viernes, 5 de mayo de 2017


ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"‘Fake Markets’ are defined as markets where the magnitude and duration of artificial flows from global Central Banks or passive investment vehicles have managed to overwhelm and narcotize data-dependency and macro factors. A stuporous state of durable, un-volatile over-valuation, arrested activity, unconsciousness produced by the influence of artificial money flows... The higher it goes, the higher it can go, as more swathes of private investors are pulled in. The more violently it can subsequently bust."


From A&P to Grand Union, Dahl's, etc., bankruptcy courts have been littered with the industry's failures for decades.  Unfortunately, it's only going to get worse.

Because of their smaller footprints and labor costs per square foot that are a fraction of a traditional grocer's, dollar stores can offer consumers lower prices and still earn 3x higher margins than a regular grocery chain....all of which makes it likely that they'll continue to steal share.

Food Price Deflation
Meanwhile, food price deflation continues to wreak havoc on already razor-thin margins.


With debt ceilings, spending plans, and tax reforms focusing all eyes on Washington, we thought it notable that for the first time in US history, the cost of interest on US government debt has risen above half a trillion dollars...

Many today strongly believe it is morally wrong to indenture students to the degree of liabilities presently required to achieve the education required to become a productive contributor within our modern society. The question we need to demand answers to is why has college costs for students exploded upward, while salaries and job positions for graduates has not?

Home Capital Group is "actively seeking expanded sources of funding" as it has drawn half of its C$2b rescue loan. This is a fluid situation, and we are optimistic our challenges are temporary,” said Pino Decina, executive vice president of residential mortgage lending.

"Investors believe the darnedest things..."

Peak Exuberance

“EXUBERANCE” is not measured by valuations paid but rather by the psychology behind it.
At each major market peak throughout history, there has always been something that became “the” subject of speculative investment. Rather it was railroads, real estate, emerging markets, technology stocks or tulip bulbs, the end result was always the same as the rush to get into those markets also led to the rush to get out. Today, the rush to buy “ETF’s” has clearly taken that mantle, as I discussed last week, and as shown in the chart below.

Peak Expectations

1. Markets Do Not Compound Returns: The biggest mistake you are making in your retirement planning by buying into the “myth” that markets “compound returns” over time. They don’t. They never have. They never will.


It's beginning to get hard to ignore the carnage coming from China...
So Macro data is collapsing...

Commodities are collapsing...

And earnings expectations are tumbling...

Commodity carnage was the theme of the day as tightening Chinese financial conditions combined with collapsing WMP issuance are sucking the exuberance out of stocks, bonds, and industrial metals...

Citi FX traders noted that as for WTI from here, we’ve noted that $47.00 is the level to watch on a weekly closing basis. Now testing $45.90, our oil colleagues warn that there’s “capitulation out there.”


"At this junction, the key question is when and how will this end. Will volatility just grind higher as the central banks start normalizing, or will it explode and wipe out some volatility sellers and levered strategies in the process."

There are many examples of strong and mutually-beneficial trade relationships all throughout history, but one doesn’t have to look far back to find what could be considered the closest bilateral relationship ever known: the one between the United States and Canada.


La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

During his first 100 days in office, President Trump broke numerous records. As Statista's Niall McCarthy notes, in addition to having the lowest approval ratings of any U.S. president this early into his current term, Trump's Cabinet has also received the most 'no' votes in history.

After a stunning defeat on March 24th, followed by over a month of back and forth bickering, Paul Ryan & Co. has finally passed an Obamacare replacement bill by a final vote of 217 - 213.

The Republican House spent Thursday afternoon celebrating the passage of a Healthcare bill that nobody has scored, let alone read, and already the Senate has poured cold water over the first and so far only achievement of the Trump administration. The reason: Senate Republicans said they will set aside the narrowly passed House health-care bill and write their own version instead.

Of course, all of the celebrations are undoubtedly premature as the bill will now be sent to the Senate where it will likely have to be substantially modified in order to attract 51 Republican votes.

"Chicago is a war zone.  These officers are seeing the worst day of everybody’s life every day."

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"Something is off the past few weeks...  somebody’s ‘mean-reversion’ strategy (likely a stat arb / quant fund) has triggered ‘stop outs’ as the underlying commodities space now ‘catches down’ to the behavior already exhibited across the energy equities space throughout the course of 2017."

