jueves, 9 de febrero de 2017


FEB  9  17  SIT EC y POL


Is the U.S. economy about to get slammed by a major recession?
Is the U.S. economy about to get slammed by a major recession?  According to Gallup, U.S. economic confidence has soared to the highest level ever recorded, but meanwhile a whole host of key economic indicators are absolutely screaming that a new recession is beginningAnd if the U.S. economy does officially enter recession territory in 2017, it certainly won’t be a shock, because the truth is that we are well overdue for one Donald Trump has inherited quite an economic mess from Barack Obama, and it was probably inevitable that we were headed for a significant economic downturn no matter who won the election.

One of the key indicators to watch is average weekly hours When the economy shifts into recession mode, employers tend to start cutting back hours, and that is happening right now.  In fact, as Graham Summers has pointed out, we just witnessed the largest percentage decline in average weekly hours since the recession of 2008…


Per data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's latest farm income report, the deadly combination of rising input costs, lower grain prices, a strong dollar and excessive leverage looks likely to force many of America's midwest farmers out of business in 2017.

Earlier this week the U.S Department of Agriculture released its biannual report of farm incomes which paints a very bleak picture for the American farmer.  In its first forecast for 2017, the USDA sees real farm cash receipts down 14% versus 2015 and 36% from the previous high set in 2012 as farm debt continues to soar and leverage surges to all-time highs. 

As the Wall Street Journal notes, the deadly combination of rising input costs, lower grain prices, a strong dollar and excessive leverage will likely force many of America's Midwest farmers out of business in 2017.


“The bulls and the bears have met at the crossroad. However, neither is ready to commit capital towards their inherent convictions. So, for 43-days, and counting, we remain range bound waiting for what is going to happen next... Every bull market in history has ultimately crumbled under the weight of fundamental realities. Despite the many hopes to the contrary, this time will be no different."
One of the primary problems with fundamental measures, such as P/E ratios, is the “duration mismatch.”

What is truly ironic is that when it comes to buying ‘crap’ we don’t really need, people will spend hours researching brands, specifications, and pricing. However, when it comes to investing our ‘hard earned savings,’ we tend to spend less time researching the underlying investment and more time fantasizing about our future wealth.

This “mentality” leads to what I call a “duration mismatch” in investing. While valuations give us a fairly good assessment about future returns, such analysis is based on time frames of five years or longer. However, for individuals, average holding periods for investments has fallen from eight years in the 1960’s to just six months currently.

The point to be made here is simple. The time frame required for fundamental valuation measures to be effective in portfolio management are nullified by short-term investment horizons.


Can you spot the moment when President Trump said the word "tax"...

Trump Says He Will Announce "Something Phenomenal On Taxes In Next 2-3 Weeks" - Market Turmoils  The opposition to Trump is relentless..  It is not Trump.. is the inherited Econ .. idiot!

After a few hours of relative calm, President Trump has injected some renewed chaos into capital markets this mornings after comments that he will release "something phenomenal on taxes in the next 2-3 weeks" among other things...

How did that work out for them?
When you look at trends in US Econ you get frustrated.. When you see graphs showing days of UPS in volatility, you get happy.. Considered that Trump inherited the Econ mess (hiden) by Obama and knowing  that people like “truth” from Trump (not matter how ugly they are), then SEE here one happy truth not said by Trump, but for the Swiss National Bank: 

The Swiss National Bank reported that the value of its portfolio of US stocks rose again in the fourth quarter, increasing by 1.6% from $62.4 billion as of Sept. 30 to a record high $63.4 billiion at the end of the year.

Over the past few months interest rates and the value of the dollar have risen sharply, and monetary policy’s quantitative indicators have contracted. These monetary restrictions have worsened the structural impediments to U.S. economic growth that existed before the election and continue today...

"Attention has focused on President Trump, but developments on the other side of the world may prove more important."

PARADOGICAL but true: we feed the worse terrorist of our time

The story begins in the 1970s when Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon struck a deal with the House of Saud - a deal which gave birth to the petrodollar system...
The terms were simple The Saudis agreed to ONLY accept U.S. Dollars in return for their oil and that they would reinvest their surplus dollars into U.S. treasuries.

In return, the U.S. would provide arms and a security guarantee to the Saudis who, it has to be said, were living in a pretty rough neighbourhood. As you can see, things went swimmingly (chart below)

Saudi purchases of treasuries grew along with the oil price and everyone was happy.  (We’ll come back to that blue box on the right shortly)

The inverse correlation between the dollar and crude is just about as perfect as one could expect (until recently that is... but again, we’ll be back to that).

And, as you can see here, beginning when Nixon slammed the gold window shut on French fingers and picking up speed once the petrodollar system was ensconced, foreign buyers of U.S. debt grew  exponentially.

