domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2018

DEC 30 18 SIT EC y POL

DEC 30 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Could 2019-21 feature a loud echo of 1926-8 (which in turn had echoes in 1987-9, 1998-9, and 2015-17)?

Submitted by Brendan Brown, the Head of Economic Research at Mitsubishi UFJ Securities International via

The profound question which transcends all this day-to-day market drama over the holidays is the nature of the economic slowdown now occurring globally. This slowdown can be seen both inside and outside the US. In reviewing the laboratory of history — especially those experiments featuring severe asset inflation, unaccompanied by high official estimates of consumer price inflation — three possible “echoes” deserve attention in coming weeks and months. (History echoes rather than repeats!)
Will We Learn from History — And What Will Soon Be History?
The behavioral finance theorists tell us that which echo sounds and which outcome occurs is more obvious in hindsight than to anyone in real time. As Daniel Kahneman writes (in Thinking Fast and Slow):
The core of hindsight bias is that we believe we understand the past, which implies the future should also be knowable; but in fact we understand the past less than we believe we do – compelling narratives foster an illusion of inevitability;  but no such story can include the myriad of events that would have caused a different outcome .

Echoes of Past Crises
First, could 2019-21 feature a loud echo of 1926-8 (which in turn had echoes in 1987-9, 1998-9, and 2015-17)?
The characteristic of 1926-8 was a “Fed put” in the midst of an incipient cool-down of asset inflation (along with a growth cycle slowdown or even onset of mild recession) which succeeds apparently in igniting a fresh economic rebound and extension/intensification of asset inflation for a while longer (two years or more).

There are some similarities in background. Several years of massive QE under the Roosevelt Administration (1934-6) (not called such and due ostensibly to the monetization of massive gold inflows to the US) culminated in a stock market and commodity market bubble in 1936, to which the Fed responded by effecting a tiny rise in interest rates while clawing back QE. Under huge political pressure the Fed reversed these measures in early 1937; a weakening stock market seems to reverse. But then came the Crash of late Summer and early Autumn 1937 and the confirmed onset of the Roosevelt recession (roughly mid-1937 to mid-1938). This was even more severe than the 1929-30 downturn. But then there was a rapid re-bound.

On further consideration, there are grounds for skepticism about whether the 1937-8 episode will echo loudly in the near future.
In 1937 there had been barely three years of economic expansion. Credit bubbles and investment spending bubbles (mal-investment) were hardly to be seen. And the monetary inflation in the US was independent and very different from monetary conditions in Europe, where in fact the parallel economic downturn was very mild if even present. And of course the re-bound had much to do with military re-armament.
It is troubling that the third possible echo — that of the Great Depression of 1930-2 — could be the most likely to occur.
The Great Depression from a US perspective was two back-to-back recessions; first the severe recession of autumn 1929 to mid-1931; and then the immediate onset of an even more devastating downturn from summer 1931 to summer 1932 (then extended by the huge uncertainty related to the incoming Roosevelt Administration and its gold policy). It was the global credit meltdown — the unwinding of the credit bubble of the 1920s most importantly as regards the giant lending boom into Germany — which triggered that second recession and snuffed out a putative recovery in mid-1931.
It is possible to imagine such a two-stage process in the present instance.
With the Fed and ECB tightening liquidity, "it’s no longer about buying every dip, it’s about selling every rally" said Mohammed El-Erian, noting that 1,000-point daily swings in the Dow Jones is the "new reality" for now.
"Over time, the U.S. economy has become horribly addicted to lower rates. There is really no place left to go now. It is a function of policy mistakes, both monetary and fiscal over a protracted period of time..."
"We have revised down our US growth forecast for the first half of 2019 from 2.4% to 2%... We now see a probability-weighted 1.2 hikes in all of 2019, from 1.6 hikes previously."
See Chart:
to see more interesting charts open

If it was Trump's intention to spike futures with his Saturday tweet updating on the current state of US-China trade negotiations, he succeeded (at least for now).
[[ Yes ‘at least for now’ .. because with Trump nothing is sure.. no consistency at all  ]]

"This is very normal..."
"...someone from the front desk approached her stylist with an emergency: a woman was trying to pay for her blow-out with cash"... "She literally brought $40.”

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

"The science is settled"
"We’re not going to debate climate change, the existence of it. The Earth is getting hotter. And human activity is a major cause, period," said Todd. "We’re not going to give time to climate deniers. The science is settled, even if political opinion is not."
Listen Video:

“He got handed a [crap] sandwich the first week on the job.”
"Bone-Crushing Hard Job": John Kelly Gives Candid Interview; Said Trump "Not Up To Role Of President" 

"Each month, we have to stretch his paycheck to make things work. We really don't have any savings. Many months we go under."

It is the same depressing story to which Illinoisans have grown accustomed: Population is collapsing and it's only getting worse.

The Syria withdrawal affair is a dramatic illustration of the fundamental quandary of the Trump presidency in regard to ending the state of permanent war that previous administrations created.
[[ The most positive policy Trump did…can he sustained?  ]]

The pattern of U.S. immigration can be explained in four major waves overall:
See Chart:

US-W ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

Thousands of American troop casualties and over $1 trillion later in Afghanistan...

"The Saudis have used their vast oil wealth to outsource the war" NYT

Whatever RU’business.. they  must remain loyal to Syria & help to take the Turks out of Syria

Amid unconfirmed reports US troops are leaving Syria via the Harir Air Base in northern Iraq.

The talks are focusing on boosting US exports and loosening regulations that discriminate against US firms operating in China.

"Vladimir Putin stressed that Russia-US relations are the most important factor behind ensuring strategic stability and international security, and reaffirmed that Russia is open to dialogue with the United States on the most extensive agenda."

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


Esto solo lo decide Siria.. Y huele a traición Rusa su negocio oil con los Turcos. Si ocurre RU pierde. Insisto en sacar a los Turcos de Siria.. vendieron al US las armas RU y venderán también a Siria. Los Sirios solo dependen de la inversión que puede hacer China. De RU recibió todo lo que puedo dar. Gracias y Adios.


Latinoamérica y el redil atlántico la compra de elecciones fue y será siempre negocio oligárquico
La reconstrucción de Siria depende solo de China: NO de ningun aliados del imperio.

Muy posible pero podría implicar la resurrección de podridos cadáveres insepultos: los DEMs. Lo ideal seria que Trump lance o proponga Nueva Ley Electoral como ocurrió en Ireland: Sameer Dossani   What Ireland’s Pro-Choice Referendum Teaches Us on Dem . Si Trump lanza la propuesta PRO-CHOICE mata el duopolio del Fraude y Corrupción electoral en el US (Dems-Reps). EL podría ganar las EL-2020 con un nuevo Pdo o Frente Popular. Tendria que competir con el Frente Popular de los Socialistas. Si pierde y el socialismo fracasa, el podría regresar al poder. It’s a win-win situation  que hoy no tiene T.
Estos afectarían partes de la costas de Chile y Perú,  además de otros países.. Grave la Noticia

Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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