domingo, 19 de febrero de 2017

FEB 18 17 SIT EC y POL

FEB  18  17  SIT EC y POL


Three more charts to ignore...  OPEN IT:

This turn inward - protectionism if you will - in the UK, US and many other places, is an inevitable development that follows from declining growth and soaring debt. Entire societies will have to be re-built from the ground up, and people will want to do that themselves, not have it dictated by strangers. At the same time, of course, those who profit most from centralization want that to continue. They can’t, but they will try, and hard.

"We are approaching the point of maximum optimism and S&P 500 will give back recent gains as investors embrace the reality that tax reform is likely to provide a smaller, later tailwind to corporate earnings than originally expected."

With gasoline demand at "recessionary levels", and as gasoline inventories hit all time highs, traders are lining up to export gasoline and diesel from New York Harbor, an area that normally relies on fuel imports from Europe and eastern Canada.

"I hate to think of what the next decade might look like because history is not very kind in these kinds of situations where you have prolonged periods of stagnation." - Jeff Snider

Snider focuses on the Eurodollar system, which he defines as a problem of "decay and dysfunction" and explains that "nothing ever happens in a straight line even the Eurodollar problem has not been a singular event. It’s not been a decade long straight line of decay and dysfunction." 

He goes on to say that the fact that after enough time these markets have adjusted to the fact that the economy's going to be bad for a very long time until something actually changes and so true reflation is predicated on something actually changing rather than the hope that something might change.

THIS START WITH OBAMA-CLINTON CLAN.. celebrated by McCain n other neocon-friends of fascism, and still continue and should be stopped:

STOP the authoritarian assault on our fundamental, constitutional rights, the very principles that have truly made America great;  STOP attacking and victimizing women, Muslims, immigrants, racial and ethnic groups, the LGBTQ+ community, working families, journalists, and all who offer criticisms of the Administration’s policies including the U.S. judicial branch;

The future of liberty is decentralized, and will be led by smaller breakaway nations and regions where real self-determination and real consensus is not an illusion. Jefferson and Hoppe were right about democracy, but it took Trump and Brexit to show the world how quickly elites abandon it when they don’t prevail.

"This change that the president put in place, signed off by the way by James Clapper on December 15, 2016, signed off by Loretta Lynch the Attorney General January 3, 2017, they decide that now 16 agencies can get the raw data and what that does is almost creates a shadow government."

"They see themselves as the educated, sensible minority with tender sensibilities and true humanistic views... who must... must... take a stand in the globalist crusade against the barbaric Neanderthals of the proletariat and populist serfs..."

The 'Deep State' has one simple rule - "do it my way... or else!"


Some Might Call It A “Palace Coup”  By Ronald L. Feinman This time against Trump
The Stakes for Trump and All of Us  By Paul Craig Roberts  The unelected deep-state, a shadow Gov , is destroying  the remains of democracy in US
Who Americans Consider Their GREATEST ENEMIES  By Niall McCarthy Those the press difame most..

Big image at:  This shows how miss-informed are most Americans .. People shouldn’t  have these ene
War Criminal:  John McCain Systematically Dismantled Donald Trump’s Entire Worldview By Aaron Blake  We need to re-check HOW he was re-elected .. there were press-notes about his elect-fraud
Who Rules the United States?  By Matthew Continetti  “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize” Voltaire
Venezuela - Washington’s Latest Defamation - To Bring NATO to South America?  By Peter Koenig The day NATO is send .. all US enterprises will be sabotage n destroyed n most US embassies bombed
How to Convince Someone When Facts Fail  By Michael Shermer.  Cognitive dissonance: the power of believe over evidence .. it happens when people get upset once you challenge what they hold most closely.. Ethnologist, sociologist n anthropologist .. called cultural blocks (walls, barriers) that biases our knowledge n understanding on relations between men-and-men and men-and-nature. Los dogmas religiosos son una fuente de esas taras culturales. Las peores hoy son las mentiras de prensa
The Great American Awakening?   By Robert C. Koehler  More people than ever before are becoming aware that “the way things are” must be challenged.


