jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016



“Hillary Clinton cannot be President of the United States, and
if the establishment, including law enforcement, does not stop
her – you ‘THE NATION’ have to,” Judge Jeanine Pirro said in
her opening statement on Justice.


The 1st fact is Political dynamic: how you manage Inp to get best Outp
In Systems theory (inputs, how to, outputs) main factor is the 2nd  one.
In US electoral system the winner is the one who get 270 Elect votes.
Each state has a defined N. of  El-Votes. A winner has to get most ST-V

Key Qt: is our electoral system democratic  or anti-democratic?

Antidemocratic?  Yes & No.
YES because if you win 13 states the rest.. ..don’t matter. The most
populated and swing states define a winner.
It would be totally anti-dem if 5 most populates St define the winner.

NO, because State votes are popular votes too & because all States V
is the core of the Fed union and the base for Senate & House Institut.

The how factor: Trump won the election because he got 274 St-El-Vot
Tactic: Left CA & NY to Hillary and pay attention to next 11 states with
more delegates, and get swing States. Focus:  Trade deals that left US
Purpose:  get sanders’ anti-system voters (bottom leaders). HE GOT IT.
50million voters made the Rev, starting in Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylv,
Iowa, plus working classes in other states, & students & latinos , all of
them ex-Sanders’ crow defined the victory of Trump. Check St Results.

2ND FACTOR THAT DEFINES HILLARY’ FAILURE: her political background

2-1 Lies to FBI and so to Justice System on Libya email-gate. Why she
did it? Because she was a fanatic of “regime change” & wars abroad as
it was demanded by big profiteers of weapons industry, the main
supporters of her candidacy. Her mistake: defy RU-China with nuclear
war. No evidence on such intention or on the assumed spying on her.

That mistake gave Trump the best  political weapon to destroy Hillary’
candidacy: the banner of pacifism. The NO to nuke war was converted
into NO to Hillary. Trump offered to reestablish good relation with RU.

2.2 In addition, her lies and dishonesty were uncovered by wikileaks. It   
showed evidences of Hillary’ getting money from Saudis & a billionaire
from Israel, both of them seriously involved in Syria’s war and a future
attack on Iran, as Hillary said to AIPAC. The worse, Saudis n Israel were
also involved in helping  ISIS terrorists,  armed & trained by the US-UK 
and NATO. The money she got is full of blood from innocent people.
She gave to Trump another political flag for his anti-terrorist discourse.


In American elections there are two separate processes:
1- The Primaries : to select the candidate of the party to Presid.
This last 6 Months and 7 if we include Jul 25:DNC in which Del decide.
In the Primaries is the Popular vote that count, or should count.

There are two types of delegates:
Pledge or popular directly Elected in caucuses & direct Elect-vote
Unpledged or super-deleg elected by Party Buroc among politic
personalities and lobysts from big corp donors. Total: 570

The Dems party system was rigged in two ways:
a-Unfair distribution of delegates: 570 SD to Hillary & 43 to Sand
b- The manipulation of votes by SDs during election process

2- The election of the President: 1 day , Nov 8.

Here is not the Popular vote that counts to select the President,
It is the majority on State electoral votes  that decide who is Presid
No official results has been published yet
Only 1 case of fraud was prevented & punished: Florida
Two news of fraud, one in CA the other in NY: pending Invtig

3- The case of violence post-election across the nation: Now on
I made special comment on this below.

I described  the 23 States won by Sanders –in which 13 of them
registered NF: NASTY FRAUD, 6 simple fraud and only 4 results were OK.
Total: 19 cases of fraud out of 24 states.

The word Nasty fraud: NF was reserved  to
A-     cases in which the disproportional  assignation of SD exceeded
 the 10% difference with the popular vote, and
B-      to cases in which Sanders won the State, but the victory was
conceded to Hillary by illegally donating her more SD . 

CONCLUSION on rigging the primaries

The final assault to primaries by Hillary is well summarized by Wikipedia in the table:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Results_of_the_Democratic_Party_presidential_primaries,_2016#Pennsylvania

It is clear there that Hillary got 16’847, 084 in Popular vote that make 
55% of the total . Sander got 13’168, 222 of the electorate, that makes 

The distribution of the delegates was not done in proportion to the
popular vote. Hillary only got 2,205 pledge delegates via popular vote.
Sanders  got 1,846. The difference between both Hillary and Sanders
was only 359 votes . 

The assault to the primaries  came with the assignation of the 570
 SD to Hillary and only 43 to Sanders.   

This assignation of super-delegates was the highest fraud of the
primaries. It was not assigned at the end of the primaries as the
GOP did it, it happens during with the whole process. The intention
was to create in the electorate the false image of Hillary as winner. 

difference of 359 votes was destroyed by the 570 SD that the bureau
of the Dems Party -paid by Hillary-  assigned to her . That was a big
fraud and the biggest assault to the primaries.

FOUR FACTOR: CORRUPTION : Cronyism and nepotism. 

3-1 The 1st main component of corruption is  Cronyism . It involves  
buying of election. This was done with help of Obama who legalized
in 2010 the Super-Pacs  for her to collect money to Clinton’s found.
The money came from Wall Street & other donors. It was used to
build the “machine of frauds”  with super-delegates and the hiring of
Corp media and staff to disseminate lies during the Primaries.  It was
denounced as illegal by Sanders and senator E Warren, but arrogance
of money prevailed (Laws are for people in the bottom, not for us). In
fact, such arrogance were assured by Obama when selected a sided
Attorney  General instead of a neutral one. Besides, OB got an expert
on Electronic fraud for the Primaries and Nov 8 ( Media reported 20
meeting of such person with Presid  Obama, the open supporter of
Hillary). There are news on the uses of this machine in NY & CA, but
not solid evidence. In Florida there were evidences and the fraud
was prevented. The felons were fired; perhaps imprisoned. Read this
during election day In Pompano Beach. As Local10.com reports,
Broward Sheriff’s Office said deputies were called to keep peace at
the polling location after the disturbance.

