martes, 5 de octubre de 2021

OCT 5 2021 ND SIT ECON y POL Part 1 & P 2

OCT 5 2021 ND SIT ECON y POL Part 1 & P 2

ND denounce-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco



Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics


Hidden Bankruptcy: The Reality Behind Uncle Sam's Inflated Bar Tab

                Authored by Matthew Piepenburg via

...COVID as a policy tool rather than as controversial health issue, it’s also fairly clear that the powers that be will be milking this fear-porn-to-policy trick for all its worth..

Specifically, we are referring to the chart below representing the true interest expense on the debt bar-tab of a now fully debt-intoxicated Uncle Sam:

See Chart


With central-bank “accommodated” asset bubbles (from stocks to real estate to art) now at historically unprecedented levels, tax receipts flowing into the U.S. coffers from the ever-growing millionaire-to-billionaire class have been rising.

This may seem good for that punch-drunk Uncle Sam, but what no one is talking about is that despite even those “capital gain” receipts, the interest expense (i.e., “bar tab”) in D.C. is now an astronomical 111% of those same tax receipts.

In other words, U.S. tax income doesn’t come close to even paying interest (let alone that archaic concept known as “principal”) on growing U.S. debt obligations.

Read the full article at:




Bitcoin is erasing USD from currency’map. This is the best favor to RU-CH & mafias too

Visualizing The Rise Of Cryptocurrency Transactions

Every day, approximately $12 billion are transferred across the Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin blockchains, with millions of people using cryptocurrency for payments daily.


We Have One Market Concerned About Valuations, And Another Where Price Discovery Is Broken

Markets function best when they are allowed to get on with their assigned task by themselves.             




Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption.


FED centralism in favor of Corp-pro private greet is easy to convert in Pub-Need corps

Buchanan: Biden Becomes A Bernie Sanders Democrat?

If this bill does not die in the fall,

what will America look like a few years henc


That conversion happens in Scandinavian countries, in Yugoslavia with Tito and in Peru with the military cup of General Velasco Alvarado supported by RU-CH. Esos son ejemplos de transiciones pacificas al socialism from FED centralism. It could happen in America too if there is a top military against the private greed  Corp fostering explosive inequality. Unfortunately the experiment in Peru was betrayed by another military supported by the US & Tito case was bombed by president Clinton.


"A Politically-Motivated Abuse Of Power" - GOP Rep. Rages At AG Garland's 'Weaponization' Of The DoJ Against Dissenting Parents

"...displays a lack of reasoned, sound judgment... confronting parents to oppose the views of the Biden administration and its socialist agenda..."


Landlords Express Frustration With LA's Eviction Moratorium As State Eviction Ban Ends

California’s eviction moratorium ended last week on Sept. 30... However, the city of Los Angeles’s eviction ban will likely go on for at least another year...


For Human Rights reason we totally support the DEMS in this point:

Dems Try To Sneak Handout That Provides "Billions Of Dollars" To Illegal Aliens With Kids Into Biden's Spending Bill

Under the new rules, illegal immigrants could receive monthly payments of $250 to $300 per child


This view look like Trump’ coward hypocrisy. Illegall migrants are all PILGRIMS who came to AmerIca long time ago (the racist ancestors of Trump) The US is a country of “Migrants’’and we should keep high our ethical support to them and specially to Latino-AM migrants who gave his life for our country. Abuses against them are very horrible. Los abusos a ellos son muy horribles. It is a very coward fault to attack them. Tit for Tat may come soon: US embassies & US companies could  be target in all the South.  Mata un gringo malparido, dirán ellos, y no les faltara razón.


US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis, D rest in limbo


Gold from Peru? Buenaventura Comp sold this Gold to Comp from Canada & US

Poland Central Bank To Buy 100 Tons Of Gold In 2022

As institutions pile into cryptos,

central banks are still mostly looking at gold.


Peru is the major exporter of Gold in All Americas & its gold is top quality


Taliban Raids ISIS Hideout After Kabul Mosque Bombing As US Mulls 'Cooperation'

Working with the devil?


Vaccine terrorism continue..

Large New York Health Care System Fires 1,400 Unvaccinated Workers

“It’s not an anti-vaccine statement. It’s a freedom of choice statement..."




