martes, 8 de agosto de 2017


ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Related:  7 Simple Investing Rules You Learned From Your Mother "Don't run with sharp objects..."

The 9th record close in a row for The Dow (and 10th straight day higher - longest streak since Feb).

The Dollar Index clung to most of its gains from Friday...
Just one thing - is it 'time' for a reversal?


The market for sovereign credit risk is flashing red with USA 5Y CDS now trading at its most extreme levels to German 5Y CDS since Lehman...

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would need as much as $100 billion in bailout funding in the form of a potential incremental Treasury draw, in the event of a new economic crisis which sends the S&P some 50% lower and results in a failoure of their largest counterparty.

[[ Our crook financier elite sell and buy they own stock. This fake economy is well denounced by M Hudson in Stock on Trumponomics  OPEN this VIDEO:  ]]

"As in 2000 and 2007, investors are mistaking a wildly reckless world for a permanently changed one, and their re-education in the concept that valuations matter is likely to be predictably brutal..."

"Central bankers who are desperately attempting to keep asset prices well above their free-market values serve to create the very opposite of a "safe space." It is actually a brittle and unsustainable space — brittle because nobody knows when the artificial constraints on volatility and price-discovery will suddenly and tectonically shift and return closer to historically-normal levels."

Dreaming on:
Mal de todos.. Consuelo de tontos

While Draghi shook things up in late June, it appears to be Janet Yellen's flip-flop that has sparked the latest regime shift in global capital markets. Since then, traders' expectations for foreign exchange uncertainty has surged, while the outlook for equity, rate, and oil uncertainty has tumbled. This has left the market now seeing equities as safer than currencies...

Hot money capital is not productive; it is destructive. The naive belief that all capital is a priori productive blinds us to the havoc wreaked by the financialization monster that has the global economy by the throat.

"We could experience a severe market decline or even a crash... the stock market is a very dangerous place right now, a very good place to be is in gold..."

"One thing is clear: Bringing back the fevered housing dream of a decade ago would not be in the public interest...But the last decade has shown that with a little encouragement, many can easily become excessively lustful about homeownership and wealth, to the detriment of our economy and society."
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

While many of Silicon Valley's technorati quietly applaud the move, it seems that not everyone "likes" the idea of Zuckerberg being president...

"No amount of federal taxpayer dollars will help a city that refuses to help its own residentsThey have demonstrated an open hostility to enforcing laws designed to protect law enforcement — Federal, state, and local — and reduce crime, and instead have adopted an official policy of protecting criminal aliens who prey on their own residents..."

President Trump could do the American people a favor by naming a new attorney general who opposes police state policies like the drug war and police state tactics like civil asset theft.
Is Trump Winning?  [[ Winning what?  ]]

"Mainstream analysis has been wrong for so long, why start believing it now?..."


"The worst I've ever seen, the worst I've ever experienced, yes I do. I really do, because I think he believes in nothing. I think that he cares about nothing. I think that he's capable of doing outrageous things." 
 [[ He distrust current culture of the west , starting with HR and Peace ]]

"[Rod Rosenstein] comes with absolutely credibility on this.  If they want to start, lets start with Hillary Clinton and whether or not she lied under oath.  Don't do another press conference until you have some people in handcuffs."

If you ask some people what is going on with U.S. healthcare, they will tell you that things are going “sideways” – that costs are going up, but care is not improving anywhere near the same pace. It’s fair to say that care has been going sideways in the U.S. for some time, and the stakes couldn’t be higher...
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Venezuela’s situation highlights the degree to which the US has lost influence in the Americas...

"Mr. President: Your bullying hasn't worked before and it won't work now. No one is above the law. This issue isn't about me - it's about the Special Counsel's independence and integrity."
[[ We’re ISIS and we’re preparing to sell more weapons and wars  ]]

The Pentagon is reportedly considering a plan that allows the U.S. military to conduct airstrikes on ISIS in the Philippines. The authority to strike ISIS targets as part of collective self-defense could be granted as part of an official military operation that may be named as early as Tuesday. The strikes would likely be conducted by armed drones.

It has happened again: yet another international poll finds that the US is viewed by peoples around the world to be the biggest threat to world peace.
‘’Again with the stupid story-tell “Russia”

"We will intensify work related to import substitution, reduction of dependence on U.S. payment systems, on the dollar as a settling currency and so on. It is becoming a vital need [as] the US is using its dominating role in the monetary and financial system to impose pressure on foreign business, including Russian companies."

"One hopes the SNB and its adherents understand the folly of sabotaging the great success that their country has enjoyed by sticking to one fundamental principle above all: that of keeping Switzerland Swiss - and with apologies to no one."

"Germany is abetting terrorists...When there is a terrorist, they can tell us to give that person back. You won't send the ones you have to us, but can ask us for yours."
Vladimir The Great Sums Up Pope Francis The Fake! [[ In ARG today’s pope bless dictatorship ]]
“If you look around at what he (the Pope) says it’s clear that he is not a man of God. At least not the Christian God, not the God of the Bible.”
[[ This war is what Trump’ want  ]]

"If India refuses to withdraw, China may conduct a small-scale military operation within two weeks...India, which has stirred up the incident, should bear all the consequences..."
 [[ don’t trust West news on Chi ]]

Just as we warned, the EM exuberance has faded and China's torrid trade growth has suddenly slowed dramatically. Offshore Yuan is spiking after both China Imports and Exports dramatically missed expectations.

Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Trump’s Choices  By Paul Craig Roberts
Playing Politics with the World’s Future  By Alastair Crooke  DANGEROUS and STUPID
Netanyahu in the Dock? By Stephen Lendman When the war criminal will be arrested?

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view


Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

                - La mirada de China sobre Venezuela  Raúl Zibechi
            - Venezuela se juega su futuro después de elegir ANC  Ariel Noyola
            - Coyuntura de Ven es comparable al Chile de Allende  Enric Llopis
ARG    Elecciones  Rumbo hacia un destino alternativo  Isaac Grober

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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