viernes, 1 de octubre de 2021

OCT 1 2021 ND SIT ECON y POL Part 1 & P 2

OCT 1 2021 ND SIT ECON y POL Part 1 & P 2

ND denounce-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco



Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics


The destine of infected people by vax is death. The FED is cutting support to them

"This Is A Game-Changer" - Merck Releasing "Phenomenal" Test Results For Experimental COVID Pill 

Merck announced Friday that an experimental COVID pill it has developed reduced hospitalizations by 50% in people recently infected with COVID.

The company will soon ask health officials in the US and abroad to authorize use of their drug.


IF infested people in US don’t unite and revolt.. they will be the shame to ancient slaves in Roma that uprise in defense of their life. They die & kill with honor & finally scape from prison and death. That is the way to respond now. New target is clear: the owner of all vax & new pill & the press that defend it







The Inflation That Central Banks Don't See Doesn't Count

 A sundial near Venice is engraved with the words, “Horas non numero nisi serenas.” That line -- attributed to the philosopher William Hazlett -- roughly means, “I don’t count the time that isn’t tranquil.”


Bank of America: The Only Other Time This Happened Was The Recession Of 2000

"It's rare to see commodities up >20% and US dollar up in the same year"


The Debt Ceiling Non-Crisis & Why Rates Will Fall bonds?


BofA, Citi, JPMorgan All Blocked From Texas Muni Market Over Anti-Gun Virtue-Signaling

...broke-banks mounting...



Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption.


The Definitive List Of How We're Living In '1984'

Newspeak, doublethink, memory-holing, and so much more...


US Service Members File Lawsuit Against Department Of Defense Over Vaccine Requirement

... they have called for exemptions based on natural immunity...



US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis, D rest in limbo


Banks Around World Are Suffering Big Outages, Leaving Millions Of Customers In Lurch At Worst Possible Time

Twenty banks (some suffering repeated outages), six countries (one in lockdown), five continents, tens of millions of unhappy customers...


Declassified Report Definitively Debunks 'Havana Syndrome' Attacks That US Officials Blamed On Russia

                by Tyler Durden

Declassified US report "puts to rest the 'microwave attack' theory"

The mysterious Havana Syndrome "sonic attacks" have been back in the media of late, especially after Vice President Kamala Harris' August tour of Southeast Asian countries was briefly disrupted over claims of a Havana Syndrome attack on US Embassy personnel in Vietnam. And most recently this week it was revealed that last month a CIA officer was evacuated from Serbia after suffering mysterious symptoms which US officials believe was the result of a "directed energy" attack.

Since 2017 there's been an estimated 200 possible Havana Syndrome incidents. This week The Wall Street Journal called attention to "a steady expansion of attacks on American spies and diplomats posted overseas by unknown assailants using what government officials and scientists suspect is some sort of directed-energy source." Top US has officials have used the mysterious ailment to cast suspicion and blame on everyone from the Russians, to the Cubans and Iranians - to any nefarious US enemy and foreign spooks bent on unleashing mayhem from the shadows using James Bond style high-tech devises that have never been recovered or revealed.

Continue reding at:






- Chinese Energy Shortages May Be Felt by Economies Around the World

- UN Space Office Chief Confirms Regional Centre to Open in Russia by Year-End

- Technical Experts See No Violations Affecting Results of Moscow's Online Vote

- National ID Cards No Longer Valid for Most Europeans Travelling to UK

-  Putin Congratulates Xi on 72nd Anniversary of PRC's Founding

- Climate Protest Takes Place in Milan With Greta Thunberg Expected to Join

- Russian Security Service Foils Daesh Terror Attack on Law Enforcement Officers in N. Caucasus

- Over 350 Flights Cancelled at Tokyo's Haneda Airport as Typhoon Mindulle Approaches

- EU Postpones Free Trade Agreement Talks With Australia Amid AUKUS Row

- Debt Ceiling: How Political Uncertainty Hurts US International Credibility & Financial Stability