- Taiwanese Defense Minister: China Capable of Mounting 'Full Scale' Invasion Against Taiwan by 2025

- Mali Foreign Ministry Says Summoned French Ambassador Over Macron's 'Unfriendly Statement'

- Sen. Lindsey Graham Booed After Telling Fundraiser Attendees to 'Think About' Getting COVID Vaccine

- Hurricane Ida Recovery Efforts Must Center on Victims, Not Corporations

- Chilean Opposition Initiating Impeachment of President Over Pandora Papers

- Biden Seems to Invent ‘Taiwan Agreement’ With China in Press Comments

- US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan Says Diplomacy is Best Way to Stop Iran’s Nuclear Program

- ‘Fight Hurts Both Countries’: China’s Envoy to Washington Urges Need for ‘New Ways to Get Along’

- US Nuclear Arsenal Had 3,750 Warheads in 2020, Down 88% Since Cold War Peak - State Dept.

- Bipartisan US Legislation Authorizes Genocide Label, Expanded Sanctions Against Myanmar

- Wall Street’s Big Tech Up 1.3%, Rebound in Risk Claws Back Part of Previous Day Loss

- Trump Admin. Capitulated in Afghan Peace Talks, Leaving Taliban Stronger








Ecuad:  Privatización del tiempo laboral  Juan J. Paz-y-Miño Cepeda

Pandora Papers Lavado de dinero involucra a mandatars neoliberales

US:  Los infames muros de Joe Biden   Renán Vega

US:  Ecos de una cumbre bajo sospecha y devaluada   Sergio Ferrari

Chile :  nueva represión como parte del despojo territorial mapuche

Opin:  Un mundo sin facebook   Malek Dudakov

Opin:  Vargas Llosa: ¡Viva Hernán Cortés, nuestro libertador!  C de U

ARG:  Las almas rotas de la pandemia   José Natanson

ARG:  Pacto agropecuario: benefic a pocos y pobreza de muchos

BOL:  Los dos niveles del debate sobre el golpe   Carlos Echazú

Econ: parques eólicos de Yucatán benefia a las grandes empresas

BRA:  Mil días, y un solo grito: «Fora Bolsonaro»   Juraima Almeida

BRA:  Es hora de preguntar: ¿cómo gobernar una tierra arrasada?

Chile  «Déjà Vu»: Piñera y los «Pandora Papers»   Pablo Monroy

Poli:  La izquierda del siglo XXI es antineoliberal   Emir Sader

Opin:  ¿Otra vez Casandra?    Eduardo Montes

CubaL  La organización, y no el espontaneísmo   Fernando M

Espania:  Sí, hay personas que se están quedando atrás  Víctor A

MX:  Funcionarios y delincuentes

MX:  Indígenas presentan reforma constituc para su autonomía DP

US:  Biden redobla la amenaza contra China  Barry Sheppard

Iraq:  La involución del desarrollo humano





La oposición prepara una acusación constitucional contra Piñera por papeles d pandora


Se reabre el paso entre Colombia y Venezuela tras años de cierre


Perú: Pedro Castillo cuestiona intentos de la oposición para desmembrar su Gabinete


El déficit comercial de EE.UU. alcanza su récord histórico y en un 38 % es con China


Navidad en Octubre: N Maduro adelanta l festejos navideños en Palacio de Miraflores





- Keiser Report

Fix the money, fix the world (E1758)

Max and Stacy look at the appeals to ‘save the middle class’ with permanent Universal Basic Income (UBI). In the second half, Max talks to Lawrence Lepard about his planned speech to goldbugs, “fix the money, fix the world.”



---- & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies




Without admitting it, we are already converted to transhumanism

by Thierry Meyssan

The world is changing very fast. During the Covid epidemic, money has been concentrated in a few hands. The new oligarchs are transhumanists. Without realising it, we have already accepted their ideology and are beginning to put it into practice. Western doctors have given up trying to cure this disease and it seems obvious to us to bet everything on messenger RNA. It does not matter that this strategy is fatal. Henceforth, this is how we think.




News in Brief

Russia/US in race to shoot first film in space

The United States and Russia are competing to make a space adventure film. Russia is expected to overtake its rival.

NASA and Elon Musk are poised to send actor Tom Cruise and director Doug Liman to space in a few weeks.

But the first film to be shot outside of the Earth is one likely to star actress Yulia Peresild (pictured) and be directed by Klim Shipenko who are slated to take off from Kazakhstan and spend 12 days in the international orbital station.






Amy Goodman’  team

- “Appalling and Unacceptable”: Leak Shows Facebook Knew Its Algorithms Spread Hate & Harmed Children

- Pandora Papers: Massive Leak Exposes How Elite Shield Their Wealth & Avoid Taxes in Colonial Legacy




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