jueves, 16 de febrero de 2017

FEB 16 17 SIT EC y POL

FEB  16  17  SIT EC y POL


Global context:

Since 2000, China has been the nearly singular force for growth in global energy consumption and economic activityHowever, this article will make it plain and simple why China is exiting the spotlight and unfortunately, for global economic growth, there is no one else to take center stage.

As is always the case, a ramping bull market hides investor mistakes – it is the bear market that reveals them. The meteoric rise in passive investing is one such 'strategy' sending an important and timely warning. Just remember, everyone is 'passive' until the selling begins.

Once again all eyes were on "soft" data (Philly Fed) as "hard" data (housing starts miss) disappointed and the forced buy-in pressure lifted...

7 days up in a row for the S&P 500 (longest streak since March 2013) was the limit it seems as Catalyst's statement that it had completed its forced buy-in to cover and Trump's comments about how awesome stocks are capped it...
Just how much of the last 150 S&P points are due to the liquidation of 'Catalyst' (and strategies like it)?

Catalyst's footprints are clear in options volumes... As Bloomberg notes, Options Data Show Footprints of Furious Buyer as S&P 500 Jumped  .. above-average volume in S&P futures options earlier this week helped drive demand for stocks amid reports of volatility funds buying back deep in the money calls. February contracts alone represented ~$19B of national value.


Back in 2008-2009, the entire financial system was on the brink of collapse because banks had been making wild bets without having sufficient capital. Nearly a decade later, Kashkari says that banks still aren’t sufficiently capitalized...

"There may have been some market impact from our trading earlier this week...Our exposure was greatly exaggerated, and our impact on the market was greatly exaggerated... we’ve covered our positions..."

Total US household debt jumped in Q4 driven by increases in credit card debt, auto and student loans, and a Q4 surge in mortgage originations, and as of December 31, 2016, stood at $12.58 trillion. For the full year, total household debt rose by $460 billion, the biggest annual increase in a decade.

Confirming what we detailed previously, the levered option fund 'Catalyst' CEO just announced that their forced-buying has concluded..."we no longer have that type of short position at this time."

A quick look at GM's 61+ day subprime securitization delinquencies seems to imply that the tailwinds that have propelling auto sales to record highs over the past several months look set to change course...

If everything is so awesome in the world, why are Copper (who appears only to be an Economics PhD when it is rising in price) and Oil prices tumbling (despite a lower dollar)?
Is this a usual lying with stats?

Against expectations of a 18.0 print, February's Philly Fed exploded higher to 43.3 - the highest since January 1984. This is a 10-standard-deviation beat, led by a surge in new orders and the workweek, despite a real decline in 'hope' and the number of employees.
Another controversial data:

While January housing starts were lukewarm, building permits jumped by far more impressive 4.6%, rising from 1.228MM to 1.285MM, driven entirely by multi-family, aka rental, units which soared by 23.5%, as single-family unit permits declined by 2.7% to 808K.

JPM's quant guru Marko Kolanovic writes that "last September, we forecasted a short term increase of market volatility and equity outflows" and adds that "a similar set-up is developing now, this time driven by extremely low levels of market correlations... We believe correlation will start rising going into March."
Trump's Rookie Mistake in Economics.. mile comparing to those in Geo-politics

"Trump is making a rookie mistake. He is setting up the stock market to be disappointed regardless of the tax cut he manages to pass. I don’t know when this rally will end, but I know it will come before the actual tax cut news."
  • Futures dip as Wall Street navigates unchartered territory (Reuters)
  • Trump's Russia crisis deepens (Reuters)
  • Government Landlord Pays Millions Each Year to Trump Company (WSJ)
  • Protests call for U.S. immigrants to stay home from work, school (Reuters)
  • Trump Hates Trade Deficits, But Which Ones Really Matter? (BBG)
  • French Election Puts ‘Frexit’ on the Agenda (WSJ)

They are real Americans. We are migrants. They support us when we arrive. The need us now

All persons occupying or residing in the evacuation area are ordered to leave the area no later than 2 p.m. on Wednesday, February 22,2017.

