miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2021

OCT 20 2021 ND SIT ECON y POL Part 1 & P 2

OCT 20 2021 ND SIT ECON y POL Part 1 & P 2

ND denounce-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco




Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics


Netflix Slides After Stellar Results Were Not Stellar Enough: Wall Street Reacts

by Tyler Durden

The quarter and outlook were great.

However, the price already reflected that...

After initially spiking on Tuesday after reporting blowout earnings and solid guidance, Netflix has dropped as much as 3.4% now that investors have had a chance to digest the report and as some analysts said the roughly in-line subscriber outlook for the fourth quarter fell short of some investors' high expectations.

See Chart:




Courtesy of Bloomberg, here’s what some analysts are saying:

Open & read these important analysis at:

SOURCE: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/netflix-slides-after-stellar-results-were-not-stellar-enough-wall-street-reacts



The death of USD:

Bitcoin Rallies To All-Time Record High Over $66k As ETF Options Begin Trading

“Options are huge in this case,”


Persistent Inflation Poses A Real Threat To Stock Prices

If you do not think inflation can be persistent, think again...

The bar graph below shows cumulative returns for each industry if you only held each sector during the inflationary periods.

See Chart:



Next, we look at the two periods with double-digit inflation, the 1970s, and early 1980s. The graph below shows only gold, oil, ships, and guns produce positive returns. Everything else is in the red. In those two environments, the S&P fell over 50% cumulatively.

See Chart:



Profit margins are now at their highest levels since at least 1947. If inflation continues higher and margins decline, profits will suffer. Now recall the graph we shared earlier with valuations. If earnings decline due to declining margins and valuations fall to levels in line with prior periods of inflation, stocks could easily fall by 40-50%. Even more significant declines would not be abnormal. 

In the event of persistent inflation, stocks that can protect margins that are not trading at high valuations have the best chance of retaining their value. Conversely, beware of those trading at high margins with limited ability to pass on higher costs to consumers. 


We still maintain a deflationary bias longer term. That said, we do not know what the future holds, nor does anyone else. It is not a given anymore that supply lines will moderate, and inflation will normalize in a short while. Workers are becoming more emboldened to seek higher wages, threatening a wage-price spiral.

The Fed is running policy as if the economy were in a depression when it is booming. More inflation is probable, at least in the short run, and we best appreciate how inflation can wreak havoc on stock prices.

Given record profit margins and valuations, there appears little upside, especially if inflation remains problematic. Throw stagflation into the formula, and the outlook is bleak.

We urge you carefully consider the risks and rewards in various inflation environments and trade accordingly. This time is different!


SOURCE:  https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/persistent-inflation-poses-real-threat-stock-prices



Rabobank: Central Banks Are Starting To Worry

They were wrong about inflation because they were wrong about supply chains, and they were perhaps wrong about labor markets, which they had just taken years to learn had no serious bargaining power.


Demographics, Birth Rate, & The COVID Baby Bust Are Quite Deflationary

That impact will start showing up in 2024

and last a minimum of 12 years...


Peter Schiff: The Debt Ceiling Is Really A Debt Floor

"What Biden really means is that if we raise the debt ceiling, we can kick the catastrophe down the road and we won’t have to deal with it today..."


Greed Is Back: Stocks Rip Back To Record Highs

Well that didn't take long...


Weird Occurrings In The Bond Market... Even By Bond Market Standards

Equity investors seem to have been focused more on hike/no hike talk and not enough on where longer dated bond yields are headed, which is likely to enter their


The "Sugar High" Is Over: Nomura Warns US Economy Has Entered "Slowdown" Phase

...a critical “phase shift” occurring in real-time...  [ See Chart ]




Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption.


To Appease ESG, Exxon Considers Abandoning Some Of Its Biggest Oil And Gas Projects

Despite the current oil price and supply landscape, the impact from these projects coming online likely wouldn't have been felt for years to come.


Vaccinate Children Age 5-11 depends on their parents approval to be legal & Constitut

White House Details Plan To "Quickly" Vaccinate 28M Children Age 5-11

Within hours of formal approval, doses will begin shipping to providers across the country...


