domingo, 31 de octubre de 2021

OCT 31 2021 ND SIT ECON y POL Part 1 & P 2


OCT 31 2021 ND SIT ECON y POL Part 1 & P 2

ND denounce-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco


Quick News 1

Unregulated CBD-based health & wellness products do more harm than good

BY derailedcapitalism

Many patients navigate their way across the health and wellness market through a costly process of trial and error.



Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics


Exactly the opposite happens to US Dollard: it continues to lost power globally

13 Years After Its 'Birth', Bitcoin Adoption Continues To Accelerate

"Global cryptocurrency usage has increased by 880% in the last year."


Why Goldman Sees Ethereum Soaring To $8,000 By Year End

by Tyler Durden

"This lines up rather well with the Ethereum chart, suggesting a late stage rally with longer term market top ahead."

Are cryptocurrencies an inflation hedge?

Few questions in the financial universe prompt a more forceful, vigorous, polarizing - and often angry - response than what may well be the simplest, if most far-reaching one: are cryptos truly digital gold, and do they offer protection against inflation during times of soaring prices? Needless to say, an affirmative answer would have huge consequences in a time when the US is experiencing the highest inflation since  the 1970s.

Now, Goldman appears to have finally found the answer: in a note from the bank's Global Markets managing director Bernhard Rzymelka, the bank shows that crypto assets have traded in line with inflation breakevens since 2019. Specifically, he charts the Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index (red) on a log axis, versus the USD 2y forward 2y inflation swap (blue). While correlation may no be causation, the chart below is clear enough to indicate that inflation certainly is a driving force behind the relentless crypto meltup to all time highs (which is delightfully ironic as some of crypto's biggest detractors are also some of the biggest Fed fanboys, who habitually cheer on the Fed's catastrophic monetary policy; little did they know that the record surge in cryptos would be most direct outcome of said policy).

See Chart:

What does this mean practically?

Well, if market-based views of inflationary pressures persist, we may soon see a meltup across the crypto universe and especially one token.

As the Goldman strategist writes, the local backdrop looks supportive for Ethereum as "it has tracked inflation markets particularly closely, likely reflecting the pro-cyclical nature as "network based" asset." And, as Rzymelka notes, "the latest spike in inflation breakevens suggests upside risk if the leading relationship of recent episodes was to hold (grey circles below)."

See Chart:

USD Inflation swaps 2Y2Y Forward


This, according to Goldman, lines up well with the Ethereum chart. In the past few days, the price of the crypto broke out to new all time highs, rising just shy of $4,500 with a narrowing wedge, which to Goldman is "either a sign of exhaustion and peaking... or a starting point of an accelerating rally upon a break higher." To Goldman, the answer to this rhetorical question is easy, and the bank hints that ethereum could surge as high as $8000 in the next two months if the historical correlation with inflation fwds persists.

See Chart:

And while some could argue that ETH is due for a pullback, Goldman counters that while the recent surge may appear stretched, "the RSI has yet to hit the overbought levels seen at past market highs."

See Charts:


One final word of caution. As the Goldman traders notes, US inflation swaps imply core PCE inflation at or above 2.50% for the next 5 years. That's a lot of overheating, and current market levels hence price a rather aggressive interpretation of the Fed's AIT framework of "moderately above 2% for some time" already.

On one hand, the upside to inflation markets - and possibly crypto assets - hence looks limited unless the market starts doubting the FOMC's inflation credibility (much) more fundamentally. In other words, as we have been saying since 2014, cryptos have emerged as the asset class that will benefit the most if we have another major inflationary/stagflationary scare.

As Goldman concludes, "this lines up rather well with the Ethereum chart, suggesting a late stage rally with longer term market top ahead."





"The Fire Is Hot": Why Morgan Stanley Is Bracing For A Collapse In The US Consumer Early Next Year

                By Michael Wilson, chief equity strategist at Morgan Stanley

"If our analysis is correct, we think that this bullish trend can continue into Thanksgiving, but not much longer."

Trick or Treat, or Both?

Over the past few weeks, I have been highlighting the increasing probability of a colder winter but a later start than previously expected. In other words, our 'fire and ice' narrative remains intact, but timing of ice has been pushed out (see ""Our Fire And Ice Narrative Remains Intact": Why Wall Street's Most Bearish Analyst Simply Refuses To Capitulate").

In short, we think the earnings growth slowdown will be worse and last longer than expected as the payback in demand arrives early next year with a sharp year-over-year decline in personal disposable income. While many have argued that the large increase in personal savings will keep consumption well above trend, it looks to us as if personal savings have already been depleted to pre-COVID-19 levels.

See Chart:

Demands look vulnerable, perhaps just when supplies rebound next year


Surveys suggest that many lower-income consumers are worried about their finances again with inflation increasing at double-digit rates in necessities like food, energy, shelter and healthcare – i.e, the fire is hot.

Bottom line, the fundamental picture for stocks is deteriorating as the Fed starts to tighten monetary policy and earnings growth slows further into next year, turning outright negative for some companies.

