo Abbas and Corky Siemaszko


Andrew Levine  Legitimation Crises

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

NICE way to say: You fit our plans, thanks.. Though we gona kill you all, again
‘Trust’ Us: Tillerson Urges North Korea to Back Off Nuke Program
On Thursday, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson implored North Korea to help foster an atmosphere conducive to talks by ceasing its ballistic missile and nuclear weapons tests, asking them instead to “trust” the US’ pledge of no hostility.

RELATED  1         
Rex Tillerson testifies during a confirmation hearing
The secretary of state also said that Pyongyang shouldn’t question the US’ intentions "through back channels," as Washington intends to communicate with the country through public channels.

Pentagon’s Syria Strike Spurred North Korea to Prep for US Missile Attack
Following last month’s missile attack on a Syrian government airfield ordered by US President Donald Trump, North Korea is making [assumptions] preparations? for a similar attack from Washington. Pyongyang is reportedly repairing walls so its gallery positions will be shielded against air raids.
The US business of selling weapons became nasty. Investigation (probe) said so
Canada Warns it May Cancel $2 Billion Super Hornet Buy Over Boeing Probe
Ottawa may cancel its planned purchase of 18 Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet fighters over an investigation against Canadian plane maker Bombardier, initiated by its US rival, Boeing.


Hace tiempo Maduro debió haber cerrado la Embajada, USAID y otras agenc usadas para financiar rebeliones. Totalmente evidente el interés USA por controlar los nuevos yacimientos de gas de VEN.

 Maduro Tells Trump to ‘Get Hands Off’ Venezuela as Tensions Rise
Nicolas Maduro bashed his US counterpart Donald Trump telling him to stop meddling in the country’s home affairs.

VEN necesita urgente el apoyo de Rusia y China. De lo contrario, será bombardeada desde COL y la selva peruana donde acaban de instalarse. Inventaran cualquier pretexto para bombardear y luego  invadir VEN. La OEA ha sido ya preparada para apoyar este ataque. La ONU callará.

EL TEATRO TRUMP-COMEY on Rusia. Solo  alimenta la infundada RU-fobia a favor del WW3

Says Who? WaPo, NYT Blast Trump on Comey, Russia Through Anonymous Reports
The White House says that Trump fired Comey for investigating him on alleged ties to Russia.. that is absurd. “The investigation would have always continued, and, obviously, the termination of Comey would not have ended it,” White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Friday.

Leaks on Trump Sharing Info With Russia Put US Security at Risk – McMaster
National Security Adviser Herbert Raymond McMaster is holding a press briefing. McMaster will speak about media reports that Trump allegedly passed secret info to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

There are global problems to face together & US wasting time in promoting pro-WW3 debates
Global Doomsday Seed Vault Almost Flooded as Arctic Melts
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault, the last-resort storage site for seeds designed to protect global plant biodiversity in the event of a planetary disaster or nuclear war, was almost flooded because of extremely high temperatures in the Arctic.
Keiser Report  Episode 1072  Max and Stacy discuss the big profits being made by companies whose corporate executives visit the White House.

Flash points on US politics: internal contradict.. Hugh Smith good articles reproduced


A media mini-industry touts Scandinavia’s “happiness” as the result of its high-tax, generous welfare state-capitalism. This mini-industry conveniently fails to report the soft underbelly of Scandinavia’s “High-Tax Happy-Capitalism”: The high-tax, generous welfare model is just as dependent on unsustainable credit bubbles as every other version of state-capitalism.

The glossy surface story goes like this: state-capitalism creates a happy, secure society if taxes are high enough to fund generous social welfare benefits for everyone. People are happy to pay the higher taxes because they value the generous benefits they receive.

The story has an implicit message: every state-capitalist society could become happy if only taxes were raised high enough to fund generous social welfare for all. There are many versions of this narrative, for example, the appealing (but financially impractical) “tax the robots” funded Universal Basic Income (UBI) that I have repeatedly debunked.
Put another way: state-managed capitalism works just great if high earners and companies pay high enough taxes to fund a rebalancing of wealth and income via social welfare transfers.

The reality is quite different from this glossy PR narrative. The Scandinavian economies have pursued the same unsustainable debt-bubble “fix” for their structural insolvency as other state-managed nations.

As the charts below reveal, the “happy” Scandinavian nations are now dependent on unprecedented debt/housing bubbles inflated by extreme monetary stimulus. The script is the same as in every other monetary “experiment” intended to create the illusion of solvency in an insolvent system: lower interest rates to zero (or below-zero if you’re really desperate), juice the financial system with liquidity/ easy credit, and base your measures of financial “health” on housing bubbles and other debt-based gimmicks. (Charts courtesy of the Acting Man blog)
Keep Reading

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

VEN       Venezuela atrapada en una espiral descendente  Gabriel Hetland
Brasil  ¿Qué pasa si cae Temer?   Camila Rodrigues
EE.UU.  Chelsea Manning libre  Editorial de La Jornada
Brasil   La crisis se produndiza  João Machado

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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