sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2016


NOV 5 16  SIT EC y POL

Explained in Politics (below)

The latest evidence of the strong Obama economic recovery comes via October Class 8 net truck orders which collapsed 46% YoY in the month of October with trailing 12 month orders down 49% from their February 2015 peak.

The latest confirmation that the US economy continues to deteriorate comes not from the Federal Government but from state-level data, where year-over-year growth in state tax revenues slowed dramatically in the last two quarters. As Goldman notes, this has subtracted an average of 0.25 percentage points from GDP growth, raising the question of whether municipal finances could again be a persistent headwind to growth.


Evidences skipped if felon admit its fault. A confesion de culpa, relevo de pruebas

"[The leadership] must act immediately to bring the Foundation into compliance with the law and standards that govern not-for-profits, and must create strong legal and HR offices so to prevent any lapses in the future."

"How does Hilary Clinton fit in this broader network?  She's a centralising cog. You’ve got a lot of different gears in operation from the big banks like Goldman Sachs and major elements of Wall Street, and Intelligence and people in the State Department and the Saudis."

The zombie economy is moribund, the productive people have been pillaged, and the bread and circus act is running on fumes. The American welfare/warfare state is crumbling. The ruling elite are desperate. They don’t want their Ponzi scheme to end, but they always fail. It’s a confidence game, and the game is over. The economic crisis is foreseeable to anyone with their eyes open. This empire will crumble and fall, just as others before throughout history.

“In our view, the United States of America represents so many things that conflict with Californian values, and our continued statehood means California will continue subsidizing the other states to our own detriment, and to the detriment of our children,”

Politics can be a divisive topic, where issues and events can polarize the population into opposite sides of the spectrum. With this in mind, Lending Club took a look at the state of debt in the United States during this Presidential election race and break down how personal debt compares between red (Republican) and blue (Democrat) states.

Demographic biases, 'shy' Trump supporters, and 'tweaks' have turned this election cycle's poll trends into farce and propaganda. Once again, as the news gets worse by the hour for Hillary Clinton, The Burning Platform's Jim Quinn notes that the mainstream media polls over the last few days have again reverted to Clinton with a comfortable lead. Really?? She's one email away from prison!

Despite the very recently increasing lead of Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump in the "polls", even CNN has been forced to admit today that "this race has tightened."

In a shocking turn of events for the Clinton campaign's propaganda arm, the latest snapshot of the Electoral College map heading into the final days shows Hillary Clinton has dropped below 270 electoral votes for the first time in CNN's electoral map when adding up the states that are either solidly Democratic or leaning in her direction.

CNN made four moves in the map since their last update and all of them are in Donald Trump's direction.

Maine's 2nd Congressional District moves from "battleground" to "lean Republican"
 New Hampshire moves from "lean Democrat" to "battleground"
 Ohio moves from from "battleground" to "lean Republican"
 Utah from "battleground" to "lean Republican"

Leaving the scorecard as follows...


The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was U.S. secretary of state without informing the State Department, even though she signed an "ethics agreement" to do just that.


Five months ago, NATO announced that a cyber-attack by a non-NATO entity would trigger the "collective defense" provision, enabling grounds for a 'kinetic' real war. And now, in what appears a pre-emptive move to dissuade any attempts at election disruption, US officials claims U.S. military hackers have penetrated Russia's electric grid, telecommunications networks, and the Kremlin's command systems - making them vulnerable to attack.


[ The Fact is that the FBI is investigating Hillary n it is up to the Grand Jury  to define her fate.]
The power above the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the US Attorney General, and, above that person, the US President.  That’s whom the FBI actually serves — not the US public.
This is the reason why the FBI is having such internal tensions and dissensions over the investigation of Hillary Clinton: Not only is she the current President’s ardently preferred and designated successor — and overwhelmingly supported also by America’s aristocracy and endorsed by the aristocracy’s press — but the top leadership of the FBI have terms-in-office that (unlike, for example, the term of the US Attorney General) do not end with the installation of the next President; and these people will therefore be serving, quite possibly, the very same person whom they are now ‘investigating’.




Trump Rushed Offstage at Nevada Rally In Security Scare (VIDEO)   https://sputniknews.com/politics/201611061047109294-trump-security-rushed-offstage/
US Military Hackers Claim Penetration of Russian Infrastructure   https://sputniknews.com/us/201611051047089422-usa-penetration-russian-infrastructure/
US Intel Doubts Alleged Russian Cyberattacks Could Affect Election Outcome – Reports  https://sputniknews.com/us/201611041047080045-us-election-russia-cyberattacks/



Posted on November 5, 2016 by Carl Herman

Provides solutions and actions for immediate deterrence.

Diebold Accidentally Leaks Results of 08 Election  https://youtu.be/LBrDzZCOQtI 

My best frame of this obvious condition:
When Americans are told an election is defined by touching a computer screen without a countable receipt that can be verified, they are being told a criminal lie to allow election fraud. This is self-evident, but PrincetonStanford, and the President of the American Statistical Association are among the leaders pointing to the obvious (and hereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehere). Again, no professional would/can argue an election is legitimate when there is nothing for anyone to count.

Election fraud is one of ~100 Emperor’s New Clothes game-changing and professionally documented facts that reveal ongoing .01% empire with associated crimes.
Keep Reading


Brasil  -Neoliberalismo heterodoxo  Roberto Follari
Economía  -Política y desarrollo  José Bell Lara
Revolución y religión  Julio Yovera



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