sábado, 4 de febrero de 2017


FEB  4 17  SIT EC y POL


Since Donald Trump was elected President of The United States, on a platform of 'draining the swamp' and focusing on the needs of 'Main Street', it is perhaps interesting that Wall-Street-darling Goldman Sachs is the best-performing stock (in The Dow) and Main-Street-mainstay Wal-Mart is the worst-performing.
La oligarquia financiera contra Trump.. Si de verdad quiere T limpiar del pantano los chupa-sangre.. este sería el momento adecuado .. pero al parecer es la oligarquía quien lo va a sacar del mapa .. o lo obliga  a arrodillarse. Cuando los elefantes pelean es el grass quien sufre. En esta pelea es el pueblo quien pagara los platos rotos.. Nuestra tarea: organizar la tomar del poder..  sin ellos ni la Clinton

Lea este art:  Must Read

"One month into the year, the balance of risks is somewhat less positive for three reasons. First, the difficulty congressional Republicans have had in moving forward on Obamacare; Second, while bipartisan cooperation looked possible following the election, the political environment appears to be as polarized as ever; Third, some of the recent actions by the Trump Administration could be disruptive for financial markets and the real economy." - Goldman Sachs
Q: How have risks shifted since the election?
The risks are less positively tilted than they appeared shortly after the election. Sentiment among investors, business, and consumers improved in November and December and risk assets performed well (Exhibit 1). While an improvement in economic data may be behind some of this, our impression is that the market perceives a higher probability of meaningful tax reduction and regulatory reform, while assigning a lower probability to meaningful trade and immigration restrictions.

Exhibit 1: A post-election boost to sentiment

Source: University of Michigan. Conference Board. NFIB.

Q: After such an eventful few weeks, when will the outlook become more certain?
It would be a mistake to simply extrapolate recent political and policy developments, whether more market-friendly moves like the recent announcements on regulatory reform, or actions that have been associated with a negative market reaction, like the executive actions on immigration. That said, we expect policy uncertainty to persist for a while, with a continued mix of news that financial markets interpret positively and negatively. Exhibit 2 shows the range and average of the economic policy uncertainty index at the start of the last three new administrations, indexed to the Election Day level, compared with the current reading. In each of these periods, a new president entered office with his party holding the majority in the House and Senate, as President Trump has this year. We note that the limited historical evidence provides little reason to expect uncertainty to decline significantly over the next few months; in fact, on average it has tended to be more elevated in the spring of the inaugural year than in January. This is in line with our expectation of the next few months, which we expect to produce significant policy developments, particularly regarding fiscal policy, trade, and regulation.

Exhibit 2: More policy uncertainty ahead?

Source: Policyuncertainty.com. Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research.


Q: Why are Republicans having such a hard time addressing Obamacare?
Q: So what will happen with Obamacare repeal?
Q: What does all of this mean for tax reform?
Q: What’s the latest on border adjustment?
Q: Why is the proposal so controversial?
Q: If Congress does not enact border adjustment, what does that mean for tax reform?
Q: Beyond tax reform, what other risks are there regarding trade policy?
Q: How much will immigration policy change?
Q: What ever happened to the infrastructure program?
Q: What happens next?



The truth on Russia “hucking” open its way .. Shame of us!

In an ironic twist, it appears it may not have been 'The Russians' that hacked America's political system last year. As The Daily Caller reports, three brothers (Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan) who managed office IT for members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and other lawmakers were abruptly relieved of their duties on suspicion that they accessed congressional computer networks without permission.
The political crisis at the top started

"The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!"

"...people are comparing Donald Trump to Hitler. And the countdown has officially begun, to ...well ...I don’t know ...but something really bad. But if you study enough about it, you realize the guy vetting and banning refugees is probably not Hitler …the guy CREATING refugees probably is. If we keep looking for Hitler in every United States president we disagree with, we’re not going to recognize the real one when he actually shows up …in a different country."

Seemingly following Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals", Liberal Progressive Socialists appear to believe, in a Trump world,  "the ends justify the means," as evidenced by the farce in Berkeley this week. Any and everything is justified by a lying mainstream media: riots and the destruction of property, assaults on those who disagree with them, and general lawlessness - all in the name of 'virtue signaling'.