Having the world’s most vital commodity exclusively priced in U.S. dollars meant everybody needed to hold large dollar reserves to pay for it and that meant a yuuuge bid for treasuries. IT’S GOOD TO BE THE KING.

WAR: Here expenses only on mercenaries … Real cost is much further than 11 bill.. and much even if  civilian infra-structure of towns & cities destroyed and life killed or disable  is  counted

Since the air war against the so-called Islamic State kicked off in August 2014, the United States has spent on average $220,000 per dead ISIS fighter in the 'war on terror'.

Last week, a federal judge provided a long overdue victory for alternative political parties in the United States.

"It was not we who started the war against you in 9/11, it was you and your dictators in our land... The main characteristic of any American or Western Head of State is that he must be a Machiavellian president and a professional, accomplished liar. He must be an expert in deceiving his audience and the entire nation."

Trump's opponents are never given time to mount an attack. Their queen  - the MSM has been removed from the board; and their favorite piece - the Celebrities are locked in a war of attrition while Trump gets the rest of his pieces on the board. Remember, these are all Tactics but Strategy flows from [its] Tactics. Sooner or later the Left will find itself in some terrible position and the Strategy to drain the swamp will present itself.

After years of 'close encounters' of the Russian-kind, it appears the US military has found a new nation to fly close to. Nine months after China demanded US "immediately cease" spying near its borders, CNN reports that there was an "unsafe" close encounter between a US Navy P-3 Orion aircraft and a Chinese surveillance aircraft Wednesday in the general vicinity of the contested Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea.
FEAR to WW3: the main reason to get out from US.. Ruso-fobia spread by OB-Clinton’ war-mongers

Obama warned everyone back in 2009 that "elections have consequences."  Now, eight years later, we learn that apparently the "consequences" of running around the country for nearly a decade threatening to raise taxes, "spread the wealth around" and pursue any number of other socialist policies are a record number of people renouncing their U.S. citizenship.
[ This is an intentional distortion from followers of the dirty couple Obama-Clinton, similar to other against Sanders. Now we know the oligarchical connection of frauds & lies spread by corp media. People had defeated both of them.. OB-Clintons are the losers. Don’t pay attention to them.]








US Appeals Court Upholds Suspension of Trump’s Travel Ban  https://sputniknews.com/news/201702101050527597-us-court-upholds-suspension-ban/
IS Afg-War connected to oil or to poppy business?  .. Or both..
Never Ending War? US General Calls For More Troops in Afghanistan  https://sputniknews.com/military/201702101050528731-never-ending-war-more-troops/
Russia Sanctions Review Act Targets Moscow, US President Trump – Ambassador   https://sputniknews.com/us/201702101050529763-russia-sanctions-review-target-trump-moscow/
Nothing Behind Sanctions on Russia Except for 'Need to Save EU Solidarity'  https://sputniknews.com/politics/201702091050506898-sanctions-russia-eu-solidarity/
Que de accidents rusos con soldados  USA y/o sirvientes de la OTAN? Y que de acc a la inversa?
Kremlin Confirms Accidental Russian Airstrike Kills Turkish Soldiers in Syria   https://sputniknews.com/politics/201702091050514274-turkey-russia-strike-syria/
Keiser Report  Episode 1030  Trump’s bilateral deals & The Road to Ruin Int.to Jim Rickards,


While many were hoping against all odds that a Trump administration would live up to some of its campaign rhetoric and begin to back away from imperialistic foreign adventures, it seems those hopes are being dashed by the day as Trump and his team are giving every indication that they are moving toward war with Iran.

Even on the campaign trail, Trump expressed irrational anti-Iran sentiment suggesting that the Iran nuclear deal signed with the Obama administration was “terrible” and that the United States was essentially forced to pay Iran not to build a bomb. Of course, this rhetoric was nothing but fantasy since the only loser in the deal was the Iranians, who were never in violation of any international provisions against nuclear proliferation, did not have a nuclear weapon, a nuclear weapons program, or even the ability to create one. In reality, Iran never should have had to sign any deal with the world’s self-appointed guard dog. Still, Trump represented the release of Iran’s frozen assets as extortion (against the United States no less). For those who are unaware, the money that was allegedly “paid” to Iran was actually Iranian money the United States had frozen in the past as a result of prior fits of war hysteria.
Keep Reading


-Capitalismo, religión de la desmesura  Julio García Camarero
Debate "A la mierda el trabajo"   La izquierda y la revolución digital  M Escudero
-Siria, la oportunidad de la paz  José Luis Martín
Brasil  -El fin del Estado brasileño  Luis Carlos Muñoz
Keiser report  1030  El auge del bilateralismo


Does he was confused with Ben Laden?.. similar face

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