domingo, 24 de octubre de 2021

OCT 23 2021 ND SIT ECON y POL Part 1 & P 2

OCT 23 2021 ND SIT ECON y POL Part 1 & P 2

ND denounce-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco




Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics


Protecting USD don’t matter.. protecting cryptos does for big Corp

JPMorgan Turns Positive On Crypto, Sees "A Bullish Outlook For Bitcoin Into Year-End"

          by Tyler Durden

"We believe the perception of bitcoin as a better inflation hedge than gold is the main reason for the current upswing, triggering a shift away from gold ETFs into bitcoin funds since September. This flow shift remains intact supporting a bullish outlook for bitcoin into year-end."  [ See Chart ]

The launch of the first Bitcoin ETF, BITO, even if based on futures, was the culmination of seven years of anticipation for bitcoin bulls and it certainly did not disappoint: the leaks and the actual news propelled the cryptocurrency to a new all time high above $66,000 (with some profit-taking to follow).

See Chart:


Continue reading at:




Tech Salaries Fall In High Cost Cities Like San Fran And New York As Remote Work Drives Employees Elsewhere

However, in cities like Seattle and Austin, pay rose.  [ See MAP ]


With A Record 79 Container Ships Waiting Off The SoCal Coast, A Scary Supply-Chain Solution Emerges

by Tyler Durden

"You need to do more than just ramp up supply: you need to squash demand or the wild gyrations continue."

As we discussed yesterday, when looking at the recent dip in sky high container shipping rates, there was some fleeting hope that Southern California port congestion had turned the corner. The number of container ships waiting offshore dipped to the low 60s and high 50s from a record high of 73 on Sept. 19, trans-Pacific spot rates plateaued, the Biden administration unveiled aspirations for 24/7 port ops, and electricity shortages curbed Chinese factory output.

See Chart:

Container rates


Alas, it was not meant to be, and despite the very serious jawboning coming out of the White House, the time ships are stuck waiting offshore continues to lengthen. There are simply too many vessels arriving with too much cargo for terminals, trucks, trains and warehouses to handle, and according to the Marine Exchange of Southern California, 79 container ships were waiting off Los Angeles and Long Beach on Thursday, yet another all-time record.

Alas, unlike Goldman, we don't see any easing in the short- to medium-term, for several reasons. First, there is no catalyst on the horizon that will lead to both a reduction in demand for goods (over services) over the next 6 months especially with winter coming. Second, the downstream chaos in the supply chain alone means that everything has to align perfectly for the blockages to be resolved. However, that won't happen because between the continued labor shortages, the lack of infrastructure to resume smooth operations, and a supply pipeline that it snarled on both ends (Chinese energy crisis, US labor crisis), the chaos will continue indefinitely. This is a key point made recently by Citi's Matt King in his latest must read presentation (available to pro subs), asking if the economy is like a "double pendulum" where a "slightly harder push changes the system behavior entirely."

See Chart:

What if the Economy is like a double pendulum?

It gets worse though: so far the supply chain bottlenecks have not materialized in any tangible shortages at the retail level where rising prices have successfully offset rising demand (with a few notable exceptions). However, if and when the supply crisis hits a tipping point and photos of empty shelves once again flood the media, there will be a surge to hoard similar to what we saw in March 2020 as the panicked population buys first and asks questions later, at which point the chaos in the system will once again spill over. Or, as King puts it, "the desire to buy is inversely proportional to the stock available."

See Chart:

Surely this is just a model


Which leaves us with the painful conclusion: if we want a return to the previous supply-chain equilibrium, the system needs to do more than just ramp up supply: it also needs to squash demand or the wild gyrations will continue.

See Charts:

What does it takes to return to the previous equilibrium?


That means inducing another artificial recession to cripple demand, something which we doubt the Democrats controlling the 78-year-old in the White House will be able to stomach.





Von Greyerz: Shortages & Hyperinflation Lead To Total Misery

          Authored by Egon von Greyerz via,

At the end of major economic cycles, shortages develop in all areas of the economy. And this is what the world is experiencing today on a global basis... There is a general lack of labour, whether it is restaurant staff, truck drivers or medical personnel.