See Chart:

S&P 500 Earning Revision breath is starting to roll over

However, asset prices are continuing to rise as retail investors keep plowing excess cash into these same investments. Meanwhile, with strong seasonal trends and pressure to perform high at this time of year, many institutional investors we speak with are staying fully invested for these technical reasons. If our analysis is correct, we think that this bullish trend can continue into Thanksgiving, but not much longer.

Enjoy the treat for now, but beware the trick, and manage your risk accordingly.





Inflation is inflation: all you need to know - and what if it actually is transitory?

all about inflation...




Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption.


Centralize system is the domain of big Corp vs Decent that favor Middle sect & labor

Hedge Fund CIO: Our New Reality Will Depend On The Fierce Clash Between Centralized And Decentralized Power

The conflict will affect every industry, institution. And of course, understanding what is likely to become valuable in this new world that few can yet imagine, let alone understand, presents an enormous opportunity


The temporal ‘enormous opportunity’ only favor less than 1% of the Nation, the rest has to eat the effect of real inflation-prices plus more tax to them.


Vaccine doesn’t prevent nor cure effects of pandemics: Here 1 of mill cases:

Fully-Vaccinated White House PressSec Psaki Tests Positive For COVID

"I last saw the President on Tuesday, when we sat outside more than six-feet apart, and wore masks."


It is the factor ‘immune system’ that we have to consider seriously


Chicken vs rooster fight inside their poultry or mad-house: NYC vs FED system

Mandate Meltdown: 26 NYC Firestations Shuttered, LA Sheriff Warns Of 'Mass Exodus', Tucson Water District Faces 'Staff Shortage'

A dangerous game.


It is NOT dangerous even if NY City walk toward autonomy or decentralization. IF that happen is good news


Taxing the rich is not unconstitutional. All depends on how you interpret & used: FDR

Warning: Joe Biden's "Eat The Rich" Pitch May Come Back To Bite You

Biden has embraced a plan to tax the rich that is not just unworkable and unprecedented but likely unconstitutional...


The rich is already Biting Biden. His political life is at stake. Just kill them!


Mr Presid Biden: you have the power. Use it as FDR did it. Don’t trust dem-parasite

Pelosi To Placate Progressives? Top Dem Mulling Dual Votes Next Week As Biden Approval Hits All-Time Low

You know it's bad when Chuck Todd can't put sprinkles on this turd...



US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis, D rest in limbo


Will China Pop The Global Everything Bubble? (Spoiler Alert: Yes)

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog

...the popping of the global Everything Bubble is not Xi's goal; it is the inevitable second-order effect (collateral damage) of China's debt-speculation bubble popping...

That China faces structural problems is well-recognized. The list of articles in the August issue of Foreign Affairs dedicated to China reflects this.

What the conventional analysts do not fully grasp, are 1) the existential threat to the CCP and China's economy posed by its unprecedented, metastasizing credit-asset bubble and 2) its incipient energy crisis.

As I explained in a recent blog post, What's Really Going On in China?, the CCP and the government informally institutionalized moral hazard (the disconnection of risk and consequence) as a core economic policy.

The contradictions in their mass investing of savings in empty condos are systemic and dangerous: 1) once a flat is rented, it loses value due to being "used" and 2) the vast majority of the market for "investment" flats is illiquid, as most new buyers want a new flat, not an old one, so the market for old flats is extremely thin outside the most desirable inner rings of Beijing and Shanghai

See Chart:

Nearly all their eggs in one basket


This mass investment in illiquid empty flats has generated social and financial perversities: now that flats in desirable areas cost 30-40 times an average white-collar salary, young people must vacuum up the entire extended family's savings in order to afford a flat. Those young men who are unable to buy a flat find their marriages prospects are dismal.

One result of the marriage of state control and private-sector Wild-West speculation is a truly vast wealth-income divide that is bound up with corruption in a mutually reinforcing feedback: the richer you become, the closer to power you get, and vice versa.

This truly monumental accumulation of debt and speculation is now an existential threat to the Party on two levels:

1) since all bubbles pop regardless of any other conditions, when this bubble pops, the economic blow will be severe enough to threaten the Party's control of the economy

2) the crushing of phantom wealth will cause people to seek a scapegoat, and the Party is Target #1 since it coddled the well-connected and wealthy but did not protect the 99% from the dire consequences of the bubble bursting.

President Xi understands this is the do-or-die moment to regain control of an out-of-control moral hazard driven financial bubble, and the only way to do so is to push the losses onto everyone with exposure, the driver being the stark choice to either regain control by popping the bubble now or letting it expand and implode in an uncontrolled (and hence Party-threatening) fashion.

Now comes the grand ironies. China's ability to generate stupendous amounts of new debt basically bailed out the global economy in 2008-09, 2015-16 and 2020. Yes, the Federal Reserve bailed out the global banking sector (to the tune of $16 trillion in backstops and credit lines) in 2008-09 and inflated a speculative bubble in the U.S. by creating $3.5 trillion in quantitative easing, but China's expansion of debt was an equally important source of global demand, which is what stopped global economies from sinking into recession.

