sábado, 12 de agosto de 2017

AUG 12 17 SIT EC y POL

AUG 12 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Everything is fabulous.. with the debacle

Blame The Russians, The Chinese, The North Koreans, and The Welsh... but not The Fed...
Overnight saw more China turmoil.. (MSCI China ETF saw its biggest drop since Brexit)

With China 'VIX' spiking to 2017 highs...

Then Europe followed through with Corporate credit markets crashing by the most in 18 months...

And while stocks bounced today in US, the week was not pretty.
  • Dow's worst week in 5 months (Mar '17)
  • S&P's worst week since pre-election (Nov '16)
  • Russell 2000 worst week since Feb '16
  • Financials worst week in 5 months
  • VIX biggest percentage spike since Aug '15 (China Deval)
  • HY Credit Risk biggest jump since election (Nov '16)
  • Silver's biggest week since Jul '16
  • Gold's biggest week since Apr '16
  • Of shore Yuan's best week in 7 months (Jan '17)

As Small Caps outperformance since the election has been erased...

Retailer Rout returned this week...
For the worst week since Dec 2016...

The VIX term structure inverted for the firs time since May...

Market Breadth (by any measure) remains dismal...


Bitcoin is now up over 45% since the fork on August 1st, notably spiking this week (to a record high over $3800) as US-North Korea tensions escalated and both Fidelity (retail) and Goldman (institutional) noted investor interest in cryptocurrencies is soaring.

A crackdown on capital outflows and corporate deal making caused foreign investment by Chinese investors to plunge during the first half of the year...

The decline is a result of a crackdown by Chinese authorities after corporations went on a foreign-acquisition spree that saw them spend nearly $300 billion buying foreign companies and assets, with China’s four most acquisitive firms accounting for $55 billion, or 18%, of the country’s total. The acquisitions aggravated capital outflows, creating a mountain of debt and making regulators uneasy. Late last month, Chinese authorities ordered Anbang Insurance Group to liquidate its overseas holdings. In June, authorities asked local banks to evaluate whether Anbang and three of its peers posed a “systemic risk” to the country’s financial system. As Morgan Stanley noted, these firms were responsible for billions of dollars of commercial real-estate investments in the US, UK, Australia and Hong Kong.


Paying taxes is just about as much fun as a root canal.  As such, apparently more and more people are just deciding not to do it.

A Thought Experiment On Why Wages Are So Weak

Imagine an economy of a bus driver, a taxi driver, a cook, a translator, a baby sitter, a doctor and a foreign exchange strategist....
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

"Why should Americans be first to die in any second Korean war?" - Patrick Buchanan,  1999

If War Comes, Don't Blame The "Military-Industrial Complex" – It's Much Worse Than You Think

"But today the 'Military-Industrial Complex' is an archaic term that doesn’t begin to describe the complexity and influence of current structures. Indeed, even in Eisenhower’s day the MIC was more than a simple duplex consisting of the Pentagon and military contractors but also included an essential third leg: the Congressional committees that provide the money constituting the MIC’s lifeblood."

A state of emergency has been declared for Charlottesville due to the fighting, clashes and "chaos" at the rally. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency in the city to aid in the local response. He earlier said the Virginia National Guard will be "standing by to respond if needed."

"The need for change is becoming more obvious than ever...Our society's current plan is just not working..."
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"If the U.S. and South Korea carry out strikes and try to overthrow the North Korean regime and change the political pattern of the Korean Peninsula, China will prevent them from doing so"

South Korean Credit Risk Spikes Above China's As Kim Chooses "Path Of No Return"

For the first time in four years, the credit market sees more risk of a South Korean sovereign default/devaluation than China. After months of hit money flows in EM stocks sending KOSPI to record highs in the face of rising nuclear tensions with its neighbor, this week saw investors crack as Daiwa analysts warned "Kim looks to have chosen a path of no return."

"This was the week that the logic of war collided with the illogic of bubbles. So far, the bubble is winning, but that’s about to change..."

“Made from readily available materials. Hard to be detached. Cause great destruction to the Western economy and transportation sector"...


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

[[ As I wrote in previous notes: 1- Check Politics in my report of Aug 10 “Counter attack Strategy  from RU-China may start by hitting all US military stations surrounding RU-Chi, It will continue with States supporting US’ terrorism”. That is what N-K planned to do if US sponsor a missile against them. In fact, such missile was send by the US from S-K but failed. Nobody knows how it was deflected, all we know is that it miss the target= “failed”.  2- The chances for start WW3 are real, I said in my 2nd note.  A- The fake economy is about to implode, what is need by one sector of “investors” or speculators cannot get it without expansion toward China-RU. This sector is small but with power- they are connected with the MIC & Pentagon. The biggest sector do not need war for their business.. they will collapse if WW3 happens. In short, there is a division among oligarchical entrepreneurial block that speak for a division inside the “Deep State”.  If WW3 star the biggest sector of investor-clans will lead the attack against the FED and Trump and a round of  secession Mov will start in CA.. other States will follow. B- The legitimacy of Trump Govt is weak, it will be worse if he continue threatening different countries starting with N-K. I said in note 2, that Trump may be tempted to use S-K to hit the north to kill his leader. Perhaps it happens, but failed as Press TV reported  US missile systems may fail real threats: The fact is that the US manipulated an internal crisis inside S-K and now has total control on this regime. The other fact is that S-K regime has been abused by the US (US installed Thadd missiles without their consent and wanted to make they paid for it.)  Now I know the good news putting across by Pepe Escobar: the S-K regime is about to abandon their alliance with the US and is having secret deal with China. I didn’t know on these deals, that is why I thought that N-K will respond any attack sponsored by the US by attacking the US military in that area (so it seems to me that there are also secret deals from North and South Korea, sponsored by China) and the big surprise in coming events will be the Unification of North and South Korea. The failed attempt showed that the US has not ethics at all to sacrifice 30 million people in the south to put across the US nasty agenda.]]
US violent division continue .. now in Virginia

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

VEN       El periodismo necroterrorista contra Venezuela  Gilberto López
                Un brote de lo nuevo   Chris Gilbert
                11 tesis sobre Venezuela y una conclusión escarmentada  JC M
                Venezuela Tenaces publicistas del imperio   Atilio Boron
Maradona vs Capriles ​  Ricos de izquierda, pobres de derecha  Jorge Majfud
Econ      -Sobre el significado de la renta básica.  Juancar Martínez
Opin      Apuntes sobre un tercer pensamiento  Edgar Borges
                Juventud, crisis e historia  Nael Ramírez  A cien años de la Rev de Oct
COL        Medellín, ¿violencia sin fin?  Adelaida Nikolayeva
Feminismo  Mujeres: sujeto estratégico  Laia Facet
US          Sanders y los Demócratas   Barry Sheppard

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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