miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2017


FEB  7  17  SIT EC y POL


"A 6% fall in US demand would require a US recession.  In the absence of a base effect, such a decline has only occurred in four periods since 1960 during which time PCE contracted. To achieve the 5.9% decline requires PCE to contract 6%, in other words, a recession."

Interest rates are again being allowed to move per market forces--at least in the US—and as rates volatility suppression became the calling card of the QE era, interest rates as the ‘vol trigger’ mechanism within modern market structure / asset management is slowly being reset.

With Tuesday's somnolent market action and virtually unchanged close, the streak of less than 1% intraday moves has extended to 36 consecutive sessions - the longest such streak in history.


More on our fake-neoliberal supremacist economics

While US consumers may have stepped back from a credit-card funded splurge in the last month of 2016, the far more troubling trend in student and auto loans remains, and as the following chart shows, as of Q4, both car and student debt hit all time highs of $1.407 trillion and $1.11 trillion, respectively.

Something to keep in mind as "reflation", "recovery", "stimulus", and whatever else we can put between quotation marks comes up all over again...

No tweet this time but White House spokesperson Sean Spicer just stated: "Trump is in favor of negotiating pharma prices"... and the reaction was quick...

McDonalds replacing minimum-wage workers with "Big Mac ATMs"; Coffee stores replacing low-paid barristas with robots, and now Bank of America opening branches with no workers at all.

To take land-water from natives and to crack down their pacific demonstration with the army.. Is or not a sign of fascism?  Could be.. depends on your definition of fascism

The US Army Corps said in a court filing it has notified Congress that it has granted the final easement needed to finish the controversial Dakota Access pipeline. The easement was needed for Energy Transfer Partners to complete work on the last portion located under Lake Oahe on the 1,172-mile long pipeline.

Are we really supposed to believe that this time is any different? Are we really supposed to believe that the US government can continue to indefinitely lose $1 trillion dollars per year without consequence?

When nations go broke, there are consequences. Simple.
This isn’t some earth-shattering concept. It’s common sense.

And once again, history is generous with examples, from the nationwide bank account freeze in Cyprus in 2013, to Iceland’s capital controls following the 2008 crisis, to the wage and price controls of  [today Emperors  ] like the ones in ancient  Rome.

In each of those instances there were probably countless people who either chose to be willfully ignorant or simply hoped that their politicians would fix everything.

Rational people don’t choose to be ignorant, especially when the government itself puts this data in black and white.
Nor do rational people bet everything on hope.
They have a Plan B.  Do you have a Plan B?

When it comes to mindless excess in the war on terror, it is difficult to compete with the 70+ fusion centers bankrolled by the Department of Homeland Security. Though the fusion centers are a dud on the anti-terrorist front, perhaps they are a big success in making Americans wary of speaking out against government abuses.

Various mainstream media outlets would like for you to believe there is discord in the White House between President Trump and Steve Bannon.  The question is whether any of it is true or if this is just more "fake news" from a mainstream media intent upon doing anything possible to sow the White House discord they so desperately seek?

Meet the three federal appeals judges who will step into the spotlight this afternoon in a highly anticipated oral argument over whether to reinstate President Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration and refugees.
The expert in words Nassim Taleb said there is not sign of fascism. Looking at his mirror said: "... a “mathematician thinks in numbers, a lawyer in laws, and an idiot thinks in words.”

"... a mathematician thinks in numbers, a lawyer in laws, and an idiot thinks in words. These words don’t amount to anything. I think you have to draw the conclusion that there is a global riot against pseudo-experts... It has nothing to do with fascism. It has to do with the faux-experts problem and a world with too many experts."

What is going to happen to society when robots are able to do just about everything better, faster and cheaper than human workers can?


The world economy is collapsing too

Just day after President Trump suggests Germany is a currency manipulator, and as Merkel looks set to lose her Chancellorship, Europe's powerhouse economy just collapsed in December. Industrial production plunged 3.0% MoM in December - the biggest drop since Jan 2009 and over 8 standard deviations below expectations.
Any US news on China.. take it with caution

After rising non-stop during Golden Week, offshore Yuan is tumbling (down almost 500 pips) since the Chinese came back from vacation (and Bitcoin is soaring). Tonight's drop was predicated on a notable weakening by the PBOC, pushing the fix to its lowest since Jan 17th.
The only thing that grows up is the US-NATO militarism

As part of continued a NATO build-up and US efforts to counter an alleged Russian threat, US military hardware, including M1A2 Abrams battle tanks and Bradley infantry fighting vehicles have arrived in the northern Estonian town of Tapa, shortly after similar deployments were made to other Eastern European nations including Poland, Bulgaria, Romania and Germany.