There are only two policy options:

1) Grasp the nettle and refuse to bail out debt-funded speculative excesses, thereby popping the Everything Bubble, or

2) play the game of keeping the bubble expanding until it implodes on its own, an end-game made inevitable by the systemic instabilities intrinsic to bubbles.

Xi has correctly chosen Policy #1, and to do so has positioned the Party as the defender of the people, i.e. anti-corruption, shackling the Big Tech billionaires like Jack Ma, and announcing that the state will not bail out EverGrande.

The Federal Reserve and the political leadership of the U.S. have foolishly chosen Policy #2, inflating the bubble while letting the consequences of this moral hazard bubble--wealth-income inequality and corruption--explode higher, fatally undermining the credibility of both the Fed and America's political class.

In summary: the popping of the global Everything Bubble is not Xi's goal; it is the inevitable second-order effect (collateral damage) of China's debt-speculation bubble popping

The grand irony now is that rather than saving the global economy by expanding its own debt bubble, China will pop the global Everything Bubble. To state the obvious, being a linchpin in the global economy makes China a consequential domino. Anyone who thinks the Fed's speculative bubble in the U.S. can magically become immune to the collapse of tightly-bound dominoes is indulging in magical thinking





If ISR kill Iran gas stations, that act of war requires nuke-missiles from RU-CH asap

Iran Blames Israel & US For Cyberattack That Crippled Nationwide Fuel Network

Thousands of gas stations went offline for days this week ...




- Biden Apologizes for Coming Late to His Own Presser at G20 Because He Was 'Playing With Elevators'

- Magnitude 6.1 Earthquake Hits South Sandwich Islands Region, USGS Reports

- Khartoum Values Moscow’s Stance in Regard to Recent Events in Sudan, Army Chief Says

- Bernie Sanders Is Determined to Add Prices For Prescribed Drugs in Biden’s Spend Bill

- France‘s Macron 100% Sure Australian PM Lied About Submarine Deal

- Over 70% of Americans Think US Going Wrong Way, More Than Half Disapprove of Biden, Poll Shows

- American Airlines Scraps 1,600 Flights on Halloween Weekend Over Weather, Staff Shortages.  They did not mention vaccine business for this damage

- Biden: US Will Retaliate Against Iran's Actions, Be It 'Drone Strikes or Anything Else'

- Turkey's Erdogan Says Creation of EU Army Not Project That Can Be Implemented

- ISR-IDF Launches Massive Weeklong Drill Simulating War With Hezbollah Combined With Domestic Unrest




OCT 31 2021 PART 2 ND SIT EC y POL SPANISH  ++  








"Dejo Roma con mis esperanzas incumplidas" dijo Sec Gral ONU tras cubre del G20


A Fernández jefe de OMS(Org-Mund de Salud)  llama a aprobar vacuna rusa Sputnik V


ONU Inicia la COP26: ¿Qué se propone para alcanzar la neutralidad de carbono?


Las redes estallan en críticas a la caravana de Biden d 85 vehículos antes de la COP26


Israel y Palestina 'bajo lupa': muestran zonas restringidas y de carácter nuclear


Elon Musk venderá acciones de Tesla para resolver el hambre en el mundo (pone dos condiciones)

Condiciones: que los otros millonarios donen 6.000 millones de dólares y que ayuden a paliar el problema. Muy buena la propuesta: Elon Musk es un filántropo humanista al 100% A ver si envía algo para la red Nueva Democracia que dirige Hugo Adan Zegarra


El iPhone 13 no impresiona al cofundador de Apple, Steve Wozniak


Ecuador: Empresa petrolera amenaza a las comunidades indígenas





Keiser Report

Hyper-shrink-flation is here (E1769)

Max and Stacy present their evidence of ‘hypershrinkflation’, as an order of avocado shocks them with its obvious shrinkage. They also look at the fallout from Jack Dorsey’s ‘hyperinflation’ tweet. In the second half, Max chats to Tyson Slocum of Public Citizen’s Energy program about COP26 and what to expect from the climate summit





-Stop the Covid Holocaust! Open Letter By Rabbi Hillel Handler, Hagar Schafrir

- The WEF’s Diabolical Project: “Resetting the Future of Work Agenda” – After “The Great Reset”. A Horrifying Future By Peter Koenig,

- A Letter to the Unvaccinated By Dr. Angela Durante, Prof Denis Rancourt,

- Foreign Aid” to Finance 1.8 Billion Vaccine Doses. Western Governments, Billionaires and Big Pharma Come to the “Rescue of the Poor Countries” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky,

- 57 Top Scientists and Doctors Release Shocking Study on COVID Vaccines and Demand Immediate Stop to All Vaccinations By Dr. Roxana Bruno, Dr. Peter McCullough,

- Video: Big Pharma Imposed the “Vaccine” and “Digital Certificate”: “Undisclosed Contract” with EU Governments. Members of the EU Parliament Press Conference By Global Research News



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