miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016


NOV 9 16  SIT EC y POL


The USD Index swung violently lower and then higher to close well above 98.00...


Economic policy objectives (monetary and fiscal) are meant to incentivize domestic private business investment, which drives incomes and the money multiplier effect, i.e. the engine of the economy. Economic policy objectives have failed because CEOs, the private capital allocators, simply cannot accommodate business investment when the demand function is as weak as we currently find it, no matter how available and how cheap the capital.

Who could have seen this coming? Just weeks after Ford idled four factories due to slumping sales and excess inventory, GM just followed by slashing 2000 jobs permanently and suspending a third shift at production facilities in early 2017.

Now that the time for revisionist history has arrived, and strategists no longer have to serve a political agenda and scare investors and traders into voting with their wallets, the research reports calling for precisely the outcome that we expected are coming in fast and furious, starting with none other than Goldman, whose chief strategist David Kostin issued a note overnight in which he says that "the equity market response to the election result will be limited"

The US Treasury yield curve is steepening at the fastest rate 2008. 2s30s has exploded 16bps as the long-end of the US Treasury curve crashes higher in yields as US equities are aggressively bid, back to overnight highs, crushing the forecasts of Mark Cuban and many others... "in the event Donald wins I have no doubt in my mind the market tanks."

Not surprisingly, and just like in the case of Brexit, Trump's impact on the market is precisely the opposite of what the so-called experts had predicted.
NOT SURPRISE ..manipulation

DOE reported a bigger than expected crude build (+2.432mm vs +2mm exp) but smaller than API's reported 4.4mm build, but DOE reports a considerably smaller drawdown in the products side (gasoline and distillates). Cushing saw a small build but US crude production soared 2% on the week - the most since May 2015.

Despite being modestly off cycle peaks, wholesale inventories-to-sales remain deep in recession territory as September inventories rose just 0.1% MoM (missing expectations of +0.2%) but Sales missed expectations dramatically (+0.2% vs +0.7% MoM exp). For the first time since June 2010, inventories fell YoY (not good for GDP) and sales growth YoY slipped back from August.

With Republicans holding the House, the Senate, and the Presidency, healthcare stocks are collapsing this morning on the "worst possible outcome" of the election and the implicit looming end of Obamacare.

“He’s not urging her to resign at all,” Judy Shelton an advisor to Trump on monetary policy, told The Wall Street Journal. Janet Yellen’s term as chairwoman expires in February, 2018. However, while Trump won't seen her premature departure, Shelton suggested Trump wouldn’t nominate Ms. Yellen to a second term, and instead would name someone else to take the helm.


“Ensuring a smooth transition of power is one of the top priorities the president identified at the beginning of the year and a meeting with the president-elect is the next step."  This should be sufficiently awkward.

Everything is about to change...
This wasn’t an election. It was a revolution.


CNN Anchor:  "I can assure you that Donald Trump is going to get historical low numbers among Latinos.  It would be sweet, sweet justice if tonight it was the Latino vote that defeated Donald Trump."

Putin sent a telegram to Trump on Wednesday morning expressing “his hope they can work together toward the end of the crisis in Russian-American relations, as well address the pressing issues of the international agenda and the search for effective responses to global security challenges.”


"America needs a strong leader to take the country back from the rich and powerful."

"Democrats knowingly chose to nominate a deeply unpopular, extremely vulnerable, scandal-plagued candidate, who — for very good reason — was widely perceived to be a protector and beneficiary of all the worst components of status quo elite corruption."

Only the power of propaganda keeps the people from overthrowing the U.S. government by force. So truth is the enemy of the state and the state will do everything it can to suppress it.

If you still don't understand how Trump could win, please read the below essay as many times as is necessary for you to get it: the status quo of corrupt self-serving insiders generates injustice and inequality as its only possible output.

Seattle Fire Department confirm five people were shot downtown Wednesday night (2 with life-threatening injuries). Officers were converging on the area of Third and Pike. An anti-Trump rally, which started at Westlake Mall, turned into a march and was proceeding down nearby streets at the time of the shootings, according to witnesses.