There are also shortages of raw materials, lithium (electric car batteries), semi-conductors, food,  a great deal of consumer products, cardboard boxesenergy and etc, etc. The list is endless


Everything is of course blamed on Covid but most of these shortages are due to structural problems. We have today a global system which cannot cope with the tiniest imbalances in the supply chain.

Just one small component missing could change history as the nursery rhyme below explains:

For want of a nail, the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe, the horse was lost.
For want of a horse, the rider was lost.
For want of a rider, the battle was lost.
For want of a battle, the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a 
horseshoe nail.

The world is not just vulnerable to shortages of goods and services.


Bombshells could appear from anywhere. Let’s just list a few like:

  • Dollar collapse (and other currencies)
  • Stock market crash
  • Debt defaults, bond collapse (e.g. Evergrande)
  • Liquidity crisis  (if  money printing stops or has no effect)
  • Inflation leading to hyperinflation

There is a high likelihood that not just one of the above will happen in the next few years but all of them.

Because this is how empires and economic bubbles end.

Although the US is not officially in military conflict with any country, there are still 173,000 US troops in 159 countries with 750 bases in 80 countries. The US spends 11% of the budget or $730 billion on military costs.

See MAP:

US Military presence around the world

Since the start of the US involvement in Afghanistan, Pentagon has spent a total of $14 trillion, 35-50% of which going to defence contractors.

Throughout history, wars have mostly started out as profitable ventures, “stealing” natural resources (like gold or grains) and other goods–often due to shortages. But the Afghan war can hardly be regarded as economically successful and the US would have needed a more profitable venture than the Afghan war to balance its budget.


The US annual Federal Spending is $7 trillion and the revenues are $3.8 trillion.

So the US spends $3.2 trillion more every year than it earns in tax revenues. Thus, in order to “balance” the budget, the declining US empire must borrow or print 46% of its total spending.

Not even the Roman Empire, with its military might, would have got away with borrowing or printing half of its expenditure.


As Mr Micawber in Charles Dickens’ David Copperfield said:

‘Annual income 20 pounds, annual expenditure 19 [pounds] 19 [shillings] and six [pence], result happiness. Annual income 20 pounds, annual expenditure 20 pounds ought and six, result misery.’

And when, like in the case of the US, you spend almost twice as much as you earn that is TOTAL MISERY.

Neither an individual, nor a country can spend 100% more than their earnings without serious consequences. I have written many articles about these consequences and how to survive the Everything Bubble


The most obvious course of events is continuous shortages combined with prices of goods and services going up rapidly. I remember it well in the 1970s how for example oil prices trebled between 1974 and 1975 from $3 to $10 and by 1980 had gone up 10x to $40.

The same is happening now all over the world.

That puts Central banks between a Rock and a Hard place as inflation is coming from all parts of the economy and is NOT TRANSITORY!

Real inflation is today 13.5% as the chart below shows, based on how inflation was calculated in the 1980s

See Chart:

Consumer inflation:  Official vs shadow Stats



The central bankers can either squash the chronic inflation by tapering and at the same time create a liquidity squeeze that will totally kill an economy in constant need of stimulus. Or they can continue to print unlimited amounts of worthless fiat money whether it is paper or digital dollars.

If central banks starve the economy of liquidity or flood it, the result will be disastrous. Whether the financial system dies from an implosion or an explosion is really irrelevant. Both will lead to total misery.

Their choice is obvious since they would never dare to starve an economy craving for poisonous potions of stimulus.

History tells us that central banks will do the only thing they know in these circumstances which is to push the inflation accelerator pedal to the bottom.

Based of the Austrian economics definition, we have had chronic inflation for years as increases in money supply is what creates inflation. Still, it has not been the normal consumer inflation but asset inflation which has benefitted a small elite greatly and starved the masses of an increase standard of living.

As the elite amassed incredible wealth, the masses just had more debts.

