jueves, 3 de agosto de 2017


ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"Decades of deindustrialization via the cancerous process of globalism has left vacant structures of where industries once stood as a reminder that America peaked decades ago..."

On Wednesday, the US added 178k private sector jobs in July, verse 185k jobs expected. The number was just shy of Wall Street estimates, and did not stop the mainstream media and Moody’s chief economist Mark Zandi from saying, “the American job machine continues to operate in high gear.”

This ADP report sounds great, but underneath the surface a majority of additions are non-productive jobs called ‘Service-providing’. What is not widely spoken about on the mainstream media is the loss in –4k manufacturing jobs. 

ADP manufacturing employment has stalled post 1Q17. Leading us to believe that President Trump is running into roadblocks in terms of creating manufacturing jobs.

The so called good times in America was between 1940 through 1950, where the manufacturing share of all U.S. employment bounced between 30-40%. The good times are over and have been for many decades with American industry hallowed out, along with a rotting middle class.

Even if Trump was to revive America’s industries, the manufacturing share of all U.S. employment will stay ultra low because of automation. Making jobs great again in terms of manufacturing for humans might be a difficult task for President Trump. After all, President Trump promised the middle class that he will be returning manufacturing jobs back to America; he failed to mention ‘robots are coming’. 


What I’m about to show you is the fiery death of American manufacturing through a drone in Baltimore City, Maryland (FAA Airspace was clear at the time).

The mainstream media is not allowed to show you the death and destruction ravaging America’s inner cities because it destroys their narrative that everything is awesome.

Decades of deindustrialization via the cancerous process of globalism has left vacant structures of where industries once stood as a reminder that America peaked decades ago.

The latest credit investor survey by Bank of America shows a marked change in the Wall of Worry: "Quantitative Failure" by central banks has emerged as investors’ top concern (23%), up materially from June’s reading (6%). Investors say that a backdrop of the ECB ending QE next year, while inflation remains sub-par, "has the potential to rattle the market’s confidence."

"...there will come a time, probably sooner rather than later, when the piper will have to be paid and someone will have to take the blame for our fiscal non-recovery...I do not see the timing of heightened geopolitical tensions in 2017 as coincidental. It appears to me that these events are perfectly organized with maximum distraction in mind as we hit the top of perhaps the most massive stock and bond bubbles in modern history."

To give a quick summary of the economy so far from an American perspective, I must first remind readers of the constant misinformation that is often used by government institutions and central banks in order to hide negative data.

For example, recovery proponents will sometimes cite the supposed "decline" in the number of people registered for food stamp (SNAP) benefits from the 47 million peak in 2013 to 42 million recipients today. Yet, they rarely mention the fact that much of this decline is directly attributed to states now enforcing work requirements instead of simply handing out SNAP cards like Mardi Gras beads.

They also still, for some reason, like to cite the decline in the unemployment rate to 4.4 percent while continuing to ignore the fact that 95 million working age Americans are no longer counted as unemployed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. They argue that this is an entirely acceptable condition, even though it is unprecedented, because "home surveys" from the BLS claim that most of these people "do not really want to work." These utterly ambiguous surveys leave open ended data to be interpreted essentially however the BLS wants to interpret it. Meaning, if they want to label millions of people as "disinterested" in employment, they can and will regardless of whether this is true or not.

Retail store closures have tripled so far this year, with 8,600 stores projected to close in total in 2017. This far surpasses the previous record of 6,163 stores in 2008 at the onset of the credit crisis.

This incredible implosion in brick and mortar business is often blamed on the rise of internet retail, or the "Amazon effect." This is yet another lie. Total e-commerce sales only accounted for 8.5 percent of total U.S. retail sales in the first quarter of 2017 according to the commerce department. This means that internet retail is nowhere near large enough to account for the considerable loss in standard retail business. Thus, we must look to the stagnation in consumer spending to explain the situation.

Auto sales continue their steady decline in 2017 as the short lived boom now faces death as ARM-style loans turn over and new buyers become scarce.

U.S. home ownership rates have collapsed since 2007. More households are renting than at any time in the past 50 years.

U.S. household debt has now hit levels not seen since 2008, just before the credit crisis.

Those looking for government spending to save the day should probably look elsewhere. Nearly 75 percent of every tax dollar goes towards non-productive spending on the part of government.

I could go on and on — it is simply undeniable that nearly every sector of the U.S. economy is in steady decline compared to pre-2008 levels. This instability in the fundamentals will eventually weigh down and crash stock markets, bond markets, currency markets, etc. Such markets are the last vestige of the U.S. economy still giving the appearance of health.


"The real economy has little to gain, and much to lose.”



Of the total $243 billion in Short and Long-Term securities owned by Apple as of June 30, the company held a record $51.5 billion in Treasurys, split between $20.1 billion in T-Bills and $31.3 billion in Treasury Bonds.


The FANG bears have capitulated: short interest for the four companies has sunk to a new record low, and collectively the short bets against FANG stocks accounted for just 2% of their traded shares, an all time low.

In 2016, this policy paid $16 billion to big banks, a number that will likely rise as the interest rate payments go up with every increase in the federal funds rate...So this is the true policy issue going forward, how do you stop the taxpayer subsidy to Wall Street while avoiding lighting the fuse to Bernanke’s inflation bomb?

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

“The intelligence community has identified a need…for a capability to suspend processes utilizing webcams and corrupt any video recordings that could compromise a PAG deployment"...

"It’s obvious what would happen if California became it’s own country. The middle class would be hollowed out... It would immediately turn into a banana republic, where you are either a wealthy elitist or an impoverished peasant who is dependent on the state."

Gore’s hypocritical home energy use and “do as I say not as I do” lifestyle has plunged to embarrassing new depths.

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen




The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

Russia Plans to Renew Gaddafi-Era Contracts With Libya  infrastructure and energy contracts it signed with Libya under deposed leader Muammar Gaddafi.

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

VEN       - Muralla de América Latina  Stella Calloni
-La violencia política en Venezuela  Marco Teruggi solo les queda el zapateo
ARG       Mujer que lucha y vuelve a luchar  Ent a Silvia Ontivero
Ecol        Ya nos comimos la Tierra  Gerardo Honty
Econ      Por qué perdemos dinero al comprar?  Andrea Kropman
US          Trump: presidencia en fuga  Editorial de La Jornada
                Las elecciones cambiaron el contexto interno.. los deseos de RZ no tienen valor hoy
Cuba      -La ciencia cubana y el desarrollo  Juan Triana
Xi Jinping quiere la paz mundial y moderniza su Ejército la paz armada es real garantía de paz Solo mentes pro-imperialistas los quieren desarmados.

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences

Senate suspends US aid to Palestinians They are no interested in Human Rights
Trump's approval rating plunges to 33%: Poll So far doesn’t matter Pol legitimacy

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