viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2016

OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE n PEDOPHELIA enough to indict her

OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE n PEDOPHELIA enough to indict her

There are of course many other cases.. This 1st is enough for a check-mate.

1. The obstruction of justice is related to emails scandal
According to Intel Officer Steve Pieczenik it involves several felonies
1.1- Interference with the investigation
1.2- Bribing and massive corruption (cronyism, nepotism & patronage)
1.3- Lying under oath
1.4- In doing 1-2-3 Breaking Federal Laws & other legal charges
Some of them she recognized though recant lather on. Other “she did remember”
The nation that follow the discussion knows that she is still ABOVE THE LAW . It is the turn of the Justice system to do their job.


By Steve Pieczenik



I mention two URL options because the tape is being blocked . IF so go to

It is not included as specific in “massive corruption”

Regarding the  2nd issue. She brought the sex case to debates  1st and 2nd with Trump assuming that he is going the bring this issue. It was not in the agenda n he was caught by surprise. In the 2nd debate he was still in defense. In the 3rd debate the case was closed with her victory: Hillary got the female electorate, so females owe the vote to her -was the corp media message- she is going to be the 1st woman to be President of the US.

Do women really owes a vote to this lady? .. What if Hillary and her husband committed the crime of Pedofelia (sexual abuse of female minors) more than 20 times? Check the tape below. This topic was no touched in the debates. 

Even with such omission..Does the issue sex was fairly discussed or just manipulated by pre-paid TV media?.  

When the issue sex was attached to female identity during the debate with Sanders at the end of Feb and before July, Sanders refused to put this topic in the agenda for debates, this belong to the justice system no to politics, was Sanders’ honest position, honest though naïve in politics.

Wikileaks showed recently that the mechanic of debates for the duopoly parties were totally skewed against Trump since the agenda was given to Hillary in advance but kept hidden to Trump. Besides, during the debates between the two monsters of sex, the mass-media manipulate the issue against him. 

Hillary team' strategist was simple: The one who make the first effective punch in judo, karate and boxing, has the right to replay with the third paunch. In chess games –it is unlimited the amount of rounds- the one who get the whites has the right to attack up to the check mate. In each round they play against the time (a clock) but the game can last many days. It ends when check-mate is done, or when one player concedes victory to the other.

In the justice system happens the opposite, the time doesn’t count. There is not clock on the table. It is the one who piled more undisputable evidences the winner of the case.    

NOW the issue sex is coming back,  and not as political issue. Although is difficult to avoid the intersection between politics and legal issues, sex abuses with minors (Pedophilia) belong strictly to the realm of justice.


The problem of making justice comes when the top authority of a State-Nation interferes with officials helping the Justice system. There is not point on indicting Obama at this moment, though we know he brooked FED laws several times.  Can we say that we have a solid justice system when its institutions lose independence from partisan politics?. I guess not. It is evident the nasty hidden hand of the President in several occasions:

A-     His proposal to privatize the electoral business in 2010 with the legalization of SUPER PACS. That broken basic principles of democracy in the US

B-     The appointment of a DEMs zealot as attorney general. He could've chosen a neutral one.

C-     Since 2008 the Dems got control de machines of fraud (those that elicited his fraud in 2008). There are evidences showing his transferring of the “machines” counting votes to an expert in rigging elections who visited more than 200 times the White House,  with 25 special meeting with Pres Obama.

D-     His unfair blocking of the FBI investigation on the issue “Libya gate”. He intentionally distorted and demonizes the work of the Director of the FBI on this issue. He is based on leaks, Obama said (In Fact: leaks are only a sign of an illness, It is up to an specialist to determine the gravity of the illness and the part of the body affected by it. If a leaker detect smoke at the top of a building, you don’t kill the messenger, you protect them after calling the fire-tracks.). The FBI is doing he part of the justice system. Their  report will allow the Supreme Court to fix the problem. The issue “Libya Gate” involves several illnesses: The Benghazi Embassy bombed; The Saudi finance of the coup and proving and training the jihadists; The gold and silver stolen  during the coup; And the spreading of Saudi-Qatar terrorism in the region.  All of them has to be investigated properly.



YES, there are many issues to be investigated and only one indictment is totally finished: the obstruction of justice, enough to put Hillary more than 20 years in jail. Perhaps  the  2nd issue Pedophilia (sexually abuse of minors) is already been finished, nobody knows. If happens that will be the burial of the zombie Hillary. This issue has already being investigated, and very soon its results will be put it across, it is that the tape below suggested:

The Clinton Pedophilia Connection



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