lunes, 9 de julio de 2012


Hugo Adan . July 09, 2012


Whose wrong doing is worse, the State-bureaucrats’ or individual-citizen’?

No one citizen tolerates the expose of his/her wrong doing; much less the state bureaucrats who serve big corporations. A millionaire can retaliate in court, like Strauss-Kan (the ex-head of the IMF), who partially restored his reputation in court but after his presidential candidacy in France was ruined by international servants of big corporations.

Common citizens –if they do not have network contacts- they can go to jail as happened with those who published in NYT “The Pentagon Papers” in June of 1971, some of them went temporarily to jail (Daniel Ellsberg included) but the battle continue since other newspaper resume such publication. The exposé of atrocities in Viet Nam committed by Nixon and continue by the Johnson Administrations showed that they systematically lied, not only to the public but also to Congress. Meaning: it was a crime against democracy the lack of transparency by State servants, a crime that the Supreme Court did not tolerated.

State bureaucrats did what they did at that time and aggravate their situation as abusers of power. They not only create the “Plumbers unit” to deal with the paper leaks, they also create “assassins units” to deal with infidels to holly wars and its profiteers. At the end, many crimes remained “state secret” but the battle was won by the public, the Watergate scandal and Nixon's resignation is conclusive evidence on this regard. The same in France, the nation retaliate the conservative wrong doing against Strauss-Kan by voting the opposite party in recent elections.

The interest of the nation in transparency and real democracy succeeded against the private interest of the profiteers of war. The same battle is still on in the “Assange” case, that is not really an individual case but a case of State super-powers in a “globalized world” against one citizens of the world who only rely on tech revolution and international solidarity to survive.


“Quien roba a ladrón, tiene mil años de perdón” = “those who steal a thief are pardoned by god” that is a common wisdom among Catholic Christians. It describes what now is going on with the exposé of the wikileaks. The Assange’s team has exposed that the buying of elections, of state officials and military apparatuses and installing many military stations all over the world cost billions of dollars to the American tax-payers. Such money that could have been used to give a better life to common people, the unemployed, the elders and to invest in health and educational systems instead of privatizing them.

Several wikileaks revealed that the business of destruction and reconstruction in Irak only benefit US-UK crook companies and the destruction of Libya benefit in additions to thugs & mercenaries from Saudi royalties whose fundamentalist jihadist are a menace to women rights, to freedom of speech and to the rights of minorities, all this with the complicity of NATO allies. These military affairs has nothing to do with peace, freedom , democracy and national security.

As the SS Clinton suggested recently, we can stop the war in Syria immediately if this nation give up their right to State sovereignty. Meaning: we create this war and we can stop it. That misuses of power in Syria deals more with blackmailing than with democracy and peace. Our media is intentionally misinforming the nation of what is going on in Syria and in Pakistan with the drones. See 23 REASONS TO DISTRUST AL-JAZEERA & WESTERN MEDIA ON SYRIA, in .

The US regimes has systematically desecrated American Constitution by conducting wars that killed many innocent civilians. US State bureaucrats in power not only disregarded and faulted the principle of transparency on public matters, they lie to the nation and to the senate and also breach international humanitarian laws and basic principles of human rights by misusing its military power. Soon or later the international community will demand a new Nuremberg trial against the neo-nazis of NATO allies.


All is a matter of taking position between State-reasons vs. Human rights principles. In theory the main US state- reason is to protect the security of its own nation (their homes, their health, their work , their education, the elders security and the borders). Does the State really protect those interests? Who is threating them? Foreign states or our own big evil corporations that owns the central State via bi-partisan political system?.

Is there any foreign State powerful enough to defy our military mighty? No one but we have to create enemies to keep the business on. That is the business of the State: create enemies and fear to them in order to continue manufacturing WMD and sell them abroad. The major buyers were the Saudis who had close ties with the Bush administration (in the Carlyle group).

In the list of enemies of the US State were the red, the yellow and recently the Muslim jihadists. It was the business of creating war elsewhere. The story-tell was always the same: freedom, democracy, peace and since 2006, with the patsy Kofi Annan, war came disguised as “humanitarian intervention” . How many companies profit from this business?. No more than 12 giant corporations and a hundred of small subsidiaries. In 2001 the owners of the state decided to make real the threat in order to plunder the oil in the middle east.

There is a lot of info about the inside job of sept 11. It was negotiated by the CIA with the Saudi royalty who provide the fundamentalist jihadist. With the complicity of the ISI from Pakistan, Mosad from Israel they manage to pack the fundamentalist in several planes and did what they did successfully. They got two birds in one shoot, said an observed. They got implemented the sum of all fears: the patriot act –that was pending from years before, and also the free carpet bombing in Afghanistan to smoke away the tribes and set up the pipe-lines from the Caspian see, whose oil they planned to still.