So what we are now seeing is the beginning of a chronic consumer inflation that most of the world hasn’t experienced  for decades


This is the inevitable consequence of the destruction of money through unlimited printing until it reaches its the intrinsic value of Zero. Since the dollar has already lost 98% of its purchasing power since 1971, there is a mere 2% fall before it reaches zero. But we must remember that the fall will be 100% from the current level.

As the value of money is likely to be destroyed in the next 5-10 years, wealth preservation is critical.  For individuals who want to protect themselves from total loss as fiat money dies, one or several gold coins are needed.

So back to the nursery rhyme:

For want of a nail gold coin, the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe, the horse was lost.
For want of a horse, the rider was lost.
For want of a rider, the battle was lost.
For want of a battle, the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail gold coin.

Gold is not the only solution to the coming problems in the world economy. Still, it will protect you from the coming economic crisis like it has done every time in history

And remember that if you don’t hold properly stored gold you don’t understand:

  • What happens when bubbles burst
  • You are living in a fake world with fake money and fake valuations
  • Your fake money will be revalued to its intrinsic value of ZERO
  • Assets that were bought with this fake money will lose over 90% of their value
  • Stocks will go down by over 90% in real terms
  • Bonds will go down by 90% to 100% as borrowers default
  • You lack regard for your stakeholders whether they are family or investors
  • You don’t understand history
  • You don’t understand risk

The 1980  gold price high of $850 would today be $21,900,  adjusted for real inflation

See Chart:

Gold adjusted for real inflation 1720-2021


So gold at $1,800 today is grossly undervalued and unloved and likely to soon reflect the true value of the dollar.



NOTE:  I got the imprecion that some data in this art has been distorted intentionally. So, PLEASE check the author Von Greyerz original art above.





Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption.


Biden policies cannot by trust. They are full of lies

State Department Privately Admits 'Nearly 400' Americans Still Stuck In Afghanistan

"We now know this administration repeatedly lied..."



US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis, D rest in limbo


Si les das armas a los niños se disparan entre ellos… the same happen with big Nats

India Deploys Advanced Anti-Aircraft Guns In High Altitude Border Standoff With China

Comes as China develops multiple small air bases in risky Himalayan terrain


IF RU is playing DOUBLE standard.. SHAME of Russia!

Israel Says Russia Will Allow Continued Attacks On Syria After Bennett-Putin Talks

However Moscow has long warned Israel must keep its warplanes away from Russian bases...


Meaning: ISR can attack Syria without hit RU bases= welcome to ISR missiles and welcome to any US war abroad since feed business of big Corp selling weapons of mass destruction in both sides US & RU


Sweden Suspends Moderna Shot Indefinitely After Vaxxed Patients Develop Crippling Heart Condition

As the US embarks on boosters...


A Tale Of Two Civilizations

In recent years, America’s unsuccessful attempts at containing China as a rival hegemon has only served to promote Chinese antipathy against American capitalism...


Visualizing The World's Biggest Real Estate Bubbles In 2021

                by Tyler Durden early warning system, evaluating 25 global cities and scoring them based on their bubble risk.

Identifying real estate bubbles is a tricky business. After all, as Visual Capitalist's Nick Routley notes, even though many of us “know a bubble when we see it”, we don’t have tangible proof of a bubble until it actually bursts.

And by then, it’s too late.

See Chart:





AUKUS was born to attack CHINA and start WW3: US still renew such stupid project

Why Australia Could (And Should) Become A Major Nuclear Power Producer

Australia has the largest known reserves of uranium on the planet. It is the third-largest exporter of uranium. Yet is has no nuclear power plants to produce electricity...


Electricity is a FASE FLAG designed to cover up the attack to CH. IF fails because expected immediate respond by China, at least it fit the semi-project of selling US weapons of mass destruction, none of both are ethical, they’re inmoral acts


Another WW3 scenario:

Chinese & Russian Warships Still Circling Japan As 'Counterweight' To US "Destabilization" In Region

State media: Encircling Japan, particularly sailing to the east side of Japan, is of significance because many key military installations are located on that side.




