miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2017

FEB 21 17 SIT EC y POL

FEB  21 17  SIT EC y POL


CNBC Asks The Only Question That Matters For This Market  Is best move ..just buy everything?
Related 1:

The “Greater Fool Theory” surmises there is always a “greater fool” than you in the market to sell to. For Wall Street, that greater fool is you. Haven’t you ever wondered why Wall Street never tells you to “sell and raise some cash?”

Related 2

Sometimes you just have to laugh...

Beware of academics bearing models. Knowing prices are wrong and knowing when they are going to correct are two very different things - being able to survive until and through the correction is vital.

RBOB ended the day lower below $1.50 and crude rolled over but ended green...


It would be one thing if crude stocks were rising, perhaps because refiners were going offline for maintenance. But if that were the case, then gasoline stocks would draw down on lower refining runs. But if both crude and refined product inventories are going up at the same time, then there should be some reasons for worry.

"Speculators often prosper through ignorance; it is a cliche that in a roaring bull market, knowledge is superfluous and experience is a handicap. But the typical experience of the speculator is one of temporary profit and ultimate loss."

As Benjamin Graham warned, “Observation over many years has taught us that the chief losses to investors come from the purchase of low-quality securities at times of good business conditions. The purchasers view the good current earnings as equivalent to ‘earning power’ and assume that prosperity is equivalent to safety.”

Simply put, the massively overcrowded hedge fund herding into US equities has created a crisis situation. With liquidity levels at record lows, the market will be unable to smoothly absorb any concerted selling pressure from large money managers.

"All would appear to be rosy in the equity market with the consensus promising higher EPS growth in 2017 and bond yields remaining reasonably well behaved despite higher headline rates of inflation and a very slightly more hawkish tone from the US Federal Reserve. However scratch below the surface of these headline numbers and all is not as it seems.-SocGen

Here are three charts highlighting the dramatic transformation of the US stock market starting in 1899 and continuing through today, showcasing its relative domination of all global equity markets, the relative sizes of world markets, and how dramatically the equity composition has changed over the past 117 years.

Almost everybody living in the U.S. illegally is now subject to deportation, and more undocumented arrivals at the southern border would be jailed or sent back to Mexico to await a hearing rather than released into the U.S., under memos issued Tuesday by the Department of Homeland Security.

"While there is broad support for comprehensive immigration reform, there is overwhelming opposition to sanctuary cities.  The public wants honest immigrants treated fairly and those who commit crimes deported and that's very clear from the data."
NOT ONLY WAR MONGER.. docts suggest he is one of the profiteers from war in Ukraine
John McCain with leader of the Neo-Nazi Svoboda Party Oleh Tyahnybok. McCain on a “Business Trip” to Kiev (Source Business Insider). John McCain Meets Oleh Tyahnybok In Ukraine - Business Insider

"John McCain’s been wrong on just about everything over the last four decades... He would bankrupt the nation. We’re very lucky he’s not in charge, because I think we’d be in perpetual war,”

Stunt or not, acknowledging the power of the media in creating a pretext for war, and therefore putting a stop to the drums of war, is one of the first key marks of his success. The main problem continues to be the ongoing war with the US deep state, something that will not be going away anytime soon, and a campaign that may have entered a new stage against the Trump presidency.

If eight years under Obama rule, 6 of which included Republican majorities in Congress, taught us anything, it's that Presidents have fairly broad authority to govern through executive orders and rules changes implemented at the 100's of government agencies responsible for overseeing our every move.

While the U.S. outspends all NATO allies when it comes to overall defence spending in relation to her GDP; as President Trump is very well aware, the U.S. is also the prime direct financer of NATO.




Four Dead Russian Diplomats in Three Months   By Adam Garrie  if you allow the 1st you welcome next


Trump’s Anti-Iran Coalition   By Abdel Bari Atwan
Why Do "Progressives" Like War?  By Philip Giraldi  I never realized wars are cool until Obama started them .. Few Americans hurt.. and a lot of money to get from manufacturing & selling weapons abroad
Elor Azaria Verdict: ‘No Justice for Palestinians’  By Jonathan Cook  legalizing impunity




Israeli Jet Strikes Syrian Army in West Damascus  https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201702221050928975-israeli-plane-attacks-syrian-army/

Fast world fascistization in US allies close to RU.. the truth is the 1st victim
Amnesty International: Ukraine's Authorities Repress Media Operating in Country  https://sputniknews.com/europe/201702221050927827-ukraine-authorities-repress-media/
European-world elites in limbo
Munich Conference Revealed That Global Elites 'Don't Have a Clear Vision'  https://sputniknews.com/world/201702221050930047-munich-security-conference-media-chaos/
Getting  ready for war?.. or just peaceful purposes?
Russia's Energia Corporation Developing 2 Modifications of Federatsiya Spaceship  https://sputniknews.com/science/201702221050930369-russia-energia-federatsiya/

Related 1
Russia's Energia Hopes to Reach Sea Launch Settlement Deal With Boeing Soon  https://sputniknews.com/science/201702221050931338-energia-boeing-sea-launch-s7/

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Related 3
Type of Peruvian-Incas expansion: not troops, not wars.. Just peaceful methods
Is Putin's Decision on Donbass Residents' Passports a 'Message to the West'?  https://sputniknews.com/politics/201702191050846275-putin-order-donbass-residents-message-west/


Just over a week into the Trump Administration, the President issued an Executive Order giving Defense Secretary James Mattis 30 days to come up with a plan to defeat ISIS. According to the Order, the plan should make recommendations on military actions, diplomatic actions, partners, strategies, and how to pay for the operation.

As we approach the president’s deadline it looks like the military is going to present Trump with a plan to do a whole lot more of what we’ve been doing and somehow expect different results. Proving the old saying that when all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail, we are hearing increasing reports that the military will recommend sending thousands of US troops into Syria and Iraq.

This would be a significant escalation in both countries, as currently there are about 5,000 US troops still fighting our 13-year war in Iraq, and some 500 special forces soldiers operating in Syria.

The current Syria ceasefire, brokered without US involvement at the end of 2016, is producing positive results and the opposing groups are talking with each other under Russian and Iranian sponsorship. Does anyone think sending thousands of US troops into a situation that is already being resolved without us is a good idea?
Keep Reading


Ecuador                Rayuela en Ecuador  Alfredo Serrano
                                Lenín Moreno va a ganar la segunda vuelta contra la ultraderecha” J Petras
                                ¿quiénes eran los populistas inescrupulosos?  Soledad Stoessel
                                Lucha de derechas Ec del siglo XX y XXI A Acosta y J Cajas
                                Entre continuidad trasformadora o restauración neoliberal  Emir Sader
                                Las elecciones en Ecuador   Luis Varese
                                Prohibirán a funcionarios públicos tener bienes en paraísos fiscales  ALAI
                                En Ecuador triunfó el Sí   Javier Tolcachier
                                Ecuador encara la segunda vuelta en las presidenciales  RT
Brasil  -“Saudade do Lula”  Emir Sader
EE UU   La izquierda tras de la victoria de Trump  Pablo Contreras
Pacientes psiquiátricos  Medicar coaccionando  Francisco Martínez


Dime con quien te alias y te diré como vas a morir

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