lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2020



Hugo Adan


This is my reaction to the last part of the article


By Tyler Durden


“FINALLY, recall that it was last August when former NY president Bill Dudley wrote an Op-Ed urging the Fed TO CRASH THE MARKET TO PREVENT TRUMP RE-ELECTION. Well, if his message resonated with the FOMC, what better time to unveil a hawkish shock than at the Sept FOMC meeting in 9 days - the last one before the presidential election.

IF there is one thing that - in Bill Dudley's and Trump's view - could cripple his re-election chances, it is a market crash just weeks before Nov 3”.


IF this Market Crash happens .. it will be at the beginning of October. How long it takes for the crash to show  its effect to people at Nation level to undermined  Trump reelection? 

I guess Trump has to options: 1. Negotiate a deal to postpone the FOMC meeting so that it won’t  interrupt the election process. 2. Declaring WAR to IRAN, with the chances of initiating WW3.

Iran yesterday said ‘don’t attack us because we have Nuke-missiles that can rich the US:  IRAN: "AMERICAN SOIL IS NOW WITHIN RANGE OF IRANIAN BOMBS" 

"Iran now has shown that it can target all American territory; the Iranian parliament had previously warned [the US] that an electromagnetic nuclear attack on the United States would likely kill 90 percent of Americans..."

Trump can use this threat as pretext to start WW3. The problem is RU-CH intervention (they are also targets of US war and our media is full of these assumptions) BUT..

RU-CH could use the attack to IRAN as an open declaration of war against their block and the start of WW3 that they could respond immediately by destroying  the economy & military bases of OTAN key countries.

Besides, RU can use this attack to resolve geopolitical problems with neighboring countries either via  Crimea style (People Referendum) or use a direct invasion as in WW2 against the Nazis. If so, RU will get two birds in one shoot: the issue OIL & the issue NATO. This one was the most dangerous.

OTAN a year ago send 48 Th soldiers to the borders of RU-CH  with the plan of stealing the gold after the mega bomb to them. Those soldiers had special equipment to protect themselves from nuke radiation when they invade both countries.  The COVID pandemic stop such attack, soldiers were infected & send back to their countries (they spray such infection in Europe ).  

RU & CH has now the chance of destroying some NATO countries if US start the WW3 by attacking IRAN. I don’t thing Trump could control the PENTA mafia & stop WW3.  

His only option is to control the FOMC meeting to avoid the market crash predicted by Bill Dudley. Trump regime can easily disassemble the issue market crash and win the reelection. The attack to Iran will only favor RU-CH.




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