miércoles, 2 de agosto de 2017


ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

What if the decline in US productivity measured since the 1970s isn’t happening in spite of technology, but because of it?

As we detailed previously, adjusting for the WWII anomaly (which tells us that GDP is not a good measure of a country’s prosperity) US productivity growth peaked in 1972 – incidentally the year after Nixon took the US off gold.

The productivity decline witnessed ever since is unprecedented. Despite the short lived boom of the 1990s US productivity growth only average 1.2 per cent from 1975 up to today. If we isolate the last 15 years US productivity growth is on par with what an agrarian slave economy was able to achieve 200 years ago.

As we reported last year, users spent 51% of their total internet time on mobile devices, for a total of 5.6 hours per day snap-chatting, face-booking, insta-graming and taking selfies

Maybe in their next wide-ranging study, economists could include a test group of workers who leave their phones in a locker at the beginning of the work day, and try to measure how much their “productivity” improves.

So, while every effort can be made by Ivory Tower academics to solve the problem of American worker productivity, perhaps it can be summed up simply as "Put The Smart-Phone Down!"
Xenophobia again?.. It is easy –but flaw- to create a scape-goat & shoot on it

"Manhattan is a particular worry, with about 30 percent of transactions in the borough that’s home to Wall Street involving Chinese parties in 2017"...

30Y Yields Slide After Treasury Refunding Does Not Mention Ultra-Longs; Can Fund Through September

"The Committee was generally of the view that the borrowing needs would likely be best addressed by increasing issuance in bills and a broader set of coupons, but concluded that it was premature to make specific recommendations regarding sequencing or tenors at this time."

The USD is off to its worst start since 1985, down about 9%...

The weak USD is setting up a possibly profitable rotation out of US equities into longer dated US Treasuries. In the next chart, I take the total return of our KLSU DM Americas Index (top 85% of North American market cap) relative to the JP Morgan Government Bond 15+ Years Index. I overlay the USD, and as can be seen from the chart, the relative performance of stocks vs. bonds tracks the USD fairly closely. If the stock/bond ratio follows the USD back to its May 2016 lows, bonds could outperform stocks by about 35%.

The likely mechanism is a plunge in real rates, or TIPS. In this next chart, I overlay 10-year TIPS on the USD (inverted). The last time the USD was around this level, 10-year TIPS yields were zero.


"Despite all the positive surprises analyst have only raised the the next twelve month sales estimate by 0.69% for the median US mid and large cap company over the last month..."

"Maybe the sales slump isn’t so much an independent force that’s driving the business cycle but merely a substitution for other types of spending..."

In mid-2014, a whistleblower alerted the Home Capital board to the massive income verification fraud that had gone undetected for years. The board responded in early 2015 by hiring KPMG to conduct an independent review of what led to this epic breakdown in HCG’s underwriting systems. We are in possession of a copy of KPMG’s report, and for the first time ever are giving the public the unvarnished truth of how Home Capital ran its mortgage business. 

We Don’t Need No Stinking Systems

The best way to describe HCG’s systems infrastructure is this: utter fiasco.  As was suggested by the botched and serially rebooted broker portal “launch”, HCG appears to have no internal capability to manage an IT project of any scale.  Despite this, it undertook a program to replace its legacy systems with an SAP implementation that ran significantly over budget.  Tales of SAP consultants burning $600 an hour are legion among HCG ex-employees, with the finally tab for the project coming in at over $50MM. 

 And yet, when all was said and done, major parts of the SAP system were never fully implemented.  There is a reason why Rhonda Starkman’s statements from HCG don’t foot.  Among KPMG’s findings:

  • The number of known systems issues in the SAP mortgage origination module ran as high as 4,000 and still numbered 400 at the time of the KPMG review
  • The SAP mortgage origination module was never fully implemented and the legacy system was turned off without a parallel run to confirm the functionality of the SAP system
  • HCG had used manual processes without controls since 2011 for thing such as Gross Debt Service and Total Debt Service calculations (done in Excel) and its underwriting process was a completely paper based system
  • There was no linking of the Do Not Use broker list with the master broker list, necessitating manual updates and a master list that was frequently out of date
  • Broker relationship data was stored in SalesForce which was not linked to SAP thus creating a gap in measuring broker level performance of loans
  • The Compliance function was not notified of fraud incidents listed on the broker watchlist

"The Amazon business model is fatally flawed. It’s only a matter of the precise catalyst that will trigger the realization in the casino that this is another case of the proverbial naked emperor... I do not think AMZN is a freakish outlier. It’s actually the lens through which the entire stock market should be viewed because the whole enchilada is now in the grips of a pure mania."
Eurofobia starts

"One conclusion you can’t avoid making is it’s in serious play - against everything..."