- As Israel Preps to Vaccinate Kids Against COVID-19, Some Say They Will Be Against 'Coercion'

- US Still Ready For Dialogue With North Korea Without Preconditions, Special Envoy Says

- Facebook Struggled to Curb Violent, Divisive Content in India, Internal Docts Show

- More Than 10,000 Sequoias Must Be Removed After California Wildfires, National Parks Reveal

- British Military Brings Over 100 People Who Had Left Afghanistan to UK

- US Seek Clarity Over Turkey’s Intention to Declare US Ambassador Persona Non Grata

- US Authorities Getting Veterans Involved in Resettlement on Afghan Refugees

- Biden’s Popularity Drops More Than That of Any Other US Leader Since End of WWII - Poll

-COL Authorities Reportedly Capture Elusive Drug Lord Otoniel, Leader of Clan del Golfo

- Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Issues Cryptic Warning of ‘Hyperinflation’ Soon To Happen in the US

- One Person Killed, 7 Injured in Shooting Near University Campus in US




OCT 23 2021 PART 2 ND SIT EC y POL SPANISH  ++  



US:   La ola de huelgas   Jorge A. Bañales

Ecol: 500 expertos piden  dar valor a la ecología” como ciencia

BRA:  La extrema derecha mundial apuesta por Bolsonaro  N U

Crisis capitalismo:  El negocionismo  Bordera y Turiel

Migra: A Gurnah: el abismo de refugiados en culturas y contin  J C

África: Frente Polisario pide a ONU posición clara frente a Marruec

Video: Por un puñado de dólares:

Tribunal d Belmarsh enjuicia a US por crímen de guerra y pid lib-J A

Facebook se ensaña con las comunidades musulmanas

Guatem:  Militares asaltan Congreso. Exigen indemniz  Victoria Korn

Perú Decisión ejemplar por lucha indígena  M Ruiz

Nicaragua: A barrer la derecha  Fabrizio Casari

Chile:  Neruda y el juicio de los tiempos  C León

Chile:  Reinstala conflicto limít con Arg.  Mario H

Ecol:  Eurocámara exige protección para trabajadores del amianto

BRA:  Bolsonaro, presidente corroído  ERIC N

Chile : Dinámica neofascista del candidato Kast  L Lavín

Piñera :  ¿Ahora quién podrá defenderlo?  F Herreros





-Quién es 'Otoniel', el "narco COL más temido del mundo"


'Otoniel', sonríe ante las cámaras poco después de ser capturado en Colombia


Erdogan ordena declarar 'persona non grata' a embajadores de EE.UU., Alemania


El jefe de Twitter vaticina que la hiperinflación ocurrirá pronto y lo "cambiará todo"


Buques de guerra de RU y China realizan por 1ra vez patrullas conjuntas en el Pacífico


Hijo de multimillonario causa la muerte de una mujer y no va a prisión














On Contact: The Julian Assange case

On Sept. 26, Yahoo! News published ‘Kidnapping, assassination and a London shoot-out: Inside the CIA’s secret war plans against WikiLeaks’. The article detailed discussions within the CIA to kidnap or assassinate Julian Assange. The revelations came a month before a hearing in Britain’s High Court that will see the US government appeal a decision that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange cannot be sent to the United States to face espionage charges.






Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies

- The Incidence of Cancer, Triggered by the Covid 19 “Vaccine” By Dr. Nicole Delépine,

- Elite’s Depopulation Agenda Is Now Irrefutable By Joachim Hagopian

- A Final Warning to Humanity from Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Michael Yeadon By Dr. Mike Yeadon

- The “Killer Vaccine” Worldwide. 7.9 Billion People By Prof Michel Chossudovsky,

- The Spike Protein Is the Killer – Beware of mRNA “Vaccines” By Peter Koenig,

- Official Narrative Admits Fake COVID Vaccine Gives You Fake COVID Immunity By Makia Freeman

- Why Defending Nicaragua Is Important By Stephen Sefton,





News in Brief

Rapprochement between USA and Saudi Arabia

S National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan met with Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed bin Salman.

The talks mostly focused on the possibility of warming relations between their two countries if Riyadh would agree to normalize its diplomatic relations with Israel.

The rest is blocked





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