Trump Wants to Build 'Safe Zones' in Syria, Make Gulf States Pay for It

US President Trump Calls on NATO Allies to Pay Fair Share for Defense

Related 2
FORMER NATO CHIEF PREDICTS ALLIANCE'S DEATH if 'US Won't Keep Up Commitment'  Just close it!
USA LOST THE WAR IN ME DURING OBAMA ADMINST.. he didn’t want to admitted
Iraqi Forces Launch Major Push to Liberate Western Mosul From Daesh   Make Obama n big corporations  profiting from war pay for NATO defeat

RUSOFOBIA .. a sign of European political stupidity among US puppets
RussiansDidIt! Moscow Blamed by UK Media for Coup Attempt in Montenegro
TIME TO abandon old myths and join RU-China lead to post-neoliberal & multi-polar world 
Turkey at a Crossroads: What's Next for the Euphrates Shield Operation in Syria


Russia took over the Syrian peace negotiations after U.S. President Barack Obama sabotaged them, by bombing the Syrian government’s army at Der Zor (or Deir Ezzor) in Syria on 17 September 2016 (which was a direct violation of the September 9th ceasefire agreement). This sabotage terminated his own Secretary of State John Kerry’s longstanding efforts to get the U.S. government to agree to remove Al Qaeda and other jihadist groups from the negotiations, and to abandon Al Qaeda in Syria. Obama insisted that, during the peace negotiations, the ceasefire would continue to allow bombing of ISIS in Syria, but not allow any bombing of Al Qaeda in Syria. The September 9th ceasefire agreement allowed continued bombing of Al Qaeda in Syria, but did not allow continued bombing of Syria’s army — such as occurred on September 17th. The U.S. and Russia had both signed that deal. Obama’s prompt violation of the agreement terminated any remaining trust that the leaders of Syria and of Russia had in Obama. It thus terminated America’s ability to continue participating in the Syrian peace-process. Kerry’s years-long peace-negotiations suddenly turned to dust.

The politics of the past 70 years was all about horsetrading who got what share of the growing pie: the “pie” being cheap energy, government revenues and consumption, sales and profits.

Horse-trading over a growing pie is basically fun. There’s always a little increase left for the losers, so there is a reason for everyone to cooperate in a broad political consensus.

Horse-trading over a shrinking pie is not fun. Everybody is shrilly demanding their piece of the pie should either grow or be left untouched; any cuts must come out of someone else’s slice.

Everyone turns on their most compelling emotion-based defense: “we wuz promised” is a reliable standard, as is “we need more money to defend the nation from the rising threat of XYZ.” “Help those in need” plays the heartstrings effectively–as long as the “help” comes out of somebody else’s pocket.

Everyone sharpens their knives, the better to carve a slice off somebody else’s slice of the pie. A passive-aggressive free-for-all ensues as everyone reacts with aggrieved defensiveness to any attempt to diminish their slice, even as they launch shrill attacks on everyone else’s defense.

As the pie shrinks, the motivation to join a broad consensus vanishes like mist in Death Valley. Any cooperation is merely a brief tactical move designed to carve a big chunk off another player’s slice. Once that’s accomplished, the alliance quickly splinters as the survivors battle over the meager spoils.
Keep Reading


Ecuador  Vísperas de la batalla  Atilio A. Boron
EE.UU.  El año de la Gran Muralla  Ignacio Ramonet
Opinión               -A cada cual su Stalingrado  Guillermo Almeyra
COL   -De la guerra a la cárcel   Bibiana Ramírez
Keiser report  1034  Cuestión de confianza


The Fact: a sector of deep-state don’t want Trump, their funeral is close
China targets North Korea with rare  trade measure suspending imports
of N Korean coal, a major source of revenue for the gov
Bulling China has non-sense at all
‘Sweden resolution promoting  anti-Iran draft resol
Totally controlled by Israel lobbies  n AIPAC
It sould said Merkel to Include Russia in war on Muslims  or
Merkel calls for joint efforts with Moscow to battle terrorism
Titles in presstv .. messed up either by Iran stupid-English or israel intruder
Titles should always have a COMPLETE SENTENCE, NOT CUTS

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