martes, 28 de febrero de 2017

FEB 27 17 SIT EC y POL

FEB  27 17  SIT EC y POL


"It’s like the Federal Reserve is Wayne Gretzky’s poorly coordinated older brother. Instead of skating to where the puck is going, the Fed can’t even skate to where the puck is, and is instead busy skating to where it has been."

It appears David Stockman's warnings over the looming debt ceiling debacle has sparked some investors to face up to reality once again. The Treasury-Bill yield curve has inverted further and swap spreads soared to five-year highs.

Buy the Trump-speech rumors?

What we have is a bunch of sclerotic, dying institutions and systems resisting anything and everything that threatens to disrupt the status quo.

Against expectations of a 0.6% rise, pending home sales in January plunged 2.8% MoM - the biggest drop since May. As mortgage rates have soared since the election, affordability has become a major issue according to NAR with pending home sales at the lowest in a year.

"Still long stocks. Still short bonds," David Tepper told CNBC and mused rhetorically "why are stocks and bonds acting differently? It's as if they're reacting to two different economies."
Close up this looks even more divergent.


"One man alone cannot make 'America great again'. That you have to realize," warns Marc Faber, the editor of "The Gloom, Boom, & Doom Report," reminding the world that the US stock market is vulnerable to a seismic sell-off that won't be caused by any single catalyst. His argument: Stocks are very overbought and sentiment is way too bullish for the so-called Trump rally to continue.

Faber, a supporter of President Donald Trump, isn't blaming the new administration for his bearish forecast:
"Trump, unlike Mr. Reagan, is facing huge, huge headwinds — including a debt to GDP that is gigantic, as it is in other countries."
Faber lists rising interest rates and record earnings and margins as additional risks to the historic rally.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at a record level for a twelfth consecutive session today with the S&P 500 to see the fewest declines in February than in any month since May 1990.

Faber says that resource commodities such as copper and gold would probably bring the traders solid profits this year.
“When you look at Trump and his administration, and the way the budget is, I think further money printing down the line is inevitable,” he said, stressing that such a policy could push commodities even higher.

A look at why the grain commodity farmers of the U.S. are locked in a vicious cycle of a perpetually oversupplied market.


"No one wants to see a gas tax, but you’ve got to get the money from somewhere..."

Welcome to 'Landlord Land'. The housing market is "starkly different than a decade ago..."

Story tale of a Poor baby deceived and raped by his pedophilo father ..
So, we’re demanding the monster be killed  and the pure baby be loved.
Does Trump’s sainticity be the main plot & actor for next Hollywood’ Oscar?

A Pentagon panel known as The Defense Science Board, told the Trump administration that they need to remake our nuclear arsenal into a force that is capable of engaging in a "limited" nuclear war. There’s only one problem with the idea of engaging in a limited nuclear war. It simply can’t be done.

With the new Administration just over a month old, we are seeing both hopeful and discouraging signs of how the Trump foreign policy is playing out...

China’s top economic planner has launched an investigation whether speculation has distorted commodity futures prices, due to concerns that the recent rally will drive inflation higher.






Military Industrial Complex Wins  White House Calls for $54B Bump in "Defense" Spending, Sharp Domestic Cuts  By Alex Guillén, Sarah Ferris and Jeremy Herb.  We don’t need Trump anymore
Al-Qaeda Gets An Oscar   By Moon Of Alabama
The Risk of Baiting Trump on Russia  By Norman Solomon  He is not a puppet, is worse
Truth vs. Trump   By Lawrence Davidson  Bye-Bye “to the good Trump”
Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds  By Elizabeth Kolbert  we are the puppets




HNC: 'We Believe Russia, They Can Play Major Role to Solve Syrian Problem'

Pentagon Declines to Confirm Russia Included in Anti-Daesh Fight Plan  
The war in Syria was won by Sy-Ru-Iran.. it need to be re-affirmed at whatever cost
 Trump Wants More - US Has More Weapons, Spends More Cash But It’s Not Enough
Oscar for White Helmets: Hollywood Gave Credibility to 'Terror-Affiliated' Group
On contact  Assault on the Arts


Planning WW3 ? 

On February 27th, Reuters headlined “Trump seeks ‘historic’ increase of 9 percent in U.S. military’s budget” and reported that “Trump will ask Congress to boost Pentagon spending in the next fiscal year by $54 billion in his first budget proposal and slash the same amount from non-defense spending.”

The U.S. Department of Defense is one of the 15 U.S. Cabinet departments, the others being: State, Treasury, Justice, Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, Energy, Education, Veterans Affairs (which is entirely ‘Defense’-related and so their budget is actually an essential part of America’s military expenditures), and Homeland Security (which is another essential military expenditure).

In addition, there are 16 intelligence agencies within a federal “black budget,” whose combined expenditure, when that was reported by the BBC headlining on 30 August 2013 “US intelligence agencies’ ‘black budget’ detailed”, was “$52.6bn in total for 16 intelligence agencies, according to the files” that had been “disclosed by leaker Edward Snowden.” As the Washington Post had first reported it the prior day:

“The $52.6 billion ‘black budget’ for fiscal 2013, obtained by The Washington Post from former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, maps a bureaucratic and operational landscape that has never been subject to public scrutiny. Although the government has annually released its overall level of intelligence spending since 2007, it has not divulged how it uses the money or how it performs against the goals set by the president and Congress.” In addition, there was reported “a separate $23 billion devoted to intelligence programs that more directly support the U.S. military.” So, a grand total spent on ‘intelligence’ in that year was $75.6 billion. And, actually, none of it has “been subject to public scrutiny.” ‘Defense’ and ‘intelligence’ are the only portions of the U.S. federal budget that have never “been subject to public scrutiny,” as will here be explained.

One way to understand the rising sense of disintegration and discord around the globe is to realize that those systems that aren’t busy being born are busy dying–and virtually none of our primary systems are busy being born.
The line is from Bob Dylan’s song It’s Alright, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding): “he not busy being born is busy dying.”

What does busy being born mean? For both individuals and systems, it means adapting by advancing understanding, flexibility and capabilities.

Systems that are dying are rigid, mal-adapted, resistant to change, obsessed with obscuring their failure and retaining their grip on cronyist privilege and power. Big Pharma: dying. Banking: dying. Governance, a.k.a. political processes: dying. Enforced consensus: dying.

Those slices of the economy that are exposed to competition and innovation have a choice: adapt or die. Everything that is protected by monopoly–private-sector cartels, government, government-managed sectors such as Big Ag, Big Pharma, Military-Industrial Complex, Higher Education and the entire intelligence agency alphabet soup–are focused on maintaining their grip on power.

“Adaptation” for those systems busy dying has been reduced to limiting transparency, PR campaigns aimed at diverting attention from their rackets, devoting resources to protecting their cronyist skims, desperately clinging to the status quo and fighting off innovation that threatens to disrupt their rackets.
Keep Reading


EC           Los dilemas de la segunda vuelta   Pedro Brieger
                Dónde está la izquierda?   Sebastián Vallejo

Perú   ¿Es Kuczynski un líder nuestroamericano?  J. A. Téllez Villalón
VEN  ¿Un nuevo Caracazo?  Juan E. Romero
Cuba  Fidel a tres meses de su partida   Atilio A. Boron


Pro-Russians threaten to seize .. enterprises in east

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