- Victoria comunista en la segunda ciudad de Austria  Robert Krotzer

-Mundo: ¿Socialismo o barbarie? Barbarie no, por supuesto  J Dioni

Alem y Argent Ausencia de opciones alternativas  Julio C. Gambina

ALC:  Elección y fraude en el Perú   Raúl Allain

ARG:  El Frente de Todos y los pies de barro   Julio Burdman

BOL:  Presid Arce contra intervencionismo d OEA  

Chile:   Avanza proyec d despenaliz aborto  Cecilia V

Cuba :  Maquinismo revolucionario y conciencia de clase

MX:  Renovando juventudes   David Luna

MX;  Un gran golpe para General Motors

PAL:  Khalida Jarrar ha sido liberada. Es hora de org la liber palestina





México se alista para proteger la explotación del litio


Giro en postura UE sobre VEN? Qué significa la nueva misión de observación elect


Irán lanza ejercicios militares masivos por la "presencia sionista" en la frontera


López Obrador contra la 'cara lavada' del crimen organizado  y la corrupción


"Es hora de dividir el país". Trump quiere que estados republicanos salgan de la Unión

No solo Trump quiere la autonomía de Estados y regiones del sistema Fed. Pero una cosa es autonomía y otra divisionismo. Es claro que el centralismo federalista actual  solo sirve  a ‘big’ Corpor de Billonarios que ni siquiera pagan impuestos según sus ingresos. FDR los confisco con apoyo del ejercito. Yo si creo que hay que conservar la unidad Fed pero volteando la tortilla (sacarlos del poder a los billonarios) y eliminar el private greed  transfiriendo los medios de produccion a los productores directos (las coop del labor y a los medianos empresarios que esten dispuesto  a eliminar el private greed e instalar el PUBLIC NEED). Entiendo por Public Need el respeto a los derechos civiles: the best education, health, vivienda y salarios según el trabajo de hombres y mujeres sin discriminación misogena. Estoy por el respeto a la autonomías estatales y  regionales pero sin destruir el sistema Federal.  Es el sistema clasista (la apropiación de los recursos nacionales por las minorias del private greed) lo que hay que cambiar y esto no se cambia con el divisionismo del país. Se requiere el apoyo de un sector del ejercito para crear el nuevo sistema Federal. Hablo del sector  del ejercito que NO  busca el guerrerismo mundial imperialista pero si la paz mundial. Esta paz requiere del desmontaje de armas nucleares a nivel global. La guerra mundial con misiles atomicos va a destruir a la humanidad entera (no habrá vencedores) . La guerra mundial no tiene cabida en el contexto actual, es un gasto insulto y estúpido por decir lo menos. La transición al nuevo Federalismo es la única solución pacifica para salir del sistema neoliberal pro-private greed actual. De esto se trata: de CREAR CON EL SECTOR PACIFISTA DEL EJERCTO  el asalto al poder, el auto-golpe -dirian algunos- en favor del NUEVO FEDERALISMO.




Redacted Tonight

Exposing military spending waste, Apple’s junk business model, police lies about fentanyl





ICC won't investigate US war crimes in Afghanistan (Full show)






Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies

- Army Physician and Aerospace Medicine Specialist Calls on Pentagon to Order All Pilots Who Have Received COVID-19 Vaccine to be Grounded By J. D. Heyes

- Nearly 50,000 Medicare Patients Died Soon after Getting COVID Shot: Whistleblower By Patrick Delaney

- Imperialist Tensions: AUKUS Makes Workers Pay for War with China By Mick Armstrong

- War on Syria: Greater Idlib Moving Towards a Cliff after Failed Putin Erdogan Meeting By South Front

- If There’s No Proof the Virus Exists, End All Lockdowns, Masks, Trax and Vax Actions By Dr. Kevin Corbett,

- Pedro Castillo and the Failure of Neoliberalism in Peru By Asad Ismi





Amy Goodman’  team

- Don’t Pursue War, Pursue War Crimes: Michael Ratner’s Decades-Long Battle to Close Guantánamo

- Colleagues of Michael Ratner Blast Samuel Moyn’s Claim That He Helped Sanitize the “War on Terror”




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