viernes, 12 de mayo de 2017

MAY 11 17 SIT EC y POL

MAY 11 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

1. "The global economy is slowing into a tightening regime"
2. "We’re tightening into a disinflationary impulse"
3. "Stagflation"

For the 3rd month in a row, US Producer Prices have risen at a faster rate than The Fed's mandate. April healdine PPI rose 2.5% YoY - the most since Feb 2012, and well above the highest anayst estimate, despite disinflationary credit impulse pressures from China being seen in industrial metals. The biggest driver is surging costs for investment advice!

Everyone knows that the U.S. Federal Government has roughly $20 trillion of debt. A question we often get, however, is who exactly owns all these treasuries?

If the average person in the US feels as though they are going nowhere fast, there is a real reason for it.

The chart below shows that median income in the US is actually down over the last 17 years and is only 3% higher now than it was 30 years ago. Those are inflation-adjusted numbers.
But the reality is that, for the average person, inflation has been much higher than the average of 2% per year over that time. This is because the things that the average person actually buys—like housing and education and health care and all the other necessities of life—are rising at a much faster rate than 2%.

Growth Is An Illusion For More Than Half Of Americans
Notice that the average income for the top 5% is $350,000.

It looks like everybody’s income is rising, especially those in the top 20% and 5%. But if we inflation-adjust those numbers, the illusion of growth goes away.
What we see now is that there has been almost no movement for the bottom 60%. The middle quintile has grown somewhat, and—this won’t surprise anyone—the top 20% and 5% have done very well.

The next chart shows what that growth looks like in percentage terms. We find that the bottom quintile saw their income grow by only 25% over the last 49 years. That’s less than 0.5% per year.
Interestingly, the fourth quintile grew even less than the bottom one, at around 19%, mainly because of government programs that supported those in the lowest 20%.


"Everyone is looking for a VIX explosion, I think it’s more probable that we see a VIX capitulation..."

"...there’s going to be no Obamacare repeal, there’s going to be no tax cut, there’s going to be a massive political conflagration. What’s happened in the last few days with Comey and this crazy inquisition on Russia is going to take the government into complete dysfunction and partisan ranks."

Saudi Arabia has quickly pivoted in its "appreciation" of the Trump administration, and having realized that the fastest way to Trump's heart is through the US Treasury's bank account, it is preparing to invest an "unprecedented" amount of money in the US.

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

According to a White House official, Bloomberg is reporting that President Donald Trump is considering Mike Rogers, a former congressman and FBI agent from Michigan, to replace James Comey as FBI director,

As the nation continues to remain fixated on the action-packed narrative between the FBI and the White House, we should all keep in mind that there is far more to be learned from the stories the media isn’t obsessing over.

Decades of propaganda, false flags, and misinformation campaigns have enabled the Deep State to gain power and control over the U.S. government. When war or a financial crisis is necessary to keep the profits flowing, events will be steered to such an outcome. With the latest financial plundering operation running out of steam, the Deep State is once again pushing the world toward global conflict.

"I just don’t understand why sometimes there is an impression that we shouldn’t be having diplomatic conversations … All the tough rhetoric doesn’t do any good. Trump’s statement to me sounded pretty good. I think the whole thing about the elections, putting that aside would be a wise thing because the evidence is not there for any intrusion in our election by the Russians."

Pretty much no one emerged a 'winner' from today's Senate Intelligence Committee hearing other than perhaps Andrew McCabe.  From the mainstream media to Trump to Congressional Democrats, pretty much all of the narratives surrounding the FBI's Russia investigation and Comey's sudden dismissal were succinctly obliterated by McCabe's testimony.

"This twisted application of the law when it comes to two different classes of Americans is extremely corrosive, unethical and ultimately potentially fatal to any society. Until this is dealt with, nothing will get sustainably better for the masses of our fellow citizens."

Force is not the same as power. If force fails to persuade, power evaporates.
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

It was April 2014 and global equity markets were breathing a sigh of relief as Greece just returned to the international bond markets "proof that the country was recovering from the crisis." 18 months later, Greek stocks had crashed 70%, yields had exploded and bailout 3 (or 4) was necessary. Whichbrings us to today... WSJ reports that Greece Eyes Bond Sale Amid Optimism Over Debt Deal.

After this week's mixed inflation data, China's 10Y bond yield rose to its highest since Dec 2014, industrial metals stumbled to 2017 lows, and Chinese stocks slumped. This leaves China under-water in 2017, dramatically decoupled from the rest of the world... something that has not ended well in the past.

