martes, 14 de febrero de 2017

FEB 14 17 SIT EC y POL

FEB  14  17  SIT EC y POL


After an initial delay, global stock markets have joined the Trump-flation euphoria in recent weeks. In fact, despite the dismal decline in global earnings, global stocks are now within inches of April 2015's record highs, and are now the most overbought since July 2014.

Bonds broke first, and then the broad stock market caught up...NOTE - 10Y yields capped at 2.50% almost perfectly

The dollar spiked on Yellen, then faded...NOTE - when Flynn resignation headlines hit overnight the dollar got hit hard...

"...waiting too long to remove accommodation would be unwise, potentially requiring the FOMC to eventually raise rates rapidly, which could risk disrupting financial markets and pushing the economy into recession."

Traders in the fixed income and money markets are losing their religion. Slowly but surely, beginning at the long-end, record short speculative positioning in US bonds is being unwound as traders lose faith in Janet and Donald's double-whammy.

Following explosive inflation in Germany and China, US producer prices printed hotter than expected at 1.6% YoY (final demand) with a notably 0.6% MoM jump (versus 0.3% exp) - the biggest monthly jump since September 2012.

When BofA conducted its monthly Fund Managers' Survey, and asked what is the most likely bear market catalysts, the responses were as follows: "protectionism" = 34%, "higher rates" = 28%, "financial event" = 18%, "weaker EPS" = 15%. The "smart money" also said that the best protectionist investment is one: gold.

"The TRILLION dollar question is then reiterated: when does all of this “inflation as a good thing” tip over into “inflation with no growth”—aka STAGFLATION?  This continues to be the chief concern of clients on recent marketing swings."
  • Yellen to Face Questions on Trump’s Impact on Economy (WSJ)
  • Fed has limited view on Trump economic policies as Yellen heads to Congress (Reuters)
  • Oil rises as OPEC-led output cuts trim oversupply (Reuters)
  • Mnuchin’s G-20 Debut Clouded by Currency Chatter (BBG)
  • Israel’s Netanyahu Prepares for High-Stakes Talks With Trump (WSJ)
  • Peugeot Owner in Talks to Buy GM’s European Business (BBG)

Meet Vice Admiral Robert Harward: former deputy commander of the U.S. Central Command and Chief Executive Officer for Lockheed Martin in the UAE, who has emerged as the front-runner to replace Michael Flynn as the White House national security adviser.

"Today's Neocon victory [Flynn's resignation] is a huge event and it will probably be completely misrepresented by the official media. Ironically, Trump supporters will also try minimize it all. But the reality is that barring a most unlikely last-minute miracle, it’s over for Trump...I see very dark clouds on the horizon."

"We the people" have become enemy #1.

As The White House tries to put the Flynn disappointment behind them, The New York Times appears to be resurrecting an old story with a new angle to keep the 'blame the Russians' narrative alive. Following FISA court approval (to spy on Trump's campaign), intercepted calls reportedly show "repeated contact" between Trump advisor Paul Manafort and senior Russian intelligence officials... but reveal no collusion.

According to a new study from WalletHub, Detroit's crumbling commercial and residential infrastructure isn't the only thing deteriorating rapidly in "America's Comeback City."  The study, which ranks America's 150 largest cities based on overall health, pegged Detroit 'dead''s where the rest of America ended up.

Trump will most certainly accomplish the relatively easy stuff – cutting taxes, building a wall, increasing funding for the military, spending more on infrastructure, and repealing Obamacare. If he wanted to leave a legacy on par with Andrew Jackson’s he will have to the hard stuff too. Will Trump have the courage to do any of the hard stuff? If not, the decline of the American Empire is inevitable.


"President Trump has made it very clear that he expects the Russian government to de-escalate violence in the Ukraine and return Crimea," Spicer said at a daily news briefing. "At the same time, he fully expects to and wants to get along with Russia."

Russia has (not so) "secretly" deployed a new ground-launched intermediate-range cruise missile in alleged violation of a 1987 treasty with the US which helped end the Cold War, despite complaints from American officials. According to the NYT, the move presents a "major challenge for President Trump."






Western Interests Aim To Flummox Russia  By Paul Craig Roberts and Michael Hudson
"Wake Up America"   By Dennis Kucinich




Revenge of Neocons? Who Will Replace Michael Flynn and What It Tells Us
McCain Calls for 'Meaningful' Response to Russia's Alleged INF Treaty Violations

Senator McCain Says US Should Send Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles to Ukraine
US Not Coordinating Strikes in Palmyra With Russia Amid Anti-Daesh Advancement
The Crossroads of History: Is the European Union Becoming the 4th Reich?

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