martes, 22 de agosto de 2017

AUG 22 17 SIT EC y POL

AUG 22 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Most-Shorted stocks surged/squeezed to their best day in a month (after 5 straight down days)...

FANG Stocks had their best day in over a month...

The Dollar Index rallied today after Trump Tax headlines...

And finally this 1987 analog is really starting to get spooky...


Investors overseeing a total of over $1.1 trillion have been cutting exposure to junk bonds amid growing concerns about rising rates, central bank policy and general geopolitical uncertainty.      

A decade on from the financial crisis, the reports today about the sub-prime lender Provident Financial have given us a nasty case of déjà vu.

"Progress occasionally requires the decimation of entire industries, and that’s what’s happening now... In the long-run it’s better for everyone. But shorter-term, there’s going to be a lot of pain."

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

"...Trump has been totally brought to heel, a fact that’ll become increasingly crystal clear in the months ahead. This is now your standard Wall Street and military-industrial complex run Presidency..."

"Instead of encouraging people to debate issues and air their views, by muzzling free speech, we are contributing to a growing underclass of Americans who are being told that they can’t take part in American public life unless they 'fit in'... This attempt to stifle certain forms of speech is where we go wrong."

The Founding Fathers "were not nearly as insightful as is often pretended." Not everyone was fooled at the Convention, including George Mason who correctly noted: "If strong and extensive powers are vested in the executive, and that executive consists only of one person, the government will of course degenerate  into a monarchy..."

"Preparation only has value if it's done in advance..."

Al Sharpton, who’s built his career on stoking racial tensions for personal and financial gain, accused President Donald Trump of inciting a “poisonous atmosphere” in the US...
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"We find that overall, Italy has the lowest capacity to absorb migrants among the major EU economies.... Our analysis casts doubts over Italy’s capacity to achieve the economic benefits from migration and suggests the ‘perfect storm’ is brewing." - Goldman Sachs

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

PresTrump Addresses Nation on Afgh  Watch Goes Ballistic Over His ‘Unlimited War’
Trump’s Betrayal is Complete as Military-industrial Complex Rises to Power By Finian Cunningham  Trump: a mere manikin in the White House taking orders from his generals 

Members of the Afghan Govt are warlords and drug barons, guilty of the worst war crimes
Charlottesville Requiem  Who did what to whom?  By Philip Giraldi
A people that elect corrupt politician.. are not victims but accomplices


Gregory Barrett   The Karma of Terror

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view


Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

El trabajo como “opio del pueblo”
US          Pence :  Contra Ven y por la salud de los mercados Silvina Romano
                El Kurdistán estadounidense  Ricardo Orozco
                Ascenso derechista y agonía democratica  Editorial de La Jornada
Dilemas de la izquierda radical  Immanuel Wallerstein
Pingüinera Humboldt en riesgo   La fauna en riesgo por proyecto minero  M B
El incesto, un delito oculto  Carolina Vásquez
El silencio es el peor castigo para una víctima de delitos sexuales, no importa quien sea el agresor
Brasil  -La caravana del abrazo  Dario Pignotti
VEN       La hora de la verdad  Luis Britto García
                Si Venezuela cae, la humanidad cae   Luis Hernández
COL        ¡Agúzate que nos están matando!  Somos Defensores
Es mas posible que el US y el mundo acaben con Trump en algún momento

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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