domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2016

NOV 26 16 SIT EC y POL

NOV 26 16  SIT EC y POL


Why does every election bring renewed focus on the taxes paid by the rich? Simple: while those American who declare $500,000 and above in income represent less than 1% of total tax returns, they account for a quarter of taxable income and - more importantly - are responsible for 37% of government revenues collected through individual income taxes.

The market moves since the US elections have been both big and surprising, and as JPMorgan notes, fund managers have been either too slow or too reluctant to jump into the Trump trade. However, algo-based Risk-Parity funds suffered the most with their biggest loss since Dec 2015 as market 'fear' tumbles to 9 month lows (and stocks are the most overbought in 13 years).

Much of the recent optimism seems to stem from a the belief that the new administration will be able to dramatically (and immediately) increase economic growth. The problem is that the US and global economy continue to face major structural issues that seem to be beyond the control of any politician. Increasingly, it is feeling like we are in a “buy the rumor, sell the news” kind of market.

So where will mobile capital flow in an environment of rising socio-political risk, a multi-year USD uptrend and a dearth of safe, liquid markets?

Trumpism is a crisis for the most prestigious methods of understanding economic and social life, ennobled and enthroned by the metropolitan academy of the last third of a century. It has caused mainstream ‘social science’ to fall like a house of cards.

"Today, the world marks the passing of a brutal dictator who oppressed his own people for nearly six decades. Fidel Castro’s legacy is one of firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty and the denial of fundamental human rights."

America responded to Trump’s call for a new nationalism rooted in the economic principles and patriotism of Hamilton and the men of Mount Rushmore: Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt. The president-elect has declared the TPP dead, and says he and his negotiators will walk away rather than accept another NAFTA. Again, good, but again, not good enough, not nearly...The New International Economic Order imposed upon us for decades has to be overthrown.

"Does she support what war goddess, racketeer, perjurer Hillary stands for? Does she oppose Trump wanting normalized relations with Russia - crucial to prevent the threat of possible nuclear war with Hillary empowered as US military commander-in-chief... I supported Stein, believed in her, wrote glowing articles about her campaign, her advocacy for world peace, equity and justice. Was I wrong? Did I misjudge her? Is she against what she claims to stand for?"

"This is a scam by the Green Party for an election that has already been conceded, and the results of this election should be respected instead of being challenged and abused, which is exactly what Jill Stein is doing...This recount is just a way for Jill fill her coffers with money..."

A remarkably diverse array of “explanations” of Donald Trump’s presidential election victory have been aired, representing both the conventional political spectrum and well beyond...

China has unveiled plans to impose "capital controls" on Chinese merger activity overseas, intensifying efforts to slow a surge in capital fleeing offshore amid tepid growth and an uncertain economic outlook.

According to Reuters, earlier today Iran's Defense Minister said that the country plans to purchase Russian Sukhoi Su-30 fighter planes to modernise its air force. More troubling to the US, the Iranian minister also threatened that Tehran might again allow Russia to use an Iranian air base for its operations in Syria.




Cuba After Fidel: How Castro's Brother Will Develop Relations With the World
Why Syrian Aleppo Will Not be Liberated Within Next Three Months
Why Chances for Russia-US Consensus on Syria are 'At All-Time High'
Sad Day for European Values: EU Anti-Sputnik Resolution is 'Audacious Hypocrisy'



I was amused to find my site listed on the now-infamous list of purportedly Russian-controlled propaganda sites cited by The Washington Post. I find it amusing because I invite anyone to search my 3,600-page archive of published material over the past decade (which includes some guest posts and poems) and identify a single pro-Russia or pro-Russian foreign policy entry.

If anything, my perspective is pro-US dollar, pro-liberty, pro-open markets, pro-local control, pro-free-press, pro-innovation, and pro-opportunities to rebuild America’s abandoned, decaying localized economies: in other words, the exact opposite of Russian propaganda.

My “crime” is a simple one: challenging the ruling elite’s narrative. Labeling all dissent “enemy propaganda” is of course the classic first phase of state-sponsored propaganda and the favorite tool of well-paid illiberal apologists for an illiberal regime.

Labeling everyone who dissents or questions the ruling elite’s narrative as tools of an enemy power is classic McCarthy-era witch-hunting, i.e. a broad-brush way of marginalizing and silencing critics with an accusation that is easy to fabricate but difficult to prove.

Such unsupported slander is a classic propaganda technique. It has more in common with Nazi propaganda than with real journalism.

The real useful-idiot shills are the editors and hacks paid by the Washington Post, who are busy penning articles such as “Why the electoral college should choose Hillary Clinton”. Isn’t this fundamentally a call to over-ride the Constitutional framework of the republic’s democracy?
Keep Reading


Cuba  Fidel  Eduardo Galeano
EE.UU.  Obama: última chance  Atilio A. Boron
-El Fidel que conocí   Ignacio Ramonet
Cuba   -Los debates políticos pendientes   Luismi Uharte
[[Nos equivocamos: este billonario carece de sentido histórico y mínima decencia política. Su racismo anti-latino solo creará problemas internos y en las Américas. NO debe ser Presid. Lo que acaba de decir es un insulto grave a la dignidad Latina. Eso si es hecho contundente que invalida su aspiración a liderar nuestra hermosa Nación. Hoy evidenció ser un real fraude. El Colegio Electoral no debe cometer el error de validarlo como Presidente. Estamos frente a un abismo y un paso más –que seguro él lo dará- y caemos todos al abismo. EVITEMOSLO ¡  La unica forma de evitarlo es CONVOCAR NUEVAS ELECCIONES, sin Trump ni la Clinton pues estos ya antes eran ilegales (uno por no pagar impuestos y el otro por obstruir la justicia).]]



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