martes, 29 de agosto de 2017

AUG 29 17 SIT EC y POL

AUG 29 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Headlines are crowing of a better than expected Conference Board consumer confidence index, but under the surface, things are not nearly as exuberant as the administration would like them to be.

According to the latest Conference Board survey, 80% of Americans surveyed believe that stock prices will not be lower in the next 12 months. The last time the nation was so convinced of the market's 'permanently high plateau' was in the fall of 2007, as the S&P topped...

Having melted up on a sea of momentum since the US open, the stock market just broke...

Don't worry America - biblical floods and a world on the verge of global thermonuclear war are no reason to be fearful... As soon as the US equity market opened, THE PANIC PROTECTION TEAM WENT INTO ACTION.  [[ see art below ]]

The message from the plunge/panic protection team is clear...
Blink and you missed it...

For a few brief hours overnight - until the bell rang at 0930ET on the NYSE - investors were anxious about North Korea's most provocative yet missile launch, the terrible flooding disaster in Texas, and lest we forget, the looming debt ceiling debacle. But all of that was instantly forgotten as the machines took control and lifted stocks higher practically all day on a sea of USDJPY-ignited momentum.


One of the classic signs that the credit cycle is nearing the end is that borrowers that shouldn’t be getting financed not only get funded, but get it at terms that seem crazy...

Here’s one more example of how central banks’ global coordinated monetary stimulus in the wake of the financial crisis has increased systemic risk in the US...

In June, 16 of 20 major cities experienced home price growth of 5% or higher: double the average wage growth. And then there is Seattle...

BofA looked at the liquidity structure in the bond market and found that while currently there is little to worry about, it's all thanks to central banks; once the central bank put (or balance sheet) melts away, that's when the real test will take place. And, as BofA puts it "this could get ugly, we think."

"Investors piled into America in the initial stages of his Presidency, but have spent the next six months exiting... The weakness of the US stock market has been masked by a falling US dollar... if the US dollar rallies from here, it will not be good for US stocks."

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

Reconcil with sanctions?  NO BASE AT ALL.. Just stupid cynicism & hypocrisy plus ridiculous false-flag

What was once mission difficult is now mission impossible - at least for the foreseeable future...

The Senate Intelligence Committee recently passed its Intelligence Authorization Act for 2018 that contains a chilling attack on the First AmendmentThis language is designed to delegitimize WikiLeaksencourage the federal government to spy on individuals working with WikiLeaks, and block access to WikiLeaks’ website.

"This is the time to act.  This is not the time to craft a solution that kicks the can down the road."
Another expression  Of  “NATION-DIVIDED”

"I just can't bring myself to even consider providing aid to any red state... let them clean up their own mess."
Why Google Made The NSA  vs  Why NSA control Google

"The origins trace back to a secret Pentagon-sponsored group, that for the last two decades has functioned as a bridge between the US government and elites...The results have been catastrophic: NSA mass surveillance, a permanent state of global war, and a new initiative to transform the US military into Skynet."

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

A senior Israeli official threatened to assassinate Syrian President Assad by bombing his palace in Damascus, while further adding that Israel will seek to derail the US-Russia brokered de-escalation deal reached in Astana, Kazakhstan earlier this summer.

Following North Korea's firing a ballistic missile across Japan overnight, China has warned that tensions on the Korean peninsula have reach a "tipping point" and urged all sides to avoid provocations. China has backed the sanctions but also called for peace talks, but as Russia explains, sanctions pressure appears exhausted.

"We propose to call it a currency, but regulate it as other property..."

You don't need an army to achieve World Domination; all you need is enough cheap credit to buy up everything that generates the highest value and/or income.

"Deliberately firing a missile on a trajectory over Northern Japan sends clear messages from the Kim Jong Un regime: 1) we are able to do it, and 2) but, we didn’t fire it in the direction of US Guam. It demands a US response – which will keep markets on tenterhooks."

[[ What will Trump do?.. Nothing. Trump knew that this is a trap. Once he starts WW3 by hitting N-K, many US-NATO military stations will be wiped-out. N-K may disappear, but US-NATO- Israel & Ukr  M-power too. Then comes day 2, and we will see in US the Hiro-Nagaz  horror at T-times level-up. ]]

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3


                This is an act of highest treason of international law.
The protests by the radical left now sweeping America, are too often little more than self-advertisements for moral purity.
Now is the Time to Talk About Climate Change.



The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view


Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

ALC        R Zibechi  “Están a la vista los límites de la acción electoral”  Leonardo Rossi
US          Bienvenidos al mundo post-estadounidense  Tom Engelhardt
ALC        Perú:  Docentes en huelga desde hace dos meses
                Contra criados y mal criados del monstruo imperial  Nos queda la palabra  RP
EC           La división de Alianza País   Interpretación para las izquierdas latinoamericanas P O
BRA        Brasil: un barco a la deriva   Leonardo Boff

[[ Aquí hay varias distorsiones graves como  “La propuesta  -Hillary Clinton- de baños transgénicos públicos enfureció a todos, excepto a aquellos que buscaban acceso a ellos, no importó el intento de Obama de describir el acceso a estos baños como un derecho civil. (11)”   

Eso de “banios trasgenicos” nunca fue issue en el US. Lo que si fue issue es la creación de los Super-Packs que permitio la legal compra de eleciones por grandes Corp financieras. La propuesta fue de Obama y estaba desrtinada a apoyar la candidatura de Hillary Clinton, quien en efecto recibió Millones. Eso si fue escandalo! ]]
ARG       De dictadura a "CEOcracia"  Notas para pensar los derechos humanos E F
Chile     La esquiva justicia   Avanzar dos pasos y retroceder cuatro  Magda Garcés

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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