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3



Frank Scott  Double Standards R Us

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

Los neocons son sinceros al reconocer su estupidez política
Condoleezza Rice: US Invaded Iraq to Oust Saddam Hussein, Not to Bring Democracy

Law of War? Civilian Deaths in US Strikes in Syria, Iraq Soar Under Trump

Las ventajas de la real diplomacia
China to Get Greater Access to US Liquefied Natural Gas – US Commerce Secretary

Europe to Provide Market for 60% of US Liquid Natural Gas by 2020 – Report


Hugo Adan  Mayo 11,2017

Este analysis parte de una noticia de Sputnik:
Firing Comey May Set Trump on Collision Course With US National Security State

By firing FBI Director Comey, US President Trump may have started a war with the national security state, in particular the CIA and FBI, analysts told Sputnik.

No hay evidencias de tal Guerra “institucional”.  Lo que si es claro es la “guerra politica” contra la mafia Clinton que viene destruyendo la legitima gobernabilidad de Trump (no apoyaron su propuesta anti-Obama-care la 1ra vez. La 2da vez Trump unio a los Reps, y mostro que no necesita de los Dems.)
Lo difícil viene con la propuesta sobre taxes y el pedido de aumentar el debt-celing  en trillones para poder mantener  “the global US military supremacy alive”.  Esto lleva implícito el afán de ambos Ts (Trump and Tillerson) de lanzar el WW3 antes de fin de año.

No todos los GOPs están de acuerdo con el plan WW3 –aun oculto- tampoco lo está un sector empresarial del deep-state: los banqueros y especuladores de WS. Solo apoyan ese proyecto los empresarios del Military Industrial Complex, que no son mayoría en el deep-state.

La CIA ni el FBI tienen real poder de decisión en el proyecto guerra WW3. Se limitan a dar info y dependen de lo que decida la mayoría empresarial del deep-state.  

La división interna del Deep State es un hecho. Esto le da espacio de maniobra a Trump para un parcial “cleaning the swamp” o reestructuración como le llama Tillerson.  Mientras no llegue el problema taxes y dept celling, Trump puede liquidar sus cuentas con la mafia Clinton y desaparecerlos del mapa si encausa or indict  Hillary.

Eso pudo hacerlo hecho Comey – el FBI director- con su informe anterior sobre la burla de Hillary a la Ley, pero no lo hizo. La perdono y cerro el caso. Hubo “bribing”? , lo compraron?  nadie lo sabe, pero hubo especulaciones al respecto . El caso es que hoy Comey esta apoyando a la Clinton y pretendió acusar a Rusia de la derrota electoral de Hillary. 

Trump lo saco a Comey aunque ambos son anti-rusos. En el Gbno de Trump todo el staff de gobierno es anti-ruso, pro Israel y pro-Saudis. Su presupuesto de guerra le fue aprobado en el senado. Si ambos son anti-rusos, el sacarlo a Comey como director del FBI solo tiene una explicación:  para Trump es mas importante liquidar  hoy la oposición de Hillary a sus propuestas de gobierno. Asi mata dos pajaros de un tiro: el activismo anti-T de Hillary , y el Obama-care del ex Presidente

En suma, en esta guerra politica interna, Trump hizo bien en sacarlo a Comey. 

Pero, existe el peligro interno y mundial de WW3.  Ambos -T&T -avanzan ese plan, el  “cleaning de swamp” esconde el  plan de guerra contra RU y China. Que hacer? , solo un mov fuerte por la paz  podría poner a ambos partidos oligárquicos –Dems & GOPs- contra la pared.
Nuestra nación no esta preparada para un guerra nuclear contra RU y China. Y es hora de cerrarle la boca no solo a Comey, también a la Clinton que si tiene apoyo dentro del Dems. Ojala Trump le abra el juicio  que Comey no facilito cuando debió hacerlo. 

Mientras tanto el pueblo debe ser movilizado contra el WW3 y por el desarme nuclear mundial.

Big Cleanup at State: Tillerson Firing Staffers in Troves
“Aides to US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson purged approximately two dozen State Department staffers on Thursday, in a shakeup that has many officials on edge, fearing that a major restructuring is imminent.”

Un neocon mas al equipo pro-guerra de Trump?  Cual? Eliott Abrams or John Bolton?
Is Trump Really Considering an Infamous Neocon for State Department Post?

Trump Must Avoid Picking Neocon John Bolton as US Secretary of State - Rand Paul
Ambos son guerreristas anti-RU  y esto deja claro la intencion pro-WW3 de Trump

Flash points on US politics: internal contradict.. Hugh Smith good articles reproduced


Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

ARG en alerta  Olga Rodríguez  Victimas arriesgan perder derecho a la verdad, justicia y reparación
EU          Unión Europea, ¿Sociedad de Naciones?  Rafael Poch
                Derrotada Le Pen, desenmascarar a Macron JC Monedero
¿Es atea la ciencia?  No. La ciencia tiene su Dios: el socialista Eisten. Fue ateo? estúpida preg.
                Contra la intervención en Venezuela   Antonio Elías

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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