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

During the later portion of a phone-call by the world’s greatest investigative journalist, Seymour Hersh, Hersh has now presented “a narrative [from his investigation] of how that whole fucking thing began,” including who actually is behind the ‘RussiaGate’ lies, and why they are spreading these lies.

[[ Childish argument: Is imperfect, invalid, stupid.. but I signed to preserve National-Unity. It is  childish no denounce father’x abuse to preserve family unity. What sense of Unity Trump talks   about? No other than unity of corrupted decomposition.. Unethical-olygarchical cynicism. Mr. Tillerson arg is even worse: We stab in the back of RU to preserve our friendship: So idiotic.. ]] 

After several days of delays, which prompted speculation among politicians and the media why the White House is dragging its feet on the issue and was the topic of several questions during Rex Tillerson's Tuesday media press conference, moments ago the Donald Trump officially signed the Russian Sanctions bill:

RELATED: see below

Today, the Dolar Today website reported that Venezuela's black market exchange rate surged past 14,000 bolivars per dollar.  When President Nicolas Maduro came to power in April 2013, it was at 24 per dollar.

[[ El embargo y bloqueo financiero y comercial contra VEN busca asfixiar económicamente el Estado-Nation y entes de Gbno. Fue lo que inicio Bush, continuo Obama y hoy Trump. Todos apuntaron a la apropiación del petróleo ajeno, a partir del cambio de regimen.

Como operan los embargos y bloqueos financ y comerciales?. Las calificadoras de riesgo del imperio declaran en default (no pago de deudas e intereses acumulados a Bancos imperiales y a  especuladores tipo Soros) a un Estado-Nation, a una empresa o un personaje de Gbno y proceden a bloquear e incautarle depósitos bancarios, bienes y servicios mediante Bancos, e instituciones como la OEA, el IMF, WTO, y otras bajo control imperial. Asi es como opera el embargo, bloqueo y pillaje conocido como “piracy”. Eso fue lo que aplicaron a VEN desde los tiempos de Chavez.

Todo empieza cuando se declara a un Gbno en riesgo de default como ocurrió con Allende 1ro y luego con Chavez. Asi preparan el terrreno psicológico para “el cambio de régimen”.  Se busca evitar inversión extranjera en el país, generar neurosis en los tenedores de bonos, etc.

El Gbno de VEN liquidó ayer los intereses a tenedores del bono soberano hasta el 2022. 

“País que caiga en default, es país al que le congelan sus activos líquidos financieros en bancos, fondos de inversión o sectores económicos de países que invirtieron en él.” Ese es el significado del bloqueo que ha sufrido VEN durante 18 años.

Esta guerra económica del imperio fue impuesta a través de agencias internas; esto es, de trasnacionales USA como Procter & Gamble, SC Johnson & Son, Productos Roche, Cargill y otras. Confiscar a estas empresas y decretar la deuda zero solo es posible si se declara una REV social interna, lo que requiere apoyo RU y Chino y apoyo de otros paises de Latino America. ]]

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Who stands to lose - and win - if the U.S. takes aim at its unbalanced trade with China relationship? With total trade of more than half a trillion dollars a year, the list of potential U.S. losers is very long...

Russian PM: "The U.S. Just Declared Full-Scale Trade War On Russia"

"The signing of new sanctions against Russia into law by the US president leads to several consequences. First, any hope of improving our relations with the new US administration is over. Second, the US just declared a full-fledged trade war on Russia. Third, the Trump administration demonstrated it is utterly powerless, and in the most humiliating manner transferred executive powers to Congress."

“We are back to square one... We have not progressed an inch... It seems that they are not budging and are escalating,”

Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Washington Pushes Harder Against Russia   By Paul Craig Roberts
Shall We Fight Them All?  By Patrick Buchanan what is sufficient to satiate our War Party


Robert Fantina   Kakistocracy

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

He wants more violence in VEN .. How much is being invested in mercenaries?
Who cares about OAS?.. el chiquero del imperio

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

COL        Ni un muerto más? Amanecerá y veremos  José Girón
VEN       Vergonzosa injerencia en Ven de lacayos del US  Renán Vega
                Extractivismo y dialéctica de la dependencia H Machado es debate hoy en Ven
                Venezuela rechazó la violencia… y triunfó  Manuel E. Yepe
                La primera piedra   Ana Cristina Bracho
                Primeras evaluaciones de resultados de elecciones ANC  Juan M
                Venezuela: La paz derrota a Trump  Miguel Angel Nuñez
US          El "establishment" del US contra el mundo   Thierry Meyssan
A-BRA   -Argentina/Brasil: la calamidad neoliberal  Roberto Follari
Cuba      -Operación Milagro  Ignacio Ramonet
                Reforma constitucional y sistema político en Cuba  Disamis Arcia

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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