The unexpected resistance happened and they change the target toward Iraq in 2003. Sept 11 was the mother of all lies in current history and the Saudi royalty were here in the US to celebrate this success. They left the country in sep 12, although it was prohibited for Saudis to get out of the country. This is the type of State we deal with, the same of the drones and the recent decree given power to the State to execute any American without due process. Leaks about the events of sept 11 didn’t come from Assange, if he has info on it, he kept it secret, that is why the US wants to kill him and their associates.


As stated by the UN, we are born with human rights and they should be the first priority in any type of socio-political analysis. In second place we have political or citizens rights, and individual freedoms to defend with our life in front of the State, any state, if they breached. Most rights have absolute validity. Meaning: they apply to all human being at any time in any place. They are guaranteed by international laws and covenants. Some freedoms have both absolute and relative validity.

Absolute in the sense that in normal time all citizens have the right to enjoy them and relative in the sense that in war time or under natural disasters or some contextual environments defined by the state regimen in the interest of the whole nation, in such cases individual freedoms might be temporarily limited. In the eve of elections for instance, the freedom of assembly and speech is prohibited in many places. In India and Scandinavian countries the buying of election (the super-packs in the US) is considered corruption and a crime against democracy, the same with the press-freedom to sell political advertisement during election time in some countries; they are obligated to contribute to democracy under the rule of equality of opportunities and fairness.


NATO States are not working in favor of them, they instead are dismantling rights freedoms and democracy everywhere they go with their neoliberal agenda. This program only polarized the world into rich and poor and they know this is dangerous for their survival of the few, for them to keep their fortunes. This is why they a installing fascistic regimes without the swastika all over the world. From the pacific response to the neoliberal fiasco (people is taking their money from the banks and use them to conduct minor transactions, they don’t even pay their debts, they sell what is of value, declare bankruptcy and migrate to the south, the reason is simple, they do not have stable work) from civil disobedience people advanced to occupy plazas and streets and nobody knows when they will start assaulting the rich, if they didn’t do it yet . Entire client states are surviving with illegal drug trafficking and money laundry to pay their debts. The Federal continues faking dollars at the same speed that international traders are abandoning this currency for their transactions. The dollar is being abandoned as reserve- currency in banks worldwide, we are facing the collapse of the dollar and tributary system.

On top, the biggest states in the west are renouncing to face three major plagues:

A. environmental degradation because of overuses of oil as primary source of energy.

B. we are plundering foreign resources (expropriating land and water to entire towns) with genocidal methods.

C. we continue training mercenaries, arming jihadist and putting the whole humanity at risk of nuclear disaster. The complicity of the corporate media in these nasty affairs have been contested by the wikileaks that they want to silence now.


1st, we need to separate two types of powers, the institutional power of the ICC, UN and IMF, from the NATO networks of big corporations. Tobin tax should be implemented to finance the autonomy of UN.

2nd, inmediate full UN assembly to stop the interference of superpower nations in the internal affairs (politics and policies) of developing countries. No more humanitarian interventions like the one in Libya and today in Syria. No more training of mercenaries and no arming them to militarize domestic conflicts. Immediate cease of all economic sanctions against Iran and Cuba (return Guantamo to them)

3rd, recognize that peace, freedom and democracy is still a project, that the small advances during the past 50 years are being dismantles rapidly in order to implement the failed neoliberal agenda lead b y big corporations. Superpower regimes had manipulate such labels as false flags just to do the opposite

4th, recognize that the aggregate components of governance really matters in the re-building of real democracy, This implies at least the following:

a. Voices in favor of transparency and accountability must not be silenced

b. Political stability implies inclusion of all minorities in the policy making process of any State. The crackdown of their demands create instead

c. The rule of Law (constitutions) needs to be re-negotiated so that the fees to compensate the damaged caused by predatory corporations and their partial nationalization (50/50) should be used to pay the bulk of the foreign debt, the rest (interest owed) should be condoned. That will create a fresh start to developing countries all over the world.

d. Assange’s team better contribution to democracy re-building should be oriented to disclose the best experiences in the confrontation with predatory corporations.



MY WEBSITE: ARTICLES OF Nov of 2010. Especcially:

more sources:

PRECEDENTS on this case: The Pentagon Papers:


Leaker of Pentagon Papers Joins WikiLeaks in Rebuking U.S.
Julian Assange and Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon Papers, lashed out at the Obama administration’s aggressive pursuit of whistle-blowers.
October 24, 2010, Sunday: SOURCE the same as above


also the comments to this article and other:


Play ball, not Bolt, in free speech debate
Julian Assange and Jennifer Robinson
October 28, 2011


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