Buying & rigging elections is severe sign of corruption, it destroy  
democracy. In Florida the riot could’ve end up in violence. But the
Nation was alert and avoided. The NATION voice prevailed  and the
chances for violence avoided.  Judge Pirro was right: only the Nation
can solve problems , when institutions fail.

3.2 NEPOTISM: the paying back to investors on business of Democ.

Those CEO bankers and Wall Street speculators who invested in
Hillary  are the real losers of last night election results. Hillary will get
her “money” returned, it is the FED Law. She may use it to defend
herself  if the file “obstruction of justice” is re-opened. Elections won’t
be a excuse anymore.

Once a President  is elected s(he) has to pay the investors. Money is
Not requested. What they demand is a share in the privatization of
public services like health, education.. etc. That is nepotism. Big Corp
investing in elections may request a position for their men in key State
Institution to control State policies (case of Regulatory Agencies) and
Economics (the benefits from international trade-business (TTP, etc).

This is also called “State capture and economic control” by bankers &
Big corp inside and abroad. This corruption has been institutionalized
in our Country. There are org & association (AIPAC for instance) whose
lobyst run this business in their private interest (not the Nation-State).
They are directly involved in Elections and all affaires of the so called
“deep state”.  They will try to capture Donald Trump and put him in
their pockets. The President  has a voice and vote in it, but he can’
decide, unless they are seriously divided, as I guess they are now.


Once he takes power, TRUMP  may partially reshuffled the “deep state”.  
FDR did it in similar circumstances of crisis and Trump can do it too,
if he is really concern with the future of the whole Nation. TRUMP
doesn’t owe anything to this old system. Hillary  does.  Trump can
stop big nasty corp (vuture capital) and ally with those who invest
inside. All he has to do is adapt the Glass Steagall Act to our time,
and set up a new deal with all honest bankers and financiers. 

ALL  is a matter of setting up a NEW DEAL, a deal in which people
rights are respected.  When von Clausewitz analyzed wars in France
said “When one get power he don’t sit on his bayonet. He used or
die”.  Four years is short time period to accomplish the Rev Prog
he announced and well described By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, in

One of the hard issues for Trump is to negotiate the so called
“Obama Care”.  There are many people getting benefits from that
system. The best heath for all, is the objective and its privatization
is going to be rejected massively. The idea of transferring this service
to States only have sense if a national frame (medic aid for all in
need) is respected. 

If Trump is sided with big Pharma predators
the Nation will abandon him and his governance will be endanger it.
There won’t be  chance for a 2nd term. All is a matter of selecting now
the right person in the top position of his government . One political
principle has to be respected always:  If a State doesn’t  protect the
whole nation, what is need it for?.

All he has to do is to install a new  version of the Glass Stegall Act
to avoid big predators to swallow him and the nation. Then his
electoral  slogan will make sense.


said “TRUMP is not my President” . What they claim?
No fraud and not even Popular vote because Hillary did mention it.

2-The vote in States is also popular vote. It is besides the only vote
that unite the whole federation and the key for Institutional
democracy: The Senate and the House.  In short: is the LAW vote.
If one disagree  s(he) has to right to fight for changing  the LAW.

The right to express a voice publicly IS OK, as long no violence use
And is positive: as warning to Trump: Your Program is nice, just
Implemented. Otherwise people will demand your impeachment.

3- How to explain this reaction?.  Trump was elected by Working
Classes ?  Who are you? The TV showed young people, people
without future in the current economic system (millennial). If you
you were pro-Sanders during the Primaries, then I understand
you. I was also supporter of Sanders. When he was rolled over by
Hillary’s machine of money & frauds.. He gave up, I quit from the
Dems party. That is the difference between you and me. You’re
loyal to the Dems party that betrayed  Sanders’ Rev Program.

My illusion was broken and it was sad for me as it is for you now.
Disillusion is the key word to explain the situation. Disil could be
the source of new political realism in mature people , and source
of disappointment  & violence in young people. H Herz said that
“polit-realism arises whenever people became fully aware of the
failures of repeated attempts to reform a polit system and create
a new world. History is the burial ground of such attempts and
also a birthplace of ’realistic  disillusion’”.  Realis-disil?. not sense

Disillusion follows from illusion. So it is idealism not realism that
produces disillusionment. Realism would prevent illusion if were
effective in time. When realism comes late it creates anti-democr
sequels (violence) . In  Spanish is called ‘realism tardio’. Sartori call
it ‘retarded realism’ because comes after disillusion that follow false
illusions, and retarded because is useless, it solve nothing.  
Since realism tardio came late and doesn’t serve to prevent false
Illusions, is useless. Realism defined in cognitive terms is similar to
 ‘rationalism’. Then: any act of violence is irrational, is the result of
false illusions (or disillusion) .  

Why Sanders’ followers is a case of realism tardio, useless and not
realistic at all?. Because this people –had the chance of been real
followers of Sander- when he was being assaulted by Hillary. His
votes were stolen by Hillary and you didn’t demonstrate in streets
against Hillary’ frauds during the primaries.

Your consent of frauds was manufactured by TV-Prog paid by Hill.
It was not result of rational awareness of principles. That was non-
rational as it is today your useless violence. That was not realism,
it was idiotic idealism manufactured via TV for big corp.. owners
of mass media that cover up the fraud during the Primaries. By not
acting in favor of your Leader Sanders at that time, you betrayed  
him. You were serving the financiers of Hillary. 

What is the point of defending Hillary now?.
None, just retarded realism, useless.  

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