Si cae Trump.. cae Le Pen  ..  Si cae pantalón.. cae calzón

The leader of the French National Front party Marine Le Pen kicked off her presidential campaign on Saturday, hoping promises to shield voters from globalisation, promote protectionism, and leave the Eurozone boost her chances at a time of sweeping political turmoil in France.

Iranofobia continue their non-sense.. These stupids  -main sellers of WMD and nukes now to Israel and Saudis- don’t want to realize that in our time “there is not small enemy”.. if armed too.

According to Iran's semi-official Tasnim agency, which cited Amir Ali Hajizadeh, commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps’ aerospace division, Iran successfully tested a range of land-to-land missiles and radar systems during the drills in a 35,000 square-kilometer stretch of desert in the northern Iranian province of Semnan.




Against All Odds: What's Behind Washington's Softening Stance Toward China   https://sputniknews.com/politics/201702041050351675-trump-us-china/
Trump Left the Door Wide Open for China to Boost Its Position in 'US Backyard'   https://sputniknews.com/politics/201702031050329031-trump-china-latin-america/
Beijing Blasts Washington for Plans to Launch High Taxes on Chinese Steel  https://sputniknews.com/business/201702051050356187-beijing-descent-us-chinese-steel-taxes/
Civil-State protest inside & abroad beat Trump .. He is still in power & more ugly surprises expected.  A global People’s Union emerged .. Soon: liason-brigades will come .. US-Neoliberal-global farce will be defeated.. The struggle against frauds & speculation will succeed: vulture capitalism dismantled!

US Homeland Security No Longer Enforcing Any of Trump's Travel Ban – Statement   https://sputniknews.com/us/201702041050354639-DHS-not-enforcing-travel-ban/
Three Weeks of Protest: Anti-Trump Demonstrators Rally Against Travel Ban   https://sputniknews.com/us/201702051050355865-more-travel-ban-protests/
Iranofobia is also in process of being  defeated .. Aseguremos nuestra casa 1ro, dicen los iranios
Iran Ready to 'Rain Down' Missiles in Response to Enemy Attack  Listen Israel & Saudis!   https://sputniknews.com/military/201702041050351402-iran-military-air-force/
Related 1
New Anti-Iran Sanctions May Result in 'Unwanted, Dangerous' Mideast Crisis   https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201702041050355579-anti-iran-sanctions-new-crisis-mideast/
Related 2
Are Saudi Jihadis Entitled to a "Safe Zone"?   https://sputniknews.com/columnists/201701311050236210-us-saudi-arabia-syria-safe-zones/
Keiser Report  Episode 1028  on financial crisis plus interview on bitcoins


Libro  "Geopolítica del despojo"  FM Novoa/Renán Vega
¿Globalización o desglobalización?  Eduardo Montes de Oca
En las puertas del nazismo  Marcelo Colussi
Perú   Un futuro incierto  Gvo Espinoza  El de que país es cierto?
Siria   Es la lucha de clases, siempre  Alberto Arregui  De Nacion hoy, de clase luego
¿A las puertas de un nuevo orden mundial?  Edo Lucita Muy posible, el de hoy es obsoleto
Gobierno de izquierda nace en Europa, pero hay silencio  Emir Sader  Que es y quien es de Iz
Ecuador VOTA  -Una sola vuelta?   Jaime Galarza  Con buenos deseos no se gana el cielo
Ciencia  A mayor igualdad, sociedades más sanas Rdo Wilkinson y Kate Pickett
                Peajes, otro ladrillo en la pared  CEPA



Porque en la trampa oligárquica del mal menor el pueblo opto por liquidar 1ro el mal peor, para luego liquidar el otro. En esto se está hoy y lo que viene ocurriendo le  da la razón al pueblo. La confusión electoral va pasando. El pueblo está ahora más claro y unido que antes. Las mentiras de la bufona Clinton quedaron atrás y la lucha de hoy es contra el bufón de la oligarquía. Asi lo entiende el pueblo, quieran o no aceptarlo los burócratas políticos de ambos partidos pro-oligarquía: Dems & Reps. La unica opción de T. es adaptar el Glass Steagal Act de FDR y si su interés privado se le impide, el conflicto de intereses se resolverá a favor del Estado-Nación y adiós a T. Es lo que podría ocurrir pronto.

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