Moral Supremacy and Mr. Putin  By Patrick J. Buchanan
"A Century of War"  Documentary
9/11 And The Transporter Jihad  By Bonnie Faulkner - Guns And Butter


Pepe Escobar  Age of Anger
Fred Nagel  Class War Yet?


Although dangers of Syria conflict for ww3 already passed, is important to know truth
Broadcasting Board of Governors CEO: US, Russia Not in State of Information War   https://sputniknews.com/politics/201702081050450238-usa-russia-information-war/
Related 1
'Close Calls' Between Russian, US Jets Part of Obama's 'Information War'   https://sputniknews.com/world/201701121049514636-russia-us-syria-aircrafr-corcoran-statement/
Related 2
'From US for Mutual Defense': What Obama Administration Hopes to Secure in Syria   https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201612291049108344-us-syria-rebels-arms/
Related 3
US-Backed Syrian Militia with Anti-Aircraft Missiles   https://sputniknews.com/military/201612281049053245-syria-militia-anti-air-weapons/
Related 4
UK's RT Clampdown Could Echo US 'Information War' Against Russia   https://sputniknews.com/world/201610181046445533-russia-britain-rt-bank-accounts/
Trump: Democratic Party Obstructing Formation of New US Government  https://sputniknews.com/us/201702081050451043-trump-democrats-obstruct-government/
DOJ, Anti-Travel Ban Lawyers Clash With Federal Judges Over Trump’s Order   https://sputniknews.com/us/201702081050449573-doj-ban-lawyers-clash-judges/
Trump: Litigation on Executive Order Travel Ban May Reach US Supreme Court   https://sputniknews.com/us/201702071050438978-us-trump-travel-ban/
Quien agarrre el toro por la cola corre el riesgo de ser arrastrado y tirado fuera de la arena
Trump: re-set  plan: El terrorismo viene 1ro de arriba y no se frena con xenofobia  anti-migratoria.
Maidan was the assault of neofascists in Kiev: they put down elected Gvt. McCain-Soros behind
Romanian Maidan: What Prompted Half a Million People to Take to the Streets   https://sputniknews.com/europe/201702071050419770-romania-protests-government-decree/
On contact  The power of political cartoons with Mr. Fish   Chris Hedges discusses the influence of editorial cartoons
Keiser Report  Episode 1029  Max and Stacy look at the scandal behind the financial news headlines.


Smith se tragó la brújula: too much neocon oil from BBC

Yesterday I noted that not all assets will make it through the inevitable financial re-set. ( Which Assets Are Most Likely to Survive the Inevitable “System Re-Set”?)

Those that are easy to expropriate will be expropriated, and those assets vulnerable to soaring taxes, inflation and currency devaluation will also be hollowed out.

There are two real-time examples of these dynamics we can profitably study: “capitalist” Greece and “socialist” Venezuela. Both nations have impoverished their citizenry to preserve an oligarchy and its cronies.

I hope it won’t be too great a shock that crony-capitalism and crony-socialism function in much the same fashion and generate the same result: the wealth of the nation is funneled (or expropriated) into the ruling Elites, impoverishing the non-elites.

The mechanisms differ in appearance but they produce the same results: expropriation and impoverishment. In Greece, two Ruling Elites stripmined the nation: the big European banks and the domestic oligarchs and their functionaries in the state.

Having flooded Greece with “cheap” credit denominated in euros, the EU’s big banks demanded “austerity” so the Greek government could continue servicing its massive debt. The Greek oligarchs dodged “austerity” in the usual way: by buying political influence.

Very little of the so-called “bail-outs” actually reached the Greek citizenry, and much of what did enter the Greek economy flowed into the hands of the oligarchy.
Keep Reading


Regreso de torturadores Vuelta  a  escenas criminales del pasado M Goodman
ARG  Mapuches contra Benetton  Descolonizando el territorio  Saskia Fischer
Chile  ¿Necesitamos banderas?  Símbolos y patriotismo en medio de la tragedia N Massai
COL  -    Requisito para la Paz   Cumplir lo acordado  Editorial
Denunciando engaño sionista   Trump, el enterrador de  “Acuerdos de Oslo”  Abdo Tounsi
España  La pugna por la hegemonía en Podemos  Antonio Antón
EE.UU.  La "fabricación" del presidente Trump  Manuel E. Yepe
                La policía política estadounidense   Manuel E. Yepe
                Apología de discriminación   Lucía Alvites  
                Impunidad y aquí no pasó nada  OtraMirada      


He represent anybody .. his voice doesn’t count
Berlin  The leap into freedom  History


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