Seemingly unwilling to accept the results of the democratic selection of the nation's leader for the next four years, hundreds of grieving Hillary Clinton supporters - egged on by George Soros' MoveOn.org - are laying siege to Trump Tower in New York City. Screaming "Fuck Donald Trump", yelling "Not My President", chanting "Pussy Grabs Back", and burning the American flag, it appears these young millennials are just the kind of deplorables this country should be proud of...

The giant stock market bubble will now crash. The stock-price obsessed C-suites of corporate America will now panic and begin pitching inventory and workers overboard. We will be in an official recession within 6 months. The Federal budget will plunge back into trillion dollar annual deficits very soon.

“It would be totally remiss of us to dismiss [the email investigation] because she’s not going to be president... I still have a duty and obligation to get to the truth about one of the largest breaches of security at the State Department,






Refusal of union leadership to support Sanders' political revolution as alternative to the status quo set the stage for Trump, says Michael Lighty
Bhaskar Sunkara and Paul Jay discuss the consequences of the election for the Democrats and the possibility of a reinvigorated Sanders-like insurgency in 2018


Obama has extended an invitation to president-elect Donald Trump to meet with him at the White House on Thursday.
The momentum in all of west Syria is on the side of the Syrian government
Native Americans are rallying against Big Oil and in so doing benefiting all of us.




Trump Win Exposes 'Broken' US Politics, Lack of Trust in Clinton 'Establishment' 
Not My President: Angry Americans Take to Streets in Protest of Donald Trump Win   https://sputniknews.com/politics/201611101047273147-donald-trump-election-protest-continue/
Countering ‘A Range of Enemy Actions’: Cuba Calls 5 Days of War Games   https://sputniknews.com/world/201611091047269470-cuba-military-drills-us-election/
Hispanic Turnout in US Election Up 17% Compared to 2012, Civil-Rights Group Says
US Activists: 'Democratic Party Cared More About Defeating Sanders Than Trump' https://sputniknews.com/us/201611101047275549-democratic-party-failed-stop-trump/
"The Democratic Party has proven they are incapable of stopping Trump. The Democratic Party has failed. This election just showed that [the party’s leadership] cared more about defeating Bernie than Trump,” said Joshua Koritz  from Socialist Alternative. [ Sanders didn’t had party to make his stand prevail. He didn’t want it a party nor run as independent, so he was easy prey  of Hillary’ cannibals ]


By Robert Parry,

In the end, Hillary Clinton became the face of a corrupt, arrogant and out-of-touch Establishment, while Donald Trump emerged as an almost perfectly imperfect vessel for a populist fury that had bubbled beneath the surface of America.

There is clearly much to fear from a Trump presidency, especially coupled with continued Republican control of  Congress. Trump and many Republicans have denied the reality of climate change; they favor more tax cuts for the rich; they want to deregulate Wall Street and other powerful industries – all policies that helped create the current mess that the United States and much of the world are now in.

Further, Trump’s personality is problematic to say the least. He lacks the knowledge and the temperament that one would like to see in a President – or even in a much less powerful public official. He appealed to racism, misogyny, white supremacy, bigotry toward immigrants and prejudice toward Muslims. He favors torture and wants a giant wall built across America’s southern border.
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There are many sources of rage: injustice, the destruction of truth, powerlessness. But if we had to identify the one key source of non-elite rage that cuts across all age, ethnicity, gender and regional boundaries, it is this: The Ruling Elite is protected from the destructive consequences of its predatory dominance.

We see this reality across the entire political, social and economic landscape.
If I had to pick one chart that illustrates the widening divide between the Ruling Elite and the non-elites, it is this chart of wages as a share of the nation’s output (GDP): 46 years of relentless decline, interrupted by gushing fountains of credit and asset bubbles that enriched the few while leaving the economic landscape of the many in ruins.

To see graph open the page above

The Ruling Elite once had an obligation to uphold the social contract as a responsibility that came with their vast privilege, power and wealth (i.e. noblesse oblige).

America’s Ruling Elite has transmogrified into an incestuous self-serving few unapologetically plundering the many. In their hubris-soaked arrogance, their right to rule is unquestioningly based on their moral and intellectual superiority to “the little people” they loot with abandon.

Rather than feel a responsibility to the nation, America’s Elite views the status quo as a free pass to self-aggrandizement.
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