IF one children dies it will a legal scandal at Nation & worldwide= Biden sue. Before the Vacc is approve, it will be scientific guarantied. It must pass test.


New recession is at portas or already started. Tax & confiscate Billionaires as FDR did it

"People Are Hoarding" - Supermarkets Are The Next Supply Chain Crunch As Food Shortages Persist

"I never imagined that we'd be here in October 2021 talking about supply-chain problems, but it's a reality." 


It was expected, even the first recession was. The best economists were consulted & most agree with taxing & confiscate Billonaires (the owed big money for QEs & Bailouts given to them). Similar FDR policies apply today.


Trump mut be put in contempt more than Bannon. If re-elected is a menace to PEACE

Jan. 6 Committee Votes To Hold Bannon In Contempt

... committee says it wants Bannon’s documents and testimony because he was in touch with Trump before the Jan. 6 incident...


Si el torero y el toro estan ya en el ruedo, el torero tiene que clavar su espada por encima de las astas o el toro lo decapita. No tiene sentido poner atención en la vaca del toro que lo mira y lo aplaude. El toro al que hay que liquidar es Trump, no Bannon. Con su muerte nos ahorramos hoy la muerte de la PAZ después. Es ahora o nunca. Politics is similar to a corrida de toros. PEACE vs WW3 is at stake. De lo que hacemos hoy, depende la PAZ maniana.

Sorry for my Spanish: the translator is sleeping.

The only week part of my strategy is that Biden-Trump work hand on hand on war issue Once Biden decide in favor of Peace, he has to cancel ties with Trump. Otherwise Trump will be re-elected & there won’t be peace in the world. It is the betrayal of Biden to Peace that will define the future. Then the Nation will fight both Trump-Biden to create real future of PEACE for USA.


Rand Paul: Democrats "Are Going To Go After Ordinary People" With Massive Spending Bill

“It is a lie that they are only going after rich people.”



US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis, D rest in limbo


Beaten Down China Tech Stocks Surge As Jack Ma Visits Europe

"It's getting clearer and clearer that the worst of Beijing's crackdowns are"


Software Ate The World And Now Has Indigestion

...back in the real world, software has a limited role in filling structural scarcities of physical goods and many services.



SPUTNIK NEWS :  https://sputniknews.com/

- US-Mexico Border Detentions Highest Since 1986, Report Says

- London Has 165,000 Homeless People But Afghan Refugees Could Jump to Front of Queue For Homes

- DC AG Seeks to Hold Zuckerberg Liable in Suit Stemming From Cambridge Analytica Scandal

- US Accuses China of 'Stonewalling' the World on COVID-19 Origins Since January 2020

- Psaki Bashed Online as She Tries to Laugh Off Question About Night Flights Transporting Migrant Kids

- Tension Erupts in India's Uttar Pradesh After Dalit Cleaner Dies in Police Custody

- Germany's Greens Party Chief Accuses Russia of 'Playing Poker' With Gas Prices

- Bitcoin Hits New All-Time High, Soaring Above $65,000

- 'Hunter's Moon' Reigns in Night Sky Over Tehran

- Let's Go Brandon, F**k Joe Biden Song Reaches Top Spot on iTunes Hip-Hop Charts

- US Military Base Bethesda Housing Walter Reed Medical Center on Lockdown Over Reports of Bomb Threat