If simple Sociological rules are complicated to you .. then get out of politics & economics

In years past, we spoke of class war between the haves and the have-nots. It's no longer that simple...
K defends Trump? .. this is like using a John Deere-tractor in the front porch..a kind of lie

"...the American people have to know that there's a game going on inside the intelligence community... at the bottom of all this is THE FACT that there are those that seek to separate US from Russia to reignite the cold war... wake up America!!"
The mad guy makes non-sense .. but talks. When he will learn that US is not a milit barrack?

Pentagon chief Jim Mattis on Thursday rejected any kind of military collaboration with Russia, despite a call by President Vladimir Putin for the West to work with his country on Syria and other issues. “We are not in a position right now to collaborate on a military level.”
Trump: the liars are not the Russians .. are our fellows Dems, starting with OB & Hillary

"The Democrats had to come up with a story as to why they lost the election, and so badly (306), so they made up a story - RUSSIA. Fake news!"
Ah.. ah. Is the deep state more solid than ever?

"Any suggestion that the U.S. Intelligence Community is withholding information and not providing the best possible intelligence to the President and his national security team is not true." - ODNI

On The Verge Of Treason: US Spies Withhold Intelligence From Trump   WSJ reports that US intel officials have withheld information from President Trump due to concerns it could be leaked or compromised.

"The pot is boiling and it’s only a matter of time before there will be blood on the streets..."

For the media, the 'antifa' thugs, the fantasists of assassination, it may now seem all in good fun to trash every rule of civil and moral restraint in their quest to bring Trump down. But they should think twice, and then think again. The side that starts a civil war isn’t necessarily the side that wins it.
Who are the drug dealers?.. mexicans or americans?

"From 1998 through 2016, the defendants helped smuggle approximately 20 tons of cocaine through [Miami Airport]..."


Philly Federal Reserve President Pat Harker explained today during a Q&A session that he is concerned that more 25-54 year old men are out of the workforce and blamed "drug abuse" for the problem. Of course, this is not the first time Fed officials have claimed 'drug abuse' as an excuse for the failure of their policies. 

Bulling China may have its consequences :

China is preparing to revise its 1984 Maritime Traffic Safety Law, which would allow local authorities to bar some foreign ships from passing through Chinese territorial waters. "As a sovereign State and the biggest coastal State in the South China Sea, China is entitled to adjust its maritime laws as needed, which will also promote peace and stable development in the waters."

Sarcasm ?

While typically uneventful, this morning the release of minutes from the ECB's January 18-19 meeting prompted a spike in both French and Spanish bonds, with yields dropping between 6 and 8 bps after the ECB said that “limited and temporary deviations” from the capital key “were possible and inevitable.”
Does racism is an inherited ideology?.. Does it come from Europe?

"Chatham House, the reputable group, published amassive survey from 10 European states, and only 20% of people want immigration from Muslim countries to continue."

Whether it is due to overnight news that much of the recent rally may have been due to one specific fund's cover of a synthetic "short SPY" trade, or just because algo traders have gotten a case of overbought robotic vertigo, S&P futures dropped 0.2% in early Thursday trading as risk appetite fizzled and European shares dropped on concern the longest rally since July 2015 went too far, while the yen, bonds and gold advanced as the dollar fell.

"I’m worried that this stock ‘melt-up’ move is extraordinarily mechanical right now - almost entirely the aforementioned forced-covering, not high conviction induced-buying - and may be sending a 'false signal' which is potentially dragging-in new buying on the breakout to new highs.  This could lead to a scenario where a market can 'collapse under their own weight'."




Si el hombre fuerte del Gob no puede defender sus elegidos.. que puede esperar el pueblo de el?


The Trump Presidency: RIP  By Paul Craig Roberts .  Trump is dead meat.
You Are Not In Control   By Dmitry Orlov
The technosphere doesn’t just control technology; it controls our minds as well.


Thomas M. Magstadt   Trump Against the World


Purge: Trump Prepares Major Overhaul of Intelligence Apparatus   https://sputniknews.com/politics/201702161050766635-trump-intelligence-overhaul/
Defense Ministers From 27 Nations to Hold Meeting on Anti-Daesh Campaign in Fall   https://sputniknews.com/military/201702171050771871-defense-ministers-daesh-campign-meeting/
US Vice President to Meet With Merkel, Other Heads of State in Munich  to fix T. shattered mirror?  https://sputniknews.com/politics/201702171050771715-pence-merkel-munich-conference/
Over 9,000 People Sign Petition Urging Trump to Expel Soros From US   https://sputniknews.com/us/201702161050740633-soros-petition-expel-us/

George Soros Bought a Huge Stake in Goldman Sachs After Trump’s Election  https://sputniknews.com/business/201702161050726679-george-soros-goldman-sachs-investment/
Es mas facil que Soros lo compre a Trump .. a que este venda  o mande a Soros al infierno.. Bs is Bs!


By Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post

Despite a campaign of seemingly more rational foreign policy promises not to start World War Three, on the evening of February 14, mainstream headlines announced that Trump is now claiming that Crimea was “taken” by Russia and that Russia should give the region back to Ukraine.

“President Trump has made it very clear that he expects the Russian government to deescalate violence in the Ukraine and return Crimea,” said White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer on Tuesday. Trump then later tweeted on Wednesday, February 15, “Crimea was TAKEN by Russia during the Obama Administration. Was Obama too soft on Russia?”

As is typical, senile warmonger John McCain, who is well-known for abandoning U.S. POW’s in Vietnam and supporting every single military action ever put on the table including supporting actual terrorists, joined in a chorus of war fervor, urging Trump to “let’s take a different course together: give defensive lethal assistance to #Ukraine & keep sanctions on #Russia.”
Keep Reading
By Brandon Turbeville
Activist Post

In a surprising turn, it has been announced that National Security Advisor Michael Flynn has resigned from his post after allegations surrounding his “inappropriate” contact with Russian officials and his subsequent admission of providing “incomplete” information to the President and Vice President regarding that contact. The resignation takes place amide FBI investigations into Flynn’s phone calls with the Russian ambassador and weeks after the Justice Department sent a warning letter to the Trump administration regarding the potential for Flynn to be subject to blackmail if the allegations were true.

In addition, the U.S. Army was reportedly investigating Flynn for his possible acceptance of Russian money during trips made to Russia in the past.

Of the less hysterical reports, Yahoo News at least attempted to refrain from channelling the ghost of Joe McCarthy. For that reason, it’s article Conway: Flynn Resigned Because He’d Become ‘A Lighting Rod,’” can be used as a sample of how corporate media outlets are trying to portray the resignation, minus the hyperbole. It reads,

National security adviser Michael Flynn has resigned following reports he misled Vice President Mike Pence about contacts with a Russian diplomat, up-ending President Donald Trump’s White House team less than a month after his inauguration.


El precio del amor & capitalismo  San Valentín hace trampas  Carolina Martín
MX   Vergüenza diplomática   Hermann Bellinghausen
ALC  América Latina mira a Ecuador  Santiago Mayor
ALC transnacionales y élites políticas   Odebrecht, la trama detrás de la trama  Juan Peris
Keiser report  1033  "Trump es el nuevo Boris Yeltsin"



El abuso oligarquico contra latinos es lo mas asqueroso del Gbno actual
Inicialmente la ley anti-migracion se diseño contra terroristas islamicos
Pero nadie pudo probar que los MX son terroristas ni aliados del ISIS
Si se puede probar que los Saudis lo son y que financian a elites USA
Se los acuso luego de ser narco-traficantes y Pe y Bol  probó desde 1960
que es la DEA y CIA quienes envueltas en tráfico de cocaína. Se puede
probar que aún lo están y que la drogadicción compromete al gobierno:
Por qué entonces el racism contra los MX? Porque es fácil agredir al débil
y sacar ventaja política de ello para cubrir el fraude y guerrerismo oficial.
Hoy ha concluido el 1er “day without migrants”  y a pesar del silencio de la
prensa oficial y la poca preparación del evento.. los migrantes salieron a las
calles y con ellos,  cientos de estudiantes americanos en su apoyo.
Aquí en Pittsburgh, PA hubo marcha al centro al medio dia pero fueron
dispersados rápidamente por la policía. Un estudiante tomo fotos de dos
pancartas muy significativas.
y la otra:
Lo que falto fue más propaganda llamando a la solidaridad del pueblo.
Aquí en PGh solo 2 tiendas de Mx cerraron, ambas cerca al CMU y Pitt.
La próxima convocatoria “A DAY WITHOUT MIGRANTS” será mejor.

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