miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2020





Hugo Adan

9/30/20 20


Read my 7 points  at the end of this article

MY VIEW  is based on this article:



Most significantly, though, Biden and Trump each made a critical point

Biden’s was a tacit admission that, if he is elected president, he will preside over the end of the filibuster, allowing Democrats to pack the courts and add two new Democrat-majority states. Trump’s point was that he’s holding damning evidence about the Democrats’ coup attempt.

Chris Wallace, in one of the few tough questions he posed to Biden, said this:

So my question to you is, you have refused in the past to talk about it, are you willing to tell the American tonight whether or not you will support either ending the filibuster or packing the court?

Biden refused to answer, something the Trump quickly challenged. Here’s the colloquy:

BIDEN: Whatever position I take on that, that’ll become the issue. The issue is the American people should speak. You should go out and vote. You’re voting now. Vote and let your Senators know strongly how you feel.

TRUMP: Are you going to pack the court?

BIDEN: Vote now.

TRUMP: Are you going to pack the court?

BIDEN: Make sure you, in fact, let people know, your Senators.

TRUMP: He doesn’t want to answer the question.

BIDEN: I’m not going to answer the question.

TRUMP: Why wouldn’t you answer that question? You want to put a lot of new Supreme Court Justices. Radical left.

BIDEN: Will you shut up, man?

TRUMP: Listen, who is on your list, Joe? Who’s on your list?

WALLACE: Gentlemen, I think we’ve ended this-

BIDEN: This is so un-Presidential.

TRUMP: He’s going to pack the court. He is not going to give a list.

You can see that Biden made a nonsense statement to avoid answering whether he will preserve the filibuster and the Supreme Court’s current system of nine justices. Shamefully, Wallace let him get away with not answering. Wallace surely understands that Biden’s handlers plan to end the filibuster so that they can pack the court and add D.C. and Puerto Rico as states.

Andrea Widburg the author of this art  -clearly a trumpist- said:

Packing the court ends the American experiment as we know it. It means that the Supreme Court will be a political body that will exist solely to put its imprimatur on Democrat policies. And for those who say, “Well, if they pack the Court, then Republicans will pack it more when they’re in power,” that’s sadly foolish.




1-Who initiate this ‘sadly foolish’ game was Trump. He could’ve wait until election results are done, but decide to add gasoline to the fire.  Now he is burned in it.

2-We need a radical change of the US political system and new electoral rules, that is the only way to go beyond the neoliberal system that is collapsing worldwide and specially in our country.. Now we have the chances to do so by adding DC & Pto Rico as new States. That was the most obvious tit for tat to the total centralization of power in hands of the Reps.

3-Now will come the referendums in all those states controlled by Reps. The parallel gob emerging from referendums will put an end to the fascist regime in America. Their dictatorship will be erased from US political map and a new Rep party  will emerge, a one more democratic than the current one.

4-The most important change coming is the emerging of the third option: the People National Front that will mix capitalism with socialism as happens in China, and Scandinavian countries,  and now emerging in some American States too. This will replace the duopoly chaotic system we have today (Dems vs Reps), that is the source of political violent chaos and economic dominance of big billonairs served by both parties.

5-The third choice will introduce the equilibrium or homeostasis -the Pareto’s  dream- in our country. Then governability will be established with legitimacy, social peace and cohesion, that will serve to all  americans, not only the elites of billionaires.

6-To assure governability we need that the party winning democratic election get the 50% of political power in senate, house & governatures. The 2nd party most voted in election should get the 30% of political and the 3rd one the 20%.

7-Then we will have a democratic system with auto-reproduction dynamic as designed  by Niklas Luhmann, Maturana & Varela (los biologos chilenos que patentaron el concepto autopoiesis in social systems)  Este  es  el  Estado de equilibrio mejor elaborado hasta ahora. China es el más cercano país a este modelo , algunos paises escandinavos también y nosotros estamos en las mejores condiciones para lograrlo y mejor aun. Hay que salir del modelo duopolico en politica (introducir el punto medio or third choice) y salir también del modelo neoliberal.  Si podemos crear un nuevo sistema mundial sin imperios, sin WW3 y con auto-desarrollo para todos.  A esto vamos desde donde estamos.  La propuesta de Biden de crear dos nuevos Estados (DC & Pto Rico) es muy correcta, eso nos permitirá lograr equilibrio de fuerzas en la Corte Suprema. En CONCLUSIÓN: we  know where we are going to. Si sabemos adonde vamos. Es el camino correcto  hacia un modelo de socialismo nuevo. If you don want to called socialism, much better even. Si no le quiere llamar socialism, mejor aún. Because what we have in mind  goes beyong current socialism. Lo que tenemos en mente va más allá del socialism existente hoy. The new socialism will be historic creation of our nation. Este nuevo socialism será creación histórica de nuestra patria . This new socialism is alredy emerging  in several states of our country. Este nuevo socialism esta ya naciendo en varios estados de nuestro país.  WE WILL WIN.!  VENCEREMOS!.    



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