OCT 20 2021 PART 2 ND SIT EC y POL SPANISH  ++  



BRA: Bolsonaro y Kast: dos perfiles de ultraderecha vernácula FDC

ALC: Alianzas entre IZQ y MOV evangél en Am-Latina  Radha Sarkar

Pto Rico: Deuda onerosa: luna de miel en Junta y el bipartidis  J N M

ARG:  Balance de coyunt ARG con la mirada en la calle  Paula G

FEM: Berta Cáceres y su lucha contra toda impunidad   Ellen Verryt,

España: De las horas de trabajo y productividad  FG- JC

BOL:  Cumbre por la Recuperación Económica del País  Cynthia C

ONU rechazó asesinato de un niño de 12 años y un joven en Tibú

Colapso!  Cuando todos trabajan todos trabajan menos

Cuba:  Prevención inclusiva de desastres salva vidas  Lirians G

Ecuad:  Lasso un presidente offshore?   A A y J C

España:  Contra el machismo   Antonio Antón

Mund:  Las peripecias de Victoria Nuland en Moscú   Rodolfo Bueno




Putin anuncia una semana no laboral por el aumento de casos de coronavirus en RU  https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/407713-vladimir-putin-anunciar-semana-no-laboral

Aquí no se anuncio año no laboral pero existe porque desempleo y CV lo crearon


Cerrón contra Castillo? Una renuncia no pedida que crea probl en gabinete presidenc https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/407736-cerron-castillo-cambiar-escenario-politico-izquierda-peru

Se trata de una traición a Castillo que nadie esperaba. La derecha le paga por su traición o Castillo no supo elegir su gente. Quizá ocurrió ambas cosas. Ojala Castillo encuentre rápido un mejor reemplazo. Si voy a Perú lo haría con gusto. Solo tendría que enviar el pasaje en avión y viajo. Hugo Adan Zegarra: 314 Ophelia St , Pittsburgh PA 15213. Si me gustaría ayudar a Castillo. Soy PhD graduado en Ciencias Politicas en la Univ de Pittsburgh, US. Estoy actualmente jubilado, con buena salud y terminando 1 libro que podría publicarlo en Perú. Se trata de 2 perspectivas del socialismo en el US. Varios artículos sobre el tema los publique en NUEVA DEMOCRACIA, un Journal diario muy leído en el US  y fuera del país: Abrir= nd-hugoadan.blogspot.com . Mi telefono: 215 285-7235  Llamar después de las 10 de la mañana hasta las 10 de la noche. Hugo.





Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies

- Our Future vs. Neoliberalism By M Benjamin and N J. S. Davies

- American Billionaires Added $2.1 Trillion to Their Fortunes During the Pandemic By Juliana Kaplan and Andy Kiersz,

- Forced Vaccination Was Always the End Game. America’s Move Towards Authoritarianism By Barbara Loe Fisher,

- End the Covid Fraud and Global Genocide Now! By W Gelles n The White Rose UK

- Why Government Cover-Ups Succeed By James Bovard,

- Israel Approves $1.5 Billion Budget for Potential Attack on Iran By Dave DeCamp




VOLTAIRE NET ORG   https://www.voltairenet.org/en

News in Brief

Mali accuses France of training the terrorists it professes to fight

On 8 October 2021 during an interview with Russian news agency RIA-Novosti (photo), Malian Prime Minister Choguel Kokalla Maïga accused France of training the terrorists it claims to be fighting [1].

“We have proof of this. In our language there is a saying that when you’re searching for a needle in your room and the person supposedly helping you to look for it is sitting on it, you will never be able to find it. This is the current situation in Mali, and we do not intend to put up with it,” he added.

The Prime Minister then pointed out that the French troops deployed in his country have consistently prevented the Malian army from entering the Kidal enclave, a stronghold of the Tuareg rebellion where French officers are allegedly training jihadists of the Ansar el-Din front, an offshoot of al-Qaeda.

At the beginning of its intervention in Mali, in 2013, France restrained the advance of its own troops to allow time for the Qatari handlers of the Islamist militants to clear out.

Continue reading at:

SOURCE: https://www.voltairenet.org/article214422.html




Amy Goodman’  team

- Striketober: Labor Militancy Grows as U.S. Workers Walk Off the Job & IATSE Members Get Tentative Deal

- 10,000 Striking John Deere Workers Demand “Equitable” Pay & Benefits as Company Sees Record Profits

- “Dire Crisis of Poverty”: NYC Taxi Drivers Launch Hunger Strike to Demand Relief from Medallion Debt

- Meet India Walton: Black Socialist on Democratic Ticket for Buffalo Mayor Snubbed by NY Dem Party




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