The Hong Kong Dollar has plunged to its weakest level against the dollar (to which it is pegged) since February 2016, even as the Hang Seng surges higher. As HKD nears 7.80, triggering likely HKMA intervention, we wonder whether we will see a replay of last year's liquidity-driven stock market slump.

[[ The concentration of USD  in few hands is unsustainable ]]

For decades people have been predicting overpopulation would wipe out energy resources if not the entire planet. Every year the population bomb and peak oil crowd have been proven wrong. But how long can the status quo of generating growth by population explosion last?

Sicilian judge Carmelo Zuccaro brought up the case of several NGO's (some of which seem to be linked to the Soros-network) accused of picking up illegal immigrants near the Libyan coasts.

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Slavehood 2017  By Peter Koenig   Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave
The Trump Empire Expands  By Nomi Prins
What Is to Be Done in Venezuela?  By Greg Grandin  [Avoid US intervention! .. of course. ]
---- n ZC ZCOMM.ORG/  


The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

China, Japan, South Korea Vow to Fight Protectionism After G20 Drops Commitment

G20 Eyes New Consensus on Int'l Trade, Offsetting Fears of US Protectionism   G20 finance ministers and central bankers met in Washington on Friday and produced a more optimistic statement than a month ago, expressing the hope and intent for deeper international trade cooperation to stave off the negative spillovers of protectionism.

Pentagon Admits Bombing Part of Mosque in Syria in March

US Strike in Syria's Aleppo Targeted Adjacent Building, Not Mosque – Pentagon

TU ME MIRAS.. YO TE MIRO :  You see me.. I’ll see you: the beginning of love?
Russian Warplanes Performed Routine Flight Off Alaskan Shore

Russian Nuke-Capable Bombers Patrol Alaska in 'Safe and Professional' Manner 

WOOPS .. those eye-contact could not be sign of love but hate instead
Draft US Budget 2017 Allows Waiving Arms Trade Ban on Russia

Europe Arms Control Regime Could Be Considered If NATO Stops 'Deterring' Russia

Keiser Report  Episode 1066  Max and Stacy discuss the chances of going beyond paper-money

Flash points on US politics: internal contradict.. Hugh Smith good articles reproduced


If we accept that our financial system is nothing but a wealth-transfer mechanism from the productive elements of our economy to parasitic, neofeudal rentier-cartels and self-serving state fiefdoms, that raises a question: what do we do about it?

The typical answer seems to be: deny it, ignore it, get distracted by carefully choreographed culture wars or shrug fatalistically and put one’s shoulder to the debt-serf grindstone.

There is another response, one that very few pursue: fanatic frugality in service of financial-political independence. Debt-serfs and dependents of the state have no effective political power, as noted yesterday in It Isn’t What You Earn and Owe, It’s What You Own That Generates Income.

There are only three ways to accumulate productive capital/assets: marry someone with money, inherit money or accumulate capital/savings and invest it in productive assets. (We’ll leave out lobbying the Federal government for a fat contract or tax break, selling derivatives designed to default and the rest of the criminal financial skims and scams used so effectively by the New Nobility financial elites.)

The only way to accumulate capital to invest is to spend considerably less than you earn. For a variety of reasons, humans seem predisposed to spend more as their income rises. Thus the person making $30,000 a year imagines that if only they could earn $100,000 a year, they could save half of their net income. Yet when that happy day arrives, they generally find their expenses have risen in tandem with their income, and the anticipated ease of saving large chunks of money never materializes.
Keep Reading

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

Francia, nueva etapa   Ignacio Ramonet
A Orihuela: “Diario del cuidado de los enjambres”   Poesía de barro y conflicto E Llopis
En Perú también hay presos políticos  César Zelada  Libertad para Gmo Bermejo!
ARG  Respuesta de Abuelas:    “La reparación es por medio de la justicia”  Ailin B
Cuba`    Arrojar lucidez con una dosis de poesía  J. Á. Téllez
                Venezuela: votos sí, balas no   Angel Guerra Cabrera  
1917-2017: Repensar la revolución  Intervienen: Jaime Pastor, Júlia Martí
Los científicos redoblan la presión sobre Trump  Leo Klein y Elizabeth Schulte
Barcelona, 1937  Trosky, el POUM y los “hechos de mayo